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Earliest I can remember was the Fallout series. Fallout 2 even had you hooking up with a same-sex partner (two were available, brother and sister) and then getting shotgun gay married in 1998.


It sounded like they're referring to actually depicted/animated sex scenes. In Fallout they're all fade-to-black... I think even the newer ones? Earliest depicted one I can remember was in Mafia. For ones where there's just fade-to-black, Star Control 2 (where my username comes from) had one where some of the foreplay was voiced, and that was 1992.


Star Control had sex scenes?!


Just the one, when you finish helping the Syreen set up their revenge against the Mycon.


Yeah, but that was just text on a blank screen, played for laughs as I recall. edit: nvm. You mentioned that.


In the 3DO version (which is what you get if you download the Ur-Quan Masters now) the text is also voiced. And the lady who voiced the Syreen did a pretty good job :p


Already have it, my friend. My admiration for Star Control may not be as strong as yours, but it probably goes back just as far.


In Dreamweb, from 1994, you burst in on a rock star who's in the process of banging a groupie, depicted in all its pixilated glory. In Centurion: Defender of Rome, 1990, you can seduce Cleopatra, but that's another fade-to-black kind of deal. It did make it into the Sega Genesis version, though. And the obvious, Leisure Suit Larry, goes back to 1987.


Yah, but I'm talking games where sex is not the theme, so leaving out Leisure Suit Larry. As I said, Mafia was the first animated sex scene I recall witnessing, but I'm not surprised there were earlier ones. Especially in apparently a cyberpunk game.


All of fallout’s are fade to black, yes (though NV had some… dialogue on some of them).


I remember a sex scene in Ultima VII, really stuck out to me back then because the NPC would sleep with the Avatar regardless of which gender you chose. I mean, I guess you just laid in the bed together, but it was 1992, even that was kinda "whoa!" I'm not sure if I'd regard them as "common" these days though, yeah, they happen, but I think usually it's not a surprise where it's going and one typically has the option to opt out.


In Fallout 2 you could become a porn star in the first big town you visited. It really had something for everyone; marriage for you, making porn for me…


There's a sex scene in one of the God of War games... I played it when I was like 8. I didn't understand it though, all I understood was that pressing the button on my PS4 let my character go with a woman to a house without showing them inside for some reason, and pressing another button made the woman make noises. If I didn't she'd kick my character out


The things that go over a child’s head are always funny in retrospect


I remember being a kid and playing a God of War game, but I got stuck in one room and the only thing I could do was have a hot tub threesome. So I just kept doing that, and even with my moms help, it was like an hour of hot tub threesomes before we could find the real exit 😂


Bruh I can’t believe you got your mom to help out with that one 😂 wonder what her memory of the situation was like lol


Something something broken arms


I think it was GOW 2.


There’s sex QTE’s in all the Ps2, psp, and ps3 GoW’s I think. Might be one (of the 6) withoit it,


Gotta knock over that vase, if I recall correctly. So cringey.


Omg memory unlocked I forgot about that part of gow2 💀


They should add gameplay. Have you press buttons to idk last longer or something


baldur's gate 3 has you rolling whether you can dom lae'zel or not, idk if that counts


"I choose to fail"


I infact did that


still funny to me how me trying to be a non toxic "bro friend" with everyone lead to half the male cast thinking they could go for my lizzard cloaka


Brand new sentence detected.


"Source of my bruises"


Make it a rhythm game. X to thrust, Y to moan, left trigger to slap their ass. There's a climax bonus depending on quick you can tap A during the orgasm.


I'm like 99% certain I've seen porn games before which are in fact basically this.


Imagine one of these games with charting tools. Play Through The Fire and Flames. Or Cbat


people start making the hardest (no pun intended) maps they can and eventually a geometry dash style leaderboard forms for most sifficult maps beaten


Come back to me when you can hit 7 consecutive double jacks on the pink and the stink


That's probably a r/brandnewsentence


Here's a sneak peek of /r/BrandNewSentence using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Homie in law](https://i.redd.it/o6znibtrj78b1.jpg) | [300 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/14itfe5/homie_in_law/) \#2: [A slutty amount of y's](https://i.redd.it/9q9ldx45mcza1.png) | [685 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13f76u8/a_slutty_amount_of_ys/) \#3: [“Frustrated dad uses his 6ft son to shame council into fixing deep pothole”](https://i.redd.it/m3czu1gbmzya1.jpg) | [692 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/13di2z2/frustrated_dad_uses_his_6ft_son_to_shame_council/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There are porn rhythm games. In fact there are VR porn rhythm games.


Everytime I think I have an original thought.


I mean you shouldn't feel bad, the sorts of people who make porn video games are definitionally people who've given it a *lot* of thought.


I feel like I'd get too caught up in trying to match the rhythm to actually cum myself. Back to the whole "no such thing as a good porn game" I suppose


Depends on whether you count VN's as "games", what with being 99% reading.


They did something like that in the old God of War games


Time to play God of War


Saints Row 2 has something vaguely similar to that in the “Ho-ing” diversion


Didn’t the OG god of war trilogy do this


yeah there was a quick time event that would award you xp or something for completing it and it was repeatable.


Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy had these, and it was hilariously dogshit. Not so much to last longer, but basically "wiggle thumbstick to thrust" while knockoff Nickelback music plays. I'm generally pro-sex in games, but David Cage's attitude to it is really something else


David Cage is the David Cage of game directors.


I think that's kinda how the (removed) Hot Coffee from GTA: San Andreas worked.


That one rhythm game where you perform to cum


I mostly play things like Europa Universalis and Factorio and such. I feel like I’m missing out. They should add some.


But Factorio is one big sex scene. It's you fucking the environment.




There's definitely sex mods for other Paradox games, but I don't remember if there are any for EU.


Go give Crusader Kings 3 a try, half the game is arranging your family tree. As well as finding creative ways to prune it. Assassinating heirs you didn't want had to be patched out of CK2 because murdering your own children was just too good a strategy. Your own vassals would be like "yeaaaaah it kinda sucks we have a boss that's a kid-killer but he's a swell guy otherwise" Now you just gotta send them off to die in a hopeless battle and hope they get killed instead of being taken prisoner (which happens far more often).


One must imagine your country as a hot anime girl, and whenever you get more land their breasts get bigger or something.


I'm pretty sure every game that has these makes them fully avoidable.


Dragon's Dogma moment lmfao


Does Dragon's Dogma have mandatory fucking?


If my memory hasn't failed me, yes. Spoilers for an old game: you are presented with a choice in the ending, save your favorite person or sacrifice them for wealth and power. This NPC is determined by the affinity system, and the last NPC with max affinity you spoke to will occupy this position. If none are maxed it's randomly selected from higher affection levels. If you save this NPC they will tackle you to the ground, then fade to black with y'all in bed. Resulted in stuff like random grannies for that part


My friend got some random shopkeeper because he spent most of his time selling stuff to him


Yeah that sums it up, fun game with a large amount of less than stellar quirks


IIRC, that was the usual character that people would get


I got the worst possible one - the merchant's daughter you need to hang out with for the side quest to get the gold idol was at my campsite after I beat the dragon. I wanted to close the app


LMAO she counted for the romance???? She was like 7!! And insufferable


"**Will you obtain eternal wealth and fame? Or would rather lose it all for the sake of this little girl‽**" "Of course I will sav-" \* notices that the girl is standing next to a signpost which reads "if you save my life I **will** reward you handsomely with endless hours of wild steamy sex [non-negotiable]" in magically-binding ink \* "...On second thought, eternal wealth and fame actually does sound pretty good."


Yes, there were (basically) no NPCs you couldn't "romance"






The way it worked was she, and maybe all child characters idk, were just short characters. There was no flagging to determine any difference. This is likely due to how half baked the system was. They really should have fixed at least that part, its a bad look, but I imagine no one was paid to.


"They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong."




Damn dude, you've sold a thousand potatoes to me, let's get it on.


Lotsa people get to make pornivals with [Fournival](https://dragonsdogma.fandom.com/wiki/Fournival).


[Relevant comic](https://imgur.com/CFOV1IP)


They are Masterwork, all. You cant go wrong


Doesn't that mean you can avoid it, by going for the wealth and power option?


wealth and power option is one of those bad ends where the villain gives you a tempting offer instead of fighting him.


Technically, but it's not like you're supposed to know about the SS beforehand- so it's pretty much a coin flip if you see it Edit: it's also how you fight the main antagonist that has been hyped since the game started, so I can't imagine many people skipping on that


Oh. Oh, that's not great.


Yeah, it was certainly something


Kids like Pip were also an option that the game could force upon you


I may have forgotten if it’s as short as you’re mentioning, but I don’t remember this in the Dark Arisen version I played. I got the wandering merchant lady and she just showed up in my house every I beat Grigori


Dark Arisen gave it a kludgy fix by making certain NPCs (merchants, kids) much harder to gain affinity with


Also Cyberpunk 2077, iirc.


Huh? When is it mandatory in 2077? Only part I can think of is the pretty sensual cuddling with the doll, which I suppose could be fair Edit: unless it's part of the DLC, I've not played it yet so unfamiliar


One of the Johnny Silverhand flashback sequences. I think you can skip the cutscene, though.


Oh shit, I completely skipped over that yeah. Guess I was just thinking of V and forgot about Johnny


Unfortunately (at least on ps5) you cannot skip the unnecessarily long sex scene in that sequence


>I think you can skip the cutscene, though. would have loved to know the button for that at the time


I can’t figure out how to on PC. I keysmashed before muting the program and minimizing it until it was done.


Btw, I don't think cuddling the doll is mandatory either. If you start a fight in the club before talking to the doll you can skip straight to interrogating them. If we're talking about the same doll, at least.


Yeah that was gonna be my response to the guy who originally asked me, just forgot about Johnny's scene


Dragon’s Dogma sux. Dragon’s Catma, on the other hand…


Cyberpunk 2077 has at least one unavoidable sex scene edit: wanna add that Kingdom Come: Deliverance has a couple that, while avoidable, can be triggered without realizing you made the choice to see "that"


I honestly didn't know that. In my defence, my experience of games with sex scenes in them is Witcher 3 and literally just smut games, and if you downloaded the smut game and didn't expect smut, then what were you doing?


Smut games with avoidable sex scenes so you can speedrun them faster.


Me playing Sengoku Rance skipping text with the mod that censors the sex scenes.


Dude sitting thru the johnny sex scene fucking sucks. No, CDPR, I do not want to have a first person sex scene thru the eyes of a douchebag living his own fantasy. The ones as my own character with a love interest I actually chose are uncanny enough. Honestly all the Johnny gameplay segments kinda suck tho imo, if I ever do another playthrough of the game it’ll be because I found a mod to skip them.


They are only ever cool the first time. Which is a very big problem in a rpg with multiple endings.


Yeah they're interesting the first time for the lore, and even then the linearity with one weapon can be a bit boring compared to the main game + the jankiest and worst scripted chase sequence of the, what, 3 in the main story + a couple side quest ones?


The Doll bit at Clouds, in the ‘looking for Evelyn’ part of the story? I think you can pick the dialogue options for just having a talk actually


no I meant one of the early Johnny Silverhand flashbacks, the scene with Rogue


There's also one with Alt. The Rogue scene is in an optional side mission iirc


Which as an asexual, was rather uncomfortable for me. Third person sex scenes, fine, whatever. But first person? That just gave me the squicks.




Yup, all of Cyberpunk 2077 is in first person, so any sex scenes are also in first person. There is one unavoidable one that you get in a flashback. I don’t remember if there is anyway to fast forward through it.


That is my worst nightmare. I thought the point of playing video games is that you weren’t having sex, damnit!


In ezio's first assassin's creed game, it is most certainly not avoidable. I love that trilogy, but I cringe at that point every time I play them.


I am increasingly realising from these responses that there is a shocking amount of games that have mandatory fucking in them. Huh.


The Last of Us 2 has sex scenes with both of the main characters. It shocked me especially because the first game was entirely devoid of any romance. The POV jump from the completely celibate dad to a bunch of horny teens and 20-somethings was so jarring


I did not know that, but it kinda makes sense. The Last Of Us getting a TV show made sense because it basically was one, so honestly the random ass debatably gratuitous sex scene makes sense


The first one fades to black after 5 seconds of kissing and is just so we know the main character and the love interest for the duration of the game got together. The second one is also not that bad and is relevant to the plot and character development. People are just calling any sex scene gratuitous no matter their role in the story.


I mean, that’s not the type of game you grind, but unless you skip the cutscene (you DONT want to skip the cutscenes of this game) you can’t miss it.


Not exactly a sex scene, but Gta 5 and Watch Dogs both force you to go into strip clubs. Trying to play that around a younger sibling is tough, camera down and waddle around using the map.


I know watchdogs at least had a plot line with it, but wasn’t the point of going into the strip club in gta5 just that Trevor bought it?


Spam your controls until something skips it


Usually they're optional. Like Witcher 3and BG3 (I think, I haven't played it yet) require you do certain quests and click specific dialogue options to get to the sex, with several options that do not end in you fucking.


Yeah, in bg3 you have to actively work to get a lot of the sex scenes. People talk about the bear sex as if you don't have to put in a not insignificant amount of effort to get the bear sex, including clicking the "have sex with bear man" option.


>Clicks "Hello, Mr Bear-man who is literally just a guy who can become a bear, I want to have sex with you while you are a bear. I am propositioning you and giving g informed and active consent" >Sees bear sex scene >shockedpikachu.jpg


Lol in Witcher 3 I thought I was being playfully flirty with Yennifer...and then they abruptly started fucking on a stuffed unicorn.


I'm trying to remember the exact context for that to see if there was an implication, but it's been a while since I played.


Yeah, well, the game is kind of infamous for a few misleading dialogue choices (like the one where the choice is to push Djikstra and Geralt just stabs him).


He doesn't stab him, he breaks his leg.


I have seen multiple people complain that in BG3 even though there are options that result in not having sex, the options that *do* result in having sex can be entirely unpredictable. Like if you’ve done their quest, you could accidentally start a sex scene just by picking some dialogue option that doesn’t indicate at all it’s going to start a sex scene


That's mostly a problem with one particular character who was very buggy at release.


Cyberpunk 2077 has a sex scene you can't skip or avoid. It's annoyingly long too.


Although I heard in Baldur's Gate 3, the game MOCKS you for refusing the advances of your party members.


I haven't finished that game bc I got busy and haven't gone back to it yet but I'd heard there were romance options and I was like okay I guess I like big demon lady's vibe and was doing dialogue in that direction. Turns out everybody tries to fuck you with little to no provocation in the camp and they all seemed annoyed when I kissed big red bimbo and wasn't looking for a camp spanning polycule.




First game I encountered a sex scene was in Fallout 2, in 1998. It was a fade to black kinda thing. Fable in 2004 had the fade to black with your partner saying “You’re so norty.” Until the screen fades back in. Harvest Moon on the SNES had implicit sex, in that your wife could become pregnant in 1997. GTA San Andreas had the camera hang back outside of the house in 2004, and also had a mini game called “Hot Coffee” hidden in the code. GTA 3 in 2001 had a rocking car if you picked up a prostitute. The first “Lights on” sex scene in a mainstream game I know of is Mass Effect in 2007, which is where I assume your date comes from.


Yep. I inferred from the post that OOP was talking about that sort, and Mass Effect was something of a trailblazer there, making the circuit on the nightly news programs trying to give concerned parents more things to be afraid of.


What the fuck games is OP playing? The only fucking happening in my games is RNG straight fucking my runs.


Witcher 3 mayhaps?


Far Cry 3 had one


if they were in team fortress 2 i would watch




JAWOHL EH AH NNH AGngh *cue continuous grunting*


Not uncommon at all since, I guess Mass Effect 1? 3D modeling, richer story telling, more adult themes.


Lol the sex scene in ME1 was honestly hilarious. It was very abrupt and lasted about 5 seconds. Didn't help that I was playing the Legendary Edition and got the bug where Shepherd's eyelids don't lower when she's looking down...


Didn’t stop Jack Thompson from getting his panties in a twist over it.


holup but what about silksong sex scene with hornet and lace and it has a fishing minigame and button prompts




Common silksong insanity. Just tell him hornet is void and he'll go away.


Hornet is my fav void character, with our player character, the hollow knight, being my second


It hurts :,)


Silksong isn't out yet. Nuke is coping.


hornet ovipositor 👀😍🥵


hey have you considered deleting this <3


When I’m in a shitty sex scene competition and my opponent is Ride to Hell: Retribution


Was that the one where they're fully clothed the whole time


They wanted a sex scene, but didn't want to make new models.


And staring blankly ahead with unmoving faces, yes


The only sex scene that is able to accurately depict how awkward sex scenes look to an asexual person.


There are sex scenes in videogames? Literally the closest I can think of is the blurred out whoopie thing in Sims 


We're going through a neopuritan wave and folk who say this speak of like man-ass girl-moan fade-black as sex scene. These are prople who would've begin to puke blood if they read the original visual novels of their favorite anime.


Whoopie lmfao I love you random stranger you made my day


XCOM games could stand to have some more


-99% chance to successfully take off pants -instantly trip and break your neck on the bed frame


I blame mass effect personally. And the pearl clutchers that gave the game massive amounts of free advertising for a bare bum


The “news” coverage there was completely fucking batshit, lol


sex scenes are not common in video games


...are... they? (common i mean)


Not really


Basically just if you're playing one of those mega-big AAA 'cinematic experience' games; or you're playing a Bioware-esque RPG like Dragon Age or (to give not-Bioware examples) Baldur's Gate 3 or Greedfall. Or you can find hundreds in various little indie games (not even necessarily porn games) but that's how it is in indie media.


yknow... common? (more seriously it seems most prominent in RPGs which I'm curious about... but not very involved in)


I mean ... I don't think I've ever seen a game where that kind of content isn't either entirely skippable or there's a setting to turn it off, so ... why do you care?


First I saw was Final Fantasy 10 and it was a pretty tasteful smooch-then-fade-to-black. Came out late 2001 I think.


FFVII has it implied, too, but it's both dependent on your affinity with the character and nearly nothing. Well, then there's the Honeybee Inn but that doesn't count too much.


It's a fair bit more than a smooch but yeah


Smooch and a swim--yeah you're right. It was a great scene.


Pretty sure most games let you just skip them if you want to? I play games for the storytelling, if the sex is part of the story (ie: the relationship I'm building), then ya, give it to me. I'm not in the game just for the shoot-em-ups. Everyone has their different style though so... more power to you. Change your settings and you'll be fine.


It took me so many games to realize there was even romance because I was too busy with the plot or putting potatoes in my bed to notice my companion was hitting on me. Now it's all people want to know when it's announced. But I did appreciate my halfling kissing the Iron Bull standing on a barrel excellent work team.


You can just skip them. Some games even have options to turn it off which is nice. Personally I like them. They tend to be the reward at the end of long romance subplots/sidequests. Some of them are boring, but the fun ones always stand out to me. The ones in Witcher 3 are some of the best. I can understand people being uncomfortable with them and wanting more options for avoiding them, and I'm all for that. What I won't stand for is anyone saying sex scenes should be removed entirely just because it makes them personally uncomfortable (which I don't think is OP's point)


To me they're usually bland. Sometimes they're kind of hilarious. Occasionally they're disturbing.


I’d prefer it over the other kind of grinding. Skill grinding fucking sucks


Apparently Japan had erotic games since the '80s, so I suppose sex scenes have existed for a long time


oh but they are the exact reason why i ran all the story options and fucked all characters in dragon age


I love sex scenes in video games, provided the sex scene is still part of the game, and not just a cutscene of poorly animated softcore.


Eh, player input makes it worse for me. Like, now it's poorly animated softcore that moves jerkily in time to your button inputs.


Well, I meant more how BG3 does it where it's a dialogue tree. Like, you're not doing every little movement, you're just guiding the general events.


Oh, yeah, I prefer at least kind of choosing who my character has sex with rather than just having a random sex scene come out of nowhere, for sure. Granted, unless the sex scene is funny, I'm satisfied with the "fade to black" approach.


What games are y’all playing because huh? I’ve only seen, like, « dialogue, then fade to black » in Hades


And then it cuts to a loading screen and you gaze upon yourself in the black mirror where once two hot people fucking were


As an asexual im so indifferent to them It's like, cool this is herez pretty well animated to But then also they are always fucking unskippable like please I don't need 5 minutes of tiddy let me go back to the game please


Mass Effect 1. There were "fade to black" implied romance scenes before, and other rpgs had mechanics for "romancing" an npc. But before ME the quest concluded with a kiss or a marriage. It may not be the first, but it made the trend.


Is it really even common? I mean Baldurs Gate 3 is the only game in the last 5 years I can think of that has sex scenes in it


My dad has a few of the first adult only games for Atari They've been around almost since video games have been around, but you also have to take into consideration the technology of the time Sure they were adult only games that had "sex" but at the end of the day it was still basically just a few pixels Bikini wearing samus from the original metroid game is another example of the technology of the times, people used to go all out to play with those pixels lol


There are people like this and then there are gooners who mod their games so their characters look like sex dolls with basketballs hanging from their chests


This, more than anything, is the reason I think a lot of people don't like sex scenes. I've seen people try to make it about how "violence is normalized and sex isn't" which is I guess maybe a concern but entirely secondary to the fact that... y'know, people fucking isn't that fun to watch.


People fucking can be fun to watch. Two 3D models awkwardly bumping into each other is the videogame equivalent of that time I made my dolls scissor.


I feel like most people in developed countries aren't exposed to much violence (maybe fistfights or hunting animals at most), so violence doesn't feel real.  Meanwhile most people either have had or will have sex at some point, so watching a sex scene seems kind of mundane.


God of War , the original had one


the old god of war games had sex minigames.


i can think of exactly 1.


One that most jumped out at me was the new Wolfenstein


Shoutout to The Witcher 3 for Geralt ending up forever alone if you don’t ask either Triss or Yen to hit


I know the Sims had sex scenes (hello queer awakening) and that came out (pun not intended) in 2000.


Never played a Bioware game huh?


Golgo 13 on the NES. Silhouetted characters from outside a hotel window, your character and a women you recently met, walk towards each other, scene goes dark, your hit points refill. I was like 11 or so, was sorta surprised, didn’t tell my super Christian parents, just kept playing the game.


Skyrim if you mod it wrong