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There was a horrifying moment when I read “explores his own final frontier” and thought that Patrick Stewart had died.


I thought he had sex with sir ian mckellen


I'd be more surprised if they haven't already.


Why? Ian McKellen is gay and Patrick Stewart is straight.


Because they've both been in the arts for decades and even straight people sometimes experiment, I'd imagine.  Dude might be a Kinsey middle number lol


"I'm an actor, of course I've had gay sex." Sir Patrick Stewart, probably


Nobody is surer of his own heterosexuality than a straight actor. Verily, the apple has been dangled before him, but no desire struck his heart


For reals. I (cis male) worked for years at an alternative pornstore/theater. You HAVE to know what you like to handle that. It did let me know how absolutely boring I am at sex tho. We had films running 24/7 and the customers, dear gawd. I saw/was offered things I didn’t even know were possible.


Go on...


Genuine tom hardy quote


In the '90s, I made love to many, many beings, often on the holodeck, or on Vulcan or Qo'Nos, and it's possible a human man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.


That didn't stop them from kissing publicly on more than one occasion.


Finally a comics accurate depiction of Xavier and Magneto.


Magneto rocks that chair without magnetism.


I mean…life is short, and Sir Ian has been magnetically hot for like fifty years.


Dude canonically has a big piece. Like Gandalf has the wizard staff.


When the wedding was announced, my first thought was that he and Sir Ian had finally tied the knot. I was shocked, *shocked*, I tell you, to hear he had married a woman. They seem to have fun, though, fostering rescue dogs and talking about foreskins: [Fantastic clip from the Graham Norton talkshow where Hugh Jackman almost loses it over Sir Pat's story](https://youtu.be/8utAagjD8SE?si=wrlYjt4keaOnbZi1).


Or far worse, was experimenting with a kind of noisy hoo-ha. What I’m saying was changed post-humously.


I'm not ready for that.


Yeah at a certain age people are just allowed to do what they want and you need to let them. There was a thing a while ago where people were making a big deal about Tessa Thompson potentially dating someone in his early fifties, she was almost forty at the time. That's two grown adults.


reminds me of david and georgia tennant, people go on constantly about how there must be a power imbalance bc she’s younger and was playing his daughter on a show when they first met. wild that thirsting over celebrities is perfectly fine until someone actually marries one lol


And also wasn't "his daughter" a fully adult clone or whatever? Like it's not like she was a baby on set or something lol


oh yeah no totally, they were both fully adult actors at the time lmao


And in a show about time travel too. Like one or two seasons later, they had a father and a daughter. And the daughter actress was like 20 years older than the father actor, because time travel. Because it's not real. It's pretend.  Could you imagine those two hooking up? By gosh, the power dynamic! He played her father on TV! Lock him up! Of all the things to get pissy about, that's got to be one of the dumbest. It's called acting. It's make-believe, they're just using their imaginations. The actress was also the actual daughter of the Fifth Doctor. So she's fucking herself, because it's a clone. And she's the unofficial "daughter" of the Doctor, so double incest...? And then David Tennant is playing the same character her real life father played, so triple incest. I can't even keep track, but that relationship has got red flags all over it.


Weirdly wibbly wobbly timey incestwimey.






Wait are you telling me actors aren't literally the people on the TV? Is acting just playing pretend?! THATS BASICALLY LYING!


She also had one or two children already when she married David so it's not like there was any imbalance that way. If anything, David was the one with off footing lol


Yeah, her son Ty (who David adopted) plays Aegon on House of the Dragon!


Yeah. She was 24 and he was 37 when they met. I can see how it might raise some eyebrows? But they're clearly happy together, so who cares.


I believe he has also raised her son from a previous marriage/partner as his own. He’s a good dude. 


I find it hilarious that somehow that's the kid who looks like a dead ringer for David Tennant.


She has a type, clearly.


Personally I think he looks more like his grandad 🤷🏼‍♀️


I am also not biologically related to my father, but when I was very young people would often say how I'm obviously his son because we look so much alike.


Apparently, Tennant liked her but was hesitant to pursue her romantically, because of the age gap. Georgia, however, had no qualms wooing the absolute pants off him. She‘s an icon honestly.


No one openly thirsts over David Tennant more than his own wife


Expect Michael Sheen


Well yeah but michael sheen is davids honorary husband at this point


Apparently it took her ages to figure out he was into her, according to her dad. https://youtu.be/G5kp-Zu6fLA?si=NE3vc5-vxgwX3Uuc She hasn’t stopped since, though.


Good for her! Good for her.


Honestly, these are ages where that trope is sweet and not creepy.


based and audreyhepburnincharadepilled


Also, Dave was dating someone else he met on set a few seasons earlier when he met Georgia


> She was 24 and he was 37 when they met. I can see how it might raise some eyebrows? That does admittedly fail the age/2 + 7 rule by a couple of years, but 24 is definitely old enough to be an adult, and again, they're clearly happy so who cares. Like, if you're pulling a Leo DiCaprio and repeatedly breaking up with women once they turn 25 to date a new 21-ish-year-old until she also turns 25, okay, now we can judge you for it, but if you're dating people of a bunch of different ages and end up with one 13 years younger than you and decide to stick with them, as long as you were both adults when it started, who cares


Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Happening to marry someone with a big age difference is a lot different than serially dating people that are significantly younger than you.


> wild that thirsting over celebrities is perfectly fine until someone actually marries one lol To me it seems the same as the reason idols have no-dating clauses - because things like this break the illusion that a thirsty rando has a chance. Which is kinda gross. They're people, let them have their own lives ffs.


Streamer PatStaresAt once told a story of the biggest fight he ever got into with either of his parents being about Princess Diana. She’d just died, mom was super broken up about it, but the next day they were walking somewhere, and she stopped at a kiosk to grab a tabloid with the car wreck on the cover. Cue little boy Pat yelling “OH MY GOD THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT”


Am I stupid? I don’t get it.


bassicly originally diana wasn't supposed to go anywhere that night and thus her driver had a day off and thus he'd been drinking (like one does on a day off), except that she and her boyfriend got the attention of a troop of papparazi and had to flee the scene for some peace and quiet and then the carcrash happened (because the driver had been drinking) bassicly she was hunted to death for a good picture, parent is sad that she died but still rewards the papparazi by buying a magazine containing their pictures thus enabling their behavior


They should go a step further and the media shouldn't be permitted to report on their personal lives. The whole way we as a society handle fame is unhealthy. We just accept that things like paparazzi exist.


There's probably a big dose of concern trolling in there too. They feel unhappy while hearing about the thing for whatever reason (sugar cravings, sleepiness, disliking the actor's latest work, status anxiety, wishing they didn't have to change their sexual fantasies to include getting rid of the 'rival', anything goes) so they find a complaint that sounds passably virtuous in their current social environment.


> wild that thirsting over celebrities is perfectly fine until someone actually marries one lol This is nothing new. *cough*YokoOno*cough*


Careful with that cough, it might summon a bomb threat from every mild rock enthusiast above the age of 30!


Finally, coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb round 2


In Yoko’s case, *she* was the celebrity being thirsted over. She was a major person in the art world and, while her star might seem small in comparison to The Beatles to most people, to an art snob like John Lennon, it’s a different story. He fell head over heels after seeing one of her exhibits.


Not to mention she's the actual daughter of one of the old-school doctors (five I think? I can't keep them straight), so if anything, given how much Tennant talks about being a huge fan of the old show, she probably had more power over him than the other way around.


Yeah, Peter Davidson was one of David Tennant's favourite Doctors so I can imagine there was a lot of fangirling on both sides


Now imagine how much sigmund freud would be fabgirling about them being together


She does often speak of him like he's a naughty but simple child, and from what Ive seen of him she's 100% correct.


I've always loved that. She's the actual daughter of Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor, who also just so happens to be the favortie Doctor of her husband, David Tennant, the Tenth Doctor, and she played the Tenth Doctor's daughter.


> wild that thirsting over celebrities is perfectly fine until someone actually marries one looking at the last 100 years of celebrity culture you'll find this to be an incredibly consistent throughline.


Yet people aren't really talking about her dad, and how his second wife is much younger than he is, and his youngest sons are barely older than his eldest grandson Obviously if everyone involved is happy, but it is weird they do go after Georgia but not her step-mom


I saw someone on facebook saying Josh Brolin’s poem about Timothée Chalamet was disgusting and predatory because quote “Brolin is an old man and Chalamet is a baby”. Brolin is 56 and Chalamet is 28. It was so bizarre


Like, he even came out and said it’s got nothing to do with sexual attraction. He even joked about it and said “Just fucking run with it” and laughed. He stated that the time spent in the desert moved him and that he and his costars built a deep bond. He said that when he first met Timothee he viewed him as a “basset hound” but now he sees him as a force of nature. He has built a profound respect for Timothee and genuinely admires him. So, in this desert which Josh said moved his creativeness, he wrote the poems. They are sensual, maybe, but not sexual. I read it as someone who is deeply moved by another person, not necessarily sexually, but artistically. You can love someone, admire them, even think they are beautiful (which Timothee undoubtedly is), without being sexually attracted to them. Josh has said that the younger generation he worked with, including other like; Florence Pugh, Austin Butler, and Zendaya, were amazing. He respected how talented they were, how dedicated to their art, but also with how much fun they could have. How much they bonded. It’s weird to me that nuance is totally deleted. We’re supposed to be in an age where adult men are allowed to express their feelings. But heaven forbid a grown ass man write a poem about another grown ass man admiring them. No, this couldn’t possibly be one artistic man writing a poem about how much he admires his colleague. While spending three months in a desert together. No, this isn’t a statement of respect and love towards a fellow artist. No, this must instead be reduced down to base sex. There can be nothing more.


>Chalamer is 28 What the fuck, how is that guy older than me? He looks like q highschool student.


People have gotten super weird about age gaps over the past few years. I've lost friends (plural!) for not agreeing with them that a _one year age gap_ was, and I quote, "disgusting and inappropriate". The ages of the couple in question were 23 and 24! At the rate its been going, soon it is only going to be acceptable to date someone who shares the same birthday as you.


There'll always be some new hurdle to make people jump in order to satisfy the increasingly extreme views others have


The old reasons to judge someone's relationship and gossip aren't acceptable to bring up anymore (religion, race, politics, career goals, wealth, appearance, weight, social class, etc.), depending on your social circles, but people still have the same old hunger to feel superior to others and tell them how they should run their lives, so they either put a spin on the old reasons to make them seem acceptable or make up new, insane ones. My parents drive me and my siblings crazy by bringing up how this or that couple is unacceptable because they're mixed-race, not the right religion, not going to the right church, not showing off the right markers of their social status (car/house/outfits/accessories unacceptable in some way), not performing masculinity/femininity properly, etc. AND ALSO get judgy about age differences, though at least it's usually a much larger gap, lol.


I find that almost impossible to beleive.... what kind of people were these?? what other bizzaire opinions did they hold??


Zoomers. Half of us are normal and the other half are chronically online. The weirdness about age gaps started a few years ago and it feels like each year the acceptable gap gets smaller and smaller. Swear it got crazy after Demi Lovato's 29 went viral on TikTok. That's around when I had my falling out with that friend group.


24! years is really a lot though 😔.


Oh, you.


Damn....6.204484e+23 years


Tessa Thompson is almost 40?




She played a high schooler on Veronica Mars in like 2004.


[2004 was twenty years ago.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/pWZZ9gzx_p0AAAAC/face-melting-indiana-jones.gif)


You take that back.


My friend’s nonbinary kid bought me Hogwarts Legacy for my birthday and when I expressed surprise that they would buy it despite Rowling’s comments, they said, “How can she still be alive if she was an adult when you were a child?” At which point I decided to write my will.


Also I'm pretty sure jean luc Picard was a bunch of twenty/thirty something's hallpass in the late nineties. He is not considered an unattractive man. If a 30 year woman wanted to date Hugh Jackman it's like yeah that makes sense.


Canonically Jean Luc Picard was a total party animal back in his youth, even more than James T. Kirk was as a captain.


He had a heart full of risky behavior and the body of an athlete to help him outrun trouble


It's the duality of women's dialogue on the internet. They are strong, independent and free to make their own choices until an icky sexual relationship is involved and somehow women in their 30's and 40's are infantalised


I met my wife when she was 27 and I was 34 (closer to 8 years older). One of my cousins would make jokes about her being younger than our youngest cousin and it kind of bothered me until I asked her how she really felt about it at the wedding reception. She told me that she thought I knew her better than that and she was just ribbing me. Which I should have known since we’re the closest of friends of all the cousins. But the thought of someone viewing me as a cradle robber had always made me uncomfortable.


Not really a duality. The arguments come from the same exact place.   That women need someone to externally validate and empower them because they can’t do it themselves.  It’s the same thing where you see a bunch of white progressive women always white knighting anything to do with black people. 


> at a certain age people are just allowed to do what they want and you need to let them. Some people seem think they have collective authority over the lives of anyone below 30, at minimum. Let's be clear, you legally have to let every single adult do whatever they want to within the law, you can't physically stop them.


My grandparents were 11 years apart, both previously divorced and didn’t get married to each other until their 40’s and 50’s. Never thought of it as strange, they both clearly loved each other. While they were here when I was younger, I just thought of them both as old ppl lol.


When I first glanced at the headline I thought it said Patrick Stewart explores body 😭


I thought that the headline was leading into a death announcement 💀


LMAO they gotta stop with the black and white pictures 😭


For some reason whenever I see either him or Ian McKellen in the news it's nearly always a black and white photo. I wonder what is up with that.


I thought him and Gandalf finally hooked up.


She was in her late twenties early thirties when they met. She was working, living independently, and creating her own music. She had a life and was living it. Meeting him was a happy fate. They even broke up once over the age difference, but got back together. All of this is sourced from his memoir, Making It So.


God forbid she think an older man is hot and is interested in him, right?




This isn’t the point of your comment, but I love that he named his memoir that.


Ah there's nothing more feminist than declaring adult women have no agency in their choice of who they marry, and that those men should be decapitated for having the audacity to marry them.


Every so often a variation of “attraction to short/small/etc women is p3do” goes around and it’s like…okay, guess I will just never date anyone, what do you want my 4’10 ass to do?


apply for a job at the chocolate factory


watch out for The Unknown


It's so funny to me that the same week Dead by Daylight reveals their new killer The Unknown, a completely different context weird Willy Wonka story involves that term being a scary villain


They were actually supposed to be cross promoting, but they cheaped out on that too. Speaking of, did they ever do anything about the game's toxicity?


Nah bro 😭


Even better, tell an AI to make the chocolate factory for you. Second time's the charm, right?


I see you've been to Glasgow recently


It will truly be a pasadise of sweet teats


Chuckies choc factory part deuce: double dipping fudge packers


"This man is CLEARLY only marrying a short woman because he WANTS to marry a child!" "But he's not marrying a child." "Right but he's only DIVERTING his desire for children onto this short adult!" "Isn't that good then?" "NO! THEY BOTH GET NOTHING!"


The real tell is that they see grown women as children


Don’t get me started on disabled dating. You’re either their caretaker, or their caretaker sexually abusing them. If you’re in a wheelchair you don’t get to make decisions for yourself apparently.


You still reverted to Willy Wonka at the end


It's Willy Wonka all the way down baby


I wish Willy Wonka would go all the way down


sigh, I saw this cumming, but alas. *bonk*


Some people cannot grasp that humans are diverse, it's fucking wild that women who are short, baby faced or have small breasts are basically told they aren't women enough for proper adults to date.


That's just a person's body, anyway. I don't love someone because of their body! I'm not saying it doesn't play any part, but if you love someone you're gonna love the person, right? Body included but that's really not the most important thing


This. It's absurd that anyone would assume a marriage is happening only because of a specific bodytype


I agree partially, but only because I find it likely that these people who are making a huge fuss are actually that superficial when it comes to relationships


As someone who’s all 3 of them, I really really hate seeing all this stuff online. It’s almost humiliating, to constantly have terminally online people infantilise me just because I look the way I do. Do I have to show my ID occasionally to buy drinks or cigs ? Yes, but I own my home, I have a job, I pay my damn taxes, my baby face does not suddenly turn me into a minor.


I was curious whether adult cis women ever get delayed breast development - occasionally trans women's breasts mature to Tanner stage 4 and then stop, but I felt like I'd seen cis women whose breasts look like that too, so I looked it up. Ran into https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22945406/ - "based on our study, you can't say that something is child sexual exploitation material based solely on breasts that appear to be Tanner stage 4" - which, on the one hand of course, and on the other hand facepalm.


The conclusion while seemingly obvious is not obvious at all to some. I remember a case years ago where a man was arrested on suspicions of child porn because he possessed porn of a petite Porn star. Part of the prosecution had 'expert testimony' based on how she looked that it was child porn. Defendant managed to contact her to fly her out and testify that she was in fact, an adult.


Years and years ago Australia briefly tried to have all porn involving women who were smaller than a B-cup reclassified as child pornography. One of the more "what the fuck?" moments in anglosphere internet censorship, not that it lacks ofr bizarre moments.


Australia is pretty fuckin weird about it, you can see some of their rules on obscenity here, some of which make no sense http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-06-29/secrets-of-obscenity-the-classification-riddle/2776656 They even require labias to not be protruding so all vaginas have to be airbrushed to be 'inoffensive', natural or not. http://vimeo.com/10883108


This was the thing that moved me out of that mindset. Ironically, progressive people, for some reason, only think about age dynamics from the perspective of men, thinking that a man must have "impure intentions" if he dates someone younger looking. They never consider that the women is also a person with agency of her own and declaring all men who might want to date her de facto creepy kind of ruins that women's life.


I’ve seen that sentiment so often on reddit, shit’s so infuriating to hear


Find another 4'10 woman and stand on her shoulders with a large trenchcoat on.


That little lady is not allowed to date


Getting a ring and dropping it in a volcano is considered acceptable.


Date shorter dudes so you get called the pedo


You can date but they have to despise you


Watch out for large birds


I have a friend who is a year and a half younger than me, we are both in our mid 20s, shes super short and kind of small, has a higher pitched voice. We've known each other for 4 years now, helped eachother through dark times, and are super close with each other. If we are ourt and about together I get looks like im a creep, for being with someone my own age, its ridiculous. It also probably doesnt help im over 6 feet tall and kind of overweight.


It's dipshits like that post that are why the progressive position becomes open to ridicule. There are valid reasons to question some things and push back against them, but some just pick up on one or two indicators and short-circuit the entire critical thinking process, sometimes to extreme/quirky ends like this decapitation bullshit. It's not even "political correctness gone mad", it's just stupid. Like someone sees discourse surrounding actual grooming behavior and thoughtlessly but energetically parrots the wrong parts of it. I might guess it's a parody of such behavior, but it's become impossible to tell.


That's r/popculturechat and r/Fauxmoi every single day


god I hate those subreddits


And of course, just like other overtly bigoted (but it’s ok because they hate the right people) subreddit, you must be approved to post there in almost every thread.


I never knew how toxic pop culture had become until I learned that there were people who had decided Taylor Swift was gay then got extremely, unreasonably mad when she said she isnt. And those subs have a loooot of those people


Unfortunately, that's like every female-dominated sub 😕


This post just taught me that he isn’t gay


you might be thinking of ian mckellen, a kinda similar-looking old british white man


I knew that he and Stewart were different guys, I just thought that Patrick Stewart was gay on his own


he *is* extremely camp


He has played gay characters before, but honestly, if you're an English theatre guy, you're probably not considered a real actor until you've done that.


"Wow, Patrick, I'm so proud of you. Gay, all on your own!"


I bet he could still be gay with two hands tied behind his back


all the press pictures of him making out with McKellen probably contributed


It's guy love, between two guys.


I thought they were gay for each other and that is not even a joke.


I’m gonna be honest, I thought they were married to each other


McKellan did marry Stewart. He officiated his wedding to his wife.


Man people have never explained that phrasing before, I thought he was gay too


Nah, they're just besties.


Their friendship is incredibly wholesome too.


They might as well be haha. A bromance for the ages.


Magneto's actor is gay, prof x isn't


This has been a weirdly popular idea for many many years. Stewart, as far as I've ever been able to tell, has always identified heterosexual. But he's been pro-gay for decades at least. He was in [Jeffrey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_(1995_film)/). He's extremely good friends with Sir Ian McKellen, who has been openly gay for quite some time. Stewart is very much pro gay rights. He's also been in theater since he was at least 15. I imagine he has known positive gay role models almost his entire life, and experienced their struggles alongside them. But dude ain't gay. He's just Sir Patrick Stewart.




tbh I feel like we can confidently say Patrick Stewart is 1000% straight and that is because if he weren’t, he’d have gotten together with Ian McKellen decades ago lol


I get him and Ian McKellan mixed up too. Haha


Bruh same but as the others said im definitely thinking of Ian McKellan


Seriously, I didn't even resister the age gap discourse at first bc I was just so confused on why he was even getting coochie. 😭


As a chronic tumblr user, tumblr is a cesspool of fucking stupid


I joined tumblr around the time Sherlock got popular and Benedict Cumberbatch skyrocketed to fame. I subsequently was sucked into that fandom for a bit. Dear god I am scarred.


To be fair, every social media community is.


"Not to age discourse but [blatant age discourse]" Gotta love it


It's Patrick Stewart. He's not just an older husband, he's a trophy.


Seriously. That was my immediate take. I imagine he’d make a delightful partner, probably an amazing one based off the bit about him I know. He seems genuine, funny, compassionate, and loyal based off what I know about him. Plus hes probably full of amazing stories and real life experience, hell the dude is a knight. Even ignoring the money, fame, and looks (he’s still attractive imo) I imagine anyone would be lucky to be his partner and again even if she met him in her late twenties (the early estimate I’m seeing in the comments) by that point she’s enough of an adult with some life experience and able to make her own decisions. A 28 year old and 22 year old is a very significant age gap as it relates to real lived experience and decision making in my experience.


Apparently he was a pretty terrible husband and father when he was younger, to his great regret. His relationship with his kids is still strained because of it, especially his daughter He and Sunny seem to have a blast together though


Unrelated to the post but this is the second time today I've seen a black and white picture of someone famous and assumed they died. The title of the article in this pic didn't help either.


I would not sleep with Patrick Stewart, but I would let Captain Jean-luc Picard to read me poetry and romance me all night long. I'm pretty much a straight man, but #Kinseyscale


My straight male friend calls it being “consextual” ie he is straight but there are contextual exceptions that are specific to a person/character and gender is no longer relevant.


Some people are just fucking deranged.


I’m 39 and marrying someone who’s 61. I’m in early middle age, I’ve been married before, and I’m honestly marrying up, so there’s no problem.


someone from the government will be around shortly to remove your fiancé's head


Uh-oh, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but per reddit, you have no agency to make an independent decision in your own romantic life because there's an age gap between you and your fiance. Your fiance is apparently a pedo monster and you're a helpless 39 year old child whose frontal cortex is still developing.


Oh no, my innocence!


Bitches will call themselves a feminist then strip grown ass women all agency, infantilize them and speak on the behalf of said woman like they are republicans pushing misogynist legislature


Also, Stewart himself is a huge feminist. His mother was a DV survivor, and he has spent many years supporting anti-domestic violence charities, and raising awareness. 


the post below this says “large age gaps are gross” lmao


I mean you are allowed to have that opinion People just need to remember that disgust has no moral weight, and that they can't dictate other people's boundaries


i DONT have that opinion though, that was just the post below and i thought it was a funny coincidence


sorry, I meant you as in the second person, not you as in you specifically 😅


oh sorry that makes a lot of sense actually, my bad


I'll be really excited when we stop infantalizing grown adults.


But she was only a 35 year old teenager you sick fuck


I decided to unfollow and block this woman who said "men are disgusting" because she was mad the current brazilian president married a 40 years old woman. Ot at least I thought she was 40, she is actually 57. This woman got mad at the ageism and power disparity of a 78yo men marrying a 57yo woman that she boldly claimed she is disgusted by men. Not even the "all men bad" which they say "askshually, this means toxic men bad" Nah, straight up "men are disgusting" What pisses me off more is that she famous in the local TTRPG scene and twitch and seem by all progressives as some sort or icon, if anyone disagrees with her then obvisouly they are in the wrong, etc.


Well you see, the age gap is greater than 1 year, therefore it falls under the modern internet definition of "pedophilia". I find it hilarious that there are people who would call Patrick Stewart a "pedophile" for dating this woman, and then would call the same woman a "pedophile" if she dated a 20 year old man.


If both are 18 or over then there's no judgment from me. Like arguably there's a grey area if one of them knew the younger one when they were a kid and groomed them but even then either an 18 year old is old enough to know who they want to bone or they're not.


Same really. I do not get why people decide they need to have an opinion on age gaps when everyone involved is an adult. Oh that woman wants to fuck an old man? Sounds like something that's none of my fucking business.


Because the internet allows everyone to scream their opinion at everyone else with no repercussions or drawbacks, and now a generation is coming around where they are just so used to it they do it constantly without keeping anything in their little heads.


I will still give some judgement if, say, he is 35 and she is 22, but after mid-twenties i don't much care.


I can't believe Patrick Stewart is taking advantage of a 44-yo child.


It helps that Patrick Stewart hasn't aged in forty years.


I will throw hands against anyone for Patrick Stewart, just point me at 'em.


So you guys are saying women don’t have agency even at 35. You are literally saying women are children and threatening murder for someone believing otherwise, let that sink in


Always thought he was gay to be honest 😅 but I'm 26 and I would bang Sir Patrick Stewart, he is hot.


Actually he broke the infallible rule of "half your age plus 7" so his execution is next week


i find it very strange how some people seem to think the power dynamics of age are linear. like someone's social power just keeps increasing the older they get