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This is super impressive!


Thanks, im now building out the app, this is basically a working model. I've already finished the whole front-end and the login system, the data is going to take an extremely long time though to figure out with just me and my partner developing but it will get done one day lol, as far as a framework we chose Svelte (love it). It's a miracle i got this all working in google apps script which is a nightmare honestly to deal with.


HA, NERD!!!!! just kidding, this is badass, kudos to you and for helping out the less tech-savvy of us. Half the fight these days is the busy work of arranging data to be presentable and interpretable, not the analysis itself. I tip my hat to you good sir!


Oh i know, nothing more frustrating than coming back to a currency you havent looked at in a year and you didnt even know it went up lol. I'm a huge fan of watching what moves up the list to take the top 5 places through the weeks. I honestly wish i could build faster but its just me and my partner lol.


Nice, this is actually pretty cool, i might try using this.


I appreciate it. Let me know if you have any trouble.


How do you track staking / staked assets?


I just enter in "Staked" in the transactions page dropdown when i update a currency. It, then just duplicates that total to the staked column and the total value of all that on the dashboard. I did make a separate "Interest" dropdown that doesnt account for the staked total if for whatever reason you get interest from something that isnt staked like from an exchange.


There's an app called "getquin" where you insert manually or put the api of the exchange or broker and track all your portfolio.


Thanks, ill look into it. Looks like it costs a subscription to use its full functionality though and it requires you to pick a location for those assets, like specific wallets, (which its lacking important ones like keplr etc) which im not a huge fan of, basically i like things to be ultra flexible and all manual first, then choose exchanges and wallets etc after and use 1 api from an index, I see that you can add individual currencies after the fact but this is just for traders, it doesnt enable you to enter in a 0 amount for a purchase price, so anyone who is mining anything or creating currency with nodes will have the charts messed up because of the way you enter in transactions, so this doesnt solve my issue, im also not a huge fan of going through a bunch of popup windows to enter a currency which is the main reason i dont like coingeckos portfolio tracker either, this spreadsheet is way simpler to me than all these other apps ive tried to use, plus they dont export to a nice iframe to sit on my monitor 24/7 autoupdating.


Nicely done


Thanks! I wish i could figure out the last issue with the linechart but i honestly am putting my time into the application now. If a spreadsheet master could school me on how to fix that, that would be amazing.


Can't help you out there, I rarely use sheets for anything more than basic functionality. What is the issue you're having? Your line charts look fine and all they take is an array of values.


Yeah but those values are reflected off the price of the coins that day, so it actually takes 2 data sets, current value for right now, and historical to make the linechart actually go up and down vs the total historical value of your portfolio, my portfolio had an ATH of like 9k during the bull run over a year ago, the chart wont reflect that until i figure out how to make a single array out of the 2 data sets and im not sure about the equation to do that or if its even possible to do linearly. So yes the line chart works, but for your own portfolio value, not vs the markets, which is technically "good enough" but id like it to work like all the other portfolio trackers lol.


Yea, ideally you want the history for each. But I dump those, and lots of other data from several api providers. I recall that you can add data sources, such as mssql and mysql, in Excel at least. But yea, depends on how far you want to go with automation and whether it's justified for your purposes/needs.


The historical data is actually in the transactions tab under Hist. Price. and Hist Total which if i remember just multiplies the count because thats the only way to do it linearly imo, it already calls it automatically as you enter in transactions, the functions need to run though for that to happen so it wont change until you refresh, but nothing is being done with that data, i tried to move it around in chart data to make it work and spent quite a few hours not being able to figure it out lol i feel like im super close though, i might have to go to some school and ask a teacher or something.


That's pretty great.


I'm not going to lie... it's impressive, imo your portfolio needs some KAVA to be perfect but the work you did on that sheet is crazy


Kava is honestly a bad project imo, i havent heard anything good about their team and their raffle system was basically a scam, and im not a huge fan of how binance has their fingers in anything in the Cosmos. Moonz in the Osmosis discord knows way more instances than i do of issues with that project just give them a shout if you're curious. I did however like getting random interest tokens for staking, however those are just inflationary mechanisms generally. I'm way more of a fan of kujira's self sustaining tokenomics structure. They messed up earlier in the year though by trying to run a closed source stablecoin which ended up getting hacked immediately lol, so hope they learned their lesson that way. I also need to buy back my cosmos position, i did have 10 coins but i sold them because their inflation wasnt changing, they just voted on that to slash it in half so the price on cosmos is probably going to go up imo over the next while.


I used to do that. Many hours invested. Yours looks great btw. Now my portfolio looks like this... [https://imgur.com/a/MPoXyaY](https://imgur.com/a/MPoXyaY)


Yeah, ive been in the market for quite a long time, i started mining when LTC forked and created doge, so i have alot of random currencies, sad to say i dont have bitcoin because theres no way for me to make interest on it, but i just discovered the Thorswap native asset vaults that use the haven tech, im still looking into those but i might move a bitcoin/eth position into them, i heard some of their team remembers are from the persistence project so ive been weary of getting involved in it, but its been doing good for quite a while now, it has decent tokenomics and the haven vaults are established tech already.


Impressive work. I also wrote and published a portfolio tracker under the name WealthLedger in Google Workspace Marketplace. I'm not sure if I understand the question about a multi-column line chart, but here is some code I use which may or may not be helpful: let chart1 = sheet.newChart().asLineChart() .addRange(investmentChartRange1) .setNumHeaders(1) .setTitle('Asset Type: Net Investment Timeline') .setXAxisTitle('Date') .setOption('interpolateNulls', true) .setPosition(3, 1, 14, 0) .build(); sheet.insertChart(chart1); The chart in investmentChartRange1 has columns: Date, Total, and columns for each asset type (Bonds, Crypto, Gold, NFT, Stablecoin, Stock).


Hmm do you still have the actual sheet still available with that chart using this function? I basically am having trouble interpreting historical data to make my linechart have the all time high on the left side from my portfolio's ATH, etc.


I'm still unclear on exactly what you are trying to do. Any line chart with multiple lines needs the chart data table in a specific format. The first column is the x-axis (e.g. Date) and the remaining columns being the various lines plotted. If your chart data table isn't in that format, you need to transform it to that format. The interpolateNulls option smooths out any missing data points. The sheet is part of the Google Sheets Add-on that I mentioned above. There is a GitHub repository with all the code. I'm not posting links because I'm not sure of the moderation rules here, but it's easy to find.


Okay i think i might have an idea on how to fix it. I'll update it when i figure out how to make the function.




Umm maybe try making a new copy on a different account. You should just need to run one of the scripts for the authorization to work, you have to to open the authorization window then go to advanced and hit go to crypto instead of back to safety. If that doesnt work you can try going to "extensions" on the sheet then to "apps script" and on the left look for portfolio.gs and then hit run. I was having an issue last week when i made a copy with the autorefresh script but after a day or two i moved it to another account and made a new copy and it just started working so im not sure what the bug is there but i think it might be on googles end. Either way i made buttons for everything, you should just need to run Portfolio API button, then the sort button, then the sparkline button in that order after eachother to get everything to update without the autorefresh working.


for some reason, BTC doesnt work for me when I add it into my Portfolio.


Holy fuck do you love shit coins


Honestly, shit take. Nobody cares other than some random like you. You probably are in more meme coins than i've been airdropped and only noobs gripe on peoples holdings because they're insecure. You want to school people on what they should or shouldnt hold? Make a fucking youtube channel. I make money off it, so you do you.


Honest* take :) Nice edit. I did a lot of GPU mining too but that's all dead now but it makes sense now why you have so many shitcoins.


It might be an honest opinion, but its a shit take and GPU mining is dead? lol k, ill keep enjoying the 100-600% gains this month on just mining currencies, again you dont need to announce how much of a noob you are, and yes, there is an edit button. This conversation is over, not here to feed trolls today.


Weird, for some reason i cant open the link. Does not load :(


It seems to be working, a bunch of people are viewing the sheet right now, maybe try another browser.


0 bitcoin huh?


I've honestly been trying to scope out somewhere to leave it that makes interest for the last while, so far ive found thorwswap's haven vaults to be a pretty good idea, but i have some cash waiting on the side. My next holdings will probably be more cosmos, btc, eth, and celestia. I generally like to stake things, i come from a dividend investing background, and as far as growth potential bitcoin isnt it, there are higher gains in other currencies, like verus which has been my favorite project recently ive come across.


WOW! This is amazing. Just what I was looking for. First of all, THANK YOU! for spending the time and effort, seems like you have put alot into it. Question, is there any way to track the total cash deposited vs current value of the portfolio as a whole?


Been playing around with this sheet all day. I noticed the 'Current Price' in Portfolio is not API but user column so its just a static value, is that how its suppose to be?


I really tried to use this to import some of the holdings, but there are just too many issues with it. For example, it doesn't import coins correctly, displays the totals incorrectly, etc. Good try though.


It imports the coins based off dropdown data and calls the api in the portfolio sheet, if you dont sort that properly with the sort button which arranges everything alphabetically things will not be in place as far as your api call's with your coins and you will pull up incorrect prices. I've been using it for years so i know it does those basic things properly but those are the limitations of the sheet.


Current price is pulled from the total values in the Portfolio Sheet. It's not a static value. Just highlight the box to see the equations that go to that sheet.


Hey 👋 thats cool and some great ideas what gives me some inspiration! I built CryptoWulf in this bear market! There are no ties to public addresses or exchanges in any way because of privacy reasons! Im focusing on manual creation of transactions and to make this easier like with my upcoming staking configuration feature. You also get portfolio analytics like long term purchases and many popular market indicators. Check it out maybe you like it: https://cryptowulf.app


It's pretty good but its lacking some functionality, the main reason i made this spreadsheet is because no trackers account for mining or use an indexing website, it looks like you have integrated coingecko however i cant enter positions without messing up graphs because selecting dates on mining income inst realistic to do unless its monthly, so you need to add an option to add previous positions, the other thing that i dislike is clicking through a ton of windows to do everything, i know people like this so its easy to build on mobile but yeah, anyway pretty decent work, you will probably be further ahead eventually as ive stopped programming on this project for the most part, i was going to turn this into an application and ive finished the front end but the backend work is pretty tedious and will take a ton of work to do. I found this to be the simplest way to share it and make it free anyway.


Hi! What do you mean by add to previous positions? You could edit a previous position or just create a new one with any date you like? I created this tracker because most are bloated with things, have bad usability and most trackers do not take coin fees into %-gains. Yeah it was a lot of work to implement everything properly on the backend. Im currently working on extra fee positions where you can select if its related to purchases or sells. Its basically the same as now when you add it directly to a current buy or sell but as an own position but you dont have to edit the last position when you move funds but just add a new one. Also a staking configuration or securing coin Income feature is in work what could maybe also help for mining. I think I also have to change my pricing model and make more features free and also increase the free position count.


What is the best way to start fresh? I figured you just delete the transactions but this warning has me wondering. \*Note\* Do not sort sheet or delete rows, copy them instead as it would destroy the layout in Chart Data. If Chart Data is broken, reference the original sheet..