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Be careful answering any DMs offering to help, or impersonating coinbase support/help you "verify" your wallet.


You mean his wallet is not connected to the main frame!?!?!?!?! Immediately give me your seed phase so I can use encryption authentication amd have your funds safe. This is legit amd safe. -Learn to be a Scammy cunt 101 text book, chaper 1.


"How can I help you, mate?"


Do you know how to use Team Viewer?


You can know it's the scammer since the coinbase employees would never want to help you


I pretty much gave up asking for advice because of this. Would rather learn myself even if I lose a little but in the process. Chalk it up to a learning experience.


The 2 previous exchanges that I used started doing shit like this for me and I instantly stopped using them. (Coinbase was one of them) They started asking me to verify numbers again, then randomly stopped allowing me to withdrawal to one of my bank accounts. Coinbase even failed to credit one of my deposits and I had to go through support and wait a few days to fix their error. I recommend just leaving the exchange because they don't have a right to withhold your money from you under any circumstances. Imagine if your bank suddenly told you that you can't withdrawal any money for 2 months. I'm sure you'd instantly leave them.


How do I move crypto between exchanges? I'm new to this.


No different than how you moved from the exchange to the external wallet. 1. Open one tab on your browser, and log into your Coinbase account (or any wallet you are wanting to send from). 2. Open a separate tab. Go to the new exchange website you are wanting to send to, and log into the account. 3. In the new exchange site, go to the "Recieve" section. 4. Choose the appropriate chain you wish to move. For example, if moving Ethereum - choose the ETH blockchain. 5. There will be a large string of characters. To continue with the example of Ethereum, the address will start in 0x. 6. Copy that string of characters. 7. Return to the original tab that has the exchange you are wanting to send from. 8. Go to the "Send" section, and choose the appropriate corresponding crypto you are wanting to send; in this example, choose Ethereum. 9. A window will appear that will ask you for the amount you wish to send, and a destination address. Fill in the amount desired, and paste the string of characters for the receiving exchange found in step 6. 10. Initiate the transaction (do a smaller amount for the first transaction to confirm it actually arrives accordingly). Likely, there will be an email confirmation + 2fa code required (if you have external 2fa set up). 11. Wait for the funds to appear in the new exchange's account holdings. IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not sure why people in this space are so against newcomers using the most secure (best) centralized exchange to hold their assets / transact while they become used to the space. I am on year 8 of being in the space, have transfered numerous large-ish (>10K USD) transactions numerous times using Coinbase as my fiat on/off ramp in the space. Never once have I had a single issue with them, outside of the stereotypical "server" issues; but nothing monetarily related with support. My advice to you, especially if you are new and doubly so if you only have a few thousand dollars in the space: keep your funds on Coinbase and trade their (limited) options of tokens/coins. As you become more familiar with the space, get a MetaMask wallet to interact with DeFi for all things EVM (ethereum blockchain or any of the Cosmos forked coins, like BNB/etc.) And a SolFlare wallet for Solana. Read more into the space, to determine what exactly you would like to participate in. Do not immediately jump into the weeds of ultra speculative meme-coins or equivalent using DEXes until you are comfortable and knowledgeable how exactly those transactions occur. Simply put, hold BTC, ETH (sure SOL, too) on Coinbase or equivalent until you feel that you truly understand the biggest differences between Blockchains and how they can/cannot interact with one another. You cannot send BTC to an ETH address, SOL to MetaMask, etc. How DEXes work when swapping, slippage, etc. Anyways, happy you're in the space - goodluck.


I should also note, especially if you are new to the space: having a hardware wallet is "best practice". The fears people have with "not your keys, not your crypto" is legitament; but newcomers should NOT feel an unrelenting fear that they MUST take their funds off of a "legitament" exchange.


Step 1. Wait for 60 days




Nigerian prince here:I can kindly help you recover said funds:DM for details šŸ˜œjust buy your Bittys of cash app and boom directly to storage no drama


I saw a phone number on their app, and I will call them. Hopefully, get this fixed


Ok, so I contacted Coinbase help section and waited 20 minutes to chat with someone who said to log in to my account and verify 2FA and then sent a link to answer a couple questions, which I did. Tried to send coin to my cold wallet but still get a message that I am currently unable to send crypto. Beyond frustrated, but my account funds are still there, just on the exchange. Will try again later. Any better experiences with Kraken or Crypto.com exchange? I have both of their apps but haven't used then yet. Is is possible to transfer my coins to another exchange? Although I can't seem to move anything right now.


When you open an account on another exchange, there will be addresses you can use to receive your coins. You just send to those addresses from Coinbase.


Do you have any limit orders set for those tokens? Thatā€™s prevented me from withdrawing in the past.


No. No limit orders. I'm trying to set up my Kraken account to accept a deposit from Coinbase exchange. Fricking pain in my ass


Let us know if there's anything we can do to helpk, u/Freddy-Bones. Flora šŸ™


Thanks. If i can't figure this out later, I'll look you up


Coinbase is the dirty butthole of the crypto game.


Good that I don't use Coinbase. That's a big huge bright red flag. Ditch this garbage exchange.


Its honestly the safest bet for a CEX if you're going to use one, they are insured like a bank, and a publicly traded company on the stock market, you can read their balance sheets and see how they are doing at any point in time. Im more of a fan of CoinEX though, they have alot more exposure to mining currencies if im going through anything.


I settled for kraken. Money deposits arrive within an hour and withdrawals within a day. I can configure BS security measures like the one from.coinbase if I wanted to. Never had any issues. Has proper customer support and very important to me proper hardware key support on desktop AND mobile.


This is a wild story, OP. Iā€™ve never had Coinbase do anything like this and Iā€™ve moved 25,000+ around and off it no problem


You're more tech savvy than myself. I'm very new to this and just finding my way around. It's probably something I'm doing wrong/ignorant about. For example, I wasn't aware that addresses change randomly, and when I first began to move crypto from the Coinbase exchange to my Coinbase hot wallet I noticed the 30-whatever character address was different with each move I made ( after I made a few moves to my wallet). I panicked, not knowing this was normal, and had Coinbase lock my account. Then, after 2 days, I had to do a lengthy verification process. Things were OK after that, for awhile. I started moving assets to my cold wallet, and after a few small transactions, I was unable to move any large amounts. Even my $300 of SOL is still "pending." My funds haven't disappeared, but it's still frustrating that I haven't figured it out yet. I'll try again later. Thanks to all here for their input. Much appreciated.


What do you mean you moved it to a "Coinbase hot wallet"? If you bought it on Coinbase, it's already "hot".


Thereā€™s the Coinbase exchange, and thereā€™s a Coinbase Wallet.




Hey friend. SOL transactions are getting stuck on pending with the Coinbase Wallet for some reason. You may try importing your seed to a different wallet like Trust or Exodus.


Is there a way to cancel that "pending" transaction?


That transaction is not even on the blockchain. Thereā€™s nothing to cancel. The walletā€™s software is buggy. Maybe try reinstalling it? You could check to see if thereā€™s an update as well.


I didnt know the transaction wasn't on the blockchain yet. Thanks for that info. I did update the wallet and Coinbase apps. Maybe I'll try to uninstall/install the wallet app. Thanks for the advice


"Ready for mass adoption" Even people who want to get into cyrpto cant figure out how to kyc properly


you probably dont have enough gas fee


While I don't mean anything negative (towards OP), I have to ask myself out loud.... How do some people get into something without first researching and actually knowing the basics of that topic? Where do you get the balls from to dive in without almost any care, as it would seem? :D It's like "Yeah, this cliff-diving sounds great, I'm going to go try it. I don't know how to swim and I've never jumped on my head into the water before, but let me try it without learning any theory or having any practical experience before hand." :D


>After several tries it says for my protection and out of caution, my funds are "safe" but I cannot move anything for 60 days. **I wasn't prepared for this.** Let me get this straight... you told Coinbase to lock your account after you started buying, then got it unlocked after realizing your mistake, and now you're saying you're not expecting them to take extra precautions with your account? I'm confused... you literally ask the exchange for additional protection (and from what you explained in comments, for no good reason besides you not understanding how exchanges work) and then complain when they do indeed take additional security checks seriously. You quite literally flagged your own account buddy. Do you guys want protection or not? If you don't, then stop using a "condom" and go full self-custody, blaming the "condom" for trying to do the job you bought it to do is a weird take in my opinion.


this is crazy! And it seems like a lot of people have similar issues with coinbase. They do have customer support, have you tried that route? As annoying as it is, it might be your only option.