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Love all of his shows


Agreed. Easy to watch.


He's solid. I've had the pleasure of meeting him and he's a very well-rounded archaeologist. He hams it up a bit for the shows as he's required to do, but when briefly discussing some fringe archaeological and cryptozoological ideas, he was very reasonably minded and agrees most of them aren't real, but he's there for the stories and wants to give them a fair chance. I know a lot of his shows get shit for never finding anything, but it's always felt more like "Okay cool, so we can definitely check that spot off the list" as far as the legends go. For example, in the Amelia Earhart episode he legitimately documents a downed plane in Papua New Guinea that had been speculated to be hers for years, and proved it was a Japanese fighter plane instead. As far as actual accomplishments go... He was present during the initial uncovering of an Ancient Egyptian high priest that was mummified over 2400 years ago: https://www.discovery.com/shows/expedition-unknown/articles/an-ancient-mummy-revealed-on-expedition-unknown--egypt-live (The unveiling was featured live) He was among the first present at a dig at El Mirador proving there was an enormous city there as early as 1000 BCE: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ancient-mesoamerica/article/lidar-analyses-in-the-contiguous-miradorcalakmul-karst-basin-guatemala-an-introduction-to-new-perspectives-on-regional-early-maya-socioeconomic-and-political-organization/31075DFA8ADBAA5E7C7320CA6DB93E5E# (LIDAR survey of the entire civilization)


And he found the long lost Ruby Slippers from the Wizard of Oz that were stolen from a museum.


Well technically he didn't ***find*** them. The last thing he did as a part of his show was to authenticate the photos that the police had from the people claiming to have them. That was it. The police contacted the people claiming to have them, the people tried extorting money for them, the police decided "Screw this, we're getting the FBI's help." much investigation and a raid later, they recovered the slippers (though the people managed to get away, that part of the investigation is still underway), and all the EU team did later was to go back to the owner of the slippers and reveal that they had been found and that he would finally get them back. And there's no way in hell that you'll ever convince me that it wasn't an inside job. The alarm on the exterior door was disabled, the inner door was unlocked AND the camera overlooking the slippers was not working? That's a huge fuck off coincidence there don'tcha think?


I met him at Dragoncon over a decade ago and asked if he ever found evidence of cryptids or aliens. He was very candid and said most of the time they don't find anything, but when they were in Kazakhstan they definitely saw strange lights in the sky he couldn't explain. That always stuck with me.


Yes, he is pretty legit as far as show hosts go. He could make a lot less as a professor or private-sector (museum?) researcher and have to play by someone elses rules, or have his show and get to be involved in the rule making. I would do the same.


I always enjoyed it, it’s half monster hunting and half travel show. If you get a chance to get the book he wrote it’s a fun read.


Back in high school it was my dream job to do what him and the team did. Just travel the world and study cryptids and folklore.


That’s still my dream job now!!!


He always parties with the locals too!




Didn't something yank one of his camera man off the ground in a forest and it's really clear footage? I remember there also being something in a tunnel somewhere. Eyes looking back and a humanoid shape. Can't remember what episodes though I watched it as it aired.


Yes!!!!! I think that was the Hoia Baciu forest episode, in Romania, if I remember correctly! That was insane, then they got the guy to go back much later, and sit in the same place, to see if anything would happen. I felt sorry for the guy, lol. I love Josh's shows. They usually don't find much, but I don't think they expect to. It's mostly for entertainment purposes, with history of some really cool places thrown in. It's on my bucket list to meet Josh. I met Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens, now hopefully, Josh will be next. He occasionally does meet and greets. I just need to find one close enough to me, or plan a trip around one.


Expedition Unknown, and it did happen. The forest is reputed to be seriously haunted, cursed, or whatever. I work with a Romanian gent. There is a local legend of a sheepherder going in with a small flock and coming out years later, unaged. It's one of the warnings to stay clear of that forest as a witch is supposed to haunt it. Found it, and 2 legends : [Hoia Baciu](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/hoia-baciu-forest)


Omg that episode creeped me out!


That cameraman is still working with him! I think his name is Evan. That's my all-time favorite series. Josh is so personable and enthusiastic! His team was hard working, and you could tell they were close as a team. Josh is always joking, but that's part of his charm! I loved Ryder! The scariest moment of the show was when the top of a small plane they were in came off mid-air! Love that series!


I follow Evan on Instagram and he's every bit as adventurous as Josh! They make a good team.


Really?! What's his Instagram name?


gatesygram I live his ig! It's one of my fave accounts!


Thank you!


I'm so sorry, I gave you Josh's instead of Evan's, duh! I'm dingy as hell, lol. Just a sec and I'll get Evans! It's stonefilmsearth


That's okay! I wanted both! Thank you again!!!


It really was a lot to process. I mean that guy just disappeared! And if I remember correctly, it took a few minutes to even find him. I believe it really happened, I mean, I don't think it was faked at all. That guy was absolutely petrified and I don't blame him! It's definitely one of the most memorable episodes. Damn, now I want to watch Destination Truth, lol!


I'm catching up on Destination Truth on YOUTUBE never watched them since our cable TV didn't carry the station so they are all new for me, love th em all!!


Destination truth season 3! Craziest episode! On my bucket list to go check out someday


His hunting for cryptids on Television is never going to really catch anything. He's out there with a team. A crew of people. Camera men, Sound men, Producers, you name it. When you have that many people schlepping about through the woods, you're never going to find what you're looking for since that much commotion is going to scare off whatever you're looking for. I appreciate it for the fact that he is giving us the accounts of the sightings and showing us where the sightings were. And I'll give him one huge positive. They were staking out a haunted area in Thailand and they got some EVP recordings. For once...For absolutely the first time of watching a show that was ghosting ever...the EVP recorded was in the native language of the area and not English with the typical explanation of "Well they're communicating spiritually so it'll automatically translate into the listener's language". They heard something that sounded like language of some sort (meaning that it had structure) and so they took the recordings to someone who spoke Thai and could translate it into English for them. Which in my mind, put Josh Gates into a higher level of credibility than a lot of these TV Cryptid hunters. Beyond that, he's a bit of a ham. Not that it bothers me, since I'm a bit of a ham myself and game recognizes game. He's not so over the top with it that it's an annoyance. Just some quirky fun with the weird situations he finds himself in. And his Expedition Unknown is a fascinating watch with all the things he's looking for and in a lot of cases has helped find.


Saw him live when he toured back in 2021 and he is such the ham and a fantastic storyteller. It seems to stem from being genuinely grateful for the life he leads and wanting everyone else to experience what the world has to offer.


Nice try Josh


The big thing for me is that he is willing to dismiss crappy evidence, and he doesn't take every unusual thing to mean definitive proof positive. It drove me nuts on the bigfoot shows where they see one broken twig and they are like "that is 100% a sasquatch clearing the way for his wife and 3 kids, I know for a fact that means he's got a home within 2 miles of here." I appreciate that Gates does not do that, even if it's a show more for entertainment that serious fact finding.


I enjoy it, it's a travel show in disguise of an exploration show. "We're about to dive deep for Blackbeard's treasure...but now let's take these zip lines over to the rum bar and try some tropical cocktails."


I legit think he gets at least ~almost~ drunk in every episode 😂


He’s great. At the most basic level he does his job very well - and that’s to present a show in an entertaining and easily digestible way. I never expect him to find anything given that they only spend a week on location, but I find the travel-show aspects equally entertaining. Gates and his crew meeting the locals and immersing in the culture for a night, usually pretty funny. They also don’t always take things too seriously which helps. He’s got about 10 different shows on Discovery btw.


His book Destination Truth: Memoirs of a Monster Hunter is also pretty interesting. Gives some insight into how he got into the role and how, for Destination Truth, it was a very guerilla style of filming. Basically just showing up with the bare bones, filming what they could and making the best of it.


Came to write this, the book is indeed a great read. Although I do remember him only saying that only on one occasion, perhaps the Norwegian lake monster (?), did they think they had something


It's been so long since I read it I'd have look back on that. I do believe you're right on that. I'd love for him to come out with another book bridging the gap between DT and EU.


He fantastic. You have to realize that his shows are as much about exploring history and culture as they are at looking at mysteries and legends. He’s really more checking on on the work other people are doing and raising awareness while encouraging people to learn and travel. I would also recommend his old show on sci fi, Destination Truth.


This is one of the reasons I love his shows. He talks about the culture and how whatever he's investigating fits into that culture. He asks the locals what would make it easier to find what he's looking for. He's been blessed by so many tribal and village elders you would think he'd be a saint by now LOL! But all of that is done so respectfully, then he knows when he can ham it up.


Yes! His respectful way entering other cultures is one of the things that I love the most about him


I could have sworn that in one episode he found the footprint of a yeti… could have sworn that made the news at one point. I do enjoy his shows though and really love the humor he brings to everything at the right moments. It’s not too over the top and from a travel aspect it’s really interesting. Listening to the natives talk about things with him is interesting as well. I’ve always wanted to meet him and he occasionally does live shows that get near me. I’ve got to try and plan on going to the next one.


He did, and he gave the cast he took to Disney. They have it on display in the queue for Expedition: Everest in Animal Kingdom with a picture of him holding it.


Yeah I remember that episode. I think it was actually in Nepal? I do remember in the episode after they make a casting of the footprint, he is seen taking pics with officials for the local news. So it did make the news, but not really over here.


There was also an episode where he claimed to have found Yeti DNA, not sure what happened after that.


I think he's found a way to travel for free all over the world and be famous for it.


Not just for free-- they pay him to do it!


Its a great show


I love all of his shows! I’ve officially placed josh gates at the top of my list of, “if you could have dinner with any X people who would it be?”. He’s so well traveled and educated, I bet he has incredible stories!


I love his shows! It sucks that his original show is only a buy per episode thing now. But I watch all his shows


You can watch Destination Truth for free on the roku channel with ads. You can even watch it on your computer too, not just the tv. Just look up "the roku channel destination truth" in google, and if you have ad blocker the ads don't even play.


It’s like you knew I just got a Roku yesterday! I can’t make this up. I’ve been binging all afternoon. Here’s your crown my hero 👑


Your welcome! Also that's a funny coincidence lol.


Fun show, even if it didn’t provide much “proof.” I’ll always remember their yeti episode though. They did have some odd things and found footprints and had a thermal camera pick up something they couldn’t explain. They held a press conference right away to inform the community and other researchers, then the episode aired months later. That’s always my standard for taking these kind of shoes seriously or not.


First few episodes I kept expecting Josh to grate on me. Then I came around and really enjoyed his personality. The show itself was well made, informative, and entertaining, even if they never 'proved' anything. I do recall them finding a pretty significant Yeti footprint though, enough that it got the attention of the local gov't.


Love Josh. His sincerity for all of things paranormal is infectious. I laugh & wonder with the guy. My hands down favourite spokesperson.


Jael was bad as hell😩




Love josh gates!


While it was clearly a show for entertainment, it did shed light on some cryptids people might not have heard of and become interested in. They didn't find a lot, but the show was still fun to watch and when they did find something it was pretty interesting.


It 100% did that to me. I'm the bomb at trivia because of all the random knowledge I acquired from this show and pursuing the legends they investigated (via internet searches instead of travel, unfortunately :(  ). Ghost Hunters was my FAVORITE show growing up, but Destination Truth was my second. If I remember correctly, it came out around 2005-ish, when I would've been 5, so it was my first introduction to the outside world and culture. I loved it though, and it partly influenced my (dumb) decision to pursue a history degree


Yeah, it was around 2005-ish so for me that time right at the end of middle school. Really had me hooked to watch Gates' next show Expedition Unknown, which is more history focused with occasionally some Cryptid stuff thrown in.


New attractive young female assistant every season that he always assigned to being with him. Dude knew what he waa doing.


Which streaming service is it on?




you can also watch it on the roku channel


I enjoy it so much, [I made this](https://imgur.com/gallery/2OhyG)


I love this! Excuse me while I go turn on anything josh gates and play this


That's great!!! You should post it on Instagram and tag him!


Just as I read "team explores a cave," they showed a clip of them exploring a cave. It is spot on


I don't know much about him other than the Destination Truth episodes. I think he does have actual qualifications as an archeologist and explorer. Seems like a nice guy.


Silly funny show. But then again all of them are! Oak Island, lol. Ghost Adventures, Zak finds nothing so he goes “Possessed Mode”, Destination Truth never finds the monsters, all these shows are just entertainment. They’re fun.


I legit can't believe Oak Island is even still on the air, lol. I loved the first season, didn't really get into the 2nd season, by the 3rd season, I was just surprised there was a 3rd season, but it's still going!!! I don't think they'll ever really find the big treasure they're looking for. Or maybe they already have and that's why the show keeps getting renewed. Maybe they're just stretching it out as long as they can and milking it for all it's worth.


I've got fond memories of watching it with my family when I was younger. He was always charismatic and entertaining, and also very informative. What made me really respect him was on the occasional episode where after an investigation he'd just say it straight that he didn't believe what he was looking for exists.


I love Josh Gates. Comes across as very genuine, and he's funny too


I love Josh's shows and his humor is gold.


He BS's where and when he needs to, like hamming up reacting to out of nowhere animal sounds, but he's a decent guy and always gave everything he was investigating a fair shake at being real or at least explainable.


Love Josh!


I like how he’ll do things I haven’t heard about and he likes it when local authorities believe in the Cryptid. However I HATE how before every commercial break they start screaming that they found something then when it comes back on it was like a field mouse running by or something stupid like that


That’s also one of the things I hate about this show lol


I honestly just enjoy his voice and narration. It's a great background show


It’s a fun show, like you said he never really finds anything but it’s still a cool journey.


I like him, and all of his shows. Refreshing in both his enthusiasm and skepticism.


I watch for his personality and interesting legends not because of the scientific info lol


It was a fun show. They didn't even really try to find anything, just run around in the dark. Made for good T.V.


Got the best gig in the world, travels the world looking for the coolest things with no results and show still going strong


My favorite cryptid-hunting type, or anything remotely close to the genre, show ever. Josh is a genuine guy, and it’s fun to watch even to this day. Half travel show, with half paranormal investigation and half cryptid hunting. They’ve found a couple here and there evidence of cryptids (nothing to really scoff at though), and a handful of actually good and eyebrow raising paranormal evidence. Again, I love it. Humorous and real, they don’t made up findings or happenings.


Strange to me that people are saying he doesn't find anything when in my experience he always has a close call with something, to the point where I think they are faking it. For example in Aokigahara forest they record a ghost, in the blue hole they detect a mysterious animal, in the yowie episode they record one on thermal etc. Even though these sightings are never verified, it seems suspicious to me that they always record something like that.


His book is very enjoyable too


Josh is a genuine explorer and destination truth lets you actually see the places that you only read about. Sure, the investigative part is loose and not really a full investigation, those takes days or weeks , not only a few hours like destination truth, the show is for entertainment and Josh is a funny and charismatic host. It's a shame when destination truth ended , Expedition X is the spiritual successor but that show is severely lacking.


not a cryptid story, but the most fascinating thing i've seen on his show, was when they found Robin Hoods actual resting place. The real Robin Hood. Can't remember the guy's actual name. ​ that was pretty cool I guess...


Robert Deyville or Roger Godberd are the two likeliest Robin Hood candidates, so one of the two?


Josh Gates is probably one of the most underrated tv hosts out there. I never missed a Destination Truth episode on Syfy. In comparison to Expedition Unknown, I noticed a big change in the past 2-3 seasons. Expedition Unknown seems to be focused more on historical events and Expedition X covers all the miscellaneous ghosts, myths, etc. I think it's unfortunate that Josh and his wife got divorced back in 2021. It makes me think that he may not have many episodes/seasons left in him. The Expedition X crew/hosts were a nice touch to the series in my opinion.


From what I’ve heard he is a butthead irl. Albeit a very charismatic one. And imo, that shadowy figure they caught on cam in Aokigahara is still one of the top pieces of visual evidence of paranormal activity in existence.


I think he's great. It's an enjoyable show.


Josh Gates is a treasure!


Didn’t he found footprints of Bigfoot in Vietnam?


Hi Josh


I love his shows! I don’t expect him to find any actual evidence in the episodes, but the moments where he hangs out with the locals and shows off the destination’s must-see spots are a nice reminder that we shouldn’t get too caught up with wanting something that we believe to be true. Enjoy life, live the days, and have a good laugh. Or get worried that you may have accidentally uncovered a crime scene. No other shows have what Josh Gates has.


Expedition Unknown and all of Josh's shows have always been some of my favorite to watch. I wish they found more artifacts, but the shows are enjoyable and Josh is an awesome host. He seems like he'd be a cool guy to meet in real life.


I hope that he brings back the show, with a whole crew and sam format, I still watch it to this day, just the crazy locations and places they went to and all the crazy stuff that happened


I only saw a few episodes. For me, it always had a very fast and loose vibe. It felt like some frat bros were sitting around drinking, and one of them said, "Dudes! We should go look for the Mongolian Death Worm!" And all the bros said, "Awesome!" and staggered off to pack a bag and find their passports. It felt poorly planned and sloppily executed.


I see what you're saying based on how the show opens but I highly recommend his book if you can get your hands on a copy. He details how he got the gig and just how much time and effort went into each episode. More than a few of the trips were pretty gnarly and comparing them to a group of frat bros is really selling the show short.




Josh Gates is a D-Bag, want-a be Indiana Jones.


He's a huge douche


I love his shows! I don’t expect him to find any actual evidence in the episodes, but the moments where he hangs out with the locals and shows off the destination’s must-see spots are a nice reminder that we shouldn’t get too caught up with wanting something that we believe to be true. Enjoy life, live the days, and have a good laugh. Or get worried that you may have accidentally uncovered a crime scene. No other shows have what Josh Gates has.


Josh Gates’ comments are normally misleading and lack recent factual information. I would not waste time watching any of his documentaries for he makes them all about himself rather than historical facts.