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Very sweet, but that "drinking tea in a library while cuddling" makes me anxious.




Wow thanks bot, that totally got rid of their anxiety!


My next tip, for depressed people. Just be happy!


My next tip, for people with eating disorders. Just eat!


I assume it said something like "Just stop being anxious"?






i appreciate you comfort bot, in your digital and unfeeling way.




Bad bot


Damn why did everyone downvote the, it's trying it's best


Do this at a book store. No one’s studying there and if it’s a Barnes & Nobles you can buy Tea from the Starbucks they probably have there.


And if you spill on the books, you can buy one of the store's stock, whereas the library often has only one copy of a lot of books


Hhnnn i have mixed feeling about pushing people away from libraries. Its not like they said they were going to be obnoxious, and while I agree no food or drink in libraries, if you can't handle people quietly discussing their favorite books and just generally enjoying their time in a library, you should probably study in one of the study/side rooms Libraries almost always have unless they are exceedingly small. Libraries should be promoted more, not recommended against.


That’s absolutely fair, to be honest I see no problem with the first post, I was just mentioning that “hey. Bookstores are a thing.” But you are absolutely right, Libraries are better because they’re free.


Running around in a library is fairly obnoxious


Its also a common figure of speech. I would say I ran around in libraries as a kid, despite never actually running in a library.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- > **faebee-deactivated20190106** > > i wanna take a girl on a date to a library on a rainy day and we can run around to different shelves and show eachother our favorite stories and we'll go to a cozy corner with our arms full of books and sit together and cuddle with hot tea and read together until our cheeks are pink and our hearts are fuzzy and warm --- > **omgsamchap** > > Honestly if I'm studying for an important test at the library while you two have your obnoxious little date I'll kick both of your asses. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


No. Fuckin rad human.


ok but that first post is so cute and i want that


Warmth, comfort, affection, books, atmosphere? Yeah, sounds like a great time




I’m aware that food and drink usually aren’t allowed in libraries, but now I’m thinking that a combination cafe-library has a lot of potential.


Barnes and noble


Wait. is Barnes the one who sells books, or is it Noble?




There's a massive library downtown in my city with a cafe on the first floor and it's delightful.


Wichita has a coffee shop at their main library as well, although it is currently closed because of the everything.


The library where I grew up just added a small cafe area. You do have to stay in a designated area while eating or drinking something without a lid.


Actually my local library does have a cafe


There’s a library in my “library district” with a cafe little! The drinks are rlly good imo and I have absolutely stopped there just for coffee without going by the library


Pick the right library and omgsamchamp is being completely unreasonable. Pick the wrong one and the mere sound of your footfalls would be enough to draw rightful ire. I like the informal system that the university I went to had. There are quite a few libraries for different subjects and purposes (eg. law, engineering, education) and each one had a different standard for how loud it was. If you went to the Law library, you *had* to be *extremely* quiet, to the point where you could literally hear a pin drop in the middle of dozens of students. If you went to Engineering, then regular-volume conversations were not only permissible but expected. It's all about matching the standards of the space you're in.


as long as they’re quiet i don’t care




Ngl I hate this genre of posts where someone makes a positive post about something that they’re passionate about or that interests them and then someone reblogs and makes some negative cynical snarky comment


No joke, mine and my fiance's first date was at our public library! We had no money and hardly any transportation, but we both desperately wanted to go on a date. We roamed the shelves and made fun of all the stupidest book titles, since it's a really poorly funded library and has no well-known books. Nothing you could possibly ever be looking for. No one else was there except the librarians. We've been together for 5 and a half years, and for our first anniversary he found me one of the most ridiculous books, The Gutbucket Quest! (The cover has an electric guitar being held up by lightning, a guy that looks exactly like Dave Grohl, and a man who looks like he works at a 50s soda shoppe.) Good times. The best!


I'm both of these people


Wow that hostile react. Does this dude assume that reading together means reading out loud or something? If he absolutely must have total silence to study some libraries have space for that. And there are noise cancelling headphones and other ways besides being a dick to people sharing a public space.


The unreasonable hostility is what makes the post so funny to me


Nah keep libraries quiet, if you want to be loud go to a park or something


I didn't read the first part as them being loud. Like yes, libraries aren't the place to run around screaming, but quiet conversation is fine and definitely doesn't deserve the level of hostility in the second post.


Even then, Im literally talking to a librarian friend of mine right now and even shes saying theres a time where screaming is fine in libraries, specifically when it comes to library events that might be going on like kids read alongs and shit.


That’s literally people’s point mate Time and place During normal library time with no events what they are doing would be disruptive


what would be disruptive about it?


Running around a library and making out in a corner mate


“Running around” can easily be metaphorical and there’s zero mention of making out.


Yeah it could be a figure of speech But if it isn’t it’s disruptive And the use of running around the shelves implies it’s actually running


Quiet, yes, not silent as the other guy seems to be demanding.


It’s mostly the >run around the different shelves Bit that annoys people


That's aggressive. It doesn't sound like they'd be being disruptive, just cuddling in a corner.


Put the dang books back. Nothing worse than patrolling for cleanup and finding a huge stack at the end of the day knowing you'll have to deal with it the next morning.


many libraries get funding based on both books checked out and books interacted with. returning books to carts at the end of shelves or the the front desk ensures that 1) the book will be counted and 2) the library-goer isn't making more work for the librarians by reshelving it in the wrong place. I did volunteer library work during high school and people misplacing books when they were trying to "put them back" drove me a bit batty.


Actually these days they prefer you leave the books out due to Covid. In my library anyway.


Theyve always prefered you leave the books out or put them specifically on re racking carts. People putting books back in the incorrect spot, especially in very large libraries, can be cause books to be "lost" which is very unfortunate for a place that may only have one or two copies of each book


All the negative comments, Fuck Off. Make Libraries central hubs for Community not places relegated only for studying for bullshit capitalism makes important. Instead make them places to pursue passions and the free exchange of knowledge, history, stories, experiences. Only certain areas of the Library should be silent. Libraries should be Alive not places that information comes to die and lay as dead and uninvolved words on paper.


The fuck does studying have to do with capitalism? I'm going to school for art.


The fuck does education and growth have to do with existence? I'm living every day for the dollar. Just as bourgeoisie want me to be.


Imagine going to a public venue and expecting everyone to conform to your needs. If you're that adamant about studying in silence, stay at home and buy some ear plugs for $1.


Why is the second coment so negative?? They literally never said that they would be screaming or anything, running around is a common expresion and doesnt nescesarily mean literally running and as long as they put the books back i dont see why it is so bad


they’re in a corner not botherin anyone, mind ur own damn business


they're actually a poly thruple on a date, the third one just expresses affection through annoyance :>


Damn this post is dumb


Who the hell drinks hot tea in a library and brings arms full of books. We aren’t 7.


omgsamchap's inflated sense of self worth is nauseating. Learn to tune it out. And I hope they kick HIS ass.


Look, I understand that libraries are calm and comfy and a nice place for a nerd date. But people study there, there's a reason they keep them silent. If you disagree. Try studying with a podcast, a League of Legends stream and porn in the background and tell me how well it went. It's for the same reason you don't go to the cemetery for goth dates. The statues are cool, and the atmosphere is great, but someone is crying about their dad and the last thing they want is some two assholes making out in the corner.


Yeah, they don't keep libraries silent anymore. Especially not on college campuses. There may be designated quiet study areas or quiet floors, but the silent library trope is out. Source: am a librarian.


Fair enough. Do you have any interesting library facts?


Well, libraries still exist and people still use them. That seems to be a pretty unexpected fact for many people.




Lol. That sort of self-righteous bullshit chaps my ass. I can't even remember the last time I touched a book at my job! It's all about finding information, teaching about information literacy, searching the literature.


Finding reliable information can be surprisingly hard these days. So good on you, those are good skills to have


The library is constantly silent where I am


How does one navigate L-space




Turn left at the skeleton of a dead research fellow, then right at the empty pair of boots with a pointy hat sitting on top. And bring some peanuts, just in case you need assistance.


The library is not solely for studying. Its a public meeting place, and Ive never known a SINGLE library that was dead quiet. There are often designated quiet spaces for people that need a quiet space. But libraries are far far more than just a place to study, and we *need* to normalize using them more often and more diversely. Libraries are such important community spaces, we cant afford to lose them because people are scared to distrupt others, we'd be losing so much more than a few study spots.


Yeah but they are talking about running round in the library Not reading a book and quietly talking


And as I said in a previous comment, running around is commonly just a figure if speech. I would definitely say I have ran around in a library in the past, despite never actually running in a library. But finding books and excitedly discussing them in corners of the library with friends? Yeah, I've definitely called that running around the library. Libraries do not need to be mausoleums of books where everyone is expected to be silent as a mouse. There should be life in libraries. Its a community space. The *majority* of libraries have specific rooms designated to be quiet for that exact reason. The idea that libraries need to be free of every minor annoyance someone might find is absolutely ridiculous. I've been talking to my librarian friend and even shes absolutely astounded at the idea of people trying to *defend* that concept in the comments here.


I’m gonna take what they say as what there gonna do and not what you think they meant, personally. Cos that’s where most people have the problem They sould like there gonna be loud and distracting by there own description Nobody is saying to be dead silent They’re saying don’t be disruptive and run around and make out in a corner


A library is not nearly as sacrosanct as a cemetery. Also, the date described seemed pretty tame, reading and snuggling, on the quiet side. Try earplugs.


While I agree the date described probably wouldn’t be that disruptive, if you have to wear ear plugs in the library then something is very wrong.


AS long as they are PG and relatively quite, tough. If they get noisy or obscene, make a scene. But violence?




All I'm saying is time and place, mate.


It's 2-on-1 and omgsamchap is very clearly a nerd, the cute couple would annihilate them.


The virgin MPDG date hipster, wasting away from a diet of coffee and the lowest-priced item at the vegan brunch, vs. the Chad library nerd, arms rippling with muscle from lifting textbooks all day and powerful mind suddenly rerouted only toward the matter of killing? I think you overestimate their chances!


The library nerd was actually studying for their murder class


While you were going on cute nerd dates, I studied the blade book.


While I studied the blade, you also studied the blade. We are in the same class. Can I copy your blade homework?


How dare you be funnier than me


Thanks bestie <3


Your library serves tea?