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Seeing Michael Keaton back was awesome, and the George Clooney cameo may be my favorite part of the whole movie. I just wish they didn't hype it up as the greatest superhero movie of all time. It wasn't even close to that.


I still don’t understand how they got all those celebrities to hype up the movie. Like Tom Cruise, Stephen King, Edgar Wright, Jaden Smith, and even James Gunn himself. Did they pay them or something? Feels like a very random array of people.


I love Edgar Wright, but I could absolutely see him loving the Flash, Ezra Miller aside its right up his alley. Immature lead character goes on a journey of self-discovery to learn to be unselfish or some other quality.


Don't get me wrong, I love most of Edgar Wright, but thick comment just makes me a little less sad he didn't direct Antman


Fair enough. I'm still sad though, can you imagine Edgar Wright's talent for editing and visuals put into effect for the shrinking scenes?


I think they were doing it to try to keep the theater business afloat outside of Mario, Barbie, and Oppenheimer. Plus, it would be in bad taste to say a movie is shit when you’re in the business, even if it is shit.


Yeah I get what you mean, but I’d say it’s kinda uncommon for people who are not actively involved in the movie, to come out and praise it unprompted. And as for Gunn, he never praised Shazam 2, only The Flash.


I think by Shazam 2, he knew that the DCEU was over and he was going to press the reset button. Probably figured there was no point to comment on it. Aquaman 2 didn’t even have a premiere, just a fan event. Really sad ending to a sad universe


Man, that's fucking sad, is this what the movie business has become to? Outright lying endorsement from key players?


It ain’t new, man. “Key players” have been lying about shit since before the first days of colored TV. It helps to have friends in high places.


They probably got paid (except for James Gunn). Celebrities don't endorse products for free.


It’s kinda sad when the Flash doesn’t even make the top 2 favorite parts of a Flash movie.


Both were Batman.


I never had an interest in seeing it. Only because I read the comics I saw it. The guy playing Barry was just terrible.


The time travel cameo dome thing was so bizarre and poorly done. The movie feels like a fever dream a lot of the time


They could have accurately hyped it as the worst SFX film of all time.


Ur Just yappin At this point lol


IMO the George Clooney cameo was pointless and was a mistake. I was done with cameos after the world collision cameo scene.


I liked The Flash quite a bit. It wasn’t perfect, but did a lot of what I wanted.


I agree. Bet we are the minority however.


Very low expectations here, but I enjoyed it enough to watch it a couple of times (theater and then streaming). I love Keaton Batman but he felt mostly mishandled/wasted in this, but it didn't ruin anything for me.


I'm with you. It's a fun movie with good action, a sense of humour, and a solid little story. The cameos and stuff were a nice touch.


I hated it. I hate Ezra Miller’s flash. So I really hate 2 versions of a character I hate


So much hate in a little man


The CGI was extremely rough, but I really like (maybe even love) this movie otherwise: - Even though I wasn’t a fan of his suit, I love that we got to see Batfleck in action one last time. I guess the colour scheme was meant to help visually differentiate the two Batmen in this movie from one another, as Keaton wears all black. - Keaton returning was amazing. - Despite all the controversies surrounding them, Ezra’s performance was fantastic. In fact, the entire cast did an excellent job. - The movie has heart, particularly surrounding the death of Barry’s mother and his emotional arc about letting go. - Even though we didn’t end up seeing the new DCU, the explanation of the multiverse basically established whatever Gunn is giving us next as yet another adjacent universe. - The Chronoball showing us all those cameos may be controversial and the CGI - once again - rough, but I really enjoyed that sequence nonetheless. - It was great to see Zod and Faora again, even if it was just for glorified cameos. As a massive fan of Man of Steel, it was even great to see the flashback of Barry saving people during the battle of Metropolis. Even though we never got a conclusion to the Snyderverse’s Justice League arc, at least Barry’s speed force scene from ZSJL is solidified as canon through Bruce’s dialogue and the MoS conflict within the Burtonverse serving as this movie’s climax at least provided somewhat of a bookend for the DCEU.


Can you remind me when/how ZSJL speed force scene was canonized? Because it's one of my fav scenes from DCEU and it was shocking they removed that.


When Barry thinks about altering the flow of time, Bruce (Affleck) warns him of the repercussions that this may have (butterfly effect) and that the way he intended to save his mother was an entirely different and much bigger endeavour as opposed to how he rewinded time by a second in Russia - this never happened in Josstice League, so Bruce is clearly referring to ZSJL here. I also really love how Bruce has developed across the DCEU from a fallen vigilante in BvS all the way to a responsible mentor in The Flash. Another thing that could be regarded as the movie implying that ZSJL is canon is the return of Kiersey Clemons as Iris West, with a nod to her brief scene in ZSJL.


Barry mentions he was able to reverse time by 1 second explaining his plan to battfleck


The flashbacks to JL in the chronobowl are from ZSJL, including Aquaman doing the pointing joke at Flash. Bruce also mentions the town of “Pozharnov” I think which was namedropped by Cyborg in ZSJL while in the Whedon Cut it was Chernobyl.


“One of the best superhero movies I’ve seen” - James Gunn CEO of DC films


His exact words were "*possibly*"


Still just as much cap on his end lmao


Well tbf it is *his* opinion


I don’t think it’s so much “his opinion” as much as it was company mandated PR. What’s he supposed to say? “This movie that’s been in development hell for nearly 10 years and stars this problematic actor is actually a mess”? I don’t blame him necessarily cuz he came on board an already sinking ship and did what he had to do but part of me wishes he had just kept quiet rather than contribute to the overhyping being done by WB and others


I don’t think anyone forced him to say that. He kept quiet on Shazam 2 lol. He said Blue Beetle was good.


Neither of those movies went through the kind of hell and bad publicity that the flash and Ezra Miller were going through though. Not entirely the same situation across-the-board. A lot more eyes were on this movie and a lot more was at stake with the flash flopping compared to if Shazam or blue beetle did so. Especially as the flash was being pitched at this big event style film that cost significantly more than both blue beetle and Shazam cost to make and market it. Most of the questions that were being directed to him about Shazam were if Zach Levi was going to come back for future movies and most of the questions being flung at his way about blue beetle were if that movie was part of the new DC you can. There was a lot more questions, not only about the quality of the flash, but about the mental state of Ezra, what that meant for the studio if they were gonna hold Ezra accountable, etc. While I highly doubt that the powers at be were like “say that you love the flash or you’re not gonna be head of DC Studios anymore” but I think there was definitely some nudging done towards him to try and use his position to take as much the focus off of the negativity surrounding the movie as possible.


Maybe he meant, "this week."


I mean… when you ignore the horrendous cgi & focus on Barry’s story it’s honestly not that bad of a movie, it’s a pretty solid movie starring a super villain


Stop. You’re acting like WB didn’t have everyone on their payroll to say this movie was good.


This had to be a marketing stunt, I refuse to believe it


He has just taken over. He was in charge of DC. Of course it was a marketing stunt


I love the movie.


Same lol


Is anyone else curious who killed Barry's mom? It seemed an odd choice to have one of the supporting characters be the world's greatest detective and not address the mystery of the murder.


See right there they ruined that element like all we see in the movie is Barry trying to get his father out of prison by proving he was at the grocery store before Nora got killed and all this time he doesn't look for her killer, and we all know who killed her which happens to be Eobard Thawne himself who should've appeared in the film.


Right?! Like it seems like preventing her murder would take priority.


Plus the whole Can of Tomatoes thing was stupid like how can putting a can of Tomatoes in the cart can change everything especially preventing a speedster from killing her. To be honest if Thawne was in the film, Barry could have easily grab Thawne and take him back to the present with him.


It’s the butterfly effect any small change no matter how insignificant it is can a very huge impact on time itself Using the can of tomatoes for example if Nora sent Henry to go get canned food from the grocery store that she forgot to purchase that’s the link that set off the chain of events that occurred If Nora didn’t forget the canned food than Henry wouldn’t had needed to go back to the grocery store and Nora would’ve been still been alive so by placing the can in her cart in theory was supposed to keep the original timeline from happening it was a somewhat decent way to explain it tho i do think it was better ways to do it


That's a good point actually. I was never concerned about it while watching the movie, I guess because I'm familiar with the backstory. But yeah I can see how that could have been jarring to people that don't.


Curious? Sure. But it ultimately wasn’t important to the story of the film.


One of the most overhated cbm of all time


Ikr, all the hate Was mostly because of ezra


Still love it. Did not deserve the mass rejection it received.


To be fair They shoved Ezra Miller despite *gestures at everything* And they hyped it as the greatest superhero movie ever made


Same. Found it the funniest and most moving superhero film in a long time.


Barry saying goodbye to his mom was really sad and beautiful.


Up to that point DC movies weren't doing good, neither were Marvel's. We were into full superhero fatigue so I don't think there were much hope.


I believe it deserves the mass rejection. The Flash CW show did better, and that’s saying a lot.


I think it deserved the rejection not just because of Ezra, but because they never earned that Christopher Reeves cameo.


Went opening night and was not disappointed. Was it great? No, but it wasn't unwatchable either. I enjoyed it for what it was worth.


Far from perfect, but a blast too.


There are far worse movies out there that deserved to bomb, just not this. Far from perfect but kind of a guilty pleasure.


This was a good movie and Sasha Calle was good as Supergirl.


Gotta agree about Sasha. I did not care for the movie and have many complaints but her work was not among them. She was one of the best parts. Actually apart from Ezra I thought the cast was excellent.


"Actually apart from Ezra I thought the cast was excellent." I think this might be my hot take. Ezra's acting wasn't bad for me. While The Flash wasn't the best movie, I feel like years from now it might be seen as one of the classics. It was that good to me. Ignore all the outside nonsense, then it's a solid movie.


I don’t agree but I’m happy you enjoyed it. Not every movie speaks to me, and that’s totally ok 👍


Sorry if that came across as an attack or forcing you to agree with me, I didn't realise.


No no I didn’t take it that way at all. Just saying it’s cool that we have a differing opinion.


It would've been better with Grant Gustin.


I didn’t think it was that bad, but Michael Keaton’s Batman definitely carried the film.


He truly did indeed.


Fun watch. Feels like a very unconventional sequel to ZSJL. Michael Keaton was the best movie part of that movie.


I liked the movie until the ending fell apart - specifically, they removed the ending with Keaton and Supergirl, but didn’t bother replacing it with anything else. So as a consequence, once those characters abruptly die, they’re just… out of the movie. They don’t get any resolution to their character arcs, so the movie leaves you with this empty, hollow feeling.


My feelings exactly. I genuinely think that was one of the main reasons for it doing so badly. The only audience it had left after Ezra's actions, the DCEU ending, superhero fatigue were Keaton's fans, but sadly they were put off by the fact that he comes back to die and his universe gets destroyed. Either you have to accept then that everything he did in the first two films was for nothing, OR you view it as another version of him in which case what's the point if it's not the same version we wanted to see come back? Gunn should have butted out and let the directors finish it in their own way. I'd have loved to have seen Caille, Cavil, Keaton and Gadot together.


Aside from some of the bad CGI this was a good movie. Ezra Miller was really good in it, and seeing Batfleck, we really treated him way to harshly.


Battfleck's monologue to Barry about changing the past was actually quite moving. Maybe cause I knew that was it for him but it was really touching.


If anyone that treated Batfleck harsly it's WB not public


Strong disagree about Ezra. I found him to be horrible and having two of him only compounded it. I’ll give you Affleck tho.


Ezra Miller is a horrendous actor. He's completely incapable of portraying a character as complex as Barry Allen.


I dont care what anyone says, I liked it.


One of the better DCEU movie despite its flaws


I expected this film to be terrible but it was actually ok, not great but I did enjoy it.


Ezra Miller STILL belongs in jail


I really wish Sasha was brought back, she killed it in that role


The one thing that will always stand out to me about this movie is how atrocious the CGI was


I can’t believe it has already been a year…😳


A film that absolutely had flaws, but was still an enjoyable watch.


I thought it was a fun movie. It’s a popcorn superhero movie with great cameos. I’m glad I saw it at the theater. Sue me🤷🏻‍♀️


This movie's underrated. Honestly one of my favorite DC movies.


Only good thing about that movie was Michael Keaton returning as Batman!


It is a movie.


Im gonna be controversial but i liked the movie more than the animation. I was more engaged into the story, i laughed couple times, obviously forced nostalgia was disgusting but I didn't regret watching it in cinema


Don't remind me. An unholy abomination.


Such wasted potential


Not a particularly good movie but I really enjoyed it


I genuinely had fun watching this in the theatre you know. Ive seen way worse.


Hot Take: The Flash is really a good and emotional movie and I loved it


Great movie


I loved it. It’s my second favorite DCEU film and outside of the wonky CGI in parts (some of it is great) and the horrible joke ending, this is close to perfect for me. BTTF tone with the Flash, Keaton’s Batman returning one last time and facing off against MoS baddies?! I never thought I would see that and I loved every moment.


I waited until it hit streaming, and thank goodness I did, because couldn't even finish it. I made it up until the second Ezra made his appearance and couldn't stomach two of them, then fastforwarded to see Sasha as Supergirl and got backhanded with the horrendous cgi. Glad I didn't pay to see it.


i still don’t get why people hate this movie. yes, ezra is a piece of shit and yes, the cgi is fucking abysmal and it’s definitely far from perfect, but like, it wasn’t that bad overall. •Keaton was handled really well. i never once felt as if he was overstaying his welcome or like they were focusing too much on him. and i liked that little moment where he’s patching himself up and you see that smirk on his face as he remembers just how much he loves being batman and realising he’s still got it. it’s a neat little arc for him that doesn’t detract attention away from anything important. •The emotional moments of this film fucking hit. The scene with Barry and his mom in the grocery store at the end had me in tears in the cinema. •The camerawork is genuinely really cool. Like, in the opening when Barry first suits up and prepares to run to gotham and we get that nice little dolly zoom on his boot, that shit was cool bro. •The action is also great. When they infiltrate the Soviet base and Keaton fights those soldiers, that was badass. genuinely slightly reminded me of the bvs warehouse scene. or the fight scene near the end where the two Barry’s team up and beat up a bunch of kryptonians. that was cool asf and i loved seeing them get creative with the flash’s abilities with the cyclones and stuff. •The movie has its own really weird but still really interesting style. Like, when Barry first travels in time and his surroundings start going all strange and it’s like he’s running in place as the different events in time happen around him. i think that was genuinely a really unique take on time travel. it’s definitely not “the greatest superhero movie of all time” like so many people for some reason hyped it up to be, but i still think it’s solid and didn’t deserve to flop as hard as it did.


I think I would have liked it more if I didnt hate Ezra Miller's version of Barry Allen. It was more distracting to me than the CGI


There are some parts I enjoy but I think overall the movie is a massive stinker. Not to mention the cameo scequence


This movie needs be more hated on. I like the first half, but as soon as they rescue mommy Supergirl the movie goes downhill to hell. The bad VFX could've been forgiven if the story and the characters weren't done like shit. What is Batman doing in the story? In one scene he says he doesn't wanna help then on the other one he's already suited up without any explanation. He literally doesn't say anything at all. The same thing happens with Supergirl. In one scene she doesn't wanna help, but suddenly she helps to give Barry his powers. Why? We don't know. And then the final fight happens then it becomes a silly game of dumb and dumber trying to fix something by fucking it up in the most obvious way. Batman and Supergirl die in the most tasteless way, and then cameoworld happens just to waste 15 minutes of movie into nothing. And yeah, let's not forget that yeah Barry "fixes" the timeline but the mf never wonders who killed his mother, because even people who are not familiar with comics know it's Reverse Flash. And hell, the movie doesn't even resets the Universe to at least give it an order.


Movie was stupid. I went to see it only because of Ben Affleck’s Batman. He’s my favorite Batman actor. Shame they gave him a stupid looking suit. It should’ve been the regular black/grey BvS suit


I actually really enjoyed this movie, thought it was really fun


Hopefully the last we ever see of the evil deluded/absolute muppet Ezra miller


Alt title "1 year ago today, The Flash bomb the box office."


And still not even the biggest bomb of the year, let alone biggest superhero bomb of all time. That honour went to the marvels.


2023 was brutal for comic book movies. I never thought an MCU movie would outright *bomb*, but it happened.


I never said anything about the biggest bomb or Marvels why bring something else into this?


He never said you did lol He pointed out that it bombed the box office but it still wasn’t the biggest bomb yet your response is a overreaction my guy lmaooo


When there are more bombs by other superhero movies than this, it's stupid to quote it like it's the only bomb of the year.


I saw this movie just for Michael Keaton’s Batman


It was glorious seeing Keaton as Bruce/Bats again. The dynamic with Barry and his mom was heart warming. Can’t say much more positive beyond that.


I watched it for the first time last night... I enjoyed it. Good popcorn flick. Honestly, it is a decent way of tying all the WB - DC movies together. Not perfect, but good enough. I'm not going to pick apart the nuances over why it was good or what problems it had. Just shut your brain off and enjoy, especially the strength of the nostalgia bug. Keaton was great as Batman, and I appreciated all the various "cameos", even the CGI ones.


It wasn't great but definitely wasn't as bad as many people say.


It certainly happened


And one year from today. The star of that movie will be pumping gas.


One of the movies ever made.


idc about your opinions but I like flash. I thought it was great apart rom those polar express type of cgi. the core of the films was great and emotional touch really worked out for me. a solid film in my book. 8/10


Don’t insult the polar express cgi by comparing it to this. Polar express cgi is way better.


I took both my nephews & my sister to this movie on the opening day. There was definitely some good parts & bad parts, just like every movie. Overall, considering how long it took to make this movie with reshoots, & actor drama & especially with all the hype created by the studio, The Flash was a big disappointment. It was in no way the movie that industry professionals said it would be & with the way the WB kept repeatedly telling fans that every single DC movie was "the best movie since The Dark Knight" with every movie release, it really affected the way this movie was viewed.


Mid and that’s ok


Very fun movie.


A mid endeavor that I mostly don’t mind. Nothing revelatory or “must-see” but also not dog shit, aside from some of the infantile, moronic characterization of Barry Allen. I’ll probably watch it again someday…


One of the worst superhero movies I've ever seen, unlikeable protagonist with god-awful CGI


And what a load of wank it was .


Should've stayed unreleased


I tried to watch it, but Ezra Miller’s “quirky, on-the-spectrum” portrayal of Barry is forced and grating.


I was dissapointed. Predictable story, Ezra was a disaster. I enjoyed Michael Keaton and that’s it.


46 min ago this was posted.


First dc movie which i saw in theatres.


At its core I don’t think it’s a bad movie. But I’d say some creative choices were not the best and the overall look of the movie was just fucking ugly lol


I have the film credit for just being able to release after being in development hell so long, but it was pretty bad. I saw nuggets of potential that seemed like a waste considering an overhaul was coming.


I liked it, it wasn’t perfect, and i still believe it was boycotted from the producers, i.e terrible cgi, to make it look bad, ready for the gunn-iverse to come into play and look better. Just an opinion.


This was a year ago? it feels like 3 months ago i went to see it


The cgi was of course kind of a mess but I thought it was fun


It's a decent movie. But that CGI..... seriously, wtf?


I just hated how obnoxious and atrocious the CGI was in movie, like real bad. Shame cause it was a good Flash movie, also the meddling and rewriting just killed the pacing.


Tried to watch it over three sittings. Still couldn’t finish it…


It’s a good thing there was time travel in that movie because the CGI effects are from 1997 (that’s when Titanic released)


It definitely wasn't the ten year wait I wanted. But, it was alright. I was not disappointed buying a ticket. Now. If I brought my family lol


The deleted scenes would make It so much better


It's a real mess of a film but I'd be lying if I said I didn't think the scene between Barry and his mother might have been most emotional and well done scenes in the whole of the DCEU. Just a real shame it gets ruined in the next scene.


It wasn’t terrible at all. I expected to hate it and it was decent. I think the biggest issue is that we’ve seen it done - several times… recently… and all of the other versions outdid the movie one way or another.


Fuck you. I liked it.


Fake news, the Flash movie is still in production in this timeline. I'm really looking forward to seeing NOT EZRA MILLER as the Flash.


A year? My gosh


I actually enjoyed the Flash


Saw It, Enjoyed it It felt like reference to the 2011 Flashpoint Event


That was fast


I actually thought this movie was super fun and entertaining and that’s really all I want from a superhero movie. CGI wasn’t great but whatever. It was fun.


I remember seeing it, I thought it was a good movie and would have had potential as a franchise. I had lost my mom so the movie hit me hard during the last scene between Barry and his mom. Honestly, if this film had been released before the era of cinematic universes I feel it would have been more successful. The only thing I did not like was the Flash suit, it needed more yellow on it and not when it glows up.


Still mad no Gustin cameo


This is one where they should have stuck mostly to its source material.


Unpopular opinion: aside from some questionable CGI scenes, I liked the movie. Actually thought the rewatch was better




It was???? I swear I have not watched it or even remembered this was out. The actor that plays flash… Ezra whatever drive me nuts. Horrible actor and a fool off the screen during his free time lol


My favorite DCEU film


I had never seen Micheal Keaton as Batman but he was the fucking shit and oozed just so much badassery in the role


Interesting how missing one word can make a huge difference to a sentence. I misread this as “Michael Keaton as Batman but he was fucking shit”.


I can't even watch this movie anymore and not be disturbed because this guy is just mentally sick in the head


It was an ok movie. I enjoyed it, but the CGI was some of the worst I’ve ever seen in a high budget movie like that.


I liked it


Loved it. The scene between Barry and his mom in the supermarket at the end teared me up, and the multiverse worlds colliding scenes made me geek out in a way only early Marvel movies have been able to do.


Nicolas Cage as Superman is pure excellence since the cancelled Superman Lives film that was going to be directed by Tim Burton in the 90s


The movie wasn't terrible, but it could have been so much more. I loved the Flashpoint Paradox animated movie and couldn't WAIT to see this. The no Cavill thing really pissed me off, too.


It was a really fun movie


This cannoned ZS's JL.


I don't care what anyone says, I liked this movie.


Seeing Michael Keaton returned was great. I also think Sasha was a good Supergirl. I also liked how they managed to get 2 Barry's on screen together and it actually looking good. Shame everything else was such a disappointment, especially the writing. Ezra just isn't a great Barry and his laugh was annoying


In the UK it was so damn hot, I bought a ticket just to sit in the air conditioning for a couple hours. I'm low-key loving this wet, mild summer we seem to be about to have.


This was not the Thomas and Martha fuelled epic that Flashpoint should have been and would have been under Snyder's original vision but it wasn't that terrible. Sadly I think CBMs had done their dash by this point.


Nostalgia bait


As a Flash fan I was very disappointed. I waited 10 years for nothing.


I loved that Supergirl, and Keatons Batman was a beast!! Took down a Kryptonian all by himself.


Pity they ordered the CGI from Wish


I actualy liked that movie. There were some bad parts in it but still watched it more then 10 times. Realy like the grumpy Batman that is forced to work with those heroses with superpower. New situation, adaptation, mentoring. Keaton back was something worth waiting. Sasha Calle was the bigest positive suprise. Finaly some plain Batman action from Ben Affleck, fisrt and last time. Chronoball was very confusing, and looked forced to bring those cameos, CGI bad there, but just accept that. Sad conclusion from movie, but it had fun scenes.


I think if you can ignore the following flaws: * the ugly CGI-filled environments * the lead actor being a psychopath * the blatant nostalgia bait that doesn’t have a satisfying payoff * the depressing message about not trying to change your fate that the “hero” unlearns at the end * every WB employee and their mom hyping this up as the best superhero movie ever despite all evidence pointing to the contrary * and the fact that it bombed so hard it might’ve permanently destroyed DC’s reputation to the point that not even the Gunnverse will win over people, It’s a solid movie. I rate it 4 calling babies out of 10.


Time is confusing, I feel like this came out like 2-3 years ago. I felt the same about the first Inside Out until I found out it’s been a decade




I wish they used the version of the flash from the snyder cut it made more sense


I think it’s a good movie, loved Sasha, loved seeing Keaton again, Millers portrayal of Flash is great.. I didn’t pay it much attention then watched it on a plane & bought when I landed. It’s better than most DCU films imo & I don’t understand the backlash. Oh well..


Just watched this movie recently for the first time and wow what a blast it was! Was it the best? No, but I had a lot of fun watching it!


Which means 18 months ago Ezra Miller was released from jail. Yay.


I think it had the makings of a classic, but changing the ending threw the whole thing out of whack. I'd much rather they kept the Keaton, Cavill and Gadot ending and I hope one day if they are released the movie may get a more positive reception (same with the cut scenes explaining why Keaton's Batman quit.)




Ok unpopular opinion but I loved this movie 😭😭 it had its flaws like the cgi and plot but I thought it was still entertaining


Garbage film.


I enjoyed the flash quite a bit. The CGI was bad, but I had a good time watching it at the theater.


The Movie wasn't that Bad!


I still Enjoyed the Movie!


The Hate for the Movie has been Overblown! People Overhated it way too Much!


I still liked the Movie, I don't care what People Say, and Also, it was One of the Better DC Movies!