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4 years ago: "Bitcoin is a vehicle for fraudsters", warns Goldman Sachs boss Look at the real fraudsters joining the game now.


Bitcoin is for fraudsters. ✅ Bankers are fraudsters.✅ Bitcoin is for bankers.✅ It’s all checked and verified . Why are you mad?


Goldman Sachs will stick their dick in anything that makes them money and they can get away with. They see an opportunity here and they’re going with it. It’s bullish yes but let’s not kid ourselves. These people are scum.


I would also happily stick my dick in things for money


Who wouldn't?


Price gonna be heavy manipulated


"Gonna be"?


EVEN heavier


Lol right where the hell have they bee.


>They see an opportunity here and they’re going with it. >It’s bullish yes but let’s not kid ourselves. These people are scum. I think most people here, are also in it for the money.


I was here for the money at first, but now I'm here for the tech because I can't make money.


A memorable phrase from Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone a minute or three back: The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money. In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.


jp morgan and goldman sachs have been researching and developing blockchain/crypto before eth was even a thing...look it up. vitalik along with all the crypto OG's attended jp morgan hosted blockchain meetings and events before 99.999% of the moonboys here even knew what crypto was. the reason "retail" is dumb money is because they actually believe what comes out of those ceo's mouths. it is now abundantly clear that while those bank ceo's have been shitting on crypto the last 8 yrs, they've been accumulating quietly all along and are just now openly supporting it because they already secured a big enough bag. those guys are not "just joining the game" , they've been ahead of the curve for years and just been deceiving retail into thinking they're "early"


I wish I had an award to give your comment to increase its visibility in this conversation. You are absolutely right. About all of it. The whales have been quietly watching for some time now. As soon as they noticed the public at large showing confidence behind crypto, did they show their hand. I just hope the technology is robust enough to keep it truly decentralized. If they acquire too much, they could easily floor the price, causing everyone else to leave the market, and when the smoke clears, they would own even more. The tried and true tactics of consolidation and manipulation by the market makers will always apply.


Yeah agree, game name is pump and dump. It always has been and will be in the end. Stock market are the same, crypto is even easier to them, its like taking candy from children. Hodl is not always option, but is easiest, u just need to have diciplin to keep 1-2years and sell high. Not many can do this. Looks like when BTC is x2 its always time to sell all and buy in back when its -40% or more. Not easy i know 😅🍻


This. HODL is not a meme.


Retail right now is still early, but they are foolish to think that these companies weren't involved long ago


This - they've been stacking up their parachutes for the time they burn fiat to the ground. DeFi, centralised by their overwhelming weight. And by the way, i bloody hope I'm wrong, as this bunch are utter criminals


Afaik they have been always praising blockchain and not BTC They have been developing their own private blockchains and doing some POCs with Ripple, Corda and such I don't think they were accumulating prior to this bull run And if they were deceiving 'dumb' retail that we are early kudos to them. Retail could have bought ETH below $150 two years ago. Poor them


if that's true, then we can look it up :) they should know the information its all available to the correct sleuth.. because this is not place to be if your a fraudster :) this is a BLOCKCHAIN environment... it tells a tale. edit words.


They are not joining the game. They see the game is awesome but they are not making money off of it. So they are making their own game and will subsequently squash what we know and love. You will have nothing and you will be happy.


Yep, while this is bullish, it’s only so for the short term. In the long run, we could do without their fraud ways and market manipulation but alas that’s the nature of crypto, it’s a free for all frenzy.


Crypto has plenty of fraud and market manipulation on its own just fine without any banks lol


TRUTH. I was hoping they'd stay out a little longer.


Damn man why you have to be right? Let us have a little hopium to start the day.


People, institutions, and everyone and their grandmothers should be able to change their opinion on something they thought negatively about. It’s so much better than seeing a perma contraction who just repeats the same old points over and over and over and over… I mean we all know GS as a whole is a shady organization, but this is exactly what adoption looks like. People / entities / government who didn’t think digital assets were worth anything are now getting on board. It’s about time!


Bit like how the head of ~~Black Rock~~ JPMorgan previously said they would fire any employee who traded crypto, whilst heavily investing in ETH. Edit: I got confused between those two paragons of virtue, JPMorgan and Blackrock.


That was JP Morgan


That guy probably still thinks that. Banks in general are not monolithic. In fact, its not unheard of for parts of the bank to sue other parts of the same bank.


They had to FUD to buy in at a discount


Insert Spiderman pointing at himself meme here lol. ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized)


This comment is the meme equivalent of writing RIP in peace


No one out-frauds the real fraudsters...


So does that confirm their initial statement?


Go post this anywhere but this sub and see the response you get. They did exactly what they wanted, made people think crypto is a scam long enough for them to accumulate, what I assume, is a massive stockpile.




What in the delusional. A large chunk of crypto holdings is in illicit markets, that’s a fact. Goldman Sachs was just reporting on facts. But at the same time it’s an investment vehicle as it is for many of the people in this sub, so no doubt Goldman Sachs has interest.


Oh, how the worm has turned. I wonder when they will drop the "Gold" from Goldman Sachs. Then they will just be a big bunch of shriveled up Man Sachs.


https://coinfomania.com/charles-schwab-sec-filing-for-crypto-economy-etf/ they sure are salivating and they = banks


They have invested trillions into crypto a few years ago. Jamie Dimon has since manipulated the crypto market twice. They are all balls deep in Bitcoin.


At least they're honest about it lol 🤣


They bought the dip as they said that to drop the price. Now that its ATH they can be public about their real plan


Goldman Sachs: from hating crypto to worshiping it. 2 years ago, they said bitcoin was not a real asset. Now, they smell the money. Someone make the reverse clown make up meme for them.


They would probably sell their first born if it was profitable for their business. No principles.


They have a consistent principle of making money. Just like most politicians, consistently promising and saying things that get them elected and then never delivering. We just should be better at calling their bullshit. These are the grown up versions of the kids that made shit up growing up to be cool or liked.


Yeah kids are where I draw the line. Selling my wife this week for some BTC. /s


You should stake her instead. /s




Well, you know how shitcoin value usually freefalls after reaching its first big ATH


Shit's in freefall mode.


Just got my first “rewards”. Can confirm.


Depends to who you sell your reward


market is very much not liquid, they are litterally vested for about 20 years. Worst investment ever.


And a dog.


But lending is ok, right? Cuz you’re gonna get them back after the leveraged position pays out, right?


Maybe I am Goldman Sachs


Well….. hold on now, how much is a first born going for?


I see you met Goldman Sachs before, no scruples


Seeing these crypto exchanges buying up arenas, Goldman want in on that easy revenue. There is a ton of money to be made on trading spreads and lending


It's a business they already know with major customer overlap. It's like tobacco companies dabbling in vape products.


Join them if you can't beat them.


**I bet they’re in it for the tech.** /s


Just like I am


They were accumulating the whole time and using their influence to help drive the market down. Now they are ready for the big push and big profits.


Almost like they are opportunists with no standards...


They have their bag already when before they didn’t yet. Now ready to pump it.


They created all that FUD to scare away the people so they can buy in cheap


They didn’t give a shit about it until they realized they could make money off it, which makes them just like 95% of the people in this subreddit. I’m not sure why people are being so sanctimonious about it, this is literally how the world works. The profit incentive is real.


They worship money in any shape or form.


I hate to be that guy but we really do need the banks and big institutions on board if we want to see any semblance of mass adoption.


It's like \*these\* rich asshats have realized that the dollar is about to go up in smoke and all their "riches" ain't worth shit... so they are moving it into crypto ASAP AF and trying to get middle class to come in to eat up all the fees, development and maintenance so they can keep all their money ready to cause panic in the crypto markets so they can accumulate all \*THAT\* fucking money too. The digital dollar is probably going to get fast tracked.


They are going to make your coins go to zero while they get rich. Prepare for the biggest fork ever.




Guess they just finished filling their bags


You're exaggerating massively bro. It's an article on their insights page, along with other articles on web3.0 and the metaverse etc. It's not a strategic change of direction focused on crypto.


Exactly. Did anyone read the article? At the very end, they even say: "After analyzing various valuation methodologies and applying our multi-factor strategic asset allocation model, we have concluded that cryptocurrencies are not a viable investment for our clients’ diversified portfolios." Now whether that's what they *truly* believe or not is a separate game of speculation.


I've been on /r/wallstreetbets long enough to know that is a clear buy signal. Bullish af on all crypto.


People here only read the headline.


>You're exaggerating massively bro. Welcome to any news on this sub lol


A 12 figure company doesn't just put some shit on the front page of their main site for shits and giggles. You're under-exaggerating massively.


I know we can criticize Goldman Sachs for saying it was for fraudsters, but honestly, 4 years ago, I thought the same thing. It’s okay to change your mind when you’re wrong. Plus, I’ll support anyone who helps my investments go up!


They aren't "changing their minds," they are publicly pivoting to reflect what they've been most likely been doing all along - fudding to keep retail interest low thus keep prices lower so they could accumulate. Now that the cat is out of the bag, they'll happily jump on and pretend like they haven't been working behind the scenes for years to secure strong positions in some of the major tokens. I have no proof to that assertion, just to be clear, but you gotta figure that they've played the finance game long enough to know how to win, and that's certainly a good strategy to do before regulations are introduced and/or retail fomos in.


Circle is owned by Goldman Sachs, and Circle bought Poloniex a few years ago, so yea GS has been in the game behind the scenes for quite some time.


> Plus, I’ll support anyone who helps my investments go up! They don’t want to support crypto, they want to manipulate it to make money off of it.


So like everyone else then


Yeah I wish I got into it and had the mindset I have no, back then.


Yeah I'd say the crypto sphere has changed dramatically since the first mainstream boom in 2017-2018. Also has grown exponentially.


Don't get me wrong, I'm all for those who change their mind after they've received more information. But those who say things for the sole purpose of manipulation and change their tune based on whatever suits their agenda best, fuck those people. I'm 100% certain that these fucks have been accumulating all these years while trying to spread as much FUD as they possibly could with all the influence they have, and now that their pockets are jacked, they're ready to pump their bags.


Welcome greedy fucks. Now who is going to tell them that Safemoon is a bullet proof x1000 type of investment?


I would be so happy if they heavily invested in safemoon. I would want to see that more than anything else now.




I'd rather tell them that reddit moons are going to x1000, then cash out after they pump it.


Yay an evil company is heavily into crypto! Fulfilling crypto’s true purpose of helping the rich get richer!


The real word of cautious here is that Goldman Sachs isn't doing this because they want to help people or the crypto community. They're doing it because they know people trade recklessly and they can make money from it hand over fist.


Bullshit. Did you really expect that crypto would make only the poor rich? Its a free market and the guys with the big bags can buy way more than you. And them doing so will skyrocket crypto. Why complain.




Shut up and multiply my $5!!


Oh watch out M. Whale


I'm with you, I'm here for the scraps too!


Goldman Sachs loves to manipulate ‘free markets.’ And I’m not a fan of crypto being used to fuel wealth inequality (or inequality in general).


I am not sure how crypto promotes equality. You need dollars to buy it. The already rich in dollars will be rich in crypto too.


Yeah, it's certainly not guaranteed. People who got into the right projects early can change their lives. But that's risky. And rich people can afford to take more risks ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|im_broke)


Yeah but people that got early into Apple and Microsoft can change their lives too.


They weren't supposed to figure it out. They lied to us when they said it was going to zero while starting to accumulate. They played us.


if you hate rich people so bad, why are you trying to become one?


I think you forgot to follow with “Curious” and a picture of yourself looking pensive.


So I can buy my nieces and nephews all the pokeyman cards




Exactly. Never forget who are those guys. They can go fuck themselves 24/7 for all I care


Cryptos purpose is decentralized finance. Entirely amoral and free of borders.


Bullish on wealth inequality? /s


I really hope the middle class will dissappear so we're just left with the ultra rich and the poor. /s


I volunteer as tribute!


Hi there, CEO of Goldman Sachs ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


This is literally the CEO of Goldman Sachs who is playing lalapalooza. That's not a joke.


Already happening.


At least they will pump the bags of the nerds who got in early..


>Fulfilling crypto’s true purpose of helping the rich get richer! crypto's goal has never been about resorbing wealth inequality




Isn't that the point? We hold non-inflationary assets in the hopes other people buy up a lot of them in the future, driving prices up.


Would care to link the source, OP?


Sorry! Just edited the post to add the source


Thanks, OP




Center stage, top fold, holy moly!


>Goldman Sachs Its Cryptoman Sachs now


Goldman *Stachs*


Hey-oh! 😂


Nah... Goldman Sats


Crazy, Crypto is like written with big letters on the freaking front page of GS, not somewhere on page 327 in some market analysis. And they said crypto is fraud a few years ago, lol. And be sure they have filled their bags before doing something like this. If they have done it so have other similar institutions. That would explain the current accumulation phase/bear market. They are f\*\*\*ing filling their bags and they don't buy at ATH like Joe next door.


This will not be your father's crypto. This will be CBDC. The opposite of Defi.


I'm pretty sure most people are here because of cash, not cause of the techs potential to strengthen their freedom.


A bit presumptuous. I’d say it’s a mix of the two. I came for the cash, I stayed for the tech and the cash. I’m sure there are many like me.


What can one honestly say to that?


Why not both?


Sorry but we only love DeFi


Fuck Goldman Sachs and anyone who sucks their dick about this


More money coming into the crypto market will help us people that are already invested.


Exactly. Sure the returns will be a little lower but it's gonna be considerably better than whatever the stock market gives you. Stock bros really are like, "Compound interest is the shit bro. Invest every year and you'll be a millionaire by the time you're 90 and can't wipe your ass straight"


We were early!


Inb4 institutional takeover......feels good 😌


I strongly dislike GS, especially with their involvement in the global financial crisis. But you can't deny they know how to get stuff done and I'm sure they'll help drive adoption


Thing is why are they suddenly interested into a massive adoption, I wish theres nothing shady behind lol


They are getting fucked by the Stock market and need a new way to scam people


Man I have some news for you. Crypto moves exactly like the stock market.


They are also expert in buying shaddy stuff lol. Though it's gonna be a shit show with politicians still framing crypto as "bad for the banking system". I am sure the next few years will be a succession of hilarious decisions.


Fuck banks!!! But I love Crypto ❤ I'm so confused right now!


I'm confused too but I gonna take it


We can be confused together.... start a group.


*smoke coming out from my head*


A big bank pumping money into crypto? Me: insert the ** gif




I hope you all have filled your bags, cause the big money is starting to pour in. If this keeps going, in 5-10 years profits could be huge.


Was Bitcoin supposed to put these cunts out of business?


I heard Bear Stearns and AIG are making some big pushes into the cryptosphere this year. It's not too late to get a tranche of mortgage backed securities or collateralized debt obligations on Decentraland and Sandbox properties. /s




**Everyone here**: “Fuck big banks!” *Goldman Sachs supports crypto adoption* **Everyone here**: “Fuck yeah! Right on Goldman Sachs!”


I call that progressive insight. Or might it be, that they finally noticed they can make a shitload of money with it.


Lol they fucked around and found out on the stock exchange, being investigated by the DOJ and leveraged so bad that they are gonna be fucked? So of course they go into crypto 😂🤡 bunch of clowns


I love watching these big banks try to play catch-up on crypto…


I'm trying to play catch-up on crypto.


Yep, what a change to a few years back when they laughed at the crypto space. They’re all thinking “if we can’t beat ‘em, join em”


well, all they need is to start investing in it. Not gonna be difficult to catch-up.


Mixed sentiments over this: - Good for mass adoption, more money entering the market. - Bad for the nature of crypto that institutions are getting in the space


Crypto is for everyone. We knew that one day the big guys would come.


Fuck these people. They got crypto wrong for so many years, but now we're supposed to trust them? Lol, no thanks


I guess this is the cycle where you can't deny the crypto is inevitable.


Oh don’t you worry, people will change their tune once the bear hits again.


Future looks golden


Future also looks shiny ✨


Seems logical, banks will have to do it sooner or later




Wow! We wanted adoption...we got it...for better or worse...for rich or poor....hopefully this moves the poor to rich and not just the rich to richer!!!


Catchy title OP, but it's true.


Wow, did not expect that. Not on their home page. Goldman garry must be so proud


From their report on crypto: >> After analyzing various valuation methodologies and applying our multi-factor strategic asset allocation model, we have concluded that cryptocurrencies are not a viable investment for our clients’ diversified portfolios. Bullish.


Sweet now they can ruin crypto too


Thanks fam. Was waiting to pull the trigger and did just now


That means that crypto can make money for the people who caused the financial crisis. This is the death throws of crypto.


Goldman Sachs told.doctors that cures aren't profitable, I hope every person at the top gets permanent diarrhea


They talk about the Metaverse too..is that even real ?


If this isn’t a bullish move, I don’t what one is. Getting the word out to the masses


Bad news, GS is the scum of all scums. They will figure out a way to take crypto by force using crime. Fuck em


Fuck 'em they're not needed, these are the scumbags that will do the most at holding crypto back, as they're the ones that will have their lobbyists tailor future crypto regulation benefiting them.


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, ...and then they buy bitcoin."


I work on websites and I like this one; it's simple, clean, and well-spaced. It's so tough to get these types of sites approved by clients.


Buy now. Get set for life


You are familiar with Goldman Sachs, right?


I hope they buy a whooooole lot of DOT.


This is rather impressive. Especially considering that this is from Goldman Sachs. I still remember when they called it a fraud last time around. I guess the remittance transfer worked well for them. If the articles are any indicators, it's sign that they are now ready to sell.


Having BTC sold at the Coinstar machines in Safeway and Walmart are pretty bullish too. They have been there for months already. Taking it to the common man (while taking a huge fee BTW). Goldman is making it easier for the bigger investor. The more places crypto is available, the more bullish it is. I love it when the banks have to eat their words.


If you can't beat it, join it


They are moving to a more forward thinking bank so that they are able to stay ahead of the competition


The future looks bright but I hope such institutions will not manipulate the price of BTC , I rather buy my tokens on decentralized exchange with no fees like Kaddex or Quickswap than with Goldman Sachs.


Goldman sachs and JP morgan aren’t friends of crypto. They are a bunch of white collar criminals and scumbags that caused the recession of 2008 and the housing bubble crash. If they get their dirty hands on crypto they will pump and dump it into oblivion. Not bullish. Frightening. F Goldman sachs.