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Well if you're ever chased by one, just hide in a carwash or go slightly offroad,you'll be safe then. šŸ˜‚


Open-carry a squirt gun.


Tomato sauce bottle will do it and stain enough so it always looks different.


Popular on the trains near me, really stains the stainless steel kick panels, tomato also etches concrete warehouse floors


So ketchup packet graffiti? I like it.


Whoa. We committing war crimeā€™s now ?


In retaliation to some self defensive premeditated fifty caliber murder? Muh rights!?!!




Water balloons, get all the neighborhood kids on the fun


Water balloons filled with 50/50 salt water/vinegar.


He seems like the kind of dude to take this thing mudding.


[Cybertruck immediately fails] ā€œ*Why did lib cucks do this to me*?!?ā€


"Those transgender socialists killed my Cybertruck!"


And the first man to ever drown in a sink hole/ quick sand via truck The Earth would like to eat this thing whole


One trip through mud and this thing will fall apart, if the mud doesn't clog the motors first.


Imagine if he does mount a gun to it: whatā€™s going to happen when the vibrations from a roof-mounted machine gun reverberate through that thing? 2 shots in and itā€™ll go into brick mode. 20 shots in and panels will be making sounds like musical saws as they waggle apart and fly through the air. 50 shots in and a damn wheel will fall off. 10 seconds of stunned silence later, heā€™ll notice the battery has managed to catch fire.


He looks like yhe type of guy who either one c ucks his wife out, or is a closeted massive gay dude with a OF of him in bad drag


I keep pancake syrup packets in my glovebox for emergencies. Works great gumming up wipers and little nooks and crannies.


Just step onto the curb.


Just drive in the rain. Youā€™ll be good.


Bahahaha. Had to go read the thread on Facebook. A sample: "I love OSS. But while asking for donations for an event center is it really prudent to buy a $180k truck? They are cool trucks but the donation request is a little off. Still love you guys." That. Last. Line. Bahahaha.


Lol https://preview.redd.it/ahxevmy5ad8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7651d85e4a798649988b6853d2c8d9867b5736b9


Then everyone clapped. I heard it on the phone call! They said "you're the only one who's bought a cybertruck who open carries! God bless you sir!" Then the clapping started.


Some say the clapping never stopped.


They had tears in their eyes. They said ā€œSir, youā€™re a para paragraph par sharks, anyways let me tell you about these electric batteries. Theyā€™re very bad, oh man they weigh so much! Itā€™s I crumble those trucks can even move! We need real Americans like the owner of old station bar. Very patriotic. Very patriotic. But these electric vehicles. Theyā€™re very bad. The people that sell them are sharks, and I know sharks. Iā€™ve been in business for a long time. Very long time. These sharks, theyā€™ll electrocute you without a second thought. Just like these electric ā€œvehicles.ā€ Thatā€™s what I call them hehe veHEickles cause you gotta be a real man to know you gotta drive gas. Anyways. Heā€™s a great guy.


Elon personally came down and gave him a greasy handjob while complimenting his enormous balls eyeing his firearm, that he was very jealous of, of course. Elon then offered him a billion dollars because he was so impressed that he open carries and wanted to put a big gun on his Cybertruck, but he had to turn it down, because he's a self made man who would never accept handouts, which was so powerfully masculine and American that it made Elon cum so hard he blacked out. My uncle's, niece's, high school teacher's, barber's, dog's, groomer's brother works at Tesla and totally told me.


He looks like the kind of guy who would have the clap




Dees nuts? Sorry I had to. Legally.


BofaĀ *Deez Nutz*Ā .






An actual, transferable full auto M2 .50 cal would probably run at least $60,000 as well.


It would be far cooler than the truck at least


> Ron, no. People were asking us to give them a way to donate. Iā€™ve said numerous times we donā€™t need donations. But we have an awesome project to put money towards to help eliminate liberalism. Their facebook page is exactly as aweful as you might suspect. Lots of posts about heterosexual awareness month, guns, unvaxxed dating, evil liberals, etc. I'm always baffled when businesses want to alienate potential customers by boldly proclaiming their political views, but I guess it is Idaho so it's probably not losing them much business... Edit: lol just got banned from 5 tesla subs for this comment, that didn't even mention tesla or the cybertruck.


For folks that use the word 'freedom' as often as they do, they sure do act like sheep. They don't even know what they actually believe, they just have been told what to hate, and they willingly do it. Not a free thinker in the bunch. It's hilarious that their in-the-moment support for Elon's hateful rhetoric somehow makes them forget that they're 'supposed' to hate electric vehicles, because that's not 'Murica!'


He may be extremely insecure about how he is perceived by his peers. He doth protest too much. Open carry, reminding his Facebook followers he's open carry, that t shirt, and a cyber truck? The mounted gun certainly fits. Smells of desperation. I'M A PATRIOT! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!


I never understood why people do this, itā€™s such bad business practice. No better way to ostracize customers than taking a political or religious stance in a business setting. Keep that shit at home and out of your business, just serve the people their chicken fingers please.


This attorney near me used to do standard, "I care about you, you've been injured in an accident. Call me and there's no upfront costs for your legal case," TV ads. Now he had royalty-free Jesus-y music in the background as he stares into your soul and tells you children are a blessing, don't murder your child, there are options available to you and then it cuts to his phone number and finally tells you he's a lawyer. I'm so deeply confused. Like, I get that you're against abortion and all, but what on earth does that have to do with you being an ambulance chaser attorney? On the most generous interpretation, I'd be concerned that this dude's political and religious beliefs take up so much of his time that he wouldn't be adequately working on my case because he can't even run an ad for his business without interjecting other stuff into it.


Bet he is so many he doesnā€™t wash his ass


People like that are a disease.


Mentally ill and deflecting because they canā€™t accept themselves.


He's 100% gay


He did take the time to spell out hetero lol, he's definitely trying to hide it.


Anyone with a hetero flag, is gay.


Announcing youā€™re straight to everyone regardless of whether they care or not is absolutely the gayest thing a conservative can do. Agreed.


Open carrying, buying a Cybertruck, and loudly proclaiming you're heterosexuality all combined is a massive, throbbing repressed queer signal. That dude definitely secretly uses grinder.


Hey, no need to insult gay people.


We're not going to make it, are we, as a species?




_Idiocracy_ is coming. Real fastā€¦


See that's the thing, it's already been here


There's still a few Fuddruckers out there, so there's still time


I'm not gonna lie, I kinda wanna know what the business model of Butt:Fuckers is. Unless the movie mentioned that and I don't recall. I know Starbucks=hand jobs.


Considering H&R Block offers the adult refund I kind of assume itā€™s a full service Butt:fuckersā€¦ I mean you got to realize these are people with an IQ of 5


Not all states get it at the same time, so speak for your own, okay? I am inā€¦ checks mapā€¦ Florida, not the [Georgia](https://youtu.be/Ac9wOhHFW0A) one, ok? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Its got electrolytes.


I remembered watching this when I was like 10 or 11, didn't really connect the dots, but even then, I thought it was just a stupid movie. I ended up watching it again a couple of years ago, and uh.. Dude.. we're well on our way, don't you worry.


Idiocracy is a f*cking documentary


it is, written under the guise of a mockumentary. Too bad Fox did not have the ballz to fully launch it in cinemas all over. They figured they made too much fun of large companies šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø That movie needs a proper cinema launch. And a sequel.


As a species, yes. As a civilization, no.


It is not looking good folks.


This guy's sexuality is as fragile as his new "truck".


Unless he has bull testicles swinging from the hitch, he's gay


Just saw a post with a pair of cybernuts dangling. It's so fucking hard to be a smart ass these days.


Iā€™m glad someone else said it, my gaydar is screaming at me, that is *too much* compensating with the June being ā€œstraight monthā€ in Idaho.. Heā€™s gay. He hast to be look at how much he thinks about it heā€™s buying beers for straight men and concocting a way to get there mentally.


Heā€™s thinking thereā€™s probably a gay hiding around there like he is. Step 1: Buy all the bros a beer. Step 2: see which one has a twinkle in their eye after a couple of rounds. Step 3: Brokeback Muskinā€™ with the .50cal and some amyl nitrate


Elon may have lost hundreds of thousands of Tesla buyers in California, but he picked up dozens of Tesla buyers like this one in ~~Texas~~ Idaho šŸ¤“


This dude lives in Idaho. He's a former California cop living mostly on CAL-PERS. He opened a bar in Eagle Idaho (where my dad lives) and declared June Heterosexual Appreciation Month, giving straight men free beers. People were critical of his bigotry, and he rallied the MAGA hive to start giving him money and positive reviews.


I swear all retired cops move to Idaho


Idaho is a widely known white supremacist haven. They feel very at home there.


The funniest part about this is how much the Idahoans hate them because theyā€™re still ā€œtoo liberalā€ : https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-retirees-flocking-to-small-idaho-town-prompting-concerns-about-liberal-baggage-wait-a-minute.amp


Mark Fuhrman has entered the chat


Soā€¦.known on Grindr?


šŸ˜‚ Seriously, anyone who needs to arm a rolling dumpster with a machine gun to protect himself from the gays has some serious issues.


That paragraph about the month and free beers to straight men just gives Mike Pence on a tractor vibes. (Look it up šŸ˜‚)


He's just mad none of us want to fuck him.


Probably under ā€œmusk x muskā€


lol so he was likely SEIU most of his career (until the Janus ruling). Ask Elon about how he feels about unions.


Cops exist to enforce corporate power through force, so Elon probably considers cop unionization a necessary evil.


Wait a second, what is this Old State shit? Idaho was one of the last states to join the union


The way he proudly declares: ā€œThey said Iā€™m the only one who picked it up while open carryingā€ Like, how does he not get that means heā€™s a huge pussy? And a sad attention seeker? What a joke of a person.


Also probably not even true, since by all other accounts they barely acknowledge you at pick up and you have to go teach down your own car with the app or whatever.Ā 


Exactly. The number of people who support these politics and will buy an electric car is very small. I have many friends who have older Tesla's and are embarrassed at this point to own one.


Ngl, I have a hard time seeing any Texla on the road these days and not assuming that the driver is a duckbag


fuckin' šŸ¦†šŸ›, man...


I decided to let the AC have this one šŸ¤£šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


A fuckinā€™ quack sack!




The thing is, these are the people who get lost trying to set up a phone. Theyā€™ll be homicidal within seconds at all the ā€œgayā€ screen stuff and lack of hetero buttons and such.


Maybe Elon is a genius after all as he could forsee he can exploit the right more easily


Sometimes I wonder how far I could go in life if I abandoned my ethics and morals and devoted myself to grifting right-wingers. Theyā€™re the most gullible, easily-offended people on the planet. Theyā€™re *begging* to be scammed.


He saw how easy it was for Trump


Right wingers and conservatives are fucking morons. They believe literally any bullshit pundits say and will fall for anything. They totally lack critical thinking and self awareness so of course it's easy to scam them.


Which is funny as people report the AC is shit


Oh, Ideehoe, cool, first time he goes off-road the fucking thing will disintegrate, and I'm betting he goes off-road almost immediately because I'm betting he lives out in the middle of fuck-all nowhere with an unpaved rocky trail his only link to civilization. Good thing it doesn't rain more often but all that dust can't be good for the computers.


There is 700k people living in his area. It's not rural.


Dude lives in a CITY? Those hotbeds of perversion, absinthe drinking, Lesbian Dance Theory, and aggravated non-Whitness? How does he even SURVIVE? šŸ˜± THEY MIGHT MAKE HIM USE PRONOUNS


The bright spot in all of this CT insanity is that this guy just incurred a big loan payment on this idiotic FSD (full self destructing) sled. These CTs are going to look old and stupid very quickly. The brandā€™s personality is being defined by ā€˜influencersā€™ all competing for attention.


A fool and his money are soon parted.


In this case, lots of fools parted with their money.


Great time to own a tow truck.


Itā€™s always seemed to me that owning a towing business is the way to go. You get plenty of business from the local law enforcement agencies due to wrecks, repossessions are always rising, broken down cars will always be a thing, if you can easily change tires with your on hand equipment youā€™ve got road side assistance to do, AAA will absolutely do business with you as long as youā€™ve got a half decent reputation. Itā€™s also my understanding that the cost of operation isnā€™t that high compared to most small businesses, plus the advertising is baked right in since youā€™re actively seen promoting your brand while doing your work in busy areas. Family friend owns a tow business and has for 10 years. I donā€™t know him personally but Iā€™ve heard through the grapevine that heā€™s always done well for himself. Owns his business debt free and thatā€™s the best way to be.


A 50 cal machine gun is VERY illegal.


AND voids the warranty


That'll put your eye out, kid!


Itā€™s not if you have the right paperwork.




And how many people do? Hopefully this idiot does not.


Anyone begging for money doesnā€™t have one. Iā€™m not up on prices but Iā€™d guess $100,000 for one.


It just takes deep pockets for a pre 1986 model with the right paperwork and a $200 filing fee with the atf. Itā€™s not cheap but not impossible at all. He is in Idaho so civilian ownership of a full auto weapons is legal if you stay within the federal guidelines.


It would brick itself by rain storm


Whatā€™s a hetero flag?


Ironically, it's really gay looking.


He has one in his bar, it's a thin blue line flag with a man and woman symbol combined.


That just makes me think he supports transgender cops


The flag closeted dudes use when theyā€™re afraid to come out probably.


It's supposed to look like a bicep.




If this guy is anything to go by, it's red.


Hates the deep state, and then buys a government surveillance device??? Must be new to this kinda thing šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s like boomers on Facebook (redundant) who post a bunch about going off the grid and then tag every place they go to.


I love this guy's politics so much I'm going to buy his car is just such a weirdo flex. Get your mypillow and your Goya and your Tesla all to own the libs somehow. Meanwhile we're just trying to live life and enjoy being with our families and friends. They're spending their time thinking about how they want to shoot people and or make their daddies richer. My suggestion is to market to them like crazy. Put Trump sitting on his gold toilet with giant balls on top of our American flag. Holding a giant shit in his hand that says Constitution. An eagle flying by in the background just pissing on a bronze statue that holds a sign that says mine enemies. It doesn't even have to make sense. Drain their bank accounts. Put guns on everything. They'll wake up one day just flat broke from all the winning


I canā€™t imagine how exhausting it is to be that socially conservative. Likeā€¦ Iā€™m trans, and of course the current state of the US gives me horrible anxiety and I have random moments where I feel deeply unsafe/a sense of impending doom. And it feels awful. Butā€¦ I look at these people and how they live their lives, how they spend their money, how they talk to other people. And I realize that, while I have an acute awareness of just how unwelcome I in this country, Iā€™m at least able to have fun and spend time with people who support me and make me feel safe. These people *never* feel safe. They have to spend every waking moment performing for their fellow ā€œpatriots.ā€ If they perform their masculinity, femininity, Christianity, etc. even a little ā€œincorrectly,ā€ theyā€™re not a valued part of the in-group anymore. They canā€™t let themselves fee safe and comfortable even at home, because theyā€™re addicted to anger and righteous indignation. Every bit of self-worth is tied to something external. Theyā€™re paranoid and anxious and they think taking care of your mental health is weakness, so theyā€™re probably never going to get better. I can say this stuff with confidence because I grew up in a small town filled with people like this. They are fucking *miserable* deep down. TL;DR: These people are insecure and stupid and deserve to be milked dry of their savings.


Open carry and an ugly Cybertruck huh? Wonder what 2 things he's trying to compensate for.


WTF is the hetero flag? Picture of a dude holding an NFT while texting unwarranted dick pics to women?


Holy shit this dude is an absolute canker, his "old state saloon" facebook page is marred with posts like: "Heterosexual Awareness Month" "Unvaxxed Singles Meetup" "GOING TO HEAVEN... OR HELL? The Good News! The Gospel!" "Bring your dad and thank him for being an awesome heterosexual!" "Should President Donald J. Trump celebrate ā€œHeterosexual Awesomeness Monthā€ this month at Old State Saloon?" "Open carry coffee hour" "Donā€™t forget! Bible study Sunday morning at 10am" "Wednesdays in June - 15% off your entire bill for heterosexual couples!" "Yikes, bro! It's just a #Cybertruck! No need to wish me dead!Is this guy a bigoted Cyberphobe?!" There have been a lot of boneheads on here but GOD DAMN this guy is the President Supreme Leader CEO of Fuckfaceville. What a catastrophic failure of human life.


He also had a flat earth presentation at the bar recently.


What. A. Dumbass.


Wait, arenā€™t these hardcore MAGA dipshits supposed to hate EVs??? šŸ¤Ø


Not now that Elon is one of them.


This is the first EV these people have ever considered buying (simply because Elon is openly fascist now), and it's probably the worst EV ever built. It will only end up reinforcing their prejudices against EVs.


I would argue it's the worst 4-wheeled vehicle ever built. I've seen remote-controlled kids toys with better production and design quality.


It's a Cybrertruck though, first time he shoots the 50 cal the recoil will brick it and it becomes a very expensive pillbox.


I really hope it's captured on video.


This just reeks of closeted.


Its going to be just another bodged up pipes and metal. Not an operational machine gun.


Nothing says repressed sexuality like a HUGE hetero flagā€¦


"old state freedom truck" you don't even have the freedom to wash the polygon orgy of rust


I thought they hate electric vehicles, anyone know why they give cyber truck so much love?


They love that musk kicks the lesser brother more. Essentially, priority in vice signaling.


"You are the only person dumb enough to come in here with a gun visible." "Thank you. Please give me my cyberbrick."


Guy is kidding right how are going to charge that with a gun on it for hours at a charge station.


Machine guns on the car roof? Must be one of them Y'all Qaeda.


Might be unpopular here but pushing these pussies to buy EVs is a good thing, better than them buying a diesel truck.


Damn, by posting this comment I am permanently banned from r/TeslaModel3 ! I just received a message saying I violated their rules, so sad, I loved that sub(never heard of).


Yep, in case there was any doubt, the machine gun lets you know, this is a compensation wagon. The humorous irony of tying oneā€™s manliness to a vehicle that often doesnā€™tā€¦umā€¦perform its intended function.


Maybe they'll make a Hims pill to improve CT performance


Do these people realize that they are cartoon characters? fLaGs AnD gUnS aNd No TeH gHey hurr durr


That 50 cal he wants to put on the roof is going to be an issue. Even if that were legal (and itā€™s only legal to own one in *very* specific license and registration circumstances, and definitely illegal to have it loaded and flopping around on the roof) theyā€™re worth too much money and are far too dangerous to just leave attached or even just unattended. Heā€™d have to constantly attach and detach an 85 pound penis surrogate every time he parked and figure out a secure storage in the truck itself or risk it being stolen or discharged by a rando. Even if he does this Iā€™d predict that within a day it changes to just having the mount on there to point at and tell his buddies what itā€™s for, which is just embarrassingly stupid.


What a pussy


What is it with the 50 cal? Seriously. The only experience these dudes have with anything going pew pew is watching other dudes pew pewing on their bitches.


Buy in culture is desperate for acknowledgement.


Wait till this thing breaks down and Mr. Open Carry can't get anyone on the phone......That should get interesting......


Iā€™m assuming a ā€œhetero flagā€ is just a bunch of axe body spray labels taped together


jesus christ who the fuck needs a 12.7mm heavy machine gun on the roof of their vehicle, of all things a tesla shitbrick, just to go to a damn workplace, walmart, and a mcdonalds?


Looked up his IG and it seems he's made a while brand out of putting the word HETEROSEXUAL on just about anything, any way he can... Usually the person screening suuuuuuuper loud about being an awesome heterosexual? Is usually in fact not a heterosexual....


Iā€™m trans and pan and I donā€™t suck as much dick as this guy


Probably use the hammer drill to drill the machine gun mount holes in the glass roof!


This pandering grifter has been at it a while. Pretty good 2023 Idaho Statesman opinion piece on this asshole and his bar: https://www.idahostatesman.com/entertainment/ent-columns-blogs/words-deeds/article278751544.html Heā€™s also hosting an ā€œun-vaxxxed dating eventā€ in July. Real piece of work.




He was asking for donations a couple of days ago as well. This place is a few miles from where I live and thereā€™s some shady business dealings going on. Itā€™s a bar that also runs church services. Oof. Just when I think they canā€™t get any dummer. This truck will do horribly in Idaho weather.


Would an open carry permit cover a mounted vehicular machine gun? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Pretty sure to obtain your open carry, you need to be aware that itā€™s not a good idea to just leave your firearms openly accessible in the street (eg - when parked)


He asked for donations, and shows up with a dumpster the next week. Lol These morons grift their own. Itā€™s just a bunch of battered morons preying on each other isnā€™t it.


Man, this guy got fucked when they handed out personality. Guns and American Flags are his personality.


no wonder they call it the "minivan for the incel techno fascist". I love the flag as much as the next person but when you have to go out of your way to shove it down someone else's throat with a "big .50 cal machine gun", it rings many bells!


Has Tesla narrowed its audience to right wing nut jobs?


The people that move from Cali to ID are some of the wierdest most sensitive loud speaking morons I've ever met. A lot of them have this victim mentality.


This guy is the most insecure little bitch I have ever seen.


His penis has fully inverted into a pegina


*zooms in on image* oh, of course itā€™s an old white guy. Silly me.


Drywall has more personality than this chud


That comment section on the FB post is gold


This is in Boise. Itā€™s early summer. We get torrential downpours in a moments notice. Good luck with the warranty


Open carrying to a car dealership, cybertruck, asking how to mount a machine gun onto the truck, wants a ā€œhetero flagā€ wrapā€¦.nah heā€™s not overcompensating for anything šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Damn dude. Just admit you love dick


Small Dick Energy


The Hetero Flag is just the porn hub logo


Tesla being synonymous with the far right is the funniest twist I could have imagined. All these old racist idiots are idolizing Elon and sinking the company at the same time.


the MAGA cult and the followers of the idiot who bought twitter overlap so much. their entire personality revolves around those ā€œidolsā€ and literally anything they shill. i mean, the tangerine traitor had people wearing *diapers* for him.


ā€˜Huge hetero flagā€™ is so fucking stupid itā€™s hilarious.


..."hetero flag"...? How gay are you, if you need to be telling people you're in fact hetero?


I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong here. Dude loves America, guns, beating his wife, and bullying his kids. Cyber blessed


Pathetic in countless ways. Good luck America.


He must have a minuscule dick


The hetero flag? The fuck does that look like


Iā€™m gonna guess itā€™s like a large white trash bag


https://preview.redd.it/fxfhz3esxc8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c52388b51e4b3c26c5fcb771a574d5048f98398d Oh noes looks like my comment got me banned from a subreddit I donā€™t even follow or post on. Get off your knees r/Teslamotors youā€™re blowing it.


Let me guess, it has the business name on the wrap so he can claim a deduction on it?


Yeah there's no way law enforcement will allow him to drive around with a functioning machine gun (let alone rifle) on that pos. There's no reason to get all scared and frightened. Idiots like him aren't the majority of conservatives. The Bible beating idiots and people ignorant with firearms like that really help to give them a bad name, though.


Wtf is a hetero flag?!?! We just giving out flags? I want one.


.50 cal in a cyber truck might as well be a fixed machine gun emplacement idk why any of y'all are worried


ā€œHow special for you.ā€


Does he know he canā€™t run coal in a CT?


Imagine being so stupid thinking that a road urinal needs a mounted machine gun even though the pos will brake down in a car wash or with rain. This car is the ultimate DUMB-vee for Muricans


This changed my mind. Real men DO buy Cyberclunks.


Iā€™m assuming a ā€œhetero flagā€ is just a bunch of axe body spray labels taped together


I would rather wrap it in bacon and after the sun cooked the bacon take it to a bacon fest.