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I guess solid relationships just aren't in the cards for that girl.


Yeah her relationships seem like houses of cards, just ready to collapse


Something something heart of the cards Yugi or whatever


First I play pot of greed and we all know what that does; With pot of greed I'm able to draw two more cards from my deck


Can I join in and draw pot of greed and play it to draw two more card from my deck?


What’s your favorite shel Silverstein song?


"Sylvia's Mother" as performed by Dr Hook, but I don't see what that has to do with the topic of this thread.


Trying to read tarot is really fun when you don’t know what you’re doing. “You’ve drawn the chariot and 2 blades in this pile. I think this means you’re going to drive somewhere and get stabbed twice” 


How every TV show handles tarot. "It's the Death card. That means you're gonna die" *No it doesn't*


Especially annoying because the tower is right there if you want a card to say disaster is imminent


There's 72* card total. You rarely do a tarot reading with just one card but even if you did, you'd have a 1/72 chance that the cards tell you you'll die, that is ridiculously high. Realistic tarot would be that one time I got my cards read with a friend and the lady explained to her that she has mommy issues, and then on my time explained to me that I have daddy issues. *I was wrong, it's 78


> a 1/72 chance that the cards tell you you'll die, that is ridiculously high. Are you saying that you have a greater than 71/72 chance to become immortal? Where can you hook me up with that?


You think you are immortal every day until you die?


>There's 72 card total. Most pop culture fortune tellers I've seen are lucky to even mention most of the major arcana, I don't think I've ever seen the minor arcana pulled in anything other than Persona o-o >You rarely do a tarot reading with just one card but even if you did, you'd have a 1/72 chance that the cards tell you you'll die, that is ridiculously high. Lower than that since none of the cards actually mean this. The Death card represents change/transition, it almost never means literal death. I mean I guess if you're asking whether you have a terminal disease it might mean that, but you really shouldn't be doing tarot reading for that anyway lol >Realistic tarot would be that one time I got my cards read with a friend and the lady explained to her that she has mommy issues, and then on my time explained to me that I have daddy issues. This sounds about right for actual tarot readings lol


Adding onto that: Death is specifically natural, *inevitable* change that is out of your control and often the beginning of something new (Your line manager is retiring and their replacement starts next week). Vs say Magician which is change that you can direct (Get that promotion), or Tower is which catastrophic world shattering change (Your fired or being transferred cross country).


Just do what Bond did and bring a Tarot deck of 72 lovers so no matter what the woman draws it's the Lovers. Yes, it is implied that Bond went into a store and bought 72 Tarot decks specifically to do this.


This is like a funnier version of that store that removed all the 'negative' cards from the decks they sold because they were bringing down the vibe or something


The Simpsons actually handled this properly. Lisa is at a tarot reading and gets the death card. She starts freaking out until the lady doing the reading explains that it's good. Death means change. Then as a gag she pulls the silly rabbit card and gets horrified at what it represents.


What... What does it represent?


As the tarot reader put it: "the cards are vague and mysterious". It doesn't really mean anything it's just a funny juxtaposition between a very cute card and the reaction to it.


I also immediately thought of that scene.


The only good tarot reading I've seen in a TV show (not really a TV show but whatever) is in one of the Critical Role games. Mostly because all of the predictions basically came true, in a medium where they were in fact doing this randomly and didn't know what was gonna happen.


I don't know the particular details of CR, but he reason why tarot (can seem) to work *in real life* is because the readings are vague enough that you can sort of make them apply to any situation. Tabletop games have the additional benefit of being able to push around truth and reality itself, and a good DM like Mercer and good players like that cast will inherently use their improv skills to make the most entertaining choices possible, and in this case that means building towards the prediction. Source: I do stuff like this in tabletop games all the time. It looks like magic, but it's mostly narrative pareidolia and some really basic psychological tricks.


God Jesters Tarot reading to Lucien was so good. I can't believe Matt rolled a 1, 9, and 20 lmaoo


One of my highlights in my favourite campaign


Tarot cards can be surprisingly good for a TTRPG lol. I GM a Pathfinder 2e game, in the party's main hometown there's a fortune teller NPC that's had me break out one of my decks for some single card pulls.


Is that Otari?


Yes lol. I'm running Abomination Vaults


um aksually the cards in CR are technically oracle cards, not tarot. They don't follow the tarot structure of 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana.


Damages all enemies in the room.


You’ve drawn The World *time stops*


Yeah. I'm never, ever going to die! If someone told me I was going to die in the future, they're a liar and a charlatan


Wouldn’t that technically be correct for everyone? I mean, it’s on my agenda, it’s on yours.


How about this? Psychic does a classic 3-card spread. The future card is **Death**, and protag cries and runs away from psychic before they^1 can explain the meaning. Protag wallows in sorrow, then they^2 quit their job and blow their money on a last holiday. They^2 come home with an empty account and accepting of death when the psychic finds them^2 and they^1 explain its true meaning, and the "death" ends up representing their^2 life with none of their monetary attachments, and they^2 start a new life as a traveler or a chicken farmer or something.


*it doesn't mean anything at all*


Obviously they're all made up, by symbols do mean things. That's what makes them symbols.


I was just joking that even reading the symbols correctly is just an idle past time with no bearing or insight on our 'fate'. I only feel the need to make that joke because I know way too many people that actual believe in the power of tarot and crystals and horoscopes etc...


"You've drawn the stars, the hermit, the magician, the hierophant, the chariot & the fool; I'm like 98% sure **fate itself** is conspiring to turn your life into an elaborate JoJo reference"


Oh my God!


Fun fact: there’s a Yugioh GX villain with a Major Arcana themed deck, with his ace monster being The World. His Japanese voice actor is Takehito Koyasu. Takehito Koyasu would go on to voice Dio Brando.


I always smile when I hear about Dio's voice actor. Never watched Jojo, so not for that. It's just that he also voiced Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.


I use the hierophant to get 2 soul hearts and then teleport to the treasure room with the stars card.


"The two of blades is reversed, isn't it? Doesn't that mean I have to stab you?" "Oh, so it is. Fair enough."


Hey its at least as accurate as any other tarot


The meanings are all intentionally vague because the thing really was just to be reading the person and trying to tell them what they wanted to hear to get money from them. So yeah this card COULD mean this, or it could mean that, or it could mean anything I need it to to tell a story. Like how horoscopes are vague enough to always seem true enough. So yeah you can do a reading if you just confidently say whatever you want so long as no one is around who had a tarot reading phase abd thinks the meanings are more solid. Though I guess you could claim to be doing a different style of meaning they just don't know about.


It also helps the subconscious to fill in the blanks. You see what you want to see, but sometimes you need a prompt.


Tarot is great for introspection and figuring out what you know and what you want to do. Tarot for yourself and your friends is fine; tarot for strangers is at best just a quick guided therapy session, at worst a complete scam. And the post is a great example of tarot for introspection.


The psychic/tarot reading stuff is kind of like therapy with extra steps from what I've heard.


These days sure, but it has had to evolve to be a more comforting new age blanket people can put on even when they don't believe in it. That is adapting to a more skeptical market.


I place the three of cups face down on the hierophant, allowing me to draw three cards. Discarding the newly drawn hanged man, I recover the knave of wands from the graveyard, and activate the fool, ending my turn.


Every tarot deck I've ever seen comes with a booklet telling you what the cards mean, though.


Just cause there's a manual doesn't mean you read it


The Tower - oh you’re getting a new apartment!!


Guess he didn't believe in the heart of the cards


oop is a girl


I think "he" is referring to the boyfriend that was broken up with.


The cards: "the stars are not in position for this tribute" The girl: "like he says... Stars...cant do it........... Not today"


Get with a new guy or stay single? "Both. Both is good."


What if we reeeewrite the stars, to say you were mean to be miiine


Damn why would you want someone who's mean? :c




You right.


Nice *The Road To El Dorado* reference!


I JUST watched ElDorado, LOL


Bit off topic but this makes me wonder if you can “counter” someone’s fortune telling, by claiming your own fortune telling says something different? “Actually babe I just did a reading and it said we’d both be happier if we stuck together, I think yours need calibrating?”


[mfw the girl i'm seeing does a tarot card reading right in front of me and says she can't see me anymore, smugly assuming she has performed a lethal damage play, not aware i've gone through 8 seasons worth of iterative deck-building to counter this exact meta](https://imgur.com/f7DbABw)


Imagine countering a tarot reading by flipping three land and attacking their chariot with flying and haste.


Isn't it easier to tap one and bolt the damn thing?


Sandbag the bolt, the former gives you a creature on board and a bolt in hand.


I will admit my deck is nothing optimal but they only have like 12 cards.


I prefer just hitting them with Exodia and sending their ass to the Shadowrealm




Me sneaking pot of greed into the tarot girl's deck so when she reveals it she has to draw two more cards


Sorry, that card has been banned since 2005.


I shall then play Harpie's feather duster to clean her board of all tarot cards, negating her reading


You're in the clear. It's been unbanned since 2020.


Screw the rules of the cosmos, I have money.


You’ve activated my trap card! I summon Mind Goblin in attack position !


What's a Gind Moblin?


Gind Moblin deez nuts lmao gottem


A creature from zelda


imagine not even running Pentacle Goodstuff


[ Your meme good sir, thank you for the idea.](https://imgflip.com/i/8vqpgk)


If that happens I think you have to do a fortune duel. Reading duel? That or whoever eats the other's cards first wins.


If you start dating a witchy vibes type girl and she insists on doing your Tarot reading, watch out for min-maxxing ones that draft Pots of Greed in their decks. I unknowingly ended up in a duel challenge with one thinking it was a mistake or joke and she immediately one-turned me with a bullshit exodia build


How would a green/white knight/dinosaur deck handle that


poorly, my Timmy friend.


I place the tower in defense position and end my turn


I mean, that's the only position a tower can ever be in, so it checks out


Tarot actually originated as a card game (In fact, tarot decks are distantly related to modern 52-card decks.) I think you could determine whose prediction takes priority by using the cards to play [french tarot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Tarot) against each other; the winner is the one whose prediction will come true.


Something similar happens in the movie *Live and Let Die* >!James Bond stscks a Tarot deck with 78 Lovers cards to convince Jane Seymour to sleep with him.!<


James Bond travels back to the time of Henry VIII?


Sorry babe, your cards only apply to you. I’m perfect for you, but you’re not good enough for me, which is why I’m the one breaking it off.


> Sorry babe, your cards only apply to you. Not if my enchantment card, The World, has anything to say about that!!


Yep. There’s a thing called “confirmation readings”. You read something for yourself or get a reading, get one answer. Get other readings to see if they line up. If they do, then you… take it at its word or something? If it doesn’t, then maybe you’re supposed to discard the original interpretation? Not something I do so I don’t fully know.


So like... I don't have a great place to put this but here's good enough. I've seen some pretty effective tarot, but it comes from the teller knowing the person they're talking to. If it's treated as a way to frame advice, it can be scarily accurate.


Sure, before their reading resolves, they have to pass the priority to you and you can react, which would include countering the reading. If you have mana opened, of course


Okay am I going crazy or did she pull out her laptop twice


She's dual wielding


Fucking hacker mode


first time she whipped it out, it's different


First she whipped out her laptop and then she pulled out her laptop and after that she retrieved her laptop, followed by grabbing her laptop, and when all that was said and done she finally obtained her laptop so she could get her laptop. And then she fetched her laptop.


Tarot "Confirmation Bias" Cards


I engage with them with this in mind. "Oh I am feeling conflicted or lost, let's consult the RNG vague advice column with pretty pictures and a relaxing ritual" Kind of a more involved version of "I'll flip a coin and see how I react to the result"


I roll a D20 and if I like the outcome I am happy. However, I am also smug enough to ask the dice: "are you sure" and rolling again until I get an outcome I like.


It's a lot like prayer in Chrisrian circles. "I prayed about it, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and conveniently convicted me to do the thing I wanted to do"


> conveniently convicted me to do the thing I wanted to do You don't need the holy spirit for that, a jury will do just fine!


Any effects of prayer, really. "I prayed and the thing I wanted happened" -> "Holy shit I'm literally influencing reality" "I prayed and the thing I wanted didn't happen" -> "The god/s know it best, this is actually how things were meant to be for me, this is a divine test, mysterious ways etc etc"


I have a deck where 90% of the cards say to get off my ass and make the changes I want. I’m really not into tarot, I bought them because I thought the art was pretty, but doing a reading with them is actually very encouraging haha


Girly, you're offloading your desires and impulses onto inanimate objects girly. Girly you're refusing to make choices by pretending that it's the will of the universe flowing through you despite this clearly being your own intrinsic motivations. Girly this will have negative repercussions down the line as your life feels less in your control even as you sink further into things that were meant to give you a sense of stability and certainty in the chaos. Girly this is not very girly-pop.


Girly is in too deep to hear you I'm afraid


girly upon your face up reveal i play swords of revealing light


The cards are a mirror that teach you about yourself. You read in them what you fear and what you want. Kind of like a Rorschach test. If you use them like that, they can be very helpful when you get stuck in your own thoughts and can provide you with a new perspective on your own thinking. Getting new knowledge about yourself using only things you already knew, but perhaps didn't realize yet. They can only tell you the future in the sense that they can make you aware of patterns you or people you know fall into. But if you just use them to make randomly make decisions for you they're really not any better than a magic eight-ball or a random number generator. I wonder which of the two this girl was doing. Kinda sounds like she was just looking for a justification to do what she already wanted to do anyway...


Sort of like how if a king dreams about being overthrown by his son, he shouldn't fear his son, but instead ask himself if he thinks he's a good father?


Nice one. I love that analogy. Kinda yeah. But I think this about all spirituality and religion. Both what you want to be the truth and what you fear to be the truth are likely the result of your own biases.


Yep, I bought a deck just to look at cuz it had really pretty pictures and then got curious enough about their meaning that I went on a week-long hyperfocus binge learning what each card represents and taking notes (thank god I took notes cuz I do not remember most of it) and then started using them for idea generation in writing and worldbuilding. And then I was going through a tough time financially and decided fuck it, I'll see what the cards say. And I discovered that they're great for getting you to see points of view you hadn't considered. They're really just cards with pretty pictures (and were originally used as playing cards btw) that people started using for divination a couple hundred years ago. They dont actually mean anything or hold any power but that doesn't mean they don't have uses or can't nudge you in the right direction.


My wife has multiple decks of tarot cards just because she likes the artwork, but she keeps a deck at work and will whip them out and do readings for her students (they love it). She bought me my own deck for one and it has all of the cards meanings (regular and inverted) printed on them.


Oh no! You're supposed to be gifted a deck, now thou art truly cursed


Gift it to yourself, problem solved


It’s similar to flipping a coin to make a decision. Half the time, you figure out what you want it to land on while it’s still in the air, and then you should just go with that option. The flip itself doesn’t matter, it’s just a mechanism to find out what your subconscious wants.


exactly. except it's a little more complicated. For example you could draw a card with the meaning that you've been keeping something bottled up. The first thing you think of is probably something you've bottled up. It's like a prompt forcing you to look at your self from a certain perspective


It's neat people have found a modern use for them, like a psychological trick to get you to ground you or make you rethink things. The important key is being aware that there is no true meaning or power to them and that you're only doing it to help you think.


Don't fall into the "modern vs ancient" spiel - the tarot deck is a game system that was adapted into self-reflection and adapted *further* into fortune-telling.


Also, tarot is from the 15th century, the middle of the Renaissance. They're not ancient.


That was what I was trying to get across, I realise that was not clear.


There's no ancient I'm thinking Victorian spiritualism (which is a fad we have a lot of cultural superstitions from which we mistake as older than they are), and the new age fad which took a lot of that and made it softer and more feel good. Ironically both fads exoticized eastern cultures in completely different awful and stupid ways.


TLDR Tarot cards can be good for some people who suck at introspection. Still stupid though.


Tarot cards can be good for creating a theme of characters in an anime JRPG


The best and only use for them


also some really awesome murals in a cyberpunk dystopian city


I am thou Thou art I


I really don't think it's just for people who are bad at introspection. Everyone, including experts at introspection, fall into patterns and develop biases in their thought processes that the introduction of a mirror can help improve. Therapy is largely the same thing (not saying Tarot is as good at it), reflecting your thinking back at you and helping you recognize destructive patterns. The only stupid part is people thinking there's something supernatural going on. But that has nothing to do with the cards. There's people who use random number generators because they believe that the will of god manifests though the random patterns and so it allows them to commune with god. That doesn't mean random number generators as a tool are dumb, just the people who use it that way. Same with the cards.


Edit: Tarot cards are good for dumb people who probably believe in space racism, also known as astrology. "I broke up with my boyfriend and now I have decided to fuck you because of the tea leaves, and the position of the goat's intestines." Homie that's not just a red flag, that's the Soviet flag flying loud and proud over the Kremlin.


For shame, indeed! Should just own up to it. "I broke up with my boyfriend and I have decided to fuck you because he's far away and you're looking kindah sexy right now, and I have the interpersonal skills of a newt"


How dare you speak so ill of a newt! They are but slimy, stringy boys hanging out under wet leaves, eating bugs and shit.


A newt can be an excellent newt and a good slimy, stringy boy whilst still possessing the interpersonal skills of an unfaithful college girl who sleeps around with flimsy excuse. They have different criteria for goodness, is what I'm saying.


That is a fair observation. 🤝


It's only dumb if you make it dumb. Cards are not telling anything other than what's already existing in our head. It's basically a tool to put order in one's mind if there's a need for it. There's no reading future or anything like that.


You really think people would do that? Go on tumblr and post sexy lies?


Sexy lies? On the sexy lies site?


It’s more likely than you think


how do you even live with this as the BF


he's probably better off without her lmaoo


Probably? He is DEFINITELY better off. This girl was clearly ready to abandon ship and fuck other people. I won't pretend to know the situation with those two, but at least the girl broke up before having a one night stand. The OOP even states it was a bad idea/didn't work out.


You don't. He's free


Rig the deck Consult the crazy-hot chart to decide if this relationship is really worth it Ignore the crazy-hot chart because if you're in a relationship with someone who is willing to breakup with you over RNG check and you did not flee the moment you found out you yourself are probably on the wrong side of crazy-hot chart


Being *charitable* she might have taken to the cards in the place of another person to ask "should I break up with him?" when she was already considering it due to a rocky relationship. Rather than just letting an RNG generator dictate what she's doing with her life. She already knew what she wanted to do, but wanted confirmation from something for that extra push.


I mean, this didn’t actually happen, so…


Send back an uno reverse card. "No it is in fact I that dumps you."


So RE: all the people saying “marry her” and such in the comments of the original tumblr post, can someone explain to me how you see a story of someone casually discarding someone they’ve been pretending to love because some cards told them to and think anything other than “wow what a fundamentally awful person” because I’m really struggling to think anything else about this situation and I genuinely want to know other people’s reasoning


They see sex and immediately think it's a good foundation for a relationship along with thinking this is a cute quirk rather than a means to distract from some kind of issue like a trust or commitment issue


Correction: They see GAY SEX and immediately assume it's healthier than a straight passing relationship. We are talking about Tumblr, after all. I've known plenty of lesbians who "white knight" girls in straight passing relationships, assuming that they would be a better partner, and then complain that the same issues arise from the girl they were "white knighting", when the chance arises; without realizing they had just fell for what cis male dudes do everyday. It amazes me how some people ignore all of the warning signs ahead of them and assume they "can fix her/him". And how the (collective) Internet seems to applaud cheating when it's queer cheating, or the perpetrator is a woman.


It kinda feels like culture is over correcting for misogyny in a comically extreme roll reversal


Tumblr is probably not the place to look for good relationship....anything, really.


As we all know, crazy in the head means crazy in the bed. /s


That’s because no one had considered the possibility that oop went the way of the 4channer and made a “Fake and gay” story


This is how Basil Hawkings from One Piece operates.


I always knew he was a white woman.


Get out of all self responsibility with this one easy trick


We shall bang! So the cards proclaim! "Ok but like do you think this is a good idea-" *taking off clothes* IT HAS BEEN FORETOLD


I forgot how common lying was on tumblr


70% porn, 80% lying, 10% facts.


Makes me think of Gina in Brooklyn 99. "Well, my psychic friend told me I'd have a sensuous encounter with someone named Mark .. and I did!" *Cut to Gina, drunk at a bar "Is anyone here named Mark?! ... You'll do."


That wild moment when one person you follow just posted a nasty reaction to a post of someone else you follow. I'm looking at the angry post like "hold on I just saw the original post two seconds ago"


Well, at least she had the courtesy to break up with her boyfriend before doing the one-night-stand


most tumblr shit ive ever read


The boy would have been fine if he had not forgotten to set up his trap cards before finishing his first turn Rookie mistake, I'm assuming the boy in this post was LeBron James


How a friend of mine got his girlfriend is that he started having casual sex with this girl that had a boyfriend. Then she broke up with said boyfriend via text while riding my friend's dick. Now they're dating but he's also told me he's expecting her to cheat on him at any moment. Sadly this is overall way healthier than I expected for him.


They sound like terrible people


It's very hard to defend them. I don't much care for her. He's a dear friend and I love him but I'm extremely critical of a lot of his behavior and constantly tell him to go to therapy, which he brushes off.


Jesus if there’s one nice thing about being an ugly guy it’s that I’ll never have to deal with something like that.


Source: https://www.tumblr.com/cocoon2010/754637438210686976/if-i-knew-this-post-was-gonna-spread-around-i


people in the replies saying marry her... as if that's up to anyone but The Cards


I know what it’s like to have a good girlfriend. If a girl pulled shit like this is considered it a dodged bullet


So what is the tarot card combination that means “immediately leave your boyfriend and sleep with the hot guy near you?” asking for a friend..


“Break up with your boyfriend” is probably some combination of cards like the three of swords (heartbreak), tower(sudden change), and death(sudden change). “Sleep with someone” is probably some combination of The World(new beginnings, I think), Wheel of Fortune (change in fortune, from good to bad or bad to good), The fool (new beginnings), the hanged man (new perspective), and I’m not sure what else. Tangent: But there’s 78 cards in the deck so I’m just using the ones I vaguely know the meaning of. The meaning also “changes” depending on the deck/person (I.e. different people describe the meaning in different ways, some involve “creative interpretation”, and sometimes the “creative interpretation” gets to the point of “it’s not even in the same vicinity of its original meaning. It’s like comparing a car to an apple— how the FUCK did you come up with this?”) Because tarot is such a commercialized practice and is an “easy” way to sell 78 themed works of art, you get a lot of utter bastardizations of the original meaning because people just want to make and sell 78 pieces of art that fit within a theme, without bothering to make it match the original meaning. The “Edgar Allen Poe Tarot” by Sarah Christensen Fu is a good example of this— really cool art, but the guide book is NOT written well and at times borderline Makes Shit Up. But it is/was $12 and Edgar Allen Poe themed which is nice. (tarot is my version of Pokémon cards or art cards, I’m a fucking gremlin for tiny works of art that I can shuffle through like a fidget toy, I collect decks because *shiny pretty cards* for more affordable prices and more cohesive themes than buying 78 art cards individually)


Tarot means whatever you want it to mean. It can be a great tool for meditation or introspection or to help you work through things in your mind. They obviously don't have any real predictive or magical power but that doesn't mean it's all bullshit. If this girl broke up because the cards "told her to" she probably was looking for a reason to break up anyway. Same with the sex. The added theatre of the cards doesn't make decisions better or worse than if those same decisions had been made without the cards.


An ex used to be into tarot and fortune telling and astrology. At first I’d play along (she was a hot babe and I was a horny dog), and have a reading done by “professionals”, but I’d go into it stone cold with no emotions and minimal conversation because I was curious if there was anything to it. They always got things wrong. Yeah, I can hear it now from the believers; “you were guarded and closed off so they couldn’t pick up on your energy.” Okay buddy. Several years after we split she went from mysticism and spirituality to hard core religious. I hope she found what she was looking for.


I guess someone who uses cards to make their decisions don’t tend to make sound decisions


Tarot as I’m given to understand it are about making your own decision with the cards as more of a framing device than anything with sone pretty pictures/mystic symbols. At least given my one time doing it which I used to sign up for a writing club. I should do it again sometime but I don’t ask myself questions very often which I guess might be part of the problem in general


sometimes the cards tell you what you want to hear


This leads to STDs


Wow she whipped out her laptop right before pulling out her laptop! Most believable sequence of events.


The number of "atheists" i knpw that believe in crap like this is astounding.


My ex bf was like that, like he was really into tarot and spiritism and other stuff like that. Said that there's some entity in my apartment. Funniest thing, it actually helped him with his *severe* anxiety, so I let it slide


See I just have cats for that. They reduce anxiety and also they're an entity in your apartment so you don't worry about there being others. The cat will eat it.


The only one who annoys me with it is one friend who is REALLY militant atheist. Calls people stupid who believe etc. Burned sage when his GF left him to "cleanse the bad spirits she left behind". I enjoy bringing that up when he goes on a rant. Im atheist myself but militant atheists annoy tf out of me at times lol


I was militant atheist at some point myself. Mellowed out a lot since then actually


Yea i was too around 18-20. I think most of us were. Hes 45 and still doing it. Like he tried to get a roadside cross removed that someone left for their kid that died in a car wreck there. Im like dude chill tf out and look at context. Other than that stuff hes a really good guy


Religious trauma?


Im not sure. I dont think so. His parents are not religious. Not atheist but just not churchy types. Doesnt mean it didnt happen to him though


Vi from skeptic generation does this a lot. It’s just…I mean. To each their own.


Guess I need to get my cards read now.


i think i need to buy some cards


Do people really believe paper cards have magic powers?


Plot twist: Turns out she had 2 nightstands on each side of the bed. One was blocking the door. She was supposed to get rid of that one. She perished later in a fire as smoke overcame her while struggling with the door


I have a hunch she was already planning these two things.


Good way to not take responsibility for their actions


the real question is was that spectacle with cards for her not to feel slutshamed by the OOP, or for herself not to feel guilt on her own?🤔