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They really need to stop asking these people this type of questions 


They should, but it gets attention for technically being news about DC films when no news is out, which people (especially clickbaity new outlets and accounts) can use for clicks, so they don't stop


Yeah it is really stupid.  Someone asks a c list actor if he'd play a character in a 200 million dollar DC movie and the guy says yes.  Wow shocking!   


Wouldn't say C List, maybe in grand scheme, but for TV... B at least. 9 season show. He is a very good actor, but he was cursed with poor story and script. Only so much he could do. He is def the best Flash there has been and honestly, should have been the DC Flash for the main movies.


Pretty sure he’d play it a thousand times better than you so you’re not one to say


Sure I am.   We all can have opinions on this stuff that is why we are here.  


Says the person criticising another who stayed his opinion in the video


I don't think I actually criticized anyone.  I said it was obvious someone would accept a role in the Gunn film.  Weird this upsets you 


“Yea it is really stupid”, “I don’t think I actually criticised anyone”


I was criticizing how stuff like this becomes a news story.  Did you read what I responded to? 


What? When you go to a restaurant you can judge the food there, you don't have to be a professional chef to have an opinion.


You also don’t get to tell that a person working in a food stall can’t work at a restaurant.


Another case of... Hey actor, you want a high paying, high profile job?


Yea, not him acting like the only reason he would say yes is because of James gun lol


Yeah these types of questions are silly and stupid.  Oh you mean a clist tv star would star in a giant movie franchise if asked?  Wow shocking stuff!  I thought he would turn it down because he was booked out starring in the next Scorsese, Nolan and Spielberg films.


Another example of "hey comment you wanna say some random presumptuous shit?" Like what tf does that even mean? Of course actors would love a high paying gig but unless you're a mind reader or he straight up admitted it, how do you know he's doing this just for that reason and not because he liked his role?


Presumptuous means I missed the point? Nah, I got the point that an actor was asked if he would take a role. I don't care if his answer was genuine. The problem is, you wouldn't even know. I'm just referring to the vast number of times persons or interviewers ask an actor if they'd like a role that is most likely high paying and high profile.


Thank you. I don’t get why people need to be obnoxious every time an actor mentions something about a specific role they want or that they used to have and would like to reprise, it’s fucking annoying lol


He didn’t mention it though. A fan asked him a question that the answer was very obviously yes and that’s who the comment was pointed towards. People keep spending/ getting paid real money to ask actors the same questions and the clips are constantly pushed around as “news.” A few days ago people were saying they agree with Joe Manganiello wishing we’d got to see more of his Deathstroke. Every time one of the Netflix Marvel actors mentioned wanting to return if the material was good they continued to be beloved. Keaton spent decades saying he was the only Batman, folks loved him for it.


We aren’t being obnoxious to the actor though. It’s the people who consider this newsworthy that are the problem


Lighten up.


He won't. Nothing against Grant, but if he didn't ask his good friend Michael Rosenbaum to be Lex again, he's not going to ask anyone back.


Just his wife, John Cena, Viola Davis and probably his brother at some point.


Also Nathan Fillion as a new character even though he was in that movie


Nathan Fillion gets a pass because he's awesome.


Nathan Fillian gets a pass because he's awesome *and canadian* FTFY


I’m still mad they cast Tom holland as Nathan drake for uncharted instead of Nathan Fillion


I'm still mad they cast Henry cavill as Superman instead of Nathan Fillion


I'd be okay with a DC Cinematic Universe where every single role is played by Nathan Fillion.


Nathan Fillion plays half the characters and Danny DeVito plays the other half?


And then halfway through they swap parts.


I like the idea Nathan is just in all the DCEU movies


Dude has voiced DC characters for years in animation so his reign is long overdue.


>Just his wife, John Cena I need to read faster


The invisible third wheel in their relationship.


Bros already playing like three characters lol


Aka the people who he personally cast and worked with. Thought that was implied and didn't need to be explicitly stated.


He didn't personally cast Viola Davis. She was already there from the first Suicide Squad.


> and worked with


Also worked with the JL actors on Peacemaker and it's not like they're coming back, don't see your point


They had a cameo in peacemaker. Big disparity between them and the leading cast in the movie he directed


try staring into Viola Davis' eyes and saying "You are fired"


None of them were previously cast as live action DC characters. Grant Gustin was. Peacemaker makes sense to carry over into the DCU because it’s a self contained story that only connects to the DCEU through brief cameos, and it was very well received so they’re not gonna just stop at one season (that part is important). I mean never say never, obviously many hold Grant in high regard and who knows what their plans are for Flash down the road, but his show was a long running series that had a definitive ending. And if he were cast he’d surely be playing a *different* Barry Allen as his universe couldn’t as easily carry over since so much was established over 9 years. So as unfortunate as it sounds, it would just make more sense to cast a new actor if they develop a new Flash. Personally I want a Wally West version.


I always think like if DCU uses Barry, he could be Jay Garrick, if they use Wally, he could be Barry(diff universe) Like he'd only return in a mentor role, similar to how John Wesley Shipp became a mentor from Season 3 onwards


I think Joe Keery would be awesome as Barry Allen.


Isn’t his brother voicing a character in creature commandos?


His brother is the worst actor I have ever seen.


"YoU aRe A bAd DoG"


I think it’d be cool to see Grant come back as an alternate universe Flash. So he could actually get a chance to shine on the big screen with a good script. But, he shouldn’t be THE DCU Flash.


i mean, if he is doing a wally west flash, and wanted a chameo, Grant would be an easly way to convey the "Barryness" of it all without any additional information from the film


James Gunn and Grant followed each other on social media a few months ago. May not mean anything besides being friends, but Gunn did say that he likes Grant as an actor. I do believe Grant will cameo in the DCU at some point, especially since he wasn't in the Flash movie at all.


If there’s ever a Crisis film, I don’t want Muschietti directing it for this reason lol. He’d probably put in 30 minutes of CGI Christopher Reeve over any of the TV actors.


TBH that doesn't give me faith in Gunn The show ended up camp and silly with dialogue as over the top as Days of Our Lives so it's not clear to me that Grant can actually act


Grant’s an amazing actor. It’s not his fault the writing is bad but any scene where he actually got a chance to really act, he always knocked it out of the park. Like look at the end of S1. Kevin Smith has a video on YouTube of him balling his eyes out to the scene. Grant has the chops, just not the writers to get him there.


All of his scenes where he was losing some one close to him always broke me 😭


>especially since he wasn't in the Flash movie at all. Ty for clarifying this; Google overview lists Grant as part of the cast and I was wondering if he was a cameo that I missed like Nic Cage's CGI Superman.


Why would Spiderman would be part of DCU. Isn't Spiderman a Marvel character?


it’s such a weird request. He did fine as Peter Parker let that be his legacy. I’ve been seeing people wanting Andrew Garfield to come back and, I wouldn’t be so opposed.


What fuck are you guys talking about?


LOL Barry is messing with the timeline _again!_


A Spider-Man actor being asked to play The Flash 🙄(but to ruin the dead joke, basically it’s became a meme/joke to just swap Marvel & DC stuff so now it’s Nolan’s Iron Man Trilogy instead of Batman, CW’s Spider-Man instead of Flash)


Ok, but why question is… why? That’s actually funny to people beyond the very first time it ever happened?




??? The Flash tv show that ran from 2014-2023? W/ Andrew Garfield?? And the 2012 Amazing Spider-Man & sequel with Grant…?


See r/FlashTV


This is never gonna happen but he should get another role in the DCU


I imagine Gunn casting Grant at least in another role


Follow tradition and make him Jay Garrick


I second this. It would be perfect. Or have Grant appear as someone in the speed force to help mentor the DCU Flash.


Little young for that play, but damn would it be cool. Maybe appear as the Rival or Savitar. Johnny Quick. Something. I also fear with the end of the CW shows that nostalgia appearances will go away for a while.


This is the way


actually... with Grant's Glee history, and his wholesome all-American looks and demeanour, he passes as a classic young Jay Garrick waaaaaaaaaay more than a Barry Allen. Grant has no gravitas on a big screen.


There are an infinite amount of flashes and earths, so....anything is possible.


Yeah. Maybe not main Barry but he can easily return as an alternate Flash. Maybe an older version of his own Barry.


Damn people are so harsh on him on this comment section, he was like best flash and actor was born to play the role


I think people just forget how good season 1 and 2 of The Flash are




You’re right season 1 was epic, but then it got worse with each season and became one of the biggest soap opera shit shows


That's what happens when shows just get too long in the tooth. End up losing their vision or tying to "refresh" themselves.


I don't think any of that is the actors fault though, I never felt like his delivery was the problem


For real and even then grants sad moments in this show hit so hard.


2 good seasons out of 9 will do that.


But that’s not on the actors.


3rd season was pretty decent.


yeah but what about the other SEVEN seasons of horrible writing and acting


It was never Grant’s fault though, everything around him was.


of all the problems with the later seasons of the show, grant’s acting was not one of them


i mean yeah he wasn't horrible but mediocre at best ,if so many better actors were recasted why the hell would they bring him back also we've had 9 seasons of him i think he had his time


I mean…. I would play The Flash if James Gunn asked me


He won’t ask




I enjoyed most of the Flash tv series (and I fully agree it was a soap opera). Having Grant in any role in the DCEU would be very cool. And also Tom Cavanagh.


Lol why would he ask that?


He isn't gonna ask.


Him not being in the flash movie has gotta be a top 5 CBM sin of all time. How are you gonna have a dead CGI Christopher Reeve but not the very much alive and active (and better flash actor) Grant Gustin


Because he's alive and active and better i guess


Grant Gustin looking like Keanu Reeves right now. I nominate Grant Gustin for a young Keanu Reeves for a biopic. The movie ends with him being cast for the Matrix.


Please don’t. His acting is for TV. If you think he’s a good actor please get checked.


Maybe Booster Gold?


lol tbh I respect this answer not many directors you can trust, cause if you flop the universe will destroy your career.


Why yes, I would like a high paying job.


Honestly I wouldn't be mad at it. Like it wouldn't be my first choice by a long shot, but seeing what he could do with better writing is something that could be interesting


No. Maybe. No. Well. GIF.


He should


He’s so awesome


James Gunn: “Would you like to be The Flash one more time?” Iris: “Yes”


Clearly he's homeless now, give him a job


Wanting Grant to be movie Flash was silly 10 years ago and even sillier today. Such a distracting loud hanger-on to any serious discussions about casting these roles.


I mean.... A version? Sure. Have a bit of a multiverse, or other earth or looking back at the pre-reboot era type of moment and have Grant show up, flash (geddit?) a smile and say "Run, Barry, R-" "Run. Yes, I know. Thank you other me for reminding me of how my my power works" I don't think much more screen time or a "the flash" style team up with whoever is the new flash would be well received


Hope he does foe one last time


Someone give this man a movie budget


Looks like he could use the work. Or I've got a friend that could teach him to frame and finish drywall. Poor guy.


Grant is so cute ❤️


"hey you would you go back to your last job for a huge raise?" "Yes"


Don’t be silly, James Gunn is focusing on the real heavy hitters of the DC Universe, like the Authority, Frankenstein, Spoiler and the Jurassic League - only the big stuff. Someone like the Flash just isn’t good enough for him.


The brilliance of this move is no one has any expectations, just like Peacemaker. He can do whatever he needs to do to make them cool and popular, and then that strength of popularity, plus people wanting to see the big three and the JL, will carry them to BO success. Many people don't realize that the double punch of Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy saved the MCU, which at that point had put out Iron Man and Avengers as its only strong suits. Gunn knows what he is doing.


I really don’t have a problem with adapting obscure and forgotten characters. At all. My problem is that Gunn’s announced universe, barring Batman and Superman, has been nothing but obscure characters. And don’t get me wrong - I love Booster Gold, I love Swamp Thing, I love Plastic Man. But these characters need to be sprinkled in with the big names, not exclusively what is being focused on.


When has Spoiler ever been mentioned?


Give us Grant Gustin as a brief glimpse of Jay Garrick or another past Flash, since the DCU seems to be a world with a history of heroes. But it’s better not to get too deep into bringing other iterations back.


That would be bad


Please no


Jay Gerick for the DCU! ✌🏼


Someone tag James Gun in this!


I wish


It's so obvious the consensus wants him to be the flash just do it!


A B actor lol 😂? Are you out of your effing minds? That boy easily out acts Ezra like it's no joke.


No thanks


Yuck. No thanks. Don’t need this deadpan.


Y’all are so weird lol dude followed the shitty scripts and u couch clowns blame the actors 😭


You need to relearn your English if that's your definition of deadpan.


im sorry with amount of bs ive seen this guy pull as the flash i would literally rather not see the character on screen over him coming back, just get a red head to play wallys flash or something


Is this a recording of a recording of a recording of a recording?


In other news: Scientists confirm. Water still wet.


He’s literally on broadway right now


Literally. Like right this minute? Why. It’s 2 am on a Sunday.




He’d fit right into Gunns version of the CW


Just get all of the CWverse crew together and out together a well written film.