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113% chance of an inbred child, that's crazy. Didn't even know that's possible.


That child will be 13% more inbred than max inbred. Can you imagine the issues they’ll have? Perfect successor material.


Rookie numbers. Gotta bump it up


Thats some Habsburg moment xd


They were amateurs, check the Ptolemies.


I like those odds


Your first eugenics and you go straight for the incest... :/


It's the best strategy if you're setup with Blood because you get to dip on both sides it's a very bad idea otherwise unless you've got Pureblood already.


If you do eugenics right, you leave out closely related marriages until you get a hold of someone with pure-blooded (even through abduction if need be) and incorporate it - basically let the AI get all the bad traits from inbreeding, and swoop in when someone actually gets lucky. I mean sure it's possible to play CK3 Alabama-style, and it's not necessarily a wrong way to play (RP-wise at least), but this is not exactly eugenics.


Alabama style…..take my upvote 👊🏻🫶🏻


If you do eugenics right then you'll be actively trying to create pure-blooded. It's much more likely to show up with a high prevalence of common ancestors. Has to be above 20 common ancestors. The AI doesn't often do this without player intervention. Generally if trying for pure-blooded it's best to have two daughters you chain seduce once you have all the other traits and you then marry spare siblings together to give any excess land to. Ideally you will have polygamy for this for later so they can also produce half-siblings as well. Parent+Sibling gives basically no chance of inbreeding when you have strong-blood + blood dynasty while maintaining maxed out genetic traits which is ideal for the main family. The progeny of full blooded siblings are the most likely to have inbreeding traits but when you get one that doesn't then you can marry them to a half-sibling or a cousin and they will have about 20-24 common ancestors which is the sweet spot for pure-blooded to show up without any inbreeding traits. This is dynasty crafting eugenics backed by the maths of the game. Like livestock selection you are aiming to create something that didn't exist previously. Hoping for the AI to create pure-blooded by chance isn't exactly what one would deem eugenics as you aren't actively arranging for breeding to improve genetic quality; just jumping on it when it happens randomly. thanks for coming to my ted talk on the disgusting maths behind eugenics breeding programs in ck3. PS: When you have enough distant family members (2nd/3rd cousin at least,) with all the genetic traits then you can marry them instead of a child and parent. That takes a few generations to happen, though.


This is correct. Ck3 eugenics has always been creating pure blooded by incest


The thing is that there is usually a lot of AI characters having related spouses or lovers, and while their methods may not be quite optimized, through sheer numbers they will eventually start getting pure-blooded people after a few generations from game start, and if you filter character finder for that trait, you can find them anywhere in the world. So in the end you still get pure-blooded for your dynasty, without introducing a bunch of negative congenital traits (even if you typically won't get inbred trait right away, stuff like bleeder, wheezer, and so on will still have increased chance to appear in the first generation.


The problem is they don't need to be just related. They need to specifically have had more incest than parent-child. Which is a lot of incest. The AI basically only achieves this by seduction between siblings which is actually quite rare and rather suboptimal. Yes it'll happen eventually but, again, it's not exactly eugenics for the player to just rely upon happenstance. And if you do the eugenics correctly then you aren't introducing *any* negative congenital traits into the mainline family. Which is the only one that matters, honestly. Just let the branches with useless children die off by giving them no land or spouse if you dislike them that much. They'll still have maxed out genius/beauty/strength/fecund traits so on average they'll still be superior to most crappy rulers.


Momma-sister-niece-wife ain't raised no bitch. It's Alabama-style.


Going full Bryce Mitchell


Am kinda new to CK3, why are there tick marks on the genius and fecund trait? Is that a mod or dynasty legacy feature that confirms which trait will be inherited?


That's because both of the characters have those traits so they are guaranteed to be inherited by children.


Okay thank you. **:)**


Both parents have this trait **and** there is another modifier in play, that inhances the likelyhood of inheriting positive traits, typically the first dynasty perk in the Blood line. Both parents having this trait without an additional modifier would not be enough to guarentee it, but still make it very likely to be inherited, which is signaled by a green arrow. 80% are the chances, if I remember correctly.


I like those odds