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I'm hoping it leads to a break/end to the Waller and the Failsafe stuff for a bit


There is a Mark Waid interview where he says the plotline came from editorial and admits it went through 4 different writers (Snyder, King, Taylor, Zdarsky) who all left the project because they couldn't make it work. I feel like that says everything you need to know about the event.


Honestly, why don't editors just write the comics themselves if they want to decide the overall story and not just approve/reject/suggest changes to what the writers come up with? So much of the time, they already have exactly plot beats already in mind, which makes me wonder why they don't just pick up a pencil, write the scripts, and take the writing credits themselves.


That's what led to Tomasis amazing Green Lantern run


I'm a bigger fan of Waid over any of those 4, so maybe he sees a story that they didn't. Hopefully... lol


Yeah that makes my lowest expectations seem optimistic in contrast. No idea what the editorial is thinking.


Where is this interview?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/live/YKTjTE73bTs?feature=shared). Around the ~47th minute.


Nah, being honest, getting tired of comic book summer events.


It's the lack of follow through with these world ending events. At some point the next crisis should be a mental health one. Just Superheroes and Supervillains getting PTSD from all the constant world ending.


Like the heroes themselves being in crisis? Nah, I think that would have its own problems.


It could be done, albeit without a big plot per se, and the writers would have to be respectful about it. So, basically the anti-Dan Didio.


Yea instead of the world being in crisis. It would be heroes in crisis


We could just have them go through some sorta identity crisis instead.


They’re always in crisis… Enter Will Smith as Deadshot: “So we’re in some kind of Infinite Crisis?”


Up next: DC financial crisis


Apparently it was a thing.


Yeah and it was highly offensive and pretty terrible. It turns out that the best way that DC could come up with for portraying heroes with PTSD was to basically turn them into manipulative mass murderers.


I'm not even a writer and I could probably put something together thats better. That sounds horrible.


Or what if they were having some crisis about their self-perceptions? Like an identity crisis?


I see what you did there.


> At some point the next crisis should be a mental health one. They tried that with Heroes in Crisis. But they forgot the mental health portion of the mental health clinic.


You mean PTSD treatment doesn't involve running lifelike simulations of the exact event that gave the patient PTSD instead of gradually increasing exposure to triggers?




I think we already had that somewhat with Heroes in Crisis, but the Joker taking a mental health day would be funny.


Please no, Tom. You already tried it with Heroes in Crisis.


Please no. I can’t take another god awful story from Tom King where he’s using us as his god damned therapist again. 


Isnt that identity crisis?


Been there done that


Ditto. Not interested.


I love Waid and I was pleasantly surprised by Williamson taking Brainiac Queen in a "monstrous cosmic horror" direction, so I'm tentatively excited, yeah.


No. Fuck events and the way creators have to freeze the momentum of entire stories because of cash grabs


I’m glad someone said it thank u


It feels like a Saturday Morning cartoon plot (the JL loses their powers and have to fight robot versions of themselves who also happen to be possessed by evil Zurr Batmen) but some of the tie-ins look fun and at least we'll get more Dan Mora art.


DC should use your description of the event to sell the comic because you definitely sold me this thing.


Your description literally made me go from curious and hopeful to 100% on board. You made it sound deliciously ludicrous which is exactly what I want.


Yeah, me too. Haha.


I mean, the actual Saturday morning Justice League cartoon did have the Justice League fight clones of Superfriends knock offs led by a clone of Supergirl (totally not Power Girl) sent by Amanda Waller and it was pretty good. Mark Waid is a pretty solid writer, if anyone can pull off this event, it's him.


It’s really confusing to me that this event was originally marketed as an “ultimate universe” level thing and that’s the plot? It’s so basic. I feel like things have been stale a long time with the exception of a couple diamonds in the rough. We need something akin to Morrison’s JLA where something fresh is ushered in to jump start a new era while understanding where the characters came from and why it made them timeless. Maybe I’m just pretentious now because I’ve been reading comics so many years but nothing has really hit for me in a long long time


>the event was originally marketed as an “ultimate universe” level thing There's been rumours from Bleeding Cool of an Absolute Universe similar to Marvel's Ultimate Universe, but DC hasn't said anything about it at all, much less market the event as being involved.


I could have sworn I read that Scott Snyder was confirmed to be spearheading it?


That is what Bleeding Cool has said, but no confirmation from Snyder or DC.


Damn I think that speculation and this event announcement was published at like the same time so I got it all mixed together. Is that really only speculation?? I thought the bleeding cool article had actual quotes from authors about the event


Just went through the articles, I didn't see any quotes from Waid.


Somehow somethign (maybe involving the Zur-team) will create the Absolute Universe latter


If this entire big-deal alleged universe is created by Amanda Waller robots I will rip my hair out


I wouldn't be surprised if that turns out to be the case, and this so-called Absolute universe is where superheroes have NO powers of any kind and are street-level types. Also, rumours from Bleeding Cool suggests that the League will return, but not called the Justice league but justice "GANG" (Because NO powers!) 


That’s the plot? lol what do you mean the Zurr Batmen posses them? That sounds ridiculous in a not good way


That's exactly what happened in The Batman (2004) cartoon where the evil alien race, The Joining, constructed androids that STOLE all the powers of JL members and pretending to be them! 


More Batman? Gross.


I enjoy Waid's writing, and he has impressed me before with concepts I really was not hooked on at first thought. I am also curious because this has been built up for awhile now, with a lot of different pieces being used to build it. But I will admit, as a Superman reader I am tired of him losing his powers lol. They have done it like 5 times in the last year it feels like, and obviously thousands times in the past, I just wish they would use maybe something more unique to keep him from solving the problem immediately. Similar to Through the Sixth Dimension (Where he was trapped in some dimension), or in Infinite Crisis where he had to fight Eaarth-2 Superman before he could help. Ect. ect., Just so that we can get a more unique obstacle for the big guy. Dan mora's art is sick, so it's going to look awesome. He also comes up with really wild ideas to draw, and him and Waid's are maybe the best team in the industry right now, so a lot to look forward to but I'm skeptical as well.


I'm skipping it; I'm kinda tired of events.


Not at all. I hate waller and Failsafe, and can't stand almost any story where they lose their powers/get them taken away.


me too, i'm tired of waller being headlining. I prefer to see the end.


Couldn't agree more.


When it was announced that it was Waid and Mora, I was. When it was then revealed that it's another Waller vs. Super-heroes with current run villains as her lackeys, I was not. The big 2 need to just stop with events. They aren't necessary. I miss long insular runs on characters that MIGHT have a crossover for 2 issues with another title but that was about it.


Exactly. We want character driven stories


And let the writers just TELL. A. STORY. So many good runs ruined by events, crossovers, relaunches and just outright editorial. Superman hadn't even reached issue 12 before a mini-event happens that leads into the MAIN event. Sigh...


Please end with literally anyone putting down Waller and her disappearing for a while. Any of the suicide squad, brainiac, a random thug on the street, just someone put her down cause at this point she's more annoying than compelling. Just another psycho who wants global domination because "they know better".


Would be great if the end issue ends with someone from the Suicide Squad putting a bullet in her head. Perhaps Deadshot Or putting a detonator in her head and Deadshot or Boomerang pressing the button leading to Waller’s head exploding. Would be justice


Or Peacemaker when he realizes she’s not keeping the peace


They’d have to revive Deadshot first


I don't care what happens, as long as it ends with Waller dying a brutal permanent death and the end of suicide squad and maybe the government collapsing.


I’m only really interested in the JSA-focused issue and alas, they seemingly only matter for that one issue. So not much. I’m just really tired of these giant events and wish DC would stop.


Not really, no. I've zoned out of events since Metal stuff. Actually I think the last event I really cared for was Forever Evil lol


I agree but u thought dark crisis was actually at least fun. This looks bad I hate failsafe. The latest Batman stuff has been staggeringly derivative.


Why do they keep throwing Waller into every fucking project these days?


I mean it’s supposedly all been building to this, as part of her plan since like, Infinite Frontier started


No interest.


very frankly no, to be honest this "Absolute Power" event makes me too sick. I absolutely hate Amanda Waller and seeing the heroes' superpowers being taken away by her. and I hope that the screenwriters have planned a very bad ending for Waller, I'm tired of her getting away with everything with impunity every time.


No I'm just tired of Waller being like this


Nope. I skip the summer events and have been doing so since 2018. I MAY go back and read them at some point, but I've been conditioned to loathe these events now. All they do is break up the story I want to read and force the writers to tie their books into the event some how. Even worse there usually isn't any actual consequences to what happens in the events either. Marvel and DC need to make their events feel special again by slowing down and not having them EVERY Summer. In my opinion they're just a break from reading.


Nope tired of events and really really really am over this waller and failsafe massive push DC has been on for a while Heck in general events don’t mean anything anymore in terms of hype / actually selling a story That being said more Mora art is always a positive in my book




I'm tired of events, I don't like "loss of power" events to begin with and I loath the direction they've taken Waller's character in recently. So no.


Not in the slightest.


Idk who in editorial is convinced these events are exciting anymore. In fact they have the exact opposite effect. DC’s event model is boring and overused. At this point, it’s more novel and exciting to just have the characters live in the world that’s been built. A more cynical man might start to believe DC is only compelled to squeeze money out of the only people willing to buy these events. Anybody reading legally would have to pay almost $100 to keep up. And surprise surprise, DC is owned by Warner Bros, the company that demands all its IPs be milked with no regard to the medium itself, they just want to get every last possible cent from its fan base. Comics won’t survive another 100 years like this.


> A more cynical man might start to believe DC is only compelled to squeeze money out of the only people willing to buy these events. Anybody reading legally would have to pay almost $100 to keep up Idk if that’s the main reason, but it’s definitely one of the primary reasons. I can’t access his tweets (either because his account is gone or Twitter is just being Twitter), but Nick Spencer said a while back that the big events generally do cause good sales. He said that when he was writing Secret Empire at Marvel, but I’d imagine that it’s the same for DC.


>At this point, it’s more novel and exciting to just have the characters live in the world that’s been built. Damian and Jon being babysitters was peak DC.


I think DC is down to publishing a relative handful of books compared to years past. The industry is effectively already dead. 


No. Sounds awful and I’m so sick of what they’ve done with Waller


I agree that Waller works so much better as a "well-intentioned" antihero or antagonist than an outright villain... However, I am curious about John Ridley doing her backstory issues. We have an author interested in "morally ambiguous" leads who often gets criticised for making his protagonists too unlikeable. Will writing from the POV of an outright villain allow Ridley to use his interest in "flawed" main characters to his advantage, or will his tendencies become even more frustrating?


Yeah, I agree that Waller should be treated as an antagonist rather than a villain. My hope is that this story (which seems to be the culmination of years of planning) makes her villainous turn make more sense somehow.


The man who butchered Montoya Black Panther and the entire nation of Wakanda. Hard pass


Look on the bright side - Waller has been butchered so much already that even Ridley's worst excesses won't make much of a difference...


A big reveal in Absolute Power better be that current Waller, from the Dark Crisis epilogue, has been Earth 3 Waller ever since the War for Earth-3 event.


Hell no.


I'm sick of sword and shield blood lust Diana after King made a point of not using the sword in his run, so Waid writing and Mora's doesn't make me enthused at all.


As long as the Mary sue, batman, doesn't save everyone because everyone else is incompetent and so on I'm fine and looking forward to it. Just need to see batman get his teeth kicked in and have someone save him this time around. Make it fair and make the other characters look cool at the expense of batman for once.


But Batman already has a leg up. He has no powers to begin with lol


I really hope it’s a banger,maybe even lead into Absolute DC,and finally take Waller out of DC for a while,she’ll obviously be back since there’s a Waller show coming out.I don’t dislike her but she’s been in too many things recently I think there just neads to be a break.Also this art is straight 🔥


As long as Waller goes away I’m in.


Event burnout is real. I checked out after knight terrors


I’ve said it before but I honestly hate that so much page space has been devoted to building up Amanda Waller as a Titans villain, yet the big event that’s probably going to end this whole era of her character is about the Justice League.




Not really, Death Metal was the last event I really cared about. Everything since then has felt skippable.


Death Metal was so bad. Some excellent moments, sure, but just earlier today I was laughing at how it reached DBZ levels of power creep stupidity with The Batman Who Laughs becoming this cosmic threat having a duke-a-roo with Perpetua.


I feel like vents are becoming way to common and happening way to often. It makes it less special


Yes and hope that in the future someone do as infinite crisis where all the event is recopilated(400 issue staring with death of donka troy) starting with infinite frontier until absolute power


I've been waiting for Amanda Waller to actually do *something* for so long, eventually she'd have to decide the heroes can't be trusted and would take matters into her own hands. I never wanted for her to go full villain though. It'll depend on how it goes


I would love to know the brainstorming on this event. Of course this was always the end game for Williamson but at what point did they ring in Chip. When he started his batman run was the robot thing always the play?


i get preemptively exhausted by any announcement of upcoming events. (why do they have so many of them? at least they're not putting crisis in the title this time.) but then i usually really enjoy them after the fact lol




Nope tired of events and really really really am over this waller and failsafe massive push DC has been on for a while Heck in general events don’t mean anything anymore in terms of hype / actually selling a story That being said more Mora art is always a positive in my book


After the FCBD issue; no. I'm really not. I am buzzing for the Absolute line which I'm assuming spins out of it, tho.


I wish DC would use of their other shadowy government power broker characters to use instead of Waller.


They destroyed every organization in DC except checkmate they have no one


Should be fun


No...I was...but the moment I realised it'll be taking over all the comics for God knows how many months I was turned off completely and utterly. The only silver lining can be if Waller faces a complete and utter devastating loss and is effectively off commission for years.


Dan Mora's art.




The what.


Oh god not another “event”. Please make them stop.


Events suck, and it’s got Batman front and centre. Bleh.


no, which is great bc it helps cut down on my monthly purchases and allows me some more time to catch up on reading some old books


I’m excited. But excited for an end to fail safe taking over the bat titles. What i hate is knowing he’s leading this event as a villain, so Batman won’t be defeating him in the monthly, it’ll just be more dragged on boring buildup.


Skipping this! No interest at all!


I hope it leads into the absolute line in some way


No, I'm done with Waller and this event just sounds like Act of God Part 2


I'm looking forward to Amanda Waller finally getting defeated. She's become a complete shell of what her character used to be; someone who did horrible things but for ultimately understandable reasons. Now she's just a power-hungry tyrant whose confidence in herself is only exceeded by her complete ineptitude.


I saw Failsafe in the description and deemed it an immediate skip.


No, I'm really tired of comic book events and have been for a very long time. I'd rather have major stories in mainline books. That's all I'm here for. Events just take me out of it all.


It looks fun, I get having event fatigue but this doesn't seem to be trying to reinvent the wheel which at this point I find more refreshing lol. Excited to see what kind of precedent this sets for the next justice League run.


I have no interest in Waller as a main antagonist


If it means the en did whatever Zdarsky has been doing on Batman then yeah, bring it on.


No, I haven’t looked forward to an event since Heroes in Crisis and we all know how that went. We don’t need three events a year.


I have no idea what this is about, but I see a large image of Waller, you know shit's about to ger real


I’ll wait for the Absolute Absolute Power to read it


I've been following Suicide Squad, all the buildup with Waller getting more and more powerful and breaking away from the government was really well done. I'll be happy to see some payoff there, I wish more people had read the Thompson run.






Is that a robot with Green Lantern powers?


Yes. And it steals all of the GL's powers


Yes and no? The events are, if nothing else, fun enough in the surface. Mark Waid is also a pretty solid writer with the right material. On the other hand, “Public/government turns against heroes” is a bit tired. Not to mention that the whole “Heroes are stripped off their powers” is going to go the predictable route of them relying on Batman. Who knows, maybe it won’t happen but it most likely will. In all honesty, I just want to see Waller finally locked up at the end of the event.


It sounds fun and it's a Waid/Mora romp on a bigger stage, so I'd say yes.


I'm expecting Waid to do what he does best and tell a story. This might not be his idea but working what was given to him I think he could spin it into something worth while. Dan Mora is gonna do what he does best. Nuff said.


Honestly it's Mark waid usually he hits it out of the park anyway. Though I'll probably get it on trade.


I’m looking forward to The JSA tie-in by Jeremy Adams


Only if Waller does not come out of this unscathed. Seems like when she is at the center of a shitstorm she comes out of it like it never happened.


Would love if she is killed by a member of the suicide squad. Head explosion courtesy of a bomb implanted in her head


Nope, excited to see what the line looks like in the fall though.


Is that the colossus suit from anthem?


I've been burned too many times to still care about these massive events. They just interrupt whatever I was already enjoying. Depending how long they go, they're one of the main reasons I end up dropping books. Still, I'd rather it be good than bad, and I'll check it out if I hear it's good.


I'm cautiously optimistic since it's Waid writing.


Dark Crisis disappointed me pretty bad, so I'm not interested in it, but if it's good, then maybe


I haven't read a big DC event since Death Metal so no


I’m reading Titans and Waller is a main antagonist there, so I hope they will be properly integrated into the event and that it feels like a proper finally to that storyline. Do with that in mind, I’m kinda looking forward to it.


Brainiac Queen, a super Brainiac construct with mysterious power pulled from the true power of Superman Failsafe, a customised Amazo android now with the tools and resources of Batman to wipe out the Justice League Waller, is mean


Not really. I just want a magic/space/cosmic event that doesn’t threaten the whole world or continuity. I know its hard to make a story without world ending stakes in comics but It would be nice for once If we did have one. Im kind of tired of these Batman centric events. And even more tired of the ones that threaten the whole universe.


Nothing, honestly. It is a bad distruption for the ongoing books and I have no interest in neither Zur nor Waller. MAYBE Brainiac Queen but that's about it. Not interested in Dark Knights 2.0 copy paste, this time with Amazo bots instead. My only hope is that Waller and Zur would be DONE after this for a LOOONG time. But I doubt it. Comics never make smart decisions.


I'm cautiously optimistic. Since Final Crisis, DC has been very hit or miss on crossovers. And I'll admit, I'm in the minority when I say that Final Crisis is a miss. I was disappointed that you needed to read more than just the main mini. Like if memory serves one of the final fights is the big bad that came out of the Superman miniseries crossover.


They got rid of Aquaman's long hair so I will be reading for that sole reason 


If this ends with Waller getting her ass kicked or at least just finally losing, I'll consider it a decent read.


I’m curious how this leads into the scott snyder universe, otherwise I’m tired of both Failsafe and Waller


I feel like having a comic event that ties a few stories together would be cool, like a detective plot where characters come to hell but just not have it be EVERYONE involved. A smaller sort of event as opposed to “multiverse is ending”, they really need to bring back the type of events that focused on characters as opposed to trying to deconstruct them 


No. No way. This whole event seems stupid and asspull to have Waller as the Big BAD when she is anything but that and doesn't deserve to even BE the main antagonist! I rather if Lex, Darkseid or some other all powerful god/demon/otherworldly being be the main villain


I am so tired of overexposed Waller, I cant even put it into words. I’d like a ten year moratorium on using the character, after which maybe new writers could write her properly.


Not in the slightest.


No. Frankly I'm tired of the oversaturation of DCs biggest IPs and batman is the top of the list. Then on top of that they do a massive "event" every summer that only gets referenced in the next few comics before being completely ignored. It's like dc barely have a continuity anymore.


not in the slightest


I am just too old. I have seen this exact same story of somebody hating superheroes and wanting to get rid of them with their own private army. It was basically the plot of Legends, it comes up once a year over in Marvel. It basically ruins Amanda Waller, who was a far more interesting and compelling character in her original suicide squad appearances, and who is to a cheap villain here. Heck, her justice league animated series appearances are so much better than this that it’s kind of terrifying. Plus, while I have a lot of respect for Chip Zdarsky , I think feel safe is the shittiest ridiculous useless thing he’s ever done. I cannot get into this character or this storyline and I absolutely can’t buy into the whole idea that Batman made a robot that’s basically better and more powerful than fucking Amazo. Waid is a very good writer, but this particular sow’s ear is not going to be made into a silk purse


Not really, no.


i haven't bought a dc comic in years and these events are part of the reason. dc needs to follow the mange blueprint. gimme one big, cheap, newsprint, volume every month that keeps me up to date on the universe. let the full color collections sell as an option for collectors of specific characters.


I am just waiting for the endless specials to give way to whatever stable set of circumstances are next.


Big "events" such as these would probably sell more if it didn't happen so frequently. Months ago we just had Beast Boy turn into Starro, and now we have this. Also Waller didn't turn out to be full-blown authoritarian and now she's just this... idk, boring caricature of a woman who wants to believe solely she's doing the right thing removing heroes from the world so


As long as it blows up in Wallers face


Enough events, please.


I am looking forward to the end of Waller. Calling my shot now and Waller gets killed by Green Arrow and Ollie goes back into the shadows, and has to hide out from the JL that are going to be pissed that he killed her


Nope. Not interested at all. Amanda Waller as a character annoys me and has been overused by DC the last few years. No interest in any of the new villains either. DC needs to get some good writers/artists on some of their more famous superheroes (Hawkman, Firestorm, Supergirl, Plastic Man, Justice League of America, etc.) to get me buying more than just 3 books (Flash, GL, WW) a month.


Yes. There is one thing I pray that it doesn't do: reinstate the League as Earth's protectors. Sadly, it looks like it's doing that. They have Nightwing behind the Trinity in the art. Yeah, you need your icons on the cover, but still.


I'll check out the first issue at least, and maybe some of the tie-ins. But I don't see myself committing to this one. I'm not a fan of turning Amanda Waller into a straight-up villain. I think that misses the point of her being a morally grey character. It'd be like watching Nick Fury declare war on the entire superhero community.


Hell yea


I'm cautiously optimistic, only because this is the closest thing we'll get from Mark Waid handling a Justice League book since over two decades ago. I'm also super apprehensive about big DC events because they almost always fuzz up continuity, but like I said, cautiously optimistic.


I'm looking forward to the end where the "status quo will be forever changed!" again, only for it to be mostly ignored by writers within a year's time when some other inevitably horrible mega crossover event happens.


The villains aren't interesting enough


I’m curious about where it goes and have faith in Waid.


I wonder if the soldiers have something to do with deathstroke especially cus we still don’t know what happened to him after dark crisis


He's dead. Someone turned off the life-support system he was placed in


So I’m not entirely caught up with all the recent stuff since most of what I know and read depends on whether or not my library/library app gets them in, but the designs look awesome all around and Dan Mora’s art is always amazing so I can’t wait to read it! Edit: And if Mark Waid is also writing, then I’m just even more hype for this lol


I’m excited for a number of reasons, including Mark Waid’s writing, Dan Mora’s art, and the return of the Justice League, but I’ll admit I’m still extremely skeptical, if only because of DC’s recent track records with these events. Death Metal and Dark Crisis left a pretty sour taste in my mouth


Yes! Love this team


I’m looking forward to Absolute Power; however, like Shadow War, War For Earth 3, Dark Crisis, Lazarus Planet, Knight Terrors, and Beast World, this event will start as an interesting event before it becomes lackluster and fails miserably.


I plan on avoiding it, when the event ends I'll check and see if Waller got off scot-free again so I can know I made the right decision. 


Skipping it as the premise isn’t super appealing to me. And the free comic boom day preview didn’t really sell me on the concept. Might read it down the line in trade form as I do like Waid and Mora’s work.


If it was anyone but Waller I would. But she has been insufferable lately


I hope it end with Waller getting some righteous karma.


I've become cynical towards comic book events, but I do have a soft spot for Waid so we'll see.


Nope. I may go full Image for a while




Story wise? Not in the least, but this version of the robot justice league goes hard af. Flash in particular looks sick. Although im curious what the story is with robot green lantern.


Yeah honestly.


Blackest Night was the last major DC event that I cared about, honestly.


Wait, are we getting an evil Green Lantern but Hal, or John or Kyle or Guy or whoever the fuck, isn't even on the good side roster??




I wasn't but then saw Cass in some variant covers and now they're forcing me to see what they do with her even tho it'll probably just be her in background shots. Apparently she's part of the resistance tho, so that's cool I guess.


I'm intrigued, but not hopeful.


Not really, especially with Jon Kent in it...who's probably the most boring character of all time.