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Can Crunchyroll PLEASE do something about the "We love all your streams, but there's a limit" everytime I refresh the page? I just refresh a page and I get this and I can't watch my show for like 3 minutes before it understands there's just me and I'm not sharing my account and I don't even have 2 tabs open


Apparently this identified issue didn't warrant its own post: ​ https://preview.redd.it/opprhpbstq9c1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b85eccf0d9f85bd56f7b9b0e58b05c1f066905e I posted yesterday about experiencing this issue (which was deleted because it should have been posted in the megathread which is fine), I was continually experiencing this same issue whenever I'd finish an episode & the next episode would attempt to load... I realised that I'd recently installed the extension "Crunchyroll with better seasons" so I disabled it & now I am no longer having this issue, so I believe the extension was the cause.


Thanks. I was getting this with the "Improved Crunchyroll" extension. Disabling it has fixed the problem.


You're welcome :)


Roku stopped loading shows. Just get a spinning wheel


A recent book pickup was a guide to anime on crunchyroll, I've known about the platform but wasn't interested in paying but was curious to see how much per month and was pleasantly surprised, Mega Fan was only 50Rand about 3 dollars, so I decided to try it out. App works fine but I'm confused as to why I can't access Naruto original but Shippuden and a spin off is listed. I'm thinking it's probably a region thing. Not keen going vpn route.


https://preview.redd.it/u1q19iibci9c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72be60f0be552eddc1503581a85f602387253a79 My biggest issue currently is that I’m unable to watch certain episodes of anime that I enjoy for free. I’ve been using Crunchyroll for a while, and multiple different anime have the same problem. The later seasons are premium only because I need a subscription to see them the same day as Japan. I understand this, but I don’t understand why we have to pay after they’ve been released for years? In order to watch season two of assassination classroom I have to use a web browser and watch it on funimation. It’s not the same because I don’t get full screen or anything, and I would like an answer to this problem. I’ve read the manga two whole times already, and would love to watch the anime. Any solutions?


No solutions outside subscribing... https://www.reddit.com/r/Crunchyroll/wiki/faq#wiki_are_older.2C_previously_free_shows_requiring_a_subscription_now.3F




I hate mega threads. They are dumb but here I go. Roku tv problems. I have had the app for a while and it worked just fine. As if last night it won't play anything though. When opening up the app it blinks then pulls up my shows. When I select a show the orange loading circle blinks and it never loads up, just spins. I've tired everything. I logged in and out, unplugged the tv(not for long enough but oh well, if I doubt the bf that's heresy) and restarting my router. I checked for updates with both the app and the tv and I can't uninstall the app and install it again as that just isn't an option. Any other ideas?


Exact same thing is going on with mine ..I'm gonna try the suggestions that op suggested below me and see if anything helps


Others have reported that uninstall/reinstall was able to clear up their problem. Now, I realize you stated that you can't for some reason. In talking to a different user, that apparently happens when you subscribed to Crunchyroll from within the Roku app, so now Roku itself will not allow for app deletion because there is a paid subscription attached. I'm not positive that's your case, too, but it seems likely. So, it seems to me that you have these choices, I don't know of any others: * power cycle the device * Try this to see if that fixes it for you: https://www.reddit.com/r/Roku/comments/m6j0s5/clear_cache_of_apps/gr6yhel/ * Complain directly to Crunchyroll support to somehow fix the app: https://crunchyroll.com/contact (good luck with that, CR Roku updates are few and far between compared to other devices). * Complain to Roku support, telling them that it is necessary to uninstall an app to clear up an older version sometimes, so maybe they should change that policy. * Unsubscribe from Crunchyroll through the roku app in the settings, or possibly by signing in at https://my.roku.com and managing the subscription there. Possibly you can delete the app once your pre-paid subscribed time runs out. * Browse the Roku forums to see if any others had your issue and what to do about it if they have.


Has anyone else ran into the issue of their watch history having 50+ episodes on one day? This has happened twice now, i have changed my password. I also am the only one using this account. My device manager is showing only my current devices.


So one big huge complaint that I really do have with crunchyroll is when I'm done with the last episode, for example ep12 of a 12 ep run, and the very first episode of that series Autoplay's in a completely different language. It messes up my watch history and it's just in general very hurtful and distracting to finish the 12th episode of an anime in a language I can actually understand and enjoy, and then suddenly get deja vu and realize that I've re-started the first episode of that season in another language, generally one I dont want to watch and do not understand and thus cant enjoy. Also, If you could just stop returning dubbed audio for languages not in my language preferences, That would be great. I have absolutely no desire to watch anything in Russian or german, why is it being returned as an option?


I used to see the next episode playing in a different language often last year, but I don't see that often now. Which anime title (e.g. Jujutsu Kaisen, Rent a Girlfriend, Demon Slayer) and which platform (Web, iOS, Android, ...) are you experiencing this problem in? Note: the anime titles I mentioned have a different problem, where either it plays the movie, or it plays Episode 1 all over again.


All of them I never don’t have this issue. Anytime I finish a series it always tries to restart the series in a different language and I absolutely hate this ; I would much rather it stop and ask me if I want to restart the series at a different language, so I have the option to say no, or in the best case it would simply stop auto play and not do any kind of auto play at all after the last seasons episode unless there’s a second season in the same language. For example, I was recently recently finishing the apothecary diaries, and after the final season final episode of the first season, it restarted in French and I had to basically wait for them to start talking and then I had to wait and realize that it was French I didn’t understand Before I realized it had started a language I didn’t fully appreciate but unfortunately that meant that I was a partway through the episode because I understand part of French and it didn’t click that I was listening to something that wasn’t in a language I wasn’t fluent in until a few minutes into the first conversation. I would much rather the series not restarted from the first episode at all; to me, autoplay of the next episode in the series and autoplay of the entire series from the first episode after the last episode finishes, are completely different things, and I would consider the second to be an error.


Hmm, I don't see Diary of An Alchemist on Crunchyroll, which country are you in? Also, what platform do you use often? I noticed not all the platforms have the same features (e.g. my Web browser can play Crunchyroll music, while my Android TV app isn't able to.) I most definitely agree with Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer, where I am watching the next episode preview and then \_woops\_ the movie played. I've gotten good at pausing though every week, despite I know that I should just turn off autoplay.


the apothecary diaries, not diary of an alchemist Im using the Roku TV app and the iOS iPad app mostly, but the window store application has its quirks as well I don’t care about the music or anything else, and I don’t use it. My primary interest is in shows that have English audio because they are the most accessible when I am working on other stuff for myself and want a story in the background; for me, having something like anime on in the background is a treat so I’m often doing it when I’m working on my own code after hours but it’s not something I would ever do if I was actually at work.


> when I'm done with the last episode, for example ep12 of a 12 ep run, and the very first episode of that series Autoplay's in a completely different language. Turn off autoplay when starting simulcast shows and last episodes of a season.


The problem is, I don’t have a way to do that and still have the ability to keep the next episode in the series running. It’s an error for them to go back and play an episode in a language that I haven’t selected a preference for anyway


The next simulcast episode will automatically appear in your "Continue Watching" stripe as soon as it releases the next week, and also in your watchlist, if you have added the series there, as long as the wrong one has not been started. It will override the movie or OVA or start of the next season that still shows up when you reach the end. If you need autoplay on for older catalog series, you can still put it back on for those, up until you reach the last episode, where you will need to manually intervene at that point. I'm not disagreeing that it's incorrect behavior, and I also think they should fix it, I'm just pointing out that having it off at the right moment is better than trying to catch it before it's too late. Also, posting here, in this unofficial user-run subreddit, will not get their attention, you have to put in a help request ticket for them to even see your complaint. The more people who do that, the better the chances are that someone might finally take notice. https://crunchyroll.com/contact


You don't seem to understand that people binge entire series in one sitting and the autoplay feature is a must. This turns a twelve episode season of 12 different 24 minute episodes into one long 4 and a half hour session. I don't care if it's a simulcast episode or not. These are all accessibility issues and I have repeatedly asked Crunchyroll to be more accessible and respectful to its users, and they actively refuse to make things better for all users by fixing these little things that annoy me and others I know the most when I report them. The only time I've ever even gotten a response to me trying to explain something to them was when I took three days to manually translate it into Japanese and then. sent it in Japanese. The response I got was one single sentence, which was basically "let me think about this" Even though I explicitly spelled out the accessibility concerns as well as the conflicts that their defects/conduct created for the blind who still wanted to enjoy these stories.


I addressed that above: >If you need autoplay on for older catalog series, you can still put it back on for those, up until you reach the last episode, where you will need to manually intervene at that point.


Constant buffering both wifi from Spectrum and full 5g cell service from AT&T. Can't go more than 15 sec. I've made a couple reports. Anyone hear anything about this being resolved?


Anyone has issues loading the episodes with W10 app or any browser? the episodes don't load.. 2 weeks with this error. Everything else on my pc works fine, is just crunchyroll..


I've been having constant issues on my android TV. It stutters and constantly buffers for no reason,where it works just fine on other streaming services like Netflix. This has been going on for months and has made it just about unwatchable.


The Crunchyroll app on my Switch just straight up isn't working. I've tried just about everything, and getting into the app itself is all just fine. The problem is when I try to watch literally anything. When I try to go into a show to watch it, all I get is a blank screen. This has been consistent behaviour for months. I've tried following other problem and solution threads, googling the issue, and nothing is working. Please help.


I just got a new Sony TV and noticed the built in crunchyroll app is streaming at way lower quality than just Chromecasting considering there's a literal button on the remote for crunchyroll something doesn't seem right with that. For now I'll just Chromecast but is there a fix for this id imagine Sony would prefer the featured apps to be at least as good as the most basic alternative


I hate, HATE, that they just don't tell us when a dub will be delayed. Just no info anywhere whatsoever. I've been waiting all week for the newest Jujustu Kaisen and made sure I had the day and air time free. Not even sure why I'm paying for this service anymore.


it's pretty annoying if Crunchyroll isn't going to have anything in English Dub this week they should at least tell us.


Are ads stopped? There ARE no ad subscriptions on Crunchyroll


I logged into my crunchyroll account on my phone but when it asked if that was me I said no, and now I'm scared I will get banned, but when I did it a second time I said yes so will I not get banned I know the this question is stupid but I get worried a ton so any support is recommended


Crunchyroll keeps making Firefox freeze up and lag. I've tried looking around for a solution but everywhere talks about the video player freezing and having problems. I can't even get that far on the website. I can go to the home page, when I open the login page it kinda slows things down and if I try to sign in it causes firefox to become incredibly sluggish and slow to respond to anything for a while. When it finally comes back to, it still hasn't signed in. Crunchyroll is the only website this happens on for me, and Firefox (my main browser) is the only one this issue happens. Admittedly, the only other browser I've checked CR on is Chrome b/c that's the browser I'll stream stuff on Discord from. I've tried clearing the cache but that doesn't help either. Anyone know what could be causing this interaction?


Anyone having problems on Android TV’s? I have up to 5 crashes on the app with very much stuttering. Is it just horribly made for android or is it on my end? It works absolutely great on an apple tv.


I've been having the same issues on my android TV. No crashes no far,but stuttering to no end,and it's even hard to get videos to play sometimes.


I signed into my friends account but wanted to start my own subscription so I could download episodes because she is only a fan. Every time I try to sign up for a new subscription it signs me out of my account and into my friend’s and says “hi (friends account name) you already have a subscription.”


The streaming quality on Fire TV Stick is still trash.


Tried to do the 14 day free trial. Not only did it say "unauthorized payment method" It then proceeded to charge my card TWICE for a free trial. On top of that I didn't even get premium


Is anyone else having issues with playing the videos on Firefox? I haven't made any significant changes, and the browser is up with the latest version. But, out of nowhere it's just not playing any videos on the site anymore. No issues playing videos anywhere else, and the site even opens without issues, it's just not playing the video, in an infinite loading loop...


The card charges seem to show up in my credit card application as charges from "El Nuevo Fruitlandia"? Is this the regular monthly bill for the subscription, or are my credit card details being leaked every month?


I purchased three 12-month gift subscriptions this year as gifts. The purchases went through, but I've yet to receive the codes, or even any e-mail conformation. I've purchased gift subscriptions many times in the past without issue. Has anyone been able to successfully purchase a gift subscription recently?


This is my issue, currently (save only purchasing one digital gift card) - I made a separate post about this, actually! I should have seen this megathread first.


Using crunchyroll on ps5. The skip intro button is displaying whenever an intro comes up however I cannot skip the intro at all. Also tried using the slider but it won't take me to where I want to go in the episodes I watch.


Crunchyroll getting rid of Rightstuf is sttill one of the worst things to happen. Before the merger when I would pre-order Blu-Rays I'd get them 1-2 weeks before they actually released. But, now? I have 2 Blu-Rays pre-ordered from the Crunchyroll store that released today and Crunchyroll still hasn't shipped them out. It'd be one thing if they got here on release day but they won't get here until next year. The point of pre-ordering stuff is to get on on or before release day lol


I watch Crunchyroll on an Apple tablet. Recently, the app is not allowing me to properly navigate the site. When trying to press any of the buttons above a video, (exit, play next, settings, ect.) they do not respond to touch. I basically have to spam the button until it finally notices that I'm trying to make a change. I also have similar issues when trying to navigate between shows. If a button is in that top most section of the screen, it is not working. I'm fairly certain that my tablet is not the problem since I do not have this issue with other apps.


I work at a remote location so I download my episodes for when I want to watch, but I keep getting error code EXO-6006. Anyone have the same problem? I don't get why I have to be connected if I downloaded them. https://preview.redd.it/2rjp7vjnig8c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=289a8a6c36379648899d5ca7ebda2b87a3ce4994


Try to use airplane mode


Anyone having issue with Crunchyroll on Roku? Neither of my rokus will play videos on crunchyroll since yesterday afternoon (Loading circle just stays there forever spinning after selecting a video) but any other device seems to work fine.


No still having the issue, been using a chromecast for it in the meantime.


did you find a solution?


Having same issue, have you found anything that works by any chance?


did you find a solution?


Got a fix, had to uninstall crunchyroll channel, reboot, then reinstall the channel.


Sadly, on my Roku, since I subscribe and an a premium member, it will only ask to check for updates. That’s even if I log out of the app. Pretty frustrating.




Crunchyroll has always had the error message: "Oops! Something went wrong. Try again." whenever I play a video. I've tried different shows, episodes, resetting chrome and my computer, but it's still like this? It's been like this since I first checked out Crunchyroll in August. The code is: MED-41005 if that helps. Funimation seems to work for me, though!




Ok thanks! I’ll give other browsers a try :)


Why doesn't the website remember your spot in the video. Often times, I pause the video in the middle because I need to do something else. When I come back to that tab to play the video again, it starts from the beginning. YouTube and so many apps remember your position in the video. Can you please add this? It's actually kind of annoying.


Mine usually does this. Sometimes it starts over, but most of the time it remembers where I left off (though, sometimes it's a couple minutes off). Which device are you using?


Android TV infinite loading at start.




It hasn't done it to me in the middle of a video, but it has done it right at the end of one (eg, episode 3 will finish, then go to a message that i'm not logged in instead of going to episode 4)


does anyone know why cant i watch shin godzilla on crunchyroll? i have it in one of my crunchylists but i still cant.


Maybe it's a region thing? Though, I don't know how to check what regions it's available in. Or (if you're using PC) maybe try opening it in another browser. That worked for me when Crunchyroll freaked out on me earlier today.


got it because Netflix isn't caught up on one peice, offline viewing is a joke, how is it studdering and things of that nature when its offline, you forced to watch in such terrible quality and still have these issues, ​ Netflix offline viewer is soo much better snd never messes up, it even has skip intro and next episode and even lets you change brightness im app HOW DOSE CHUNRCYROLL LACK THIS the first two options why must i prefectly skip 7min recaps . i watch these in a car on a tablet with no possible way to have data or wifi before you say the same excuses bad app are you on andoird are you actually in offline




it shouldn't be studdering ITS offline you gotta be a real sort of shitty to mess that up. ​ lack of dubs and subs, lack of quality of life, you don't have to be a million dollar company to add brightness


I'm a new subscriber through the amazon add on. I'd heard great things about Jujutsu Kaisen. The final episode 24 isn't able to be played. You can watch the episodes before and after. What is that about? https://preview.redd.it/cryohzjufs7c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef517fb97e265fabaef380e89c6e2c5ffa5925c5


The Crunchyroll channel thru Amazon is a bit of a mess. You'll find quite a few shows missing episodes (why is that? nobody knows for sure, possibly just an error on their end). You can try reporting it to Amazon customer support, or you can cancel and just subscribe directly to Crunchyroll.


Thanks! It's the CR app OK to use? I'm mostly watching on my phone, so that was my main concern!


Ya Crunchyroll's mobile apps are fine to use, no missing episodes as far as I know.


Hi, I cancelled my account and CR is still taking money. I've emailed them and got no reply. Is there any thing else I can do? Its been 2 payments now. I can no longer log into my account so its definitely cancelled.


Hi,today I just updated the crunchyroll app on my Ps4 and it just does not work, everytime I try to watch an episode the buffering never stops (I've tried watching JJK and Dr. Stone);idk if that's something entirely new or not cause I haven't updated it since like 3 months ago,is there something that I can do in order to make it work? Thx y'all.


Nope nothing new , it has been like that almost a year for so many users


Welp. Can't watch Run with the Wind because "I have too many streams open" except my windows PC is the only device connected to Crunchyroll and I have only 1 window open on CR. About to just cancel my subscription, what a waste of money. Of course this entire shows is premium only for some dumb reason even though it came out 5 years ago. Sometimes I wonder why I pay people to screw me over.


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


>except my windows PC is the only device connected to Crunchyroll and I have only 1 window open on CR Check [https://www.crunchyroll.com/account/devices](https://www.crunchyroll.com/it/account/devices) >Of course this entire shows is premium only for some dumb reason even though it came out 5 years ago. Streaming rights doesn't become free for Crunchyroll after 5 years.


Already checked, that's how i know it's the only device connected.


I ordered 4 items from the CrunchyRoll store. Not too long ago mind you. But all the posts on here make me worried. Customer support says that can't issue me a cancel or refund until I actually receive the items?? Because it's "processing" for shipment. Anyone else have this happen especially around the Christmas season?


Does anyone know how long it takes customer support to reply a yearly account transfer from Funimation to Crunchyroll? It’s been a few days and I don’t know if this is the norm or not.


Crunchyroll is now in the business of taking down fanart on redbubble among other places, when i tried to open a discussion on this it was denied for not being relevant to crunchyroll, what do you think? Should Crunchyroll be serving takedowns on fanart? Is discussion on this topic a violation of Rule 2 on relevance to crunchyroll? Shameless image of art in question because it turned out awesome. https://preview.redd.it/kgoefjiehh7c1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8377096f0d9ee732df83866d408abd483f85da4


They deleted my post, sorry, I didn't know that what I published was discussed here, the Crunchyroll application doesn't work on my laptop, but on my laptop's browser and the cell phone application they work perfectly, I don't know why that is https://preview.redd.it/dl4oknzxta7c1.png?width=1046&format=png&auto=webp&s=12b3246047366f0de1daa59cbd2f77591772bdc0


If it won’t be fixed soon probably they disabled the old API that is used the old windows app. If you open the Microsoft store you can update the app to the newer one that it’s basically a web app.


Thanks, I needed an update and I already updated it, I didn't realize it, but it still seems strange to me that it doesn't update automatically.


I just subbed to Crunchyroll via Prime Video, and I'm watching Dr. Stone. I open the newest episode and it seems to not have English subtitles. Is this an error? I watched the previous episode, episode 20, and now going to episode 21 it has a bunch of other language subs but not English.


It’s a new season .. always 3 episodes behind Japanese version for the dubs


Sub not dub. It has German, Spanish, French, etc. But not English subtitles. It has the English dub too, it also has English subtitles for the 2 previous episodes.


Another day of CR not getting anime up on time and often very delayed with no reason given. Wtf?


login issue Is anyone else having problems logging into the Crunchyroll website on any browsers whatsoever? This isn't happening now, especially when I try to log in via Firefox, ram and cpu consumption increased A LOT In other browsers, it just keeps loading infinitely when I enter my login details


Same issue


I no longer know what to do...


I can’t log in on Brave. I have no clue WTF is wrong.


I've had an issue and no one is helping after a month and a half. Does anyone know where, other than chat support who can't do anything, I can contact the shops and orders team? Thinking about just challenging the charge on my card


The app is useless and buffered regardless of what I did, so I use a browser. However, Crunchyroll cannot keep me logged in to save my life, and it is becoming immensely frustrating. (It won’t even take my s/n and p/w together, I have to enter each separately, or it gives me an error.)


Support sucks assballs. i've been ignored for almost a week now, no one's helping me, i have no order number, no account or way to register for the right stuf, and basically my $200 is out in the void while i hope it arrives to my apartment complex (which i assume i'll just have to guess if it gets here so i can get to it first) the fuck


Sonyroll has fumbled the transition of Rightstuf in a monumental way that only Sonyroll could possibly fumble it. We're over 2 months after the Order History and Wishlist were supposed to have transitioned and it still hasn't happened. I really wonder what the former owner thinks of how Sonyroll has destroyed what was once the best anime merchandise retailer in the US.


yeah i haven't ever had issues until this. the only proof i have of the purchase is my paypal saying it took my money. and for whatever reason support can't provide any kind of details about it, they're basically useless right now. it's really making me rethink purchasing with this company ever again because im not gonna be playing chat tag every time...


Anyone else unable to stream any video from the site? American Midwest on Spectrum provider, confirmed on Firefox, Chrome, and Roku app.


Only thing I have heard back from support so far is to try logging out and logging back in, but that didn't work for me.


Been this way for a week lookin for support myself . Had any luck?


I just had to wait a bit and it started working again.


I'm only able to watch one episode at a time on my PS4. I have a premium Crunchyroll account that I'm using on my PS4 to watch episodes. However, after I finish an episode and try to move to the next, I get an error message that it can not load the next video. Even if i go back to the series list and select the episode, it will not load. Same thing if I try to load any other episode, even on different shows. I have to completely close out of the app, then load it back up to watch another episode. I made sure that the PS4 Crunchyroll App is up to date. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app with no avail. This only happens on the PS4; I've tested on both my laptop and iPad and they function properly. Anyone else seen this?


probably has something to do with the problems everyone is discussing below. Crunchyroll is generally broken today


This has actually been happening for about a month, not just today.


I am getting real tired of their failing to get episodes up on time, not accounting for Daylight Savings when things go back a hour (HiDive does, shit still airs in Japan at the same time relatively, but CR delays releases cause of shit DST), and the amount of times subtitles don't work or are broken in some way. Can they fix their service already?


New episodes of Stardust Telepath and Migi & Dali aren’t on Crunchyroll yet?


They show up on the new release page, but go to an error 404 page. I contacted support about Stardust Telepathy...maybe I need to do it for Migi and Dali too


Rn Komonohashi is the same way...so none of their new episodes are working


now they are up, but I am getting the same message as those below "We love all your streams, but there's a limit. Cintinue watching on this device by closing an existing stream or upgrading your subscription"


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


Being locked out of watching streams because I refreshed the page one too many times is horrible. My sub from 2010 should not be going toward updates that literally lock me out of the content im paying for but here we are. I assume CR is not going to compensate us for the time loss unless we escalate it internally?


Submit a request for help [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Is anyone else experiencing issues logging in? For the past 12 hours, I've been unable to login, unable to reset my password, and so forth (including when I've cleared my cookies and other browsing data). I haven't experienced this problem before with Crunchyroll.


Submit a request for help [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Contact support


https://preview.redd.it/tv3jdgt7eu6c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1ddbe8f939a2489a0d0c00cc84d3b09eb61c061 this is the only device/stream that can possibly be active and it won't let me stream I deactivated/logged out of all other devices and it still won't let me watch anything


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


https://preview.redd.it/xshb8xah3t6c1.jpeg?width=1258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4785c6f05281c2d2938ce4cac56a561e5157a3b8 Help me.. it keeps failing and i have to register a subscription every few mins


Gundam ZZ is still unwatchable. The show has been unwatchable for over a year since it was brought to crunchyroll. The subtitles just straight up dont work / dont display for alot of the scenes.


Airplay Issues As of about a week ago, trying to get airplay to work with Crunchyroll is almost impossible. I can literally be screen sharing and it's on the tv, but as soon as I try to play something on the app it crashes airplay. Yes my phone and app are up to date, I've tried restarting both devices and reconnecting both to the network, and I've deleted and reinstalled the app. At worst I can't connect it at all. At best it takes about 30 minutes of disconnecting and reconnecting and closing and reopening the app for it to finally work. iOS 17.2 on iPhone 15 Pro Max


I have a dimilar problem with airplay connection. Its just sucks atm


That sounds like a major inconvenience, have you ever though about getting a separate streaming device?


My downloaded videos are lagging somehow and I can't fix it. Customer support also has stopped messaging me. Anyone know how I can contact them or how I can fix this?


You can reach them [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) use the box in the middle to choose your issue, you could also use the orange circle at the bottom right for live chat support


I used the live chat and they said they would put me in touch with one of their technical representatives. So I got the email confirming I'm in the que to be helped however no one has contacted me now for 4 days


Not only do we have to deal with freezing and return to last point yo restart the episode, NOW we have to put up with sxxt ads!!!


what ads? are you using the free plan or one of the subscriptions?


The playback on both Crunchyroll app and web player has become very choppy and laggy on my laptop, making everything unwatchable. Everything played absolutely fine before the update. What is going on? Running on windows 10.


interesting. For me it works fine on my phone or PC but is lagging to badly to be able to watch 75% of the time I try to watch on the PlayStation app. Other streaming apps through PS have no issues.


What is this? https://preview.redd.it/z5yj61fidk6c1.png?width=1862&format=png&auto=webp&s=876dc3e98044a8d6e769636ef610233a51ce4b73


it tells you that you can only stream 1 video at time


Okay, but I closed my other two tabs with streams open (note: I did this because it's never been a problem before to open the shows I watch in new tabs and close as I watch), and then refreshed the one I wanted, and the message still showed up. I had to restart my entire computer to fix this.


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


Even though you can mark a show as watched there is no special color banner or any list, so I’ve been using the watchlist to show what shows I have seen, because it’s the only way to leave a mark on a show. And because there is already a way to mark a show I don’t imagine it would be hard to let us make a list and see some kind of mark on the shows. I know it’s a small detail, but it would be nice to be able to leave a different colored banner or different shape. Something to distinguish them at a glance. If there is something like that already then please let me know how to do it.


Is there another way other than buying a chrome cast (or screen sharing my device fully) to view episodes on my Samsung Tv?


If Airplay or Google Cast are not working properly, your next option is buying a streaming device, you can get a capable streaming device for $20-50 usd.


Other than the mentioned AirPlay or Prime Video Channels, I don't think there is any easy and comfortable way to watch Crunchyroll on a Samsung or LG TV at the moment, as there **no apps for Samsung or LG TVs for Crunchyroll**. **This is honestly a big deal breaker for me.** There is a pretty nice app for Android and iOS (+ Receiver apps on the TVs) which let's you cast videos from a website to your TV. I **was** using this app to cast Crunchyroll to my TV, until it stopped working around 2 days ago (there was no update on the app's side of things, Crunchyroll must have changed something) and it left me quite frustrated honestly, as this was the easiest and comfortable way to watch on my TV. **This actually made me cancel my Crunchyroll subscription a few days before the 14 days trial ends and turns into an actual paid subscription.** I would have happily paid for a monthly subscription, but I don't feel like having to jump through hoops and annoyances to actually enjoy it on my TV. I've also tried the method of opening Crunchyroll directly in the web browser on my LG TV - which after getting stuck on a Cloudflare captcha at the first try - worked out. But it's not ideal or comfortable. Having to use your TV remote as a keyboard and mouse is just not a good user interaction, even with the LG ThinQ phone app as a remote. Navigating the website on the web browser is just really sluggish. Also, after watching one episode and trying to watch a different series, the video just started to buffer awfully. I honestly don't understand why there is no official Crunchyroll app for LG and/or Samsung TVs yet. I don't want to sound harsh, but as a consumer and from a company with Sony behind it I expect such things. If an official app for LG TVs becomes a reality I'd be happy to be paying customer, but as it is right now, things are just way too frustrating, honestly.


If Airplay or Google Cast are not working properly, your next option is buying a streaming device, you can get a capable streaming device for $20-50 usd.


If you are on IOS and you have a new Samsung TV you can use airplay. If you are in USA, Canada, UK, Sweden you could use the the channel on prime video


Ordered on November 26th, all in-stock items. No updates, contacted Customer Support on December 8th and got a very generic "Your order is in our shipping process but the holiday is causing delays." Contacted again on the 14th and was told "The warehouse handling the second package is dealing with a high order volume" again causing delays. What? Second package? Where is the first? I know things get nuts around the holidays but I'd appreciate at least a timeline - I went ahead and bought some contingency holiday gifts as it looks like this order may not be here in time for Christmas. Anyway, here to lament mostly - anyone else in this kind of situation?


I'm trying to play River City Girls, but it just gets stuck on this screen, doesn't matter how long i wait. Does anyone else also have this issue? (I have a yearly Mega Fan subscription) If it helps, my phone is a Samsung Galaxy S23+ running OneUI 6.0 (Android 14). https://preview.redd.it/sgxx4gdgie6c1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae2b90afe082c35cd831559a24998d4b25b2d35


So, I was having a big issue today and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. I have Kaspersky Premium as my AV, this never happened before, it just began today, as apparently the login page was probably changed to a new URL (can't really tell). I was trying to log-in, but no matter what browser I used, I couldn't, as the log-in page would lag the entire browser and take up to 98% of my RAM memory (I have 32GB) and 90% of my CPU, and even 100% of my GPU at random moments out of nowhere. After trying a bunch of stuff I figured out it was Kaspersky, I tried turning it off but that wouldn't do, I had to close it for the website to work normally. Checking the console, it was blocking a bunch of stuff in a loop whenever I opened the login page, thus creating an endless loop which took over all of my PC's resources. Does anyone know why this happens?


Dr stone and hells paradise are marked “unavailable” what’s going on?


Where are you located? Are you using Crunchyroll directly or the Prime Video channel? Which app do you use?


I’ve been trying to reach out to support since mid November about an order, and I’ve sent in two support tickets and did a chat. The chat associate escalated it to an email on the 6th but I haven’t heard anything back. I would like to see if I could get something price matched but I haven’t heard anything back. My only solution I can think is to buy the item again and return the original one, I just wonder how much shipping the item back for the return would cost (the difference in question is $50) or else it wouldn’t be worth it. I wish I could hear back from Crunchy just to see what can be done.


I love crunchy, but why does it keep lagging and crashing on my fire stick. I can go 2 to 3 episodes, and then it's like the server farts. I can then switch to another streaming service, and it'll work perfectly fine. Also have already tried reseting and clearing cache.


Which fire tv stick are you using? can you specify the model (4k max,4k,lite etc) and generation (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). have you tried the dns fix? Visit this [link](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/articles/20979293797012-Buffering-and-connectivity-issues#seven) if that doesn't work submit a request [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Im on ps4 and it crashes after each episode. I emailed them about it and they told me to change some code in my ps4 settings. Although everything else works fine so why would that be it? I did it and nothing changed. The only app that works well for me is iphone and desktop. Im sure new gen consoles work better too.


Not really , I’m on ps5 and it is having quality fluctuations and sometimes freezes since April. They say “they are aware and working on it “ What a joke of a company


The Vision of Escaflowne, is it being migrated from Funimation?


you can check by yourself without a subscription


If you have used a card for a previous free trial can it not be used for a free trial again on a new account? I'm pretty sure l've used it before but forgot that account info so was going to make a new account, but it keeps giving me errors saying "incorrect card info" when it's not incorrect and then eventually Unauthorized Request.


Funimation shows (English Sub Versions) that are being moved over to Crunchyroll are stuttering and freezing up on Roku external players. I have Ultra, Ultra LT, and Premiere and they freeze up and stutter at the same spots. Roku built in TV plays fine, Google Chromecast plays fine, Xbox Series X plays fine, and Mobile Phone plays fine. I'm going nuts because I like having Roku in my bedroom and it looks like I'm going to have to watch all the funimation shows on my Google Chromecast 4k.


Anyone else having the issue where nothing will load?


Submit a request [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Is the crunchyroll app for amazon firestick tv being extremely laggy and crashing constantly a *thing* or could it be an issue with my device? tv bought in 2020, firestick from 2019.


Which fire tv stick are you using? Can you specify the model (4k max,4k,lite etc) and generation (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). Have you tried the dns fix? Visit this [link](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/articles/20979293797012-Buffering-and-connectivity-issues#seven) if that doesn't work submit a request [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


Mine does this too and it’s literally only Cruncyroll. Drives me crazy, I try to watch elsewhere whenever I can


Which fire tv stick are you using? can you specify the model (4k max,4k,lite etc) and generation (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc). have you tried the dns fix? Visit this [link](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/articles/20979293797012-Buffering-and-connectivity-issues#seven) if that doesn't work submit a request [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


its sooooo annoying like holy shit


I tried using the method they suggest to fix it that’s on their website, and it didn’t work


Unable to watch anything. Getting a message reading as follows: "We love all your streams, but there's a limit. Continue watching on this device by closing an existing stream or upgrading your subscription." No other tabs, or instances of the app are open on any device. My subscription is fine. The amount of combined potential watch time lost over the years, due to solely fault of Crunchyroll, has far surpassed a few months, over the last several years. And your credit of patience is running out. We love your service, but there's a limit. To continue keeping subscribers, improve your apps/websites or lower the fee for your subscription. Maybe get better servers. The quality of your content is irrelevant, when the service and stability is bad enough to make me just stop trying to watch anything for days on end. No other premium streaming service I have (Which is a fair few, though none of them anime-centric) are remotely as bad in terms of stability, streaming quality, consistent English subtitle availability, etc. Pretty much every month there is some instances of issues. The apps and website not functioning properly, despite having a premium subscription for many years now, is so incredibly disappointing. It is more sad than anything, that free streaming sites seem to have not only more features, including episode release countdown timers, but also somehow massively more reliable, and better website design, at least for me on windows 10 with a Firefox browser. It is so overwhelmingly difficult to justify staying subbed to service that is worse in terms of stability across websites and apps, less feature rich, and has more subtitle and streaming consistency than free sites. I really hope CR improves, because I'm a long-term subscriber, and I've enjoyed the service despite its faults for many years, and I'd rather stick to it, and watching things legitimately, and supporting a service I've long enjoyed.


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


Getting the same thing, its insane, and its not even meant to care unless you've concurrent running streams which unless your some sort of genius no one ever does. Instead I'm getting hammered for "multiple streams" at a grand total of 1 browser with 1 tab open and 1 session displaying in my settings.


also happening to me this bug sucks


Hey, I'm getting a bug causing me to be unable to watch anything. It pops up on the screen telling me that I'm streaming Crunchyroll on too many instances on my device, despite only having one open. How do I fix this?? I tried just closing and opening up a new one, but that didn't work.


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


I ordered the attack on Titan season 1 part 2, 2 months ago and it hasn’t moved from the “label created” stage of shipping. What is going on? I’ve contacted support 3 times now, each one saying I’ll be hearing from the right department and then nothing. Not even someone telling me I will get my product eventually. Even trying to follow up on the email leads me no where. Did they just scam me out of my money?


Please add crunchylists to the Google/Android TV app. I have each season's shows in a new crunchylist. In the browser and mobile apps I can just go straight to my current season list and scroll through a known order to the shows I know are coming out that day. In the current Android TV app I have to figure out where the 'just updated' row is (if it loaded) and go past a bunch of shows I don't care about. While you're at it... let us turn off auto-play so it stops trying to play movies after watching the most recent episode.


This is an unofficial Crunchyroll subreddit, you can make suggestions, feature requests and other inquiries [here](https://help.crunchyroll.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


> let us turn off auto-play so it stops trying to play movies after watching the most recent episode. You can turn it off. While playing any episode of anything, press up on the navigation circle and go into the gear at the top right.


Trying this as soon as I get home... You may have made my day :) You did indeed make my day!


I seem to be running into an issue where this shows up I assume its due to having multiple tabs open? or is it something else I need to fix https://preview.redd.it/crl6gtk23r5c1.png?width=1904&format=png&auto=webp&s=b110aaa7b8622f3f47b2d70a909f0407b010262f


Are you using Chrome? CR is true garbage, but if you hit shift+ESC and open the chrome task manager, end the process of any CR pages and it worked for me.


Opera GX But I had the same issue on my ps5 as well


I think you can do the same thing as Chrome in Opera, or if you go Menu > Developer > Task Manager ​ No idea how to fix it in Ps5 though. Insane that a totally different app on another OS and platform also gives the same error lol


I figured how the issue anyway it was due to mutiple people using my account and had to remove devices that weren't in use anymore and then had to sub to being a mega fan Annoying but it's what fixed it at the time but if it happens again I hope to remember the other way to fix it


Nearly everything I want to watch on Crunchyroll is "unavailable", even after going back to premium. Anyone else not able to watch nearly anything?


Paying for premium doesn't change licensed availability on regional restrictions. If you're in Asia or the Middle East, the catalog is going to be pretty small. You can check here to see availability in your country. You don't need premium to see the list, so this can be checked before paying. https://www.crunchyroll.com/videos/alphabetical


In the US, watching via app on Fire TV as well as checking on browser app. All titles are on that list, but unavailable to be watched.