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The most disappointed I was last year in a DC movie. I love the first one so much!


I loved a lot of what the movie was trying to do with the kids growing up and Billy being afraid of being disowned by the parents. The best parts of the movie were with the kids including young Billy. Any time Zachary Levi came on screen the movie lost something special. I've not been so irritated by a lead character in so long, young Billy played the character with so much more depth and I can't tell if it's a directorial issue or a Levi issue but all I can say is I'm so fucking glad this iteration of Shazam is over.


You can only do the man-child thing for so long. Frankly, I’ve never like the man child concept for Shazam. He’s supposed to be imbued with the traits of the gods. Aren’t they supposed to be wise, strong, etc?


Still have no idea why they had Levi play the character so dumb yet the child actor is incredibly mature for his age in the movie. Very jarring when they’re going back and forth between the two.


Early on I thought that was intentional to set up a plotline about how the transformation heals the damage that the trauma from Billy's childhood caused to his brain structure since a similar concept was used with a character in a different comic. Plus the sequel opening in the doctor's office made it seem like Billy was looking into getting therapy. Of course that just ended up being a throwaway joke instead of an opportunity for character development though.


I said this of the first one.. I said Zachary didn’t watch his younger character at all.. he should have played it straight but just be way more vulnerable


Exactly. I think he worked well in the first movie (even thiugh it was a bit overdone) because of the catarsis of the character, he was excited about being a superhero, that was even a plot element... but by Fury of the Gods, he was maturing. I like the idea of what the kids were going through, too. Even though that didn't mesh with the goddesses plot at all.


I liked it. Not nearly as good as the first though.


Don't know why it got so much hate it was funny asf


Cause it was a total downgrade over the first one in pretty much every way. Movies should improve.


Dude skittles saved the universe.


His face says it all 😂😅




I still think that his siblings should have gotten their powers at the end of the second movie. That would have allowed Billy to really find himself as a hero on his own and then he could have been a real teacher and mentor to the others. Because had this universe continued, how could have they justified only Billy joining the Justice League since they were all of equal strength and knowledge. But they probably knew it would be over so this is a moo point.


Holy crap it’s been a year?


The fact that a year passes so quickly is kind of proof that live action Shazam doesn't really work unless you're doing them like Harry Potter movies They should just do a cartoon. Why doesn't Warner Bros just make more DC cartoons?


Or go the Young Justice route and have him age normally. Shazam has been an adult in the comics like in Kingdom Come, which Gunn has shown fondness for.


overhated as fuck. it’s definitely not great but everyone talks about it like it’s madame web or something. it’s okay. 6/10.


Not nearly as bad as people claim it is. The first one was slightly better, sure.


> The first one was slightly better, sure. Way better


I mean that’s your opinion. It was not that great, and the second one barely worse.


> I mean that’s your opinion. Shazam 1 is 7.0 om IMDB, Shazam 2 is 5.9 Shazam 1 90% on RT, Shazam 2 49% So no, it's not my opinion, it's the whole Internet's opinion. And critics.


Sure mate, my point was that I was expressing my opinion while you were expressing yours. I couldn’t care less if the internet disagrees with my opinion on that movie


I liked it. I thought the hate for it was overblown. That being said, this movie focusing on Levi and not Asher seriously rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Not to mention the actors felt very different in terms of their performance when they’re supposed to be one person. I blame Sandberg, the producers and the writers for that. It was their job to keep that in check. By the 2nd film Billy should’ve felt more comfortable to be goofy in his regular form. The writers didn’t give Asher any comedic material to work with to match Levi’s performance and vice versa to an extent. In the first one you could argue that Shazam was Billy’s way of being comfortable being a kid without being himself around people in his own skin but in the DCEU there had been a 3 1/2 year gap between the two films timeline wise. During that time Billy definitely and realistically should’ve felt more comfortable being himself, especially around his family especially since it’s emphasized that he cares about them so much in this film. Granted Asher had more lighter moments here and there in the film but it still wasn't enough for him to convince us that him and Levi are playing the same guy. Asher's Billy feels more competent and Levi's feels like he's a thundering dumbass.


And I really enjoyed it. Clearly a victim of the slow DCEU death more than anything


A decent family film for kids. Great movie. It will stand up with time.


Meagan Good in that tight hero costume was the only good thing about it.


I see what you did there


I didn’t think it was terrible, but I remember walking outta that theater thinking how little screen time the kid version of Shazam had compared to the first movie. He’s gotta be in there for a maximum of 5 minutes.


I’m just disappointed that they had black Adam and couldn’t mention him or cap marvel in either movie making it seem like both characters exist in alternate timelines. The villain in this movie just sucked and didn’t have a good enough motive.


All the Skittles and Gatorade shilling made me dislike this movie.


The product placement in Shazam 2 makes Man of Steel’s product placement look subtle in comparison.


MoS’s must’ve been subtle for sure because I don’t remember any. Shazam 2 though? Full on, in-your-face Skittles and Gatorade product placement. Like they actually even say “taste the rainbow, motherfucker” in the movie. The only other movie that’s been this blatant with product placement that I’ve seen is Jack and Jill with Adam Sandler.


I enjoyed it, but it wasn't all that memorable; it felt like it was lacking a lot of the heart that the first one had. (Also, how weird was it that we got a Shazam movie and a Black Adam movie within a year of each other and neither one acknowledged the other?)


The CGI dragon looked so cool and I liked the B ploy.


Zachary Levi posted this in the vain hope people would give it another chance.


I love Shazam, and i think the villain should have been Mr. Mind and the monster society of evil. Young Billy needed more screen time. I don't think Zachary is a terrible Shazam, he justo needed to try to play Billy in an adult body, not just a kid in an adult body. I may be the only one but i would like to have another Shazam movie, the cast is amazing and Zachary can improve as well


And nobody watched it


I loved it! I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I thought it was really entertaining and had a huge rewatchability factor. I had (and still do have) AMCs A-list at the time, so I ended up seeing it three times with different groups of people!


And Wow did it suck!


Hot take but better than the first one, really liked this movie


Good, fun, wholesome, and wacky movie. I really liked it.


2 packs of straight ass. SHAZAM’s rich and deep lore yet they create 2 new villains for the film….wtf


They set up Mr. Mind and then didn’t use him!! I feel like WB had an unused option on Helen Mirren they wanted to exercise and forced her to do this movie and wrote a part for her.




No u


It was all right. I was one of five people during the first Thursday showing.


It was fine.


I liked it 😊 I was also alone in the theatre opening day.


The one liner on the bottom of the poster is true. Oh. My. Gods! 😱


I enjoyed this movie and the first one. Not sure why this one in particular got so much hate.


Time isn’t waiting for anyone


It was fiiiiiiiiiine


And the crowd goes mild…


It released in theatres?


Wait this came out? I thought it got cancelled


What a wet fart of a movie. First one was fun. That said, Mary/Grace is a hottie.


Shazam 2 was ok but we needed more action


Shazam 1 was a good movie


My husband and I both enjoyed it. It wasn’t as good as the first one, but we had fun watching it. It was on TV last summer while we were in Mexico, so we stayed up late, ordered room service, and watched it again. We also met Zachary Levi at a convention in Chicago a month later and told him we loved it


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again. This movie was good! (Minus Darla)




Just recently watched this. Nothing special and no charm from the first movie. Vastly disappointed


Feels like 5 years ago.


It did?


It certainly came out


Such a downgrade.


I saw this movie but remember none of it lol


I still haven’t watched this . Probably never will


And several low quality CBMs since then did even worse


😭😭 the last movie dc movie I saw without my ear damage caused by my stupid friend. It's been one year and im at lowest,i won't be there to watch any dc movies anymore and I'll let that guy know im ending all on July 21st


This movie was so confused about what its identity was and who its audience was. Kids turning into adults with super powers? Perfect for a children’s film. Dude gets magically compelled to jump off the roof of a building to kill themselves? And a CGI monster gets graphically impaled by a unicorn? I don’t recall the first film ever getting that dark.


Remember the Seven Deadly Sins murdering a bunch of people after Sivana killed his own father?


I sneaked into an empty theatre to watch it and I still want a refund


Lucy Chan is belong to Arrowverse not in Kill Bill and Shazam Fury the God's


one of the films of all time lol


And it was shit

