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Obviously only do this if you don’t have a legal entry.


And even if you have a legal entry, if you can afford it, travel. You deserve it. It’s a guaranteed fly in and out of the country. I went to Peru, saw my family, and I felt like it recharged my batteries when I came back. If you can finesse it, go on a cruise or Europe or the Caribbean lol)


It is NOT guaranteed wtf


I think he means it's a guarantee re-entry upon getting approved for AP. As long as you don't do something illegal outside of the country.


not guaranteed: [“Advance parole doesn’t guarantee you the ability to enter the United States. Your right to enter is still at the discretion of customs and border protection officials, just as it is for any non-citizen presenting themselves for entry into the United States.”](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/immigration-law/advance-parole-i-131-travel-document/)


As of this day I haven't heard of anyone being denied entry with AP as long as they follow the dates on the AP. But I don't know of every single case.


The guy running the checkpoint that day could be a miserable prick having the worst day of his life and decide to not let you in. That’s when you need to have a lawyer on stand by 


I’ve been thinking about doing it but my family tells me it’s dangerous


It’s safe if I can do it anyone can and I am the most nervous anxious person ever I had entered originally with a B2 visa and did AP just to travel I’m gonna apply again soon


How old were you when you entered the country on the B2 VISA. I came here with that same VISA at age 6 and am now having trouble getting my I-94.


I was 6 months old I still have my I-94 card but I did AP so now it’s online cause they don’t give the cards anymore


I need to go with you.


I’m taking everyone with me and whoever doesn’t come I’ll bring them back a kitty from morocco


Is there expiration for AP? how much does it cost?


$630 to apply and they give you a time frame where you’re allowed to travel the paper will say when you can leave and when you have to be back


I traveled to Peru to see my family, I gave my reasons when I filed my paperwork, I received the form (I forget the name), when I returned to the US as long as I show that approval form I have a guaranteed entry to the country. You just have to make sure your petition is approved and you have the form. Then stick to what you said in your paperwork (travel dates, location, don’t do anything illegal) read about other people’s experiences on Facebook groups and familiarizar yourself with the process. Advance parole is a guaranteed travel permit to leave and return to the country.


Life’s a risk carnal


I did it .. Walked in to TJ right away got in line to walk back.. soo easy the officer couldn’t been nicer.. had plans to stay for the day but the line was sooo long already I had to made that choice.


Coming to America was dangerous but here we are


How long did it take to get approved for AP ?


My lawyer actually recommended that I do advanced parole even though i entered the country with a visa but overstayed.


Did you do it? And I’m assuming he recommended it just so u can go back home for a while I was commenting more for ppl who might think they need to absolutely do it just because they have daca


I edited my comment since I meant a tourist visa which was overstayed. I am in the process of getting my green card through my mother. Had DACA since its inception and was a minor. He just told me it doesn't matter the reason, but to try and get out of the country for at least one day and come back. I really have no connection to my family back there, so I personally won't be going there to visit anyone, but just because my lawyer recommended me to do it. I will need to get my wisdom teeth removed in the near future, which will cost me thousands, which is a good reason to get AP even though I can afford it here, but a good excuse. Just need to get some quotes here with some from where I plan to go and that should be good enough.


Word I recommend checking out @spanglishgirl on TikTok she has some free guides for AP


Yeah, I am not worried about AP. It's just a timing issue, since I don't want it to conflict with other stuff in my life.


Thousands for wisdom teeth removal? I'm getting 3 of mine removed next week and was quoted around $850. Are yours trapped in the gums or jawbone?


Pretty common knowledge but a good reminder


I didn’t find out about it until 2022. I wasn’t researching social media and online like I am now. I wish there was a way to get the word out more too


This is what I don’t understand. Daca has been around since 2012, AP longer than that. How did you not know about AP but you knew about daca? Did someone do your initial application ?


I thought the whole reason behind the executive order is to bypass having to enter the country legally and being able to adjust without having to do AP. Please correct me OP as I am curious if I should be doing this even though I qualify for the new executive order. I filled out my AP paperwork, just waiting on some family documents being sent over.


You don’t need to do AP if you are married a US citizen before the 17th of this month. You can adjust. Pretty much saves you a step really, as DACA that is.


My only concern with the new executive order would be “what if Biden doesn’t win the election in November and Trump stops this rule in January”. The new executive order is a good option for you yet it is a process that takes time which we may or may not have depending on who is president. Save your money! Because maybe you could do both options. We don’t really know until November if Biden will stay


I don’t think it’s that easy. Otherwise daca would also been gone.


Don’t you need a reason? I don’t have an important reason to visit Mexico.


Make a dentist or doctor appointment.


But what if you already have medical benefits- dental and healthcare? Then isn't that route a no go?


I did too.. you can always get a “second opinion “


It's almost always cheaper outside the states.. especially certain countries - Mexico, DR, Turkey, some Asian countries, etc. No matter what insurance you have, trust - it will be cheaper. If you have family overseas (for unfortunate reasons, unfortunately), or work (could be a conference). Humanitarian purposes - non-profit, missions trip. Medical reasons would be the best, though, because it will definitely be cheaper.


Do I have to have a reason to travel outside the country with a P?


Make a dentist appointment in Mexico and cite the visit as a dental work need. Or something similar. Plenty of reasons. You could also find a church that does out of country missions to help out and use that as well if the church leads are open to helping you provide proof


Perfect, I actually have a family friend out there who is a dentist and I need some work done but it’s too expensive for me here.


Go to the Facebook group or the Reddit group “dreamers2gether” for ideas and people’s stories


Yes, I had a dentist appointment. But decided not to go to my appointment last minute because I wanted to returned same day before it got dark.


Sorry for my ignorance but how does AP work? I apply then go to Mexico and stay there for x amount of days and then come back to the US? How safe is this? How do you know you be guaranteed entrance? Why sign up for AP now?. I'm getting married soon, my husbacitizen, born citzen, can't I just go through the marriage process to fix?


AP is the fastest way for you to fix. You go to your home country for however long you want but also depending on how many days USCIS grants you. You can go and return the same day too so you don’t have to stay there. It’s relatively safe and typically you will not be denied entry unless you do something illegal in your home country or crossing the checkpoint. You’re never guaranteed re-entry but CBP has no reason to deny you if you’ve done nothing wrong.


Thank you for this! Would you recommend talking to an immigration attorney to get this going?


If you have no warrants, arrests, deportations or anything that will hold you back, then you can 100% file yourself. Keep in mind that you have to mail in your packet through the mail and not online. Feel free to reach out if you have questions.


Do you have legal entry into the US or did you enter without inspection? AP only really benefits those who came in without a port of entry inspection. Otherwise, you don't need this to get married and adjust. Basically for those that entered without checking in at a port of entry, they're subject to consular processing but will have to exit the country first and wait in their home country while the process goes through. Sometimes it's years. Does not apply if you entered with a visa or something similar. Hope that helps. Do your research.


I entered without inspection. Man thats scary to think that it can take years for the process to go through, I dont know what I would do over there.


Yeah. I'd definitely recommend you do DACA AP then. Do your research, do it yourself or hire a lawyer, whatever you have to do. It's worth it. After you do AP you can get married and adjust without having to leave the country at all. I've done it and so have 2 of my friends. All 3 of us had a great time visiting our home country and coming back without issue.


You're not guaranteed reentry. I've been wanting to do it, but not risking not being allowed back in. It is up to the official to let you in if he feels like it.


Yes, but it's relatively safe. Check the Facebook groups and you'll eventually find a lot of comfort. There's like less than 4 failures out of thousands of success stories and it's usually because the person did something dumb. Keep straight, stay out of trouble, come back safe.


There is a program in California that takes Daca to Mexico through educational purposes. They go to UNAM, Teotihuacán among other places.


Can you post the link of the group in Facebook? I’ve search this one but there’s too many with that name. Idk which is one is the real one. Thanks you!


It's called dreamers2gether


This one ? https://m.facebook.com/groups/759122585241678/


Yup FYI. If you don't have an obvious case, do what I did. I lumped 3 weak reasons and got approved for multiple entrees. Reasons: Visit elderly grandma Visit grandpa's grave (died over a decade ago)-- just added a celebration of life Got a dental quote for deep clean and some resin fillings


Do you mind if I DM you? I'm also working on my grandparents grave since I didn't have any closure.


Dental should be enough.




Can someone please recommend an immigration lawyer based in LA, CA. All lawyers I’ve spoken to have been absolutely useless and never follow up.


Yes, this is actually what will be the "pathway to citizenship" that most with DACA would have and almost half of those who have had DACA have already taken. It might be all you'll get for a long time. It may not help you immediately but it will certainly open doors even if DACA is taken away at some point. I actually never had an EWI and was excluded but if I had DACA, I could proceed with a "weak case" as my lawyer put it so for those who don't have or will remove your EWI and also have DACA, a lot of doors will open later.


It's sad when they brought you so young that there's no one to see or visit


what kind of documents/ proof do you need to gain AP? My grandpa is sick back in my home country but he be going to local shamans and idk if they have “doctors notes” 😭


That’s correct! I requested AP and got approved in about 2.5 months. Reason a was to visit both of my grandparents graves. Now I have a legal entry ( paroled ) so now I can adjust in the US.


Are there financial assistance programs? My delayed daca left me unemployed for a few months I'm struggling to get back on track


Isn’t the timeline to tight at this point in time to apply for AP and not get stuck outside the US if trump wins and abolishes daca. It takes 90 days to get a response that’ll be sometime September if you apply today and you have Oct-Dec to go and comeback if approved.


Depends on what way you see it. Jan 20th, if it’s a new republican president taking the oath then for sure your chance is gone.


If it’s approved you’ll be fine. When Trump took office in 2016 and ended AP for DACA they honored all the approved ones. I would assume it’ll be the same


That’s right I forgot about that. I’m all for AP just wanting to keep this in mind and an FYI. Have been working on submitting my AP app myself but a little hesitant for various reasons.


Why are you hesitant? What are those various reasons. I might be able to provide some insight on my experience.


Mainly financial reasons, app fees and traveling expenses as well. I have created a budget so hopefully once I have the funds, I can proceed with the app. I will definitely reach out when completing the app for some help insight/ best practices.


Gotcha. Just a heads up that if Trump wins he’ll cancel Advanced Parole since that’s what he did last time so if possible apply before the next presidential term starts. You can also pay it with a credit card. Not ideal to go into debt but it’s an option.