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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1dis9hg) on 2024-06-18 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dm08gk&sameSub=true&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** This Sub | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 545,844,984 | **Search Time:** 0.04391s


As an artist I can say I do not personally care one way or another, however I can also say art is a form of self expression and some people express that in a lewd way. But another thing beyond that is artists often feel pressured to draw sexual content because anything else doesn't get much attention despite people complaining about lewd art. Ultimately though as long as the artist enjoys what they make and the viewer is able to accept that they will see things they like and don't like and should just move on. Than I think it's fine. That's my opinion though. As for myself seeing lewd art? As I mentioned earlier I honestly do not care.


Goated comment 🐐


people just think theyre better then others and dont think rationally before saying something thats how people are and espacially people younger then lets say 13 are they try to find connection with people from the internet, not understanding what they are doing.


Even though I agree, it is toooooo large for a meme. Jerks won't bother reading


Thats why theyre jerks AND HEY who cares about jerks, im sure i dont.


Lewding the dokis makes bun neutral. Go ahead and do what you want.


Goated comment 🐐


I'm pretty sure someone would disagree with you there, lol


yep just before yall go hating on robopitek he started as a joke so like yep and i agree but some people really dont agree


Nobody was doing that as far as I know. But who knows, maybe that actually happened and I just forgot or didn't notice.


i mean i dont know i just dont want people to go doing that, ive never seen it before but maybe people think hes dead serious aboutnit when in reality hes just joking


True. I've seen some people legitimately talk smack about randyfulcher09 to me




TBH I couldn’t care less about the lewd war


And why would you? Let them do anything they want as long as they aren't shoving it down our throats


NSFW posts are usually marked as such. "I clicked on a NSFW post and SHOCKERS, IT WAS NSFW!"


They turned an inside joke it's a serious problem... they are the problem :/


Yeah it was fun to see others just simply joking about not lewding the characters and coming up with some silly comment, even if a bit annoying, but now people legit act as if you sexualize puppies if you post lewd art of the characters.


u/robopitek, u/bruh4774 and many others started it as a joke then people came thought oh hey lets ruin it for everyone and be recognized as that one hoe that doesnt take a joke.


I've been summoned


took me 100 mana gotta restock before trynna fight moon lord




A fellow battleaxe enjoyer?


we be defeating moonlord with the Chlorophyte Greataxe over here.


Can I join?


sure would take 8 mins of nonstop hitting tho.


I've always been “anti-lewd”, more serious in the past though.


i mean i know yes but like the comments like Lewd! were a joke not like OH NO THATS SO LEWD DELETE IT NOW YOU FILTHY ANIMAL it has like a different instake yknow? i mean i know you are Anti-Lewd but not like Anti-Anti-Lewd if yknow what i mean


\>_< Yes!


Nope, we noticed a problem with the subreddit and decided to do something about it, it was never an inside joke turning serious, those are two seperate things.


What problem?


excessive sexual posts


Not as big as you all make it out to be. Sounds more like you (a minority), try to shape an entire community as you wish. Kinda egoistic ngl


Except you also forget that it's not even technically allowed by subreddit rules, and that even if it was a minority of people that find it to be a problem, it's not because it isn't there, but because they're too busy with their left hand to realise it.


And none of the posts here are sexuality explicit. They're at most, suggestive. You're not one to judge, the mods are. Once again you make yourself more important that you and your minority opinion actually is.


i never compared myself to the moderators, and if you took your left hand out of your pants for just one second, you would realise that your and many other's perceptions of what is and isn't sexually explicit is warped, also even if it wasn't fully sexually explicit like you seem to claim, rule 9a still exists.


How is 9a related to any of this?


Rule 9a states repeated borderline violating the rules will be treated as totally violating the rules, which means that even if you don't consider a post to be completely sexually explicit, if those kinds of posts are published repeatedly by the same user, they are technically liable to be removed for rule 5.


Who are you to say rather or not it was excessive? That's rather subjective, don't you think? Besides, who cares? We're all young adults here. We should be well adjusted enough to handle an "excessive" amount of lewd dokis.


Most people are well adjusted enough to handle paying taxes, doesn't make them enjoyable, and if you do, take it elsewhere (we've been through this exact point about 3.42x10\^11 times). and by excessive i mean when the hot page's highest posts are sexual posts.


Hey man, I hate taxes as much as the next guy but I don't throw a fit every time I get my pay stub and see what gets taken out of my paychecks. Also, maybe things were worse prior to when I started lurking the sub, but I didn't see very many sexual posts at all when sorting by hottest posts, at least at this point in time. Regardless though, who cares? Just scroll past and move on with your life. It really ain't that big a deal.


this is a joke and if you take this seriously its kinda sad.


Someone already did, one downvote 💀


nah cuz your a clown if you did that. (english isnt my first language so i aint referencing to you but tge person that did it oh yeah and im dutch)


What’s happening tho


I dont know either but if you have the energy ask the ogs ive known little info about people who take it seriously but its been forgotten




based to being based


Did I miss something?


people not thinkihg rationally


An inside joke being taken too seriously




What they think they look like after downvoting and shitting on lewd posts: 🗿   What they actually look like: 🤡


Their thoughts "i am downvoting so statistically thatll have them a lower chance to get in hot" what actually happens i get around 500 upvotes at the end of the week and most people agree making those who take it seriously even more of a clown btw i cant tyoe cuz im laxy






Like I'm literally only taking it seriously because this genuinely happened to me 😭


im confused lil bro


Dont worry about it just needed to vent


I enjoy it if it's good and natsuki. I love natsuki and sayori.


natsuki and sayori are my sunshines


The people who do that deserve to be hated by the world and all weebs as a community. They are like cancer.


Imagine thinking you’re better for harassing an artist.


Yes, and we're the toxic ones


Says the guy who harasses artists for an agenda. Pot calling the kettle black much?


Uh, no? I've never harassed any artists, i have no idea where you got that from


I have seen your comments, and how you shunned artists from the community. Don’t try to lie.


please provide an example (and not that one comment from ages ago under a latitude post that i've already acknowledged was wrong to publish)


[One](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/s/aKspAAPTTu) [Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/s/fRAFHrv0I0) [Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/s/u89O7F6JYy) These are just weeks ago. Whenever there is a “suggestive artwork” you demean every person in the community that likes it, even artists. Demeaning quality, just for some baseless agenda. You wonder why you get downvoted? You make these dumb harassment campaigns, with your buddies to prove a point. Your so called “quality posts” that you preach about doesn’t justify your campaign, nor your behavior. How about, you just have a bit of tolerance, and not go around telling people complete garbage narratives to thwart artistic freedom? How about, actually going by the rulebook, and not advocate your opinionated judgement calls as a basis for your campaign? No one is going to listen to a guy, who just goes around complaining like a doomer, saying “oh well these posts are so much better”. You don’t make a convincing point, nor does your campaign justify you demeaning people. I am not hating you for going by the book, but you don’t want to go by the book, you want to push your agenda against the community, all for “quality content”. Is it really worth demonizing people who like different content than you do on this reddit? That’s really why people don’t like you guys. You just go around, demonizing people for some dumb “greater good”, that just worthless at that point. You’re not better than them for this, and I hope you know that. Before you throw your jabs, I am not saying lewd content shouldn’t be regulated. That or being a lewder. However, you are going on the deep end, and trying to rationalize demonization of people for “lewd content”. Before you play semantics too, demeaning people counts as harrassment, in case you didn’t know, and before you say you didn’t go into specifics, general harassment of the community is still harassment. You are going to be a massive clown, especially for that campaign you keep advocating. If you want people to actually consider your ideas, maybe don’t go around and demean others to do it? Not only that, but actually be a nice person, and not a propaganda machine? Just a thought.


huh? none of those are shunning artists. the last one is simply an opinion and a statement, it doesn't even say anything about the artist


If that’s not enough.[Given your definition of NSFW, this whole post might as well be shunning artists](https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/s/oVJl22bsXq) Speaking of your definition of NSFW, given that, do you really think the community would be better with your opinionated judgement calls of artwork? You are shunning artists in that post. Because you are suggesting that if they moved into a different community, this community would be better off. Insinuating they’re problematic.


but the thing is, there they can have their own community who specifically likes that kind of content, so essentially i'm giving them a better option then posting here, and they could always post sfw art here!


I do think the community would be better off without horny posting because it's not transformative or constructive at all, even if DDLC lore has been talked about to death, the characters can still be used in so many ways outside of nsfw, just look at how big the modding scene is!


nah i think theyre just the people that took the joke wrong or are just little childeren


Honestly? This is just true, even if it’s a joke. It’s just sad, that apparently harassment is endorsed because they could feel morally superior. What a circus.


Welp theyre not the clowns theyre the entire circus


There’s a lewd war going on? How terminally online can one person get?




There's a lewd war?


was maybe is


Why respect? Just let them be.


..They dont respect.


everytime i make a joke about the lewd war i have to add the obligatory "no patirck, there isnt actually a lewd war"


who the hell is patirck


i say 'to respect'


Wait, people are **actually** taking this seriously?


idk some kinda were but ngl you gotta be 25/7 online and chechking every comment section to know


Seems about right...


more for me then I will double down on the viewing




Least goofy ahh internet war:


when i reply to you comment and look at the straight line after the : it comes in line with rule 5 genius


This is why God gave us the LTG speech. 😏


Def me ong 🔥🔥🔥


Me thinking everyone is misspelling omg 🤦‍♂️


This is why people mock the community these days.


Nope we mock the people not the community


There seems to be this big misconception that we took an inside joke seriously, it's not true, it's just that we noticed something becoming an issue in the sub and decided to do something about it.


It isn't a misconception, it *is* a joke taken seriously. You yourself are probably one of the people that actually took it seriously. You first made it in your Reddit bio, then made multiple posts about it, and was rude to people but then threw a hissy fit when people were rude to you. And so what if it's excessive posting? There's a setting that literally stops you from seeing it entirely, "yet oh noes! It's still being posted even though I can't see it! Oh noes! I should throw a tantrum about it" is exactly what you sound like. Actually, no, that's not what you sound like, that's what you *are* like. And you aren't "doing something about it", you're just throwing a tantrum for others to see.


That's literally not true, like i said, the joke and the serious argument over lewding are completely seperate things that started independently of each other, and that's just a fact so there's no point in denying it. Also i'm not even really rude, a lot of the pro lewders are far more toxic then i have ever been. Second of all the reason i don't completely disable nsfw posts (but i have turned auto blurring them on, even though it doesn't hide much in some cases) is because many other kinds of nsfw posts are actual constructive discussions and not just sexual content for the sake of being sexual. Also you're literally so immature that you're looking through my profile just to find more things to dislike me over. Finally, this whole thing about "me throwing a tantrum" is complete BS, and i have seen pro lewd people act far more childish then me.


Anything you say can and will be used against you.


Pfftttt.... Looking through your profile? Bro, I SAW those stuff the day you posted it. And the bio thing? Someone else called you out for it, that's how I knew. I even have a screenshot of it and a recording of my reaction to it. You're literally the one who was immature in the first place. You made it your bio, posted about it multiple times, and were rude to people. If anything, we're the ones who were civil. I mean, robo was civil when he commented on one of your posts. And since the only *actual* counter I saw in your comment was "oh the other side was rude more", who tf cares? It's common knowledge in arguing that being rude back only makes it worse. Jeez man, even SCHOOLS teach you that. *schools* of all things.


I wasn't really rude though, at worst it was some sarcasm in response to people who said a lot worse or just straight up lied. Also who the hell records their reaction to something they see? you're treating me not liking people posting slop content is some massive crime worthy of some kind of investigation like i'm committing corruption or something.


You were: https://www.reddit.com/r/DDLC/s/YlXy5Vv9gV That wasn't sarcasm, that was pure rude and uncalled for. And I did record my reaction because I was livestreaming when it happened, so I was already recording even before I knew you existed. And no I'm not treating this like a crime. You were literally rude, so I argued back. Simple as that lol


That was literally one single comment that i will admit, was wrong of me to even make and i accept responsibility for it, but at the end of the day, it's one slightly rude comment which is still rooted in truth versus many other far more toxic comments


Even if it's not the *worse* comment, it's still rude and can be interpreted as even worse depending on who sees it. And just because something isn't the *worse* thing ever in that category; that doesn't make it any less bad, and doesn't grant it a shield from criticism. With that kind of mindset, for example, cops wouldn't care about shoplifting because murder and robberies are worse.


i accept critism if it's just about that comment, but calling me more toxic and childish then a lot of the pro lewders is just flat out wrong


I did not call you toxic. So now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna walk away from this argument since you clearly don't have a brain in this, and can't accept criticism or argue constructively.


There's a clear separation between casually lewd content and literally sayori's nude vagina barely covered by an among us💀


She is actually wearing underwear in the image you're referring to, you can see it on the side of her waist. I just added the amongus in front of it because it's goofy


hi, main lewd complainer bozo here i'm fine with lewd art if A: you know they're not just posting it for horny awooga upvotes B: the art actually has decent substance or skill to it the amount of people who say "you can't handle an ounce of skin exposure you fucking child" is actually making my geiger counter go fucking crazy. i'm not mad about booba, i'm mad about hornybait booba


How do you get to dictate the “skill”of an artwork? Seems like you’re not only anti lewd, but also hate on artwork if it isn’t to your standards. Constructive criticism is fine, but your wording doesn’t seem like that. If you don’t like the artwork then ignore it, it wasn’t made for you. The artist made it for whatever reason they feel like, maybe they made it for fun, maybe it was meant to be posted, maybe it’s a commission that the client was happy with, who knows. What I’m trying to say is, your opinion isn’t more valuable than anyone else’s. If you don’t like it then just ignore it, no need to complain about it.


by skill i mean effort. you can tell there are posts here nowadays that are just meant to get upvotes because LOOK! BOOBS! ASS!


Flair doesnt check out till you leave the community.


??? You made a post whining about the sub, yet you join back to continue whining? What, was circlejerk not active enough for you? I think we would be preferred if you stayed in the circlejerk sub


"Extremely sexualized and lewd stuff" is a problem tho. Not everyone wants that shit in their feed. Just post that stuff somewhere else if u really have to. But id rather keep my Dokis unlewded


They are usually marked as NSFW. It's your fault for kicking on NSFW posts


> Opens up NSFW Post > Look inside > NSFW I’d post an image of that cat from the meme but the subreddit doesn’t have images in comments enabled


*Shocked Pikachu face*


But i wanna see hanging corpses no lewds smh


Step 1:Click on OP's Profile. Step 2:Click on the ⋯ above their cake day. Step 3:Click on Block Account YIPEE you now blocked that artist