• By -


What's more frustrating is the fact that Coinbase instantly lists this shit coin but there's projects that have proven themselves and haven't gotten a listing.. šŸ¤¦šŸ½


It has a lot of hype around it. Fees, etc are what CB is going after. Remember a lot of these exchanges just trying to make money too. All of that ā€œuseful/good projectsā€ stuff comes second and third. VET comes to mind and still isnā€™t available on CB. When dogecoin had all that hype, it then became available on CB pro then the regular CB. When Shib got hyped up/pumped, it came to Coinbase not too long after. I remember getting an email from them about it lol


Volume is their business model, so they take advantage of the hype. Coinbase listing something should never ring the bells to make a project seem trustworthy.


At least it gives the information that the project has momentum.


HAD momentum.


Exactly. By the time it gets listed on CB, the moonshot has already passed.




Ah, the good old rugpull. Times never change.


Hype seems to be the only thing moving coins these days


CB is only care about its profits, it will lost any garbage coin as long as it can take money out of it.


coinbase use to be my go-to place to see whats serious project. becasue 2-3 years ago they didnt have meme shit. now they trade everything......... i understand it tho... they get $$$ on fees.... why would they give up on ez money. im surprised it even took them this long to start listing all the crap


Nano. 4 years waiting... Any day now...




The dark markets know what's up. XMR is golden.


I wouldn't hold my breath on xmr getting listed. I love xmr don't get me wrong. But a privacy coin basically untraceable ain't getting listed anytime soon. I think the fbi still has a bounty out if someone can crack xmr for them


Monero is on kraken so no issue really.




I feel the same about IOTA.. #SOON ^TM


Yeah. Ugh.


Iā€™ve really wanted to see like nano pairs in defi pools. I feel like that would drive some buy pressure on it if you could use it for farming. People are all about defi right now


Hbar and ONE just to name a few


#Poor VET


Hodling tight to mine.


This projects are screaming come aboard let's Rug you


If people want to trade shitcoin and you can profit from commission is a win win. It's like blaming a commercial tv for airing low quality shows and movies


Adding a new ERC-20 coin is incredibly easy; theyā€™d be foolish not to add it IMO. Theyā€™re a business.


When I was growing up, my dad told me, "Son, MY father told me to get into plastics manufacturing and it's served me well. For you, the future will be owning the rights to tiny cartoon pictures of apes."


I can imagine the parents regretting trashing their kids comic books...


All the comics I saved from my youth ended up fairly worthless. Every now and then one or two spike in price when a new marvel movie comes out or something. However even the ones that are worth something now were pretty expensive back then. Also I likely would have paperhanded them anyways. My other paper hand expierence was trading a massive collection of Magic the Gathering cards for what was at the time a gaming PC. Don't even have that PC anymore and it would be all but worthless now even if I did. Learned my lesson though hence why I have hands made of diamonds now of days.


Funny enough, I actually have a massive comic collection...~20,000 books. Fortunately my parents didn't throw mine out when I was at college.


Yes it actually looks like it is 7:30 from a comic book lol.


So, this means I should buy some APE then? Thatā€™s how this works, right?


Basically yes. To Fillory and Further šŸš€


I bought some before I went to sleep for 8.20 a piece. Woke up 11.50. Added a stop-loss at 9.20. let's see where this goes. Volume is insane. When both Shiba and Doge managed to crack top 10. This also will and I'll take profits and put into other long term projects


Congrats dude. It's 15 ish now


I'm up 20% on jasmy after seeing a popular post trashing it This is also why I'm still holding LRC, this sub is like the Jim Cramer of crypto


They are very much smart and professional so let's see what they are going to do.


I hope you did. It hit 18 overnight


Clearly a pyramid scheme ![gif](giphy|PbzwVUojP4d8RcRgK0|downsized)


It's not a pyramid scheme... it's mutli-level marketing. The APE guys are [way too ripped and chill for that pyramid nonsense.](https://youtu.be/hIMwYpQYgqM?t=147)


Not a Pyramid Scheme its a circle with corners.


Or a jerk off circle:D




80%+ of NFTs are ponzi schemes


Iā€™d say 95%






If you have to ask, the answer is yes




Watch the bored ape nft owners run a bluff by holding a little longer than expected




But buying and holding bitcoin for years is boring. I want my millions right now!


And that's why the devil invented trading with leverage.


Another way to lose money quicker.


Ape shitcoin or leverage btc.... my my casino questions


Why only take one apple when you have two hands?


Some trade with 1:100 leverage. Imagine 1% wrong move to wipe you out lol


like the 5% movements of the last weeks, getting on the wrong side of the equation and you're 500% in debt


Yeah but they wonā€™t just throw the bag in


No you're not


It looks like it is a great invention for humankind.


> And that's why the devil invented trading with leverage damn right! only a devious mind could have come up with that shit


I refuse to ever trade with coins I donā€™t own. Because if I did that, Iā€™d very quickly have no coins to own.


All in APE.


APEs Rugging APEs, some Apes are sure smarter than the others


The goal now is to get a coin that isn't on coinbase...then sell it immediately when they list it.




Lol samesies


because you wrote this, APE is going to $100 in a week


Shit I hope so


Usually thatā€™s what happens after this sub shit on something


That is going to happen in the future then I am in it for sure.


I know right even I wish that if I could make that much in one week.


I guarantee it.


Unfortunately, most shitcoins are about making the founders rich.


Sucks that it seems so easy and theyā€™ll likely never get punished for it.


Have we left the dogs and now doing APE shitcoin


Looks like it. Kinda bummed weā€™re skipping cats :/


For now




$PUSSY gonna make us lambo stacks


Yep. Life is unfair like that.


EOS paved the way. $4 billion for a bunch of shit. Then Tron, with shameless copy pasting, and verge with monumental hype, a poor code base and now follow through. Now with BSC itā€™s copy and go. What a fucking disaster.


Thing is is pretty much everything is about making the founders rich. Otherwise they wouldnā€™t have founded the company


They are very much so that the company is going to make huge profit.


The entire crypto economy is about getting founders and early adopters rich, youā€™re all just finding this out now. When you read tech updates in an etherium sub, all the comments are about how they are ā€œgoing all in!ā€, USD prices, and speculation discussions- nothing is about banking or applicationsā€¦ figure it out guys Lmao


Also if it was about the applications, no one would want a thousand different coins.


And we are here commenting on this, with no money.


So you are saying that we should make our own shitcoin?


​ ![gif](giphy|ydGSFUY1YThi7hRnGs|downsized)


Most of the time it is like that only the get rugged left and right.


At this point, it's fucking insane - the shitcoin game is changed. Back when I was into shitcoins, it was so easy. You chose between shit like SAFEMOON, or SHIB.. worthless at the time, but in the bull market were popping off every week. Like playing roulette. Nowadays, they have so many scams like migration scams where you have MILLIONS in your wallet but no way to cash out, and if you migrate to the v2 its worth nothing but you can cash out. The scams are way more advanced now. I made like 10k on SHIB, a few hundred on the SAFE coins, and lost 900$ on KISHU, another 500 on MIC. So I came out way ahead. I then lost the 11k I made playing with 20x futures in one trade because I didn't understand anything. People just pour money into crypto using high leverage and shitcoins and lose everything. Nowadays, I don't buy shitcoins ever, I don't use any crazy leverage. I am blown away people are still doing this game. I'm part of a telegram group chat that pitches shit coins, just so I can see - literally EVERY SINGLE POST is somebody saying "yeah the last one rug pulled or had a contract problem, but check out THIS ONE!" A week or so later, rinse and repeat. It's kinda sad that people are pieces of shit and create these coins to rip off stupid people. Aim for low risk, conservative, strategies that profit like 1% a day. That's all you need to become a millionaire in a few years.


Scammers could just outright put *"This is a scam, we got nothing to offer and gonna pull the rug when you least expect it and you'll probably be one of those that is left with the bags"* in the litepaper and people would still buy.


I think they do it so they can have something to complain about.


They put "Bored Apes" on the whitepaper, which comes pretty close to meaning the exact same thing.


People bought $SCAM coin too.


Why is that unfortunate? It's the same reason I'm into shit coins - to get rich.


Lol. Most coins are about making the foinders rich.


**99% of the projects areā€¦**


Honestly, if you sell your fucking car to buy an ape jpeg, you deserve to get fucked


What if someone sold an ape jpeg to buy multiple cars?


According to sub rule #42 "do always the opposite of what the sub recommends" - I should really consider to buy some APE šŸ˜Ž


100% lol this sub is just a bunch of losers like OP who are so salty their low cap shitcoin they picked out from crypto moonshot didnt moon, but some other coin or jpeg did Rename this place to r/CryptoTearsOfSalt lmao


So many regular people minted BAYCs and diamond hands now getting a nice payday, OP is just salty


I got into crypto to not have to worry about money. Now that I have 0 money, I have nothing to worry about


This guy cryptos.


Isnā€™t this the point of 95%+ of all cryptocurrencies?


Thatā€™s what I said in another comment. Itā€™s insane how much value we humans can attach to things.


Even many of the ones with valid use cases are intended to make their founders rich - but at least those ones offer something to the community


There is no greater question in my mind than which coins have valid use cases and longevity, lol. One of the reasons every time people call out the BTC community for being toxic I ask myself, "Yeah, but what if they're right...?"


**Only Bitcoin doesn't have a CEO interested in be rich anymore!**


Indeed, that why it should be in everyoneā€™s portfolio and - arguably - their biggest bag


True true BTC will always have a symbolic position in my portfolio Even if it went to $0


More like 99.9%. At least some actually do it for the tech.


**At least**


Right imagine if all the money wasted going into the pockets of scammers went into legit projects how well those coins might be doing, incentivizing projects that do or will eventually have use cases to benefit society. But no instead we have ape nfts and meme coins


Earlier today I bought some at 6.25$ on uniswap and 2 hours later dumped it on binance for 15$. Iā€™m quite satisfied not gonna lie.


Why would you wanna own any APE token while BAYC is only relevant for the rich people. Without an NFT you will never be worth anything in that community, so only people who own those NFTs will have a reason to buy APE tokens to do something in their ecosystem, which are exactly 10,000 people (maybe a few ten thousand people if you include other NFT projects). The price of the token will drop even further in the next few weeks


People want to try and be part of something or thinking they can contribute to fit in. In this case it's probably going to result with them all being part of people losing a tonne of money.


Hey that's still a part of something




The value of the coin was sort of baked into the NFTs.. the floors of the BAYC "family" (BAYC, MAYC, and BAKC) all fell pretty much by the relative values of the tokens airdropped per each NFT.


Yes, they all fell to prices from 2 days ago šŸ˜‚


People will blindly jump into anything and when they lose money they will blame crypto.


It will be bought by all the followers of the people that own BAYC NFTs, because they want to feel like part of something, even if it has no real value or use


Because none of that shit makes any sense


It's astonishing how stupid some of you people are. And before I go on with my post, I will note I don't particularly believe in the long term value of APE, but that you actually think the point of APE is only for the owners of BAYC is hilarious. It's the token of the ecosystem they are building. This includes MAYC as well as BAKC, which together is thousands more holders. They intend to launch multiple games that incorporate APE. There is rumors they plan to get into "metaverse" shit too but the founder did seem to suggest maybe they actually aren't doing that, dunno yet. APE might go to zero, who knows. But it's honestly a more legitimate investment than plenty of the other coins with these levels of market cap. OP comparing it to Safemoon is a joke.


Funniest part to me is that a bunch of shitcoining dumbasses are using the same arguments people used against crypto 5 years ago.


Actually made all ape holders rich. A lot of jealous people In here that prob still donā€™t understand NFTs


Someone lost $266k https://twitter.com/Blockanalia/status/1504445653392445445


Hard to blame anyone but themselves for that, everyone knows coins with low liquidity will have massive price fluctuations early on.


I literally just got a notification from coinbase that APE is listed and immediately went and bought. Thanks for telling me it will fail here so I know to buy!


bought it last night at 8 bucks. now 19 a pop. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s funny that thereā€™s so much shit happening but then itā€™s Ripple with the lawsuit and by funny I mean sad


I can't believe it was listed in coinbase after 1 day of existence


3.5 hours. It went live at 0830 est.




I bought a different ape coin and so now I'm just hoping it pumps for me to exit lol I prayed to harambe so chances are good I think.


just don't buy it




Soo basically your saying I should buy some APE?


Iā€™m not even an ape holder but how is this a scam? The founders have delivered on all of their promises and continue to do so. This sub is a joke. Just 6 months ago, this sub was a loop ring shilling circlejerk lmao


It is going to take more than 6 months because last time it happened it really took long.




I agree on your analysis all the points are really valid.


Whenever i see posts like this I buy. I'm up 500 so far on this one, lol.


When I first bought my ape last year, I would not have considered myself ā€œrichā€. I was buying as much crypto as I could afford, and experimenting with DeFi, while being a little NFT curious. I found out about the Bored Ape Yacht Club in June of last year and bought one to diversify into NFTs. And because I didnā€™t sell it (as tempting as it has been on multiple occasions), I can now claim 10 thousand ape tokens. Personally I view my experience as the first time in my life where I got in before the VCā€™s. Every other time in my life I had to wait for an IPO to invest in anything, fighting for scraps with the rest of us after the opening bell. But this time, I have discovered I am a normal crypto enthusiast who got in before the VCā€™s. Meanwhile, I go on Reddit and the first story I read is a rant about how weā€™re opportunists, and something to do with Safemoon. Also, you conveniently forgot to mention the 10,000,000 tokens to be donated to the Jane Goodall Legacy Foundation (Initial lock-up 12 months, then 277,777.78 tokens unlocked per month for 36 months). Thatā€™s pretty great if you ask me. The bored ape yacht club has been an amazing part of my crypto journey, and the founders have underpromised and over delivered at every announcement. I feel they deserve an 8% allocation at the very least, they have done so much and have done it well. Thanks for reading.




Congratulations. I know some normal people that weren't rich before bayc. This sub is so salty lol


How much did the ape cost? Like, the original price


0.08 ETH for those who minted, but I arrived late, I paid 1.39 ETH.


God damn. Congrats


I know right even I was very much surprised after knowing the truth behind it to be honest.


This was a really good analysis thank you for providing it here.


Good for you man. Your story is easily more common than "rich entitled celebrities". More often than not many people had their lives transformed as a result of BAYC, including the founders and artist. People like OP put everyone down around them who does better than them in any capacity when the reality is, nothing stopped them from buying an ape in June. Nothing stops OP from being successful in crypto except OP's own shitty attitude. Shitty people with shitty attitudes don't get anything in this world.


Why is this whole sub down on ape? This is weird. Itā€™s a token for one of the two blue chip NFT collections, at a time when NFTs are in their absolute nascency. You guys are idiots.


lol, this! At least try to understand what theyā€™re trying to do, because whether you like it or not, NFTs look like theyā€™re here to stay..


message unclear, went all in on ape coin


It may be a rug pull but itā€™s still an opportunity to make profits just donā€™t be greedy


I love owning apes and coming to Reddit to watch the cope haha not everyoneā€™s a rich asshole that owns one. Some (like me) paid attention while you guys were hating. Theyā€™ve had a roadmap out for 7 months now with a break down of everything theyā€™re doing you geniuses just thought it was a Jpeg, watch what we do next haha. I wonā€™t bore you big brained ppl with how youā€™re completely wrong and how the coin has more use case than most of what you guys hold but instead Iā€™ll just say good luck to everyone with a closed mind. You had the opportunity and missed it.


Nah this sub is 90% crypto boomers living a couple years in the past, but I do fkn love reading the comments from time to time. Those who adapt first reap the most benefits, while half of this sub thinks NANO is good tech. Also a good indicator of the general sentiment - you just do the opposite of what you read here.


Itā€™s over $11 now, crashed where?




Most of the people just do that I don't really understand why.


1. You have no idea what theyā€™re planning 2. They got listed on Coinbase, Binance, FTX, Gemini etc. instantly, that is a lot of pull and plenty to bet on. 3. the same people saying this token is useless donā€™t buy weā€™re probably like me and thought the same of BAYC NFTS when they were 3eth 4. Comparisions to safemoon are dumb af, safemoon was a literally shitcoin that got pumped beyond what founders thought possible by marketing which they have been scrambling ever since to justify. Iā€™m not saying to buy or not to buy, I havenā€™t. Just more uninformed takes from envious people.




Agreed. Coinbase, FTX and Binance listing the coin at inception is clearly frustrating. Congrats to the BAYC community who were able to claim and instantly sell. They can easily buy back with 1/4th of the cost and just ride it out.


Whatā€™s the benefit of being in the BAYC? Membership gets you exclusives? Is the network really that exclusive or is it just another way to connect with tech bros in NYC/SF/Miami/Austin?


I sold at $38




Its incredible that you dont see the irony and then you go and buy other shitcoins


It just keeps pumping tho






Just made 40% buying at 8.50 and selling at 12 quit crying and go make some money


I just making money is very hard even in this type of moment.


I'm not saying OP is wrong, but I bought 50 coins at 8 bucks a couple of hours ago and just sold them at nearly 12 bucks. Quick 200 bucks over a couple of hours, and I'm thinking I'll be able to do this a few more times. BAYC may be filled with celebrities and marketing experts trying to get richer, but they also take their brand very seriously and are trying to be one of the biggest names in blockchain art/finances.


I'm on the other side of this, and all I want to say is Cope harder. Cue downvotes from the HFSP gang.


When did it crash? It has been pretty stable so far


The scam awareness around crypto needs to be turned up like another 10 trillion percent. The same people that get scammed now are the ones that cry about how bad crypto is later.




lol for real


Haha was just coming to say this. No pun intended


whatever... I'm not making 660% revenues, but I'm still going up with GMT, got 20% of that 40% rise today. And it's still lookin like it will UP more.


But canā€™t people just sell and buy when itā€™s good time to sell ?


If you tried to catch the rapidly growing money tree and got a ruptured a us in the process, you really cannot blame anyone else. Nfts do have value, even as personal unique avators but, the nft thing was true greed from every angle by all involved. Nfts not generated on ethereum are cheap to make, the possibilties are endless, but the value associated with them should be the value of the asset they hold such as a ticket for a concert. Cheap ass jpg or gifts that are not that. I'm not hating on current nfts ether, many people with zero money turned shit into gold and became rich. The only ones annoyed are the ones that feel they missed out. Cryptocurrencies allows any human to create and market a tradable currency, nfts allow any human to turn any conceivable thing into a pot of gold. Artists can actually use the nft market to sell real art, no middle men, and charge what they want, also I can make 'art' and sell it with no middle men, there is a good chance some idiot will buy my crap copied masterpiece for Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£. The decline is happening but have respect for actual artists who are trying to innovate in the scene and monetise it. Actual artists probably have a hard time reaching many of their customers due to the nature of their work.


Can you explain this to me in bananas?


I'm in it for profits. I missed on both Shiba and Doge. I see no reason why APE couldnt do exactly the same. Take a trip within the top 10 market cap. ​ I'm buying some Apes. FOMO is real.


Ride the wave, but be smart to leave on time.


I was like WTF when CDC, Coinbase, Pionex listed this "S" coin. It came from nowhere. Good projects out there and can't be listed yet.


And like every big exchange listed it at the same time. Pure hype and FOMO with only 1/4 of tokens in circulation. I am happy for all who make profits and donā€™t underestimate a hyped token. I think it will go higher to some point but better be careful and donā€™t get too greedy. There are some really delusional price predictions going round and we have seen this more than once yet.


This launch is just like when ICP launched. Founders/owner money grab with exchanges paid off in order to turn a bind eye.


you bought a monkey picture and it was a scam? aaaw. who could imagine that?


BAYC holders got an 80k+ airdrop today and this guy is here to let you know they actually got scammed.