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P-DID is in the ICD-11 and OSDD in the DSM so it depends on which diagnostic manual your country uses


That’s it..? So if I’m in America I get an OSDD diagnosis but if I’m in Germany I get a PDID diagnosis?


pretty much, yeah




My favorite is V91.07XD: Burn due to water-skis on fire, subsequent encounter Like, dude, didn’t you learn from the first time?




I used to work for a company that did support for an electronic medical records and billing software and we used to crack up so much every time a new ICD update came out. Better than fart jokes.




Lol. W56.22XA Struck by orca, initial encounter and W56.22XA Struck by orca, subsequent encounter (dude, get out of the way!) V97.33XD Sucked into jet engine, subsequent encounter (pretty sure that doesn’t happen more than once) V95.44 Spacecraft fire injuring occupant Z63.1 Problems in relationship with in-laws W22.02XD Walked into lamppost, subsequent encounter There are a ton of those. You can Google “funny ICD 10 codes” for hours of entertainment.


The first time I encountered this is when I saw "struck by vehicle" and couldn't stop laughing at the idea of being diagnosed with hit by car until i realized that it's actually important for billing lol


I think it’s more important to WHO statistics than billing. It didn’t used to be so complicated but they really went all out with ICD 10. I can’t imagine a scenario where the kind of animal you were struck by makes a difference to the insurance lol but you never know with those assholes (sorry, we only cover dolphin strikes. Orca strikes are considered a preexisting condition because no one is naturally that unlucky).


P-DID has one alter in front while other alters mostly intrudes, very rarely take full control (full switch with dissociative amnesia). If it happens it’s to deal with triggers related to trauma for a short time, then they retrieve back inside letting the "main" alter in control again. I don’t know much about OSDD, but they are not the same diagnosis with different names. However, they are very similar.


But in countries that don’t use the DSM 5, they are the same


The icd 11 has DID, P-DID, OSDD and DDU (dissociative disorders, unspecified)


Yea but OSDD 1 specifically for them is PDID


According to the ISSTD, P-DID is similar to OSDD-1. Not the same, but similar.


In the icd 11 OSDD 1 and pdid are the same diagnosis


More info here: https://www.isst-d.org/public-resources-home/fact-sheet-iv-what-are-the-dissociative-disorders/#:~:text=In%20the%20case%20of%20Partial,particularly%20distressing%20or%20emotional%20experience.


Mental health labels are pretty arbitrary


CTAD clinic did a great video on the differences!  From what I remember: Parts can take execute control bumps someone from OSDD to pdid.


I am from germany and 2 psychiatrists have told me that I do not meet any criteria of any dissociative disorder, even tho both agreed I have one. I just do not meet the right symptoms to put a lable on, so I lack therapy around here 🙃 It fn sucks.


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