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Probably a scam.


I am able to withdraw money from linuscoin app. I had same question too. I tried searching for it if it is legit. Ended up no where. Scary to read some post about crypto scams. The domains is registered for a year. That gives a sign of scam, but on other hand app and yahoo news seems to be legit. Again the crypto trading from others from the group makes me think if are all part of same group and trying to hype? I don’t know.


try withdrawing bigger amounts...that is when the scam (if it is) is seen. Some exchanges, ask you to pay 10% of withdrawal amount as fees. That's a red flag.


I don’t want to risk investing huge amount and risk it ;)


Are you in a what’s app group?


Yes I am.


I've been able to withdraw like 15k and have put nothing in


How did you pull your money out? Did you transfer your coins to a different exchange like coinbase and then pulled your money out? My guess is maybe they’re just a small exchange still trying to get traction, as I’m sure they take a small cut from every transaction just like all free exchanges do. But would like to see a little more info on them. 


Through Coinbase. They charge 8 USDT for withdrawal


I’m in the app myself


Lol this is just bait to get people to use the exchange, under the guise of asking a question.


...I am the op. I don't want to lose $$.just wanted the wisdom of the group. Read post again..I do say it's "weird..."..think an influencer would write this..? sheesh...


Are you the OP?


read the handle name !


Not true


Update I cashed out all my bread I recommend doing the same 🫡 thanks Mr.Roberts for the free bands




How much have you cashed out?


Personally like 20k


If you have to ask... Common Sense vs Greed. And the winner is?


Also, if you look at their ratings on the App Store, you will see they were all created by a Chinese bot… They don’t even make any sense what the bots wrote. This is definitely a very elaborate scam. Looks to me like people are just playing a video game, thinking their trading coins. They will keep paying out here and there for a few months then once they’ve collected millions of dollars into their so cold exchange “poof”everything will disappear. The app will disappear and a bunch of suckers will be out millions of dollars..


https://medium.com/@kaher70927/linuscoin-co-review-unveiling-the-scam-behind-the-facade-2d93757159fb First post I've seen about it


Im in the group. When u joined they gave me $138 bucks from the “Linus Rep”. They keep wanting to get me to $30k, i did buy the most recent token on 6/21 and my account boosted to $25k, i pulled out $1500 into my coinbase with no issues. I then transferred from CB straight to my bank account with no issues. This is the second time i withdraw. Im not adding my personal dollars. There are a few people from the group that will message me on the side with questions or suggestions. Look up Carl Roberts he’s supposedly the same Carl Roberts that is associated with Skyline investments….however of course we have no way of knowing its really him. Scam on a 1-10? 9.99%, make what you can, pull it out and run!


I’ve taken out a decent amount only have amount in there I’m willing to lose


Another thing dont wire in from your bank and don’t add your bank info. Only transfer through btc or eth. Eth has cheaper fee






I have this same question. I can’t find any info about the exchange anywhere else. Please update us if you find out anything else. 


I’m in the same situation. My wife has been trading these coins that I’ve never heard of before. With Linuscoin It has to be a scam. I’ve tried to research this exchange, but can’t find anything on the Internet about it. My wife has been trading with them for about a month now. They gave her some free money for signing up. About $ 300 almost every day they release a new coin. It always goes up, and my wife doubles her money. She’s turned the 300. They gave her into about 3000 now. I told her to try to pull some money out. She pulled out 500 last week and another 500 this week so far so good. I guess as long as she’s able to keep pulling money out, I will let her play along.


How did she verify and get her money out? You are suppose to upload some ID and a bank account number?


Yes, she had to do KYC I wasn’t happy about that and the money that she withdrew was BTC Cashapp


Due to that kyc is why I haven’t been able to withdraw, but without it wont even let close positions…


Is Carl Robert’s your groups leader? 😂I’ve been using Linus as well and in a WhatsApp group called L306 Carls investment alliance… YES it’s a scam, I knew it going into it like all investment groups on WhatsApp or that have FB ads. What I’ve been doing since February this year is joining these groups making some money quickly then bouncing before they screw me because trust me they will. I’ve made over 15k since middle of February scamming scammers 😂. There are some coins that Linus has that other exchanges (major ones) have as well like btc, eth, ethfi, Omni, and maybe a few others, maybe that’s to give it the image of legitimacy…, idk tbh if these guys are legit and just getting off the ground within the last few yrs or if they are a complete and total scam but I treat them all as a scam just to be safe. I find it really difficult to believe there’s people out there who really want to teach others how to make money for free 😂


I am in this group. I have been wondering if they are all bots like there is no way people are making this kindof money


I’m in one of the groups too! So far I’ve pulled 15k out and am “playing” with those profits. I can’t fathom risking more and then being notified that it’s a scam. That would suck. The profits everyone on there is ‘making’ is nuts - but also at the same time I keep wondering, why would people post their profits?!?! Like….”let me show the whole world how much money I have in my account.!!!” Who does that????


I'm in a few of them too. Once in a great while they push a stock.   I stay on robinhood and try to follow.   Either they are all bots or really stupid. People taking loans 401ks and refi ng  there homes.   I've been watching for about a month.  Everyone should be millionaires by now


Did you put money into it? Or did you turn their gift money they give in the beginning into 15k?


Not the person you asked the question too but in the same boat as him. I made two accounts and got like $500 in sign up bonuses and proceeded to grow that roughly into 20k maybe a bit more. I have withdrawn all but like 3000. This shit is beyond wild.


I’d like to add that I’ve checked their MSB registration information and it checks out and seems legit since it’s verifiable. But I also know registering for a business doesn’t always mean that business is legit and following the laws. Now when I search up Carl Roberts in the broker database I can’t find him or any information on the so called skyline alliance. Weird too that every link for “contact us” on his firms site and Linus’s site are dead links.


😂😂 yah I’m in one as well same Carl roberts lol


Lmaoo me too. Im in the carls investment circle groupD15. Shit I dont know man. They making bank in there.


Update my friend hit big on ico we were able to pull out large amount of money still all very sus


its working so far got my investment out made around 1k profit. ill keep you guys in the loop








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Yes I am i the group with Carl Roberts as well. I researched everything and found nothing but the one article. For the amount of money they claim to be trading the app lacks security and is very limited. Also website is down and no customer service available except on Whats app. I have made about $2k and withdrew funds and made some money trading as well but it definitely feels like a scam


I am as well it’s definitely scam vibes but I’m making money pulled out my original investment


I am in one of his groups as well. I am trying to pull out the money i put in (not much like 500) but it seems to be taking way too long. Wonder if I just waited too long. Now worried that they have access to all my accounts.


Any luck? pulled out like 15k atleast from just a sign up bonus shit is being wild, but it seems to have slowed down a lot with their "VIP plan" and needing 30k balance to get many tokens.


Yes! I was able to get out the 3k i made plus the 500 i put in. I did notoce the icos were dwindling.


Yeah I got in kinda early I guess and I got a sign up bonus from me and my brothers account and it's insane how quickly It "grew to like 20k) Has me in shambles ngl


Wow..thats nuts. I only got in in april and sign uo was like 150. I feel like an idiot but they are clever. Thank god my bank called me and questioned me and told me the business was established in january. They have tapered the icos way down and i got multiple offers for subscription tokens that was way more than i had in the account. First for 199k then 125k then 50k and last was 17k which i was thinking...i can add that! On the day it was to go in, my bank called and blocked the wire. I went in to remove my money and the subscription changed to 8k. And next ico was to be listed on june 25. So spacing out and advising vip....pushing vip.


Yeah would definitely not leave much money in idk.. seems suspect


I’m in that group too. Definitely shady. I took the 230 Linus gave me and have made about 1,000. They keep trying to get people to put more on to obtain the miraculously obtained subscription coins. So far it’s worked and I’ve been able to pull ETH out into Robinhood. Don’t put any real money in. They never do their token market maker plans on tokens that can be found on trading view etc. I can’t find any record anywhere else of the tokens they pump and dump. Tkci, hzg etc. The skyline alliance is clearly not real. The bios of their “risk managers” are real people but their real linked in bios never mention skyline.


I've been using it, so far its working for me I put in 7k and pull it out 13k . It might be an scam, I just gonna keep investing with the profit I already made


I’m going to start small, with $200. Hate losing any money specially these day. Fuck it Carl Robert’s quick and out. That’s the strategy. Use the profits and keep moving forward. Want to try a buying group. Got to start somewhere. Will send a post how I do.


You’ll notice as well that when you have USDT in your Linus account it doesn’t fluctuate like USDT would in let’s say Coinbase or any other “legit” crypto platform…


It’s a scam. This trading competition they are in is bullshit, try googling some of their names. Whatever API the app uses is cheap. Without becoming too pretentious, I’ll just say this. If you had to create a subreddit, your intuition is probably right. I was in that WhatsApp group when it was about stocks and as soon as they recommended an app that had one review I was out. It’s not likely a customer service rep from the app would be added to the WhatsApp group. I’m assuming there would be a few groups. The one I was in the dudes name was Carl Roberts. Anyway opinions are like assholes… Also every ICO they’ve offered doesn’t exist on COINGECKO


Some ICOs they’ve offered actually are on CoinGecko. Omni, ENA, and EthFi being a few. Im not at all stating that because some are legit tokens/coins they are a legit exchange though…so don’t confuse my comment.


I have pulled out like 15k atleast from just a sign up bonus shit is being wild, but it seems to have slowed down a lot with their "VIP plan" and needing 30k balance to get many tokens.


Ya my accounts profits slowed down a lot as well ever since they went to only letting 30k and up participate all week and under 30k only participate on weekends. I don’t leave my money in there, I tend to move it only for ICOs if I get subscription allocation, and the last 2 times I’ve been given subscription allocations they’ve been in the 10s to 150k that I’d need to buy them… ya that’s not about to happen… even if I had that much I sure as shit wouldn’t be adding it… 😂


Same for me...i got some at the beginning than none. Then bamn....199k to buy. Nope!! Lol


Ya they are insane thinking anyone’s gonna put that much into this shit 😂 oh well I think I’m done with Linus, taking my money and bouncing before they pull the plug and fuck everyone.


Yep...i pulled my remaining 60p tbat was tied to a placement when they release it last night. Deleted app after deleting my account and removing any connections. Left and blocked the group.


Yes it’s a scam


Am in Robert Carl group. It’s a big scam .. stay away from this group.


LinusCoin, you mean that April Fool's joke from Linus Tech Tips?


I would like to add a personal experience that happened to me. I just don’t want it to happen to anyone else. I was a member of an alliance that claimed it could raise crypto currencies values just by having members buy at the same exact time. It could guarantee 15 to 30 % profits. Well to make a long story short I invested $60,000 of my retirement savings into This platform I’ll call it Lin2us. I was able to raise it to $84,000 in 15 days. Then on the 16th day it suddenly disappeared. I was shocked I contacted everyone I could to try to see what happened to my funds. No one could give me any answers. I even contacted lawyers and they said they could not do anything because it’s not regulated. Well now I’m out $84,000 and my wife left me for using up our savings and I don’t have any recourse whatsoever.