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Only one has voided warranty after this


The moment the money cleared the warranty was voided and el0n went to work on installing cheap ass parts.


I'm a bit late to this conversation but I don't think the Chevy truck was fully stock if it looks that flat out back when loaded for traction. When Fifth Gear did a demo towing the Casino Royale/Top Gear 747 with a Touareg, they had to add 4.3 tons of ballast to it. That kind of weight probably would void the warranty. [https://youtu.be/WmM-635RR6o?si=DtuXdfnqDlyp3zCm&t=151](https://youtu.be/WmM-635RR6o?si=DtuXdfnqDlyp3zCm&t=151) Unlikely a 70s pickup would have an easier time towing than a relatively modern AWD V10 turbo diesel w/ 553lb-ft of torque equipped with low range and traction control. The video of the Chevy had the body lines looking suspiciously misaligned when moving compared to when it first arrives. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_EQ-03HY7C4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EQ-03HY7C4) Cybertruck would likely sheer the suspension off once the ballast was loaded.


All of the ballast was loaded properly (up against the cab), and those trucks were especially stiff from the factory. Especially with the camper package (suspension for a slide in camper) or heavy duty package. The limiting factor here is traction due to the tires. The runway is flat and the plane rolls pretty easy. Once it’s moving, it’s not hard to keep rolling. Plane tugs weigh anywhere from 9k to over 100k. So this truck at its maximum GVWR moving the plane really isn’t a big deal.


An average human can quite comfortably push a 25 ton steam locomotive by hand, once you get it going it’s easy, I know, I’ve literally pushed a steam locomotive by hand, was helping get it out of the shed ready to fire up, was not a standard gauge one, 15” gauge, but still 25 tons of locomotive


Elon is really good at doing things that were done decades ago, for the first time today. Remarkably stupid people are really good at falling for it.


You actually just don't understand his genius. You need an understanding of theoretical physics to understand how smart he is. ;)


That’s always going to remind me of Fantastic from Fallout:New Vegas. Something along the lines of: “They asked if I had a degree in theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard!”


God damn Mr. Fantastic!


Was not expecting to find this reference here, but I am here for it now!! Bravo!!😂😂


Understanding regular physics won't cut it. Musk is at, or beyond, Terrence Howard level physics.


His genius is beyond comprehension


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Yes. That is indeed the reference. Congrats.


10 um tolerances for all the out skin was my favorite. 10 um?!?! Those things look like they have the tolerance of two soft tacos shoved together. They look like that have the tolerance of a rally for the Dorito-colored loser.


I have a theoretical understanding of physics


It's, like, really easy to move stuff around when it's on wheels. Like, REALLY easy.


Show us this “The Wheel”


He means Hyper Disk. It's new and quite profound.


For it's size, a rocket engine is actually pretty lightweight. Most of it is an empty metal cone. A diesel engine from a boat the same size as that engine would probably be an order or magnitude heavier.


Yeah, I have one of those in the lobby of my work on casters, I can move it by hand...


Because the people that love Elon musk believe history started when they were born.


Sounds like Apple


Elon has recently revealed his latest invention: Axially Dissected Bakery Item (ADBRI). It is wonderful for preparing sandwiches and toast!


> Elon is really good at doing things that were done decades ago, for the first time today. Remarkably stupid people are really good at falling for it. Isn't it weird how there's no new movies anymore, just the same script with new people - remake after remake. The people who watch these dumb fucking movies are the base his customer base.


https://preview.redd.it/g0xkqyf0qr5d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32cf9c4c3a119186ead210c678abfb727e498ebc Truck Stuff


Like my dad always said: It's not about pulling the trailer, it's about stopping the trailer.


Here's a Toyota Tundra pulling a Space Shuttle [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLdA8tEpO0k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLdA8tEpO0k)


Pfft. Here is a man pulling a plane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtnXyweBrJg


im deeply dissapointed it's not Mariusz Pudzianowski. [So here you have better strongman pulling us army plane](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyhSnSnmA1A&ab_channel=thepowerzoneitalia)


I got to see this in real life, and pictures don't do it justice. That thing is MASSIVE, and it made the tundra look like a toy. Really impressive.


My grandpa's truck (he had a sweet 70s model Chevy), towing an American Airlines plane (he had a career with them and retired comfortably)! You want to haul a heavy load, get yourself a Silverádo.. You want to swallow a heavy load, get yourself a Cybercuck.


> You want to swallow a heavy load, get yourself a Cybercuck. You know you can hate on the piece of shit truck without *being* a piece of shit yourself, right? You don't have to resort to middle school level homophobia.


Just saying, both men and women swallow. Not quite sure this is homophobic. Maybe u/StrangeContest4 just respects spitters more than swallowers.


Talking about something sucking dick is not necessarily homophobic. Describing something bad as 'sucking dick' is homophobic.


They’re not necessarily saying that “sucking dick” is bad, they’re saying that sucking Elon’s/Tesla’s dick is bad. Swap “sucking dick” with “kissing ass” or “lick a boot” and you still get the same sentiment because it’s the dick you’re sucking that makes it bad, not the fact that you were just generally sucking dick


I’ve heard countless women say “suck my dick”, when they don’t in fact have a dick. You’re right. An insult is typically just an insult


Finally, someone with some common sense


Well now you're assuming every gay guy enjoys sucking dick...


Sure, Jan.


God, I knew someone would say this. Let's be serious here; this implication typically gets used derogatorily in the context of trying to insult men by invoking homophobia and implying that they're not "manly". That's the cultural context here. It's really rare that this specific type of insult gets used against women. An implication of promiscuity would be a more typical derogatory statement used against a woman. Though you're correct in as far as homophobia and misogyny are tightly linked. This kind of shit shouldn't get a pass just because they're hating on the "correct" targets.


Eh I always took it as a submissive thing, Swallowing loads is like getting dominated. 


Well that's an incredibly shitty and regressive attitude towards receptive partners. And one that men, for some reason, don't seem to take towards women who give blowjobs — at least not in the same way as they do with men. Probably because it's something desirous to them, whereas two men doing the same grosses them out. It's absolutely a homophobia thing. Including the attitude that giving a blowjob is submissive. It's all about implying that a man is gay, and it rests on the notion that this is a negative thing, something to be scorned. I don't get why people have such a hard time admitting this. Living and growing up in a homophobic society, you absorb some homophobia in the process. It's better to recognize it and pay attention than to live in denial about it.


it’s not that deep and maybe you should just get over it


I think you are kinda just trying to manufacture outrage and search for something to be mad about. Going down on someone is inherently submissive,.you have to add context to make it not so. People aren't gonna insult each other by telling them to get their dick sucked, because that's not the submissive role in the act. Move on dude


Psh, shut up nerd. Get your dick sucked.


What did you say to me?! YOU get YOUR dick sucked!


OoOoOoOo! This motherfucker! Come and say that to my face and bet you get that dick sucked! You, your dad, your mom, you all getting your dicks sucked!


I'm not "manufacturing outrage". I'm a gay man who is fucking sick of people being casually homophobic because they think it's okay as long as the target is bad. I'm especially sick of it in the current cultural moment where people like me face increased violence and bigotry. However small, any act perpetuating homophobia as something that's OK just feeds into this shit and makes the world worse. Personally, I cannot believe that a bunch of (probably) grown-ass people are so attached to middle school insults that they will spend their time defending them. I mean, I have a stake in this: less homophobia makes the world better for me and people like me. What the hell is your stake? Unless you're a deeply committed and vocal bigot (and I assume that, like most people, you aren't), in what way does being decent towards others make the world worse for you?


>  However small, any act perpetuating homophobia as something that's OK just feeds into this shit and makes the world worse. Except it's not homophobia... Like I said it's a dom/sub thing. >Personally, I cannot believe that a bunch of (probably) grown-ass people are so attached to middle school insults that they will spend their time defending them. I'm not defending anything although did have a good time just now telling people to get their dick sucked. >I mean, I have a stake in this: less homophobia makes the world better for me and people like me. Agree 100%  >in what way does being decent towards others make the world worse for you? Have you lost the plot? We are in a sub dedicated to making fun of an electric truck made by an asshole. A sub explicitly made for *not* being decent towards a certain type of others.


> Except it's not homophobia... Like I said it's a dom/sub thing. Don't pretend you just dropped into society yesterday, *tabla rasa*, with no memory or knowledge. We all know this is homophobic. It's historically been a homophobic insult. It was a homophobic insult when I was in middle school decades ago. It remains one now. There is a reason that this insult gets applied almost solely to men and in male-construed contexts, and it has nothing to do with any kind of "dominant/submissive" idea. It has everything to do with implying that another man is gay and using that as a way to demean him. Any argument otherwise is just obvious bad faith bullshit from a willfully ignorant vantage point, serving to justify the use of homophobic insults.


Ok I’ve let this run but it’s gone too far now. Locking this thread.




Jesus fuck go be a white knight somewhere else.


I'll stand up for myself anywhere I'm at. I've put up with enough homophobia already in my life. Let people go say bigoted shit elsewhere if that's their game. Same for all the foul little shits defending it. Let them go find their own cesspit. Elon and his bunch of right-wing turds would be right at home with you lot.


You're the only one assuming swallowing cum is somehow exclusive to homosexual relationships.


I’m gonna be real with you, I’ve never really heard that phrase used homophobically, I’ve only ever heard it used to slut shame people. So maybe I’ve been sheltered or you’ve been unlucky.


You're right, and I should have referenced what I was referring to.. this is super misogynistic and has some homophobic tropes, but it did make me laugh when I first saw it years ago: https://youtu.be/UfHtcUZXljw?si=_IvvtnYQW1awvFQ8


The fact that you heard sucking dick and thought homosexual makes you sound a lot more gay or celibate than you probably realize


How exactly was that homophobic? This homo didn’t see offense to anyone aside from Musk-rats.


Trying to insult someone by implying they are gay is homophobic. It relies on an assumption that being gay is a bad thing.


Yeah, but the post you initially replied to, didn’t make any specific mention of gender, and the fact you’re assuming the comment is “homophobic” means you assumed the post was relating to men. But it wasn’t. So the initial comment was just an insult to Musk fans, and your response was just a misogynistic assumption that added a gender where there wasn’t any.


How is it homophobic? Now you’re just being misogynistic!!


I'll say to you the same thing I said to the other bad faith commenter: > We all know the cultural context of this remark, and the person who made it even admitted that it was homophobic. > Constructing faux rebuttals where you pretend that you fell out of a flying saucer yesterday and don't have any memory or knowledge of the society we live in makes it obvious that this is an argument made in bad faith. > "C\*\*ksucker" is a homophobic insult, and phrases that are essentially synonymous — calling someone a "c\*\*ksucker" while just using more words to do so — are also homophobic insults. This was a form of homophobic bullying when I was in middle school decades ago. And it was for decades before that. We're not coming at this as blank slates, and pretending otherwise insults everyone else's intelligence.




despite the obvious homophobia of your statement. and sexism assuming women dont drive trucks, swallowing giant loads is some thing that seems fun in theory but isnt fun in reality so its apt


We all know the cultural context of this remark, and the person who made it even admitted that it was homophobic. Constructing faux rebuttals where you pretend that you fell out of a flying saucer yesterday and don't have any memory or knowledge of the society we live in makes it obvious that this is an argument made in bad faith. "C\*\*ksucker" is a homophobic insult, and phrases that are essentially synonymous — calling someone a "c\*\*ksucker" while just using more words to do so — are also homophobic insults.


He didnt say cocksucker. He said swallow a heavy load. Which no matter who you are would not be fun. So I do not see it as inherently homophobic even if it was. The reason I say this is because you are making an assumption that the truck owner is a dude.


BRO cocksucker is not a homophobic slur. I already know you’re some gay white guy from Williamsburg the way you swing your entitlement around Seriously grow the fuck up.


No, I'm some white gay from impoverished, deep red, right-wing rural Pennsylvania who, among other things, spent over a decade professionally closeted, and unable to go out with my partner in public in the small town I lived in, so as to not be fired. I've been spit on in public (just the once, but that's plenty). I've had slurs yelled at me and my partner from passing trucks, unsure if they were going to come back around for more. I've had people get confrontational and nasty with me and my partner walking down the street together in the college town we would make the three hour round trip to in order to get a respite and have a date night. And I will stand up against any bullshit homophobia, including this, ***which the original poster of the comment already admitted was homophobic.*** Fuck you and your assumptions. Fuck the mods who let this shit fester, and fuck this shithole subreddit full of apologists. 🖕


Or a literal golf cart at every airport in the country pushing planes away from the terminal…


Tugs have wheels with bigger diameters than the planes they push and pull, completely different lol


Buddy that looks like a Raptor engine. Those are 3500lbs. That's within a crossover's tow rating. An airport push cart can absolutly move that thing just fine.


I’ve seen you before


I hope that's a good thing lol


Hey who made your suit??


I did. I got bored in March and had way too much free time. Pretty happy with it since I've only done it once before 7 years ago.


This is reddit, and I wrote 1 sentence which was clearly a joke and not intended to stand up scientifically to in depth peer review. (But thank you for explaining push and pull are different, it explains a ton about why I suck at tug of war) The overarching point however, that cybertruck owners DESPERATELY need to believe that these rolling junk heaps are worth $100k and will go to any lengths to convince themselves I think absolutely stands.


I looked at buying a tug manufacturer for a client (investment banking) and those vehicles are remarkably underpowered. They’re basically just really heavy sturdy go-karts. I don’t think any of them made more than 100hp (lots of torque though)


They also weigh a hell of a lot.


I’m not saying this to argue against your point, cause it doesn’t change anything, but that’s a rocket engine.


Oh but it does change things, those engines are much, much lighter than a similarly sized jet engine would be.


Good 'ol rockets. Anything that isn't fuel means you need more fuel. And then fuel to lift the fuel.


What you're referring to is the tyranny of the rocket equation. It's why rockets have stages: a single-stage rocket would have to drag a lot of empty fuel tank with it at some point, whereas if you detach part of the rocket once the fuel runs out you don't have to bring it with. Incidentally, reusing the stage once you detach it away saves a lot of money and CO2 emissions. This is also why rocket-powered aircraft never really took off, so to speak: when the atmosphere around you is made of oxidizer, there's no need to carry your own. Rockets have [specific impulses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specific_impulse) in the hundreds of seconds; jets and turbofans are in the thousands to tens of thousands. Then there's the [air-breathing rocket engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SABRE_(rocket_engine)), which might be able to partially get around this issue and enable single-stage-to-orbit spaceflight.


Which reminds me, a Toyota Tundra once towed a space shuttle.


Multiple rocket engines on that


That engine looks considerably smaller than, for example, the Rocketdyne RS-25 that weighs around 7,000 lbs, a weight that is only half of the F150’s capacity


It’s not the size that matters, it’s the thrust to weight ratio. It’s VERY important to me that you understand that.


I feel like when thrusting you do want some mass involved, otherwise it's just pushing a toothpick and and forth with a lot of force, it's not going to get the job done.


Hang on a minute! Are you sure you're talking about engines still? Coz I'm not sure you're talking about engines still...


Shh, they're getting to the good part. I think?


So, this is just the tip, yeah?


SpaceX uses more smaller engines rather than less larger engines. Super Heavy has 33 engines, Falcon Heavy has 27 for example. Compare that to rockets like Atlas V with 2 (and some SRBS) or Saturn V with 5.


I think the raptors weigh around 4,000 pounds.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out


Nah just a halogen lamp from a football stadium


Nah pretty sure that's just one lightbulb from the DRL of a GMC truck fresh off the dealer lot


I am permanently blinded from this comment.


Someone commented in a previous post with this meme that it’s actually just a shell from some SpaceX rocket case


It's not a shell of anything, it's a Raptor vacuum engine.


Sounds cool but now I’m even more confused


It's sort of like a gun: the longer the barrel, the more velocity can be imparted onto the projectile by the expanding gas because it has longer to act before it expands out the end and becomes useless. In the case of a gun, the projectile is a bullet and the barrel is a barrel; in the case of a rocket engine, the projectile is other gas and the barrel is the engine nozzle. In this case "vacuum" engine means the engine nozzle is heavily expanded so that the gas can accelerate far more before it stops pushing on the vehicle the engine is attached to. The tradeoff is that big engine nozzles are more mechanically and metallurgically complex, as well as heavier, which is why it's only really rocket engines which are optimized for use in space that have large nozzles.


Additionally, once the exhaust gas has expanded and reached the pressure of the surrounding air, flow separation will occur and the gas will no longer exert work on the nozzle walls, making the extra wall length useless. Flow separation can also cause difficulties controlling the rocket or damage to the nozzle, so it should be avoided, so nozzles designed to use in the atmosphere are also made shorter for that reason.


It's a Raptor rocket engine with a bigger exhaust cone optimized for high altitude/space.




And that rocket engine (Raptor2 I believe ) is made by a company led by the guy whose other company makes said CyberTruck. Hope I didn’t interrupt the Elon hate fest here on this sub. Came to say that is a rocket engine not a jet engine. Oh and the rocket that engine straps onto? Made of the same 301 Stainless as the CyberTruck which is in my opinion pretty fucking cool 😎


To be pedantic I believe in a more archaic parlance, rockets were considered a type of jet engine, because they blast a jet of exhaust backwards. As wikipedia says (emphasis mine): > A jet engine is a type of reaction engine, discharging a fast-moving jet of heated gas (usually air) that generates thrust by jet propulsion. **While this broad definition may include rocket**, water jet, and hybrid propulsion, the term jet engine typically refers to an internal combustion air-breathing jet engine such as a turbojet, turbofan, ramjet, pulse jet, or scramjet.


Came here to say this - rocket engines ***are*** jet engines.


It also missed the point, it’s basically trying to show how futuristic the truck is by towing one of the most modernized rocket engines of spacex. But we can see it as weight towing too I guess. I’m not a fan of the CT by any means but I’m also not a fan of misinformation either. (Not targeting the person I replied to)


It’s a small part of a rocket engine.


This engine could be pulled by a Subaru which is embarrassing since they have some of the lowest tow ratings.


https://preview.redd.it/tst9ryoyjs5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d0ca45753c10ec5ea651de3612a4710cc37acd Meanwhile Toyota


Yeah, they brought that wedge of sadness out for a photo shoot hauling the rocket engine around. They got their pics and video and then took the truck back to where ever it came from. All very staged and pointless. I find it hilarious they don't use Tesla Semi's or Tesla cyberTrucks for any aspect of spacex logistics, almost like they don't trust them either.


Chevrolet's must have gotten worse. A lot of their recent advertising only shows them pulling travel trailers instead of the airplanes that they used to transport.


“Honey, I’m home with that 747 SP you ordered!”


Be careful, I bought a Cyber747 and didn't make sure my parking space at my apartment would fit it, and now they won't let me return it.


I said SR! Now I'm not gonna eat it! (っ˘ڡ˘ς)


that because the american fixed wing aircraft manufacturing industry collapsed. subsequently, the auto manufacturing industry collapsed shortly afterward since there weren't enough planes to tow to justify more truck manufacturing.


Blame 9/11. We used to be able to pull our airplanes and not even take our shoes off first.


*rocket engine


The fact that the engine in the first pic is a rocket engine, not a jet engine, speaks volumes to truck owners in particular. In the language of truck owners, "Fuck all ya'll"


And for what it's worth, $2500 in 1972 is about $18,000 in today's money, a 2024 base Chevy 2500 starts at about $47k vs a CT base model at $101,000. And I'll bet you a dollar the 1972 and the 2024 Chevy trucks didn't break down at the rate the CT does, and isn't nearly as sensitive to, .......... everything.


Being able to tow ridiculous shit is a selling point if the vehicle can also do normal stuff as well. Cybertruck can't even accelerate without the pedal slipping off and turning the whole vehicle into a death trap...


That’s not a jet engine that’s a liquid propellant rocket engine


That’s a rocket engine it’s towing, not a jet engine ok


Thank you.


That’s the difference between Detroit made and Tesla made. Detroit products not only work, but they were better than advertised.


“Jet engine” I can’t.. y’all write these jokes yourselves 😂


Best truck I ever drove was a 1967 Chevy C10. You know the kind. https://preview.redd.it/nha37kl90t5d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0c20c86bd9ed4de74afb857acac41d00b5752a


I have seen them towing, and i'd rather trust my miata over the cybertruck if towing over 20 miles.


That’s… not a jet engine. At all.


Cough RVAC cough cough


People seem to forget the physics here. An F-150 lightning pulled a 1 million pound train. What matters for pulling the shuttle or 747 etc is the engine power, pure and simple. So long as the tow hitch doesn’t rip off, the only thing that matters is being able to put down enough power to move the object, because the plane or shuttle or what have you will support its own weight. Pulling a 747 doesn’t actually tell you how much it can pull, it just means the truck has the power to overcome the rolling resistance of the plane. I mean Audi once pulled an A380 with a diesel SUV.


It's not about power at all, just torque. The 1972 Chevy C10 can do 230ft-lbs and the Cyber truck claims 743.5ft-lbs for the dual motor. A base 2023 Chevy 1500 is 383ft-lbs.


This is the engine torque but what is put to the road is way higher with the transmission and differential ratios. If you don't need to pull it quickly, you can probably tow an airplane with a lawn mower engine and lot of gearing.


Anyone who has ever been on a commercial plane has experienced a normal sized vehicle towing it.


It's not even a jet engine, it's a rocket engine!


wtf I’m pretty sure you could throw that on a skid and push it with a pallet jack


Didn't Ford tow a space shuttle across a bridge somewhere?




F-150 Lightning hauled one million pounds…


How much does that jet cone weigh anyway? I'm pretty convinced a crossover could do this without surpassing it's tow rating. Edit: looks like raptor is 3500 pounds, so with the trailer it's 1000lbs over most crossovers ratings. Any car on the planet can do it if they don't care about their frame and suspension.


Pretty sure a human has done this with their balls before.


Technically a rocket engine, but yeah.


**Rocket engine, not jet... We have one of those in the lobby of my building on a casters, I can move it by hand...


I wonder how much ballast they put in the bed of that Chevy.


That is not a jet


And American airlines is still flying that exact fucking plane....


Fun fact 72 was the last year for that front end which is a shame since they look nice. I had a 73 custom 10 short bed, I regret selling that truck everyday.


What dumbass keeps making this meme. It’s a rocket engine. If you’re going to make fun of something at least know what you’re talking about.


I love how you hate electric cars but will defend Elon and Tesla till the bitter end. 


I personally hate electric cars because I find them incredibly boring and I don’t like the fact they are replacing ICE cars. I like Elon because he is an innovator even if he exaggerates and is overly optimistic about his ideas. Back to the main point which is how incredibly low IQ this meme is. It’s a rocket engine not a jet engine. The cybertruck probably has 5 times the hp and torque as the older truck pulling the airplane but the meme is trying to insinuate otherwise. I know meme’s are not suppose to be educational but damn, this is at a mouth breathing level.


About the same price adjusting for inflation🥷


Lol. A strong person could probably pick up the end of that trailer and move it.


Top Gear USA outdid this several times over. 7:40 in this clip. [Top Gear USA - The King of Trucks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8bvjge4CSVU&pp=ygUVdG9wIGdlYXIgdG93aW5nIHRyYWlu) to quote Tanner "that is 140 tons back there".


Not a jet engine....


I mean they already did that with the model X back in 2018 when they towed an airplane, so why do it again


Just got a notification for a 3 day old post on this sub with the same bottom picture and another picture of the top. Repost af.


What was the context of the original image of the cybertruck pulling a rocket engine? I doubt they would post it as a «hey! Look how mych we can pull!»


It was from an ad for the super heavy/starship launch system original the engine being towed is a raptor vacuum engine it's used on the upper stage during ascent


We had electric vehicles a hundred years ago, kinda shows the hate.


Call the Burn Center!


Not gonna lie, I would pay good money for a clean 72’ Chevy


I mean, you don't need to get as fancy as "Chevy Truck". Here's a British dude pulling a plane: [44,000 LBS Plane Pull: Eddie Hall Goes Full Beast | 2016 World's Strongest Man (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-4NuNeIk3Q)


Yes, but can it ski a hill of Bandini?!?!


That's a Chevrolet Cheyenne. Not a bad pickup. They were great back then and smaller than anything you can buy today. Crazy how things have gone to shit.


https://preview.redd.it/2kuxonhm5t5d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1f4ab73513e8b008893d0670a7879a2410a393 Wait till they see this one. The CT is lame.


Towing anything voids the warranty. ​


Interesting fact, the jet engine was actually pushing the CyberTrash.


That’s a rocket engine, not a jet engine. I wouldn’t expect to tow anything in an electric truck. Range is already a big problem.


By this logic every other truck also lost the war before it began


That 72 could do that *today* The Cybertruck couldn't do it twice in the same week


The heartbeat of America - Chevy 👁️👁️


well thats not a jet engine its a rocket engine


Can we *please* just talk about how we look just as dumb as them when we pass around a meme that misidentifies a rocket motor as a “jet engine”? *Stop passing this POS around.* You’re embarrassing us.


Good lord! lololol


Last weekend when I was off roading, I saw a hella modded jeep get stuck in the snow and an old truck like one in the photo has no problem pulling him 1/4 mile up the snowy hill and out


https://preview.redd.it/mwj23jf8h06d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b40a65904cbaef8b572f0929f4c311220aa51f Toyota has entered the chat!


Shit even vw towed a fucking jet once. https://preview.redd.it/h411hgcuk56d1.jpeg?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e587b63ea2a0537764eea262906417af4af9ba6a


That's just the range extension package.


I know this is a hate sub but the Raptor Full Flow Staged Combustion Methalox engine is literally the first of it's kind rocket engine never made before, not even by NASA or Soviet Union. The flex here is that fact not "towing something heavy".


The engine on the test stand definitely isn't running, pushing the cybertrash. Trust me bro.


Did they seriously use this as an advertisement? Unless the jet engine was running that's not impressive. Take it off the trailer and drag it and we'll talk


After the picture was taken did the cyberthruck break down I bet it did


And then the cybercuck battery dies after 1.3 miles starting from a full charge


Smoke n mirrors https://preview.redd.it/kklo05d9rs5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5009ce2ce3e316be931e76beef83c74fdb26b78


This is proof positive Elon Musk is a greater genius than we realized. After he finished designing the awesomeness that is Cybertruck, he invented a Time Travel machine to go back to 1972 where he shared his future tech with a popular American car company for that era. We can all now bow to Elon and give thanks he's so brilliant, kind and giving.


This is one area I will side with the boomers. Older vehicles last forever compared to anything today. Not advocating against ev I’m all for it just the craftsmanship was a different level


Well part of it is that you could actually fix them. Nowadays everything is built in a way that some repairs are insanely costly or the parts are not easy to replace


10 pounds of shit in 5 pound bag is probably the best way to describe modern vehicles. Assembly quality on those older vehicles was pretty terrible though actually. The robots do put things together nowadays with far better consistency. I say this looking at my stock unrestored '59 F-100 with its glaringly obvious spot welds that are visible in the factory paint on the outside of the bed where the wheel wells are attached on the inside bed wall, and the atrocious panel gaps and body line match-up in the doors even after much fiddling with the adjustment in the hinges, and the ash tray that is simply crooked despite being intended to blend seamlessly into the rest of the dash. I will say they definitely used thicker gauge steel and simple designs, which did result in vehicles being "built to last", but how intentional that was, who can say.


I saw a report on the news this morning about Tesla building a Cybertruck Police Vehicle. It looked as stupid as it sounds. Police departments all over America will be lining up to spend their budgets on a pile of shit that's $100K before all the customization needed to make a normal passenger car into a police cruiser. https://preview.redd.it/dos2wuxbqt5d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebf863d3de5acf558f1357d841d49acf77b7bde4


Police Cybertruck... yeah it's never going to leave the "Police Demonstrator" phase. The only times PDs historically dropped serious money is when they opt for pursuit vehicles, like Dubai and it's fleet of supercars, Japanese NPS (National Police Service) and the Nissan Skyline, and US police agencies and the Dodge Challenger. I'm almost certain that all of these examples, with the exception of Dubai, never broke six figures (USD at least; it would be eight figures if we we're talking Japanese Yen and I don't know the UAE's currency at all). So we're clear, The Police SUV and Truck is NOT for pursuit, but rather for towing trailers and conquering rougher terrain. Often times, they are Horse trailers for Police Horses or flatbed trailers for equipment too large for a car's trunk. The Cybertruck is unproven with conventional PD Truck loads... and terrain that isn't asphalt.




I will concede that point, but I would be inclined to say that an aircraft might possibly weigh more than that rocket engine...