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I think the art style makes the first one look silly. If drawn by a different artist, it would probably look better. Classic Helenic outfits can look really cool if done right.


That's what I'm thinking. Honestly WWs outfit isn't that far off from actual ancient greek armour. Maybe turn the diadem into a helmet and make the chest area into a proper cuirass.


Yeah, while the second one looks more like a superhero suit, it doesn’t really resemble the Greek warrior attire that Wonder Woman’s look is often based on. Now, Diana has had her fair share of departures from this look, but I personally prefer it when her costume reflects her heritage and history (warrior skirt, no stars, etc.). The second Wonder Man pic doesn’t tell me anything about his history, who he is, or where he’s from. It’s pretty bland from a design point of view.


![gif](giphy|25LsNKmyIaxofhCZYH) I like Marisa from SF6 look


The 2nd one looks like night wing with a cape.


Or what if Nightwing and Donna Troy had a son?


Dick and all his hypothetical children…


Or New 52 Superman and Diana having a son.


The second one looks more “Superhero”, while the first one looks more “Greek mythology”. So depends on what you personally go for when you think of WW. (I think original WW’s design usually invokes a good balance of those two aspects)


The second looks more like a "Wonder Boy" (yes I know that's a different character) alternative to Donna Troy so I'd go with the first, just tweak the proportions a bit to look more like classical Greek armor rather than Hercules squeezing into Diana's armor.


The first one. He looks like an ancient greek warrior


Yeah, second one doesn’t give Diana/Amazonian/Greek vibes. In contrast, the first one is very clearly ancient Greek and keeps Diana’s color palette. Let him have the skirt! Pants are for barbarians!


Bedt comment in this thread so far. You get it


The first one looks like a proper gay fantasy which is a thousand times more appealing than the "I wish I was Batman's kid" in the second one.


speak for yourself, the second one is my gay fantasy


U a nightwing fan then?




I didn’t care about the aesthetic of the first image but the story that went with him was horrible. It was on earth 11 in which all the characters are genderswapped. Wonder man hated all the woman and wanted to kill them (I think). So the justice league kept him in a cell in the basement and made disparaging remarks about him the whole time. It was a horrible interpretation. Imagine if Diana decided that all the men needed to die so the she attacked the justice league. Then they lock her in the basement and Hal Jordan makes sexist jokes about her while she’s down there


Yeah, I quit the series over that issue. Implying a uterus is the one thing standing between Wonder Woman and being a raging douche is not a good look for Diana.


It wasn’t just that. It went both ways too In that issue it seems implied that if the JL were women they would be total jerks. I guess it was supposed to be commentary about how we don’t really think about how male dominated our world is. But if Diana ever pointed out that women are mistreated on our earth I couldn’t imagine Clark just laughing that off


That was such a stupid idea on the writer's part. Just make it a gender swapped Justice League and leave it at that


They even could have still had the male Diana be an antagonist. But they could have done so in so many different ways. Ways that didn’t make you look down on everyone involved


First Spider-Girl then Wonder Man… why do they keep making genderbents raging sexist?


What was the sexist spider girl?


In the ultimate cartoon Spidey went to a gender bent universe where Petra and Norma were just completely baffled by the idea that a guy could be Spider-Girl. And like it’s obviously meant to parallel the glass celling of our world but it just feels so awkward and means spirited as neither Peter nor even Norman have ever been depicted as being sexist in this show.


Yeah. That’s kind of exactly the same thing I was talking about here.


It is such a weird trope


I mean, I think at the time, the lore of Earth 11 was tied to the Amazons, right? Like they took over Earth and that's why it was female-dominated and most heroes were women rather than most being men (like Batwoman was still Kathy Kane, just she was the main heroine). Given that the Amazons are generally (but not always) depicted as being an enlightened civilization, well... they wouldn't be sexist (again, generally), or least not violently and ragingly so. But if they're still women and are the source of the female dominated status quo, where do you get Wonder Man? Well... he then becomes someone from a male tribe, that is for the rights and rule of men, rather than the rights and rule of women. But if the Amazons are still enlightened and not necessarily outright misandrist, where does that the male Amazon-equivalents? Well... it puts them as reactionaries opposing women in power. A sort of dark mirror/twisted version of the politics of some versions of Wonder Woman.


New 52 is more aesthetically pleasing but I respect the first one more.


Second one, if I remember he was evil in the post death metal wonder woman, the Conrad and Cloonan's run.


Superman #349 over both of these.


That's one's basically just Diana's outfit over a white bodysuit (and straps added, so it looks more like a wrestling leotard than a strapless one piece swimsuit), which feels weird, since the bodysuit makes it feel like Yugioh card out that was censored (I say this because more than a few Yugioh cards did have the art censored by adding straps or bodysuits in America and other international releases). Which is a baffling choice given that Superboy (genderbent Supergirl) has just the undies/short shorts (which might be even shorter than Supergirl's 70s/early 80s shorts) and a raised neckline, with no other changes. Boy's still showing off his thighs/legs. Not sure why they made changes to Wonder Man's outfit if they were going to just add a bland white bodysuit underneath it covering everything down to his wrists and boots, anyways.


If you read the comic, you see different coloring (skin tone instead of white bodysuit) utilized. I especially like the hot pants Black Condor and brunette Batwoman.


Huh. Weird that they did the interior different, though I feel like maybe I vaguely recall that from... a Casually Comics video? This feels like the zany Silver Age DC stuff (though this was like 80s, I think) that she would have covered. Perhaps it was something about standards for the cover by the CCA.


I prefer the first one, it's comical. The second is generic!


Diana doesn't have pants or a cape so he doesn't get to have either. First one for me but I'm not a fan of the art.


She wore pants in New 52 which the second image is also from


True but it's not her most iconic look which is what I'm referring to. I could be more clear.


You could be more clear but you choose not to and I respect the attitude.


Well, she wore them in 2015, when she had that full-bodysuit armor. I think in the rest of the New 52, she had the "classic" design, but with silver and darker red/blue, rather than gold with bright red/blue. It was shortly *before* the New 52 that she had pants (and a jacket), but that design ended up getting scrapped, I think (though early New 52 promo art did have a design with the New 52 coloring and top, but the pants of her 2010/2011 pre-Flashpoint look).


I mean Diana does sometimes wear a cape




Oh! … that’s a sandle … 😀


Yeah, I had to double-take too.




There is an actual wonder man already lol


The first one. Don't be a coward let gender bent Wonder Woman wear a skirt


Just no


I like “superhero” looks so I gotta go with no.2


I didn’t think that foot in the first image was a foot….


"Foot-? OH! I thought that was his leg. His third leg. *ba-dum tsss*"


Second because the first Genderbent WW turns into a sexist


Second one looks a shitty Mr majestic wanna-be. God damn, he was such an awesome character 


First one looks like his testicles are hanging out. Seems appropriate.


2nd wonderman wearing the 1st one's outfit


The correct answer.


2nd suit


Well WE ALL KNOW its the first one that we want


Number 2. The first screams Hercules.


I mean, isn't that a good thing?


It just seems too derivative and terribly ironic considering how Themysciran Amazons feel about Hercules in normal continuity.


It's not like Mr Tights and Chest Emblem is a paragon of originality. At least Hercules in a dress manages to feel like a Wonder Woman derivative rather than a throwaway background character.




#1 He looks more ancient Greek than the second's kind of just really generic bodysuit




First one for a genderbent WW but the second alide would be awesome for a WW supporting character.


I can unironically see hercules making that bet


It’s Wonder Warrior, because someone else owns the name Wonder Man.


I like the second design better, but if I looked at it without context my first thought would not be “oh a genderbent Wonder Woman”. The first looks off but it might be the art style. My first thought upon looking at that is clearly “yeah that’s a Wonder Woman costume” but it still looks weird.


The second one looks cool but not at all like a gender bent Wonder Woman. The first one is a better design and definitely fits more of an Ancient Greek style. The only thing I would change is some sort of short boots/shoes instead of sandals.


Why isnt Shazam/captain marvel ever considered a male version of wonder woman?


Because he predates her by almost two years


He predates her (Feb. 1940 cover date vs Oct. 1941), they originated from different companies (Diana was from All-American Publications, which was one of the 3 companies that merged into National Comics Publications (later National Periodical Publications)- now known as DC Comics, he's much closer to Superman in physical appearance and sorta personality (when he's not written as a kid with superpowers, but rather a wise and mature hero with the pure heart of a child) to the point that Fawcett was basically destroyed by a protected lawsuit that they settled by agreeing to cease publication of Captain Marvel, and just generally is treat more as magic Superman (a child raised by adoptive parents who later becomes a hero) rather than male Wonder Woman (a mystical child from an ancient civilization). He was even one of the Supermen of the Multiverse, in Final Crisis.


Hairy legged gladiator by a landslide




2nd one looks more like a Donna/Dick amalgam.




First one, gender equality and really leans into the mythology. That’s Earth 11 with the Amazons instead being the Argonauts yeah?


The first one, absolutely. He looks like a bad ass. The second design is lame.


The second one. It’s a more fitting suit for a male hero.


No.2. Are they both Earth-11??


Yes, but the first one is the pre new 52 multiverse


Oh man, I gotta go w/ the 2nd one. Not to be mean, but the first one looks like a frat boy during pledge week.


Easily the twink


A Spartan version would be sick.


I never knew this was a thing. Now that I do I am most definitely sticking with Wonder woman.


Not even close. It's Greek myth. If it's good enough for The Herc, it's good enough for Daniel of Themyscria.


The premise of the first looks better, execution isn’t great at least in that image but I think with some altering it could look super cool. Make it a bit more Hoplite-esque, maybe a helmet to serve in place of a tiara


I saw the foot between the legs and I thought that it's something else for a sec


First one


Sorry, but the first one. It's funny and not futuristic. and open skin, like the original! hahaha


I think something in between the two would be perfect. Keep the "modernized" suit design and clean handsome face of the second one while giving it a more masculine vibe and add the color schemes and buff body of the first one


I want to see his legs and tits out or it’s not a Wonder Woman suit.


Definitely the New 52 version. I liked New 52 Diana's costume best out of all the changes to her attire she's had over the years.




Definitely prefer the new52 costume it just looked better.


Honestly both are good, but the first one looks like he's about to burst out of it... So I'll go with suit 2 for how natural it looks, and comfortable.


1st one because it’s funny 2nd one because it looks better


The second one




The second one, literally why does the first one look ugly


I like none of this honestly. It can be better.


Why is the male version more covered up????




second one definitely feels more wonder woman-y, like he's still clearly a soldier, he just has a bit more subtlety to it, which is how WW should be, she's not a hulking barbarian as a woman why would she be one as a man lol


I like the design of the second just a wee bit more


It's actually wonderus man because marvel already has a wonder man Also I like the first one


First one, heavy on the equal rights


First guy is rocking it second one is superman knockoff #75


Left one


Easily the second one!!


Definitely the second one.


None. Looks horrible