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He's literally building a mansion in the woods. You think he cares about the backs he has to break to build his mansion? Of course he doesn't.


He better be paying cash because this franchise is dead within 3 years


Surprised they haven't fully cashed out with an IPO or something yet


Net profit margins for this type of business are pretty low. Ingredients are expensive and product has to be thrown away when unsold. Investors aren't going to get rich off Crumbl growth the same way they could with an AI or tech play with 100x potential. I imagine they are still figuring out how to make the business consistently profitable - thus the rebranding and LTOs, which can also show investors they are "testing new concepts and being innovative", lol. It also takes on average 7-10 years for a startup to move to an IPO from launch. Considering they launched 7 years ago, they're right on track to start making those moves in the very near future.


It feels like they’re doing a Dunkin Donuts -> Dunkin rebrand lol. Trying to be known for not just donuts (or in this case, cookies)


It gives FroYo vibes. One ONE shall survive!


Comments like this are so ignorant. Do you have the slightest idea how much Sawyer and Jason are making? I bet he makes whatever this wooded mansion costs in 2 or 3 months. Absolutely zero perspective


how’s the comment ignorant? the commenter was just saying what he’s spending his money on to fulfill his rich lifestyle while he’s slaving away in most cases minors who make minimum wage and rely on tips for a decent wage


Because it's like saying he hopes I buy next my cheeseburger with cash because my source of income is in jeopardy in the future. Like, no, it's not a big purchase for him. Again, that mansion is paid for in a matter of a couple months if not weeks.


oh makes sense.


Not only a mansion, but has 600K worth of smart home equipment in the house alone


What? Out of range of delivery or a store? How will he then enjoy these cookies all week?


I got hired and after worked 1 shift, I never received a schedule or any of the things to set me up, like direct deposit. Afterwards I asked my manager on slack for my schedule, and she kept saying she'd get on it for me. She then ghosted me and still is, and I never got my schedule or another shift or even paid for my shift that I worked. Fuck Crumbl.


Please report them for not paying you, that is illegal.


You’re supposed to get payment setup before you start working 😭


Yes!! Report them!!


This happened to me in high school at a mall kiosk (well over 16-17 years ago). I worked an entire day and never got paid, then ghosted. I wish I reported it back then but didn’t. Please report them.




You need to report them to the department of labor for not paying you. That will be a huge fine. Hold these franchises responsible for their shit.


Please report them. That's wage theft


i smell a lawsuitttt


Hey, this is super illegal and you should be reporting this to the labor board!


A business did this to me when I was 14 thinking they’d get away with it. My 14 year old self grabbed a phone book and hunted them down. This was 25-30 years ago. A few years back they got caught for fraud and had to shut down 🤷🏻‍♀️ report this asap ❤️‍🩹


You have a huuuuugee payday coming. File a complaint with the dept of labor. They will have to pay you in the thousands, likely.


Report them!




Minis not gonna stop when it literally almost double the store sales... aka $$$ for corp.


More money for them while I still get 10 an hour


It’s really only $10? Damn in Arizona it’s like 13.50


Minimum wage in Arizona is $14.35


Damn minimum wage in Texas is still $7.25- the federal minimum wage.


crumbl's pay system works about a dollar below the state minimum wage to account for tips, which are mandatory on catering orders and dependent on customer kindness in-store. I work in a central IL location and make $14.40 before tips, which raised from $11.40 when the new IL minimum wage and paid time accrual went into effect.


Mandatory tips are not tips and, to my knowledge, cannot be used as part of the credits used to pay you below min wage.


they go under "gratuity" on our paychecks.


Oh is it? I’m a stay at home mom didn’t realize it went up


Yes it went up in January 2024 :)


Why are people downvoting you? All you did was ask a question


I have no clue 😂


That's still not good when you compare it to nearly every other job here. Taco bell starts at $17. Even McDonald's pays better.


Panda Express starts at $17/hour also in Dallas area. Thinking of leaving my $15.60 (that's after 3 raises) at Target.


Just check out panda express sub here- I heard not great things about it


All fast food and retail suck in major ways honestly. If it's gonna suck I'd rather make $17/hr than $13.


Have you ever worked in fast food...?


Totally. I think the Crumbl pay is absolutely ridiculous


Yeah especially now that they want to literally double the workload. If they think they are short-staffed now I think they may be in for a surprise.


How’s that workload doubled? You make cookies each day, mini or regs, you still work the same hours


In mass I started at 10 bucks an hour but minimum wage is 15!


Damn , how is that even legal to pay below minimum?!?


as long as your pay is above minimum wage once tips are included then it’s legal. if for some reason during a pay period it won’t average out to at or above minimum wage then the company has to supplement your income to compensate for it.


So vote with your feet. I can't imagine working at a crumbl for 10 bucks an hour. The amount of money the owner is making off of you in bonkers


most crumbl stores don’t have enough business where adding minis will *increase* profits, a good chunk of the stores are going to see a lower profit- we’re hoping that convinces HQ to cool it 🥲


We barely sold any minis on Monday alone, soooo there’s gonna be a lot more food waste and wasted time


Not the case at all. Huge lift from minis.


it simply depends on how busy your store is, my store is in the top 100 out of ~1000, our profit is lower on mini mondays because customers err towards the cheaper way to try all the flavors. the busiest stores, and probably a *few* of the lesser ones, will absolutely profit off of this, but most will not. all the managers in our area are very concerned 🤷‍♀️


But how soon will people get sick of minis.


Sawyer seems like a giant douche.


He is a giant douche unfortunately.


His Instagram is absolutely trash. Between building a new house and showing off his time in a sauna it’s all garbage. very typical CEO trash.


Don't forget the G-Wagon!


He's not the CEO


lol I always forget he blocked me on IG.


He blocked me from his personal account and the Crumbl account on TikTok


DollsKill blocked me on facebook because I'd always comment and ask what artist they stole this design from.


This is so goals! I wish to be such a menace in his life


I always reacted with a 🏳️‍🌈 pride flag to his instagram channels and then he just randomly blocked me.


“Randomly” 😂


Wait wait… so Sawyer is homophobic too? 😂😂 adding this to the list of reasons to not buy their flavorless themed cookies


He’s mormon sooooo…


But he’s gay himself… deeply closeted.


I got this vibe HEAVY from the training videos we watched with those two in it 🫡🫡


everyone at the store I worked at has said this during their video training days


The only plus side I see to this for employees is there will no longer be a mad rush for minis on Mondays since customers can get them the rest of the week. Hope the craze lessens at your store, OP!


That’s true, I hope you’re right! Thanks :)


Sawyer is in the closet yet acts so self righteous and promotes a religion that doesn’t even accept his sexual orientation.


Lmao I was gonna be like “hey don’t stereotype and make assumptions about him” and then I went to his insta and nvm, you’re right


i have been recommended softcore gay pornography on instagram bc I follow him and his likes are sometimes out into my feed. I have a folder of screenshots on my phone named "Liked by Saywer Hemsley"




Or the photos he likes


Fr like at least make a finsta to follow all those gay porn stuff if ur gna say ur mormon


I thought everyone loved the minis. Why are we now hating them? Why am I getting downvoted? This was a genuine question.


Some customers love minis. Pretty much all employees despise them.


But why?


Making regular sized cookies is already labor intensive. Then add LTOs. Then do both of those short staffed. Then add extra doughs with different bake times to be mixed/balled/panned on top of what you're already doing short staffed. Try to find room for minis in your ovens and warmers when you still have to keep your full size cookies fully stocked on a bare bones staff. Decorate and box two different size cookies at one dressing station on a day when customers are lined up out the door. Do all of this understaffed, every day of the week. Yeah, employees hate minis.


and then add upset customers who see the line out the door and decide themselves to join it lol. This comment deserves an award for accuracy alone.


The Crumbl reddit is an interesting group.......they will down vote you for anything.


That's definitely just Reddit. They downvote you for demonstrating ignorance over a topic that they feel is obvious for the subreddit. No matter how innocent or benign you ask the question


Genuine answer: it’s a bigger work load for employees that are barely being paid enough for the work they were already doing. Unlike other states (last time I checked), California does minis the entire week, not just on Monday. Not to mention absurd family sized cookies/pies. And catering orders that can be upwards of 500+ cookies with only a days notice. In addition, at my location, we had to fold all of our boxes in house, as well as production, cleaning, etc.


Because they have to bake them for more than one day which puts more stress on the workers.


Why do they have to get baked for more than one day?


They don't mean that the cookie itself has to be cooked for more than one day, they're saying now that they're available for the entire week they will have to be made everyday


Because their CEO hates them.


Is there really no actual reason to why they have to be baked for more than one day? This literally makes no sense as to why a cookie would need that. But maybe that’s my answer


The reason the minis have to be baked for more than one day—that is, *on* more than one day—is that Crumbl’s “Mini Mondays” experiment evidently paid off. Minis sell well; Crumbl wants to maximize profits; therefore, workers have to bake minis *every* day now in addition to the full size cookies. That’s a lot of extra labor and logistics and implementing the daily minis without any changes to workforce, compensation, etc is ultimately a bad decision because it will put too much strain on the workers


Some people just don’t really know what they are talking about. There is not extra labor unless management calls in additional people to work your shift. If you’re scheduled to work six hours balling, who cares if you’re balling 1.5oz cookies or 5oz cookies? Why would compensation change because of balling mini’s.


The problem is that this adds a lot more logistical work. The compensation issue is simply that if employees’ work becomes more complicated and stressful and their compensation is the same, it generates frustration and resentment. It’s not necessarily that wages should go up for making minis, but the business reality is that more work + same wages = discontent


I wish I could hammer this into this Sawyer guy’s head. He’s running the people that make him money into the ground!


Making mini’s should not add any additional work to anyone other than management. Employees are in the store to mix/ball/run ovens/pos, the dough we make along with scheduling, falls on leadership. Just as well as it falls on leadership to make it a smooth transition in the store. For me it’s hard to think that if I’m scheduled to work for six hours, that somehow making mini’s is MORE work. A six hour shift working is a six hour shift working.


As a current Crumbl employee, I would have liked to have more compensation for the extra work we are having to do. From my experience, I started working last summer when we just did normal sized cookies and was okay with $11/hr. Adding the LTO’s and minis everyday was not what I agreed to work $11/hr for and tbh I expect/would want to get a raise for the extra amount of work I’m having to do. Regardless if I’m working X amount of hours I’m having to manage mixing and making more items that is in reality above an $11/hr wage.


It SHOULDNT, but it does. We are living in post Covid, end stage capitalism America where companies are operating with as small of a crew as possible to maximize profits. You don’t think the employees are going to be expected to pump out minis and regular cookies on a daily basis, instead of just the regular cookies like they used to? They’re not bringing on additional labor either. So yeah, the same number of crew members with more work is gonna equal more work for those crew members.


I hear that and I don’t work at Crumbl so I don’t have any personal insights but I also hear a lot of employees really hating the minis and expressing that they’re more work in some way, and I take that seriously


Lmao, I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. XD




Out of all the responses, this one is by far my favorite, because same…and I’m the one who asked it hahaha


I hated them from the start, I buy the cookies to get big cookies that last me quite a while because I freeze and portion them out. Now that I’m an employee, the minis are just a pain in the ass to make - takes extra dough and time that I already don’t have when there’s only two of us working


At the store I work at we sometimes don’t sell Minis if we are low on doughs in the fridges and low on staff. The customers are understanding most of the time. I usually tell them we will have them the next day so they can come back for them if they wanted. We don’t let corporate stress us out. Our stats might be low but my manager runs the store in a way that puts less stress on his employees. We are lucky! (Our cookie quality is impeccable as well)


Did he mean to post this from an alt account? Baby they’re YOUR cookies 😂 this is just such a stupid comment from the person running the company. Make your own minis then genius.


He’s not running the company. That’s the CEO’s job.


As a customer I prefer the minis 😅 I’m assuming they sold well & it’s a for profit company


I genuinely don’t understand how people see the value in them. You’re getting less cookie with a 3 pack because 4 minis equals one full size. And you’re paying double the price. Double the price for less product??? And they suck to make lol


The mini is the perfect size. That's literally it.




I agree lol I love taking 1 or 2 minis out of the fridge and eating it.


Because if I see a cookie I'm not certain that I'll like for sure I can get a mini and try it to see? Is it that complicated?


The cookies are massive and some people don't want to eat a 1000 calorie cookie maybe?


He’s so annoying lol I find him repulsive.


I commented on this post “your workers are dying because of this”


People have died because of this change? Is it that stressful?


Don't be obtuse. 


Its a minimum wage job, anyone annoyed about this can apply for a new job literally anywhere else


We’re literally hurting. Our wrist making minis and customers are never satisfied


You don't have to work at Crumbl. Get a serving job and get your dignity and sanity back.


What a dick comment. I hope the next time you complain to anyone about your job they tell you the same.


Lol how is it a dick comment? Working at Crumbl sounds terrible


Because most people wouldn't be all " just get another job lol" Some people might hate it but can't afford to leave. You act like it's a luxury to job hop.


Its a minimum wage job its not that hard to find something else omfg


So it's work at Crumbl or nowhere? Don't let shitty companies abuse you


Understandable but I can’t it’s summer all jobs are taken by teens working for the summer


Summer break will be over in 6 weeks


Obviously I’m. Student I will quit after summer getting a job isn’t easy I was just saying 😭 if it was horrible off killing me I would’ve quit but I must need the money for something…are you gonna pay for my 24,000 tuition?




Do the minis even taste as good as the full size? I always imagined they would be slightly overbaked and kind of dry compared to the full size. Plus there hasn’t been many single cookies all year that I’ve been interested in. Definitely haven’t seen a week where I want to try multiple cookies. And now there’s less variety of flavors week to week. I think I’ll pass. 🤷‍♀️


as an employee unfortunately sometimes they're better for whatever reason. I prefer the minis sometimes but agreed with the previous system of catering only, if you want something specialized you need to pay up for it 🤷🏻‍♂️


In my opinion they taste better, and then they don’t need to be frozen to last forever because they’re a smaller portion size. I’m not saying it’s a good thing for the workers, but that’s just my experience taste wise. 


Thanks for your opinion. Do you prefer softer cookies or slightly crispier cookies? I never freeze Crumbl cookies personally. I just buy 1 cookie and eat over the course of 2 days. I figure it’s only worth my calories if it’s as fresh and moist as possible


I like them a little thinner. I personally find the full size ones to just be almost too thick.  I’m also the same way about eating them fresh, which is why I like the minis. Eating a whole normal one makes me sick. 


NO and you’re right, they are over baked and crunchy. I haaaate crunchy cookies. You get less toppings, maybe one or two chocolate chips, and for the price it’s not worth it at all. You can’t buy a four pack which is the equivalent of one cookie, you can get a three pack for 6.99 versus 3.99 for one full size! It’s an absolute waste of money, time and energy


They taste identical & I can try 3 flavors for the calories of one regular sized cookie, mini’s are the best idea they’ve had in a while


Hot take but if you care that much about calories don’t go to crumbl


💀 it’s okay every once in a while to have a treat and if you’re burning calories and eating only one cookie crumbles isn’t too bad


I think you’re misunderstanding my take.. I have a piece of crumbl every night and bust my ass in the gym twice a day but I don’t track my calories because I already deal with an ED. You can have a treat every day but if you’re someone that feels the need to track calories that closely, don’t go to crumbl expecting a low cal option


Yeah you’re definitely in the gym twice a day bud. Crumbl mini’s literally are their low calorie option, what the fuck are you talking about saying not to expect it?


I am actually, thanks :) do you need to see my fucking apple watch stats? Do I need to record my daily workouts for you?? It’s not that low calorie when you realize how small they are


Why are you so aggro?


Cause I’m being called a liar and I don’t appreciate being called bud lol


Lmfao the size doesn’t change how many calories it is bud, you’re just talking nonsense. You obviously are either lying out your teeth or have an extremely unhealthy relationship with food and exercise. Working out twice a day isn’t even beneficial let alone feasible for a healthy life


I reeeeally hope you’re just fucking with me. ‘The size doesn’t change how many calories it is’ yes? It does? A smaller cookie will be less calories, but a mini cookie from crumbl is still high cal. And I’d say I’m pretty healthy now and find my workouts very beneficial for my long distance running, endurance and muscle growth


That is a hot take because it’s just stupid lol. You count calories to be able to fit in treats like crumbl into your diet and still enjoy your life while hitting your goals. I used to be able to eat a single cookie over a few days, now I can try 3 flavors if they’re good that week


I’m in CA. We been having minis every day this entire time. Minis still suck. Too small, especially for the price.


When I first heard about the CA locations having them every day, I immediately felt bad. The thing that first interested me about Crumbl was how big they are lol


2. Be honest he doesn't care about the employees. He's just wanting to make money.


i love the minis - perfect size and way less calories per cookie! they were a great addition!😍


The idea is great but I can’t justify the cost. I get the “more labor” bit but as a consumer I am always looking for the best value.


that’s a good point, i get you!


Hopefully, the minis are unsuccessful and eventually stopped. I’m never buying the minis, I just want the regular size!


When I was getting my cookie last week, I saw my store had a sign stating that minis are only on Mondays. I imagine poor employees having to explain Tuesday-Saturday to these people over and over and over.


It literally just got announced that minis are going to be all week now


i saw something on their facebook i think that says the week-long mini’s are just for the summer..? it didn’t say exactly when the promo would end but it did say it was for the summer. maybe it will get better for employees after that, i hope! i do like the mini’s but i also feel for all the employees posting in this subreddit about their pay/treatment.


They’re reevaluating after the summer and with how it’s going right now, we’re all anticipating the daily minis to continue. Thanks for actually understanding our frustrations.. after summer is over and the holidays start along with two LTO’s a week, it’s going to be chaos for us


Honestly, fuck you Sawyer.


The faster you learn your input is invalid at these corporations the better


He really shouldn't be allowed on social media he also gets into arguments with influencers it's so tone death.




Your second paragraph makes no sense


I know Sawyer, well know of him at least through a cousin married into the family. He cleared $15MM last year and I guarantee he does not give two farts about how you feel about minis. Keep those generous tips coming people!


lol sure you do


This isn't the brag maybe you think it is


No skin off my nose, believe whatever you want to buddy. And remember to tip your bakers


I think California was already doing minis all week from the beginning


Why do people not like minis???


I’m glad I’ve joined the Reddit because learning things like this from employees has made me step back ❤️‍🩹


As a customer, I have a question - are stores having problems filling jobs? I understand there is a understaffing complaint, but are available, posted jobs filled, or is the company having problems filling available positions?


It’s not that there’s problems filling the positions, we get questions about applications almost every day! But even though they complain about lack of staff, they won’t pay us or schedule us enough. For night shift which is one of the busiest times, there’s only two of us and we typically get swamped with stuff, but they won’t hire or schedule extra help. They just don’t want to pay us


What are people upset about?


Daily minis instead of just Mondays. More work and stress for employees and we have been saying this but higher ups don’t care


The company is in an nose dive, was never going to be sustainable after everyone took a picture for IG then realized the cookies are not special.


Wait… so you guys applied at a bakery that specializes in cookies and you’re pissed off you have to….. make cookies……….?


It's not a bakery, it's basically McDonald's for cookies. And yes, we are allowed to complain about poor pay, poor working conditions, and stupid ideas that only make money for the higher ups.


McDonalds makes dozens of different items with customizations. Crumbl offers 6 items, in different sizes, but baking and decorating is an art, and making McDonalds item is a factory line. It's not really comparable.


You're crazy if you think the 16 year olds they hire off the street after a ten minute interview with no background check are cookie artist or experienced bakers.


It still takes more skill than making a big mac


The job does, yes. The people hired, no. 


Big agree


Also Crumbl employees don't have to clean customer bathrooms 🤮


That’s an absurd comparison, the only thing I’m getting from your argument is it would be like McDonald’s workers complaining they have to make burgers or fries lol. If you apply for a job at a bakery (it’s an establishment designed for one thing, to bake cookies, it’s a bakery..) and get mad you have to make baked goods in a different size you really played yourself. I’m sure there are other valid reasons to complain about the company, being mad about baking smaller cookies isn’t one lmao.


McDonald's employees would definitely be pissed if they had to make mini Quarter Pounders and tiny fries on top of their already huge workload every day. At least they'd get paid a decent wage to do it.though. 


Ok, I know this is wild. But. Hear me out… ✨Kids meals✨


Nice try but even the kid's meals aren't getting a smaller sized burger. 


Cry more about your smaller scoops of dough lmao


Are you kidding? im gonna love the minis! those employees better stop their whining and start baking me my minis!


Get off the internet, sawyer


“whining” and it’s genuine gripes about an increased workload with no increase in pay……


Woah this is aggressive lol


They’ve got to be trolling


And dumb.


I’m not buying big ones if I get the taste from a mini. Bad for you but good for me


When employees have to do their job 😔


I mean your no working in salt mines, or in Arizona heat, all the chic a filet employee say Crumbl is way easier..