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The mint glued to the sides of the bowl seems unnecessary.


In general this feels like a lot for creme brulee. I don't know how I feel about the nuts mixing up with the silky texture.


How are the mint leaves adhered to the bowl?




Agar agar


This… they look like they’re floating!


That seems like a high ratio of pistachio to creme brûlée.


At what point does creme brulee end and parfait begin?


Right down the cherry crack


That is not how you brulee a creme brulee. If I got that after ordering creme brulee I'd be disappointed


Those mint leaves… you have to be trolling


Let him cook tbh


I'm sorry, but this ain't it. I can see what you're trying for, but you need to master technique before you can really venture into complex plating. Your brulee is barely bruleed, and I can't tell from the photo quality if that's barely melted sugar around the edge or if your brulee split. The chop on the pistachios is uneven and all over the place. And there's *way* too much. When conceptualizing a dish, you usually need a star. In this case that's the creme brulee. Anything else on the plate should serve to accent and support the star, not take over--too much pistachio, too much cherry. The less said about the mint the better. Work on technique first. *Then* work on plating.


I like the cherry zigzag. The mint leaves stuck to the size of the bowl look a little distracting.


I was gonna say the same thing. I like everything but the mint as it is


This feels too fussy for crème brûlée


He is trying to gild the lily. Crème brûlée is perfect in its simplicity.


this is going to eat far too dry due to the ratio of nut to steamed custard . the mint on the side doesn’t serve as a functional garnish, so trash it .


Less everything, and you could try adhering the mint to the cherries as an accent instead of have them float distractingly around the bowl.


I absolutely hate this. I have nothing nice to say here except take this back to the drawing board


Words words words Mint rapture


Brulee in a cereal bowl, I dunno, the bowl is too big. Agree with the other criticisms, the cherries look nice.


Knew this guy was gonna get yelled at for the mint ahaha


I almost always try to focus on the positives of the dish, but this one is just really really bad. Nothing about the presentation makes sense. Wrong dish type, bad ratios, horrible arrangement. It likely tastes ok, but it looks barf. Sorry, and keep on keeping on I guess.


Creme brulee is probably my favorite dessert, ever. If I was served this, I'd seriously walk into the kitchen just to throw it at you. This is basically IG culinary bs.


Anyone else also read it as Bruce Lee?


Have some damn haters in this sub. I think this looks pretty good. If someone put this on my table I'd be impressed at how it looks.