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Might be stupid, but could you rig some spring loaded hinges, and a push to open magnetic latches on the handle side, so that instead of lifting it, you're stepping on it, popping it open, then closing it?


This may be the way to do it and eliminate a trip hazard at the same time. My little toe would probably find that handle on it's own. But a set of pneumatic lifters like a car hood has and a magnetic latch system is what I would try as well.


Such an awesome idea!!!


Unless you accidentally step on it, open it and then fall into it.. i can imagine that scenario lmao


Is it a common thing to have a laundry chute in the floor with a door like this? I've never seen this before in my life


At least in the US, its being more and more rare I think. Growing up, we lived a house where the bathroom has a little room with a full door and inside it was just a hole in the floor to throw clothes. I know some older homes have dropbox like things in the walls instead of a hole the floor. However, as houses become more 'one floor' instead of vertical, you see this less and less because laundry isnt on the lower floor anymore.


How it's traditionally done (empty space in the wall) is against modern fire codes. It's a clear path for fire to travel from the basement to the living floors or the other way around and the whole house goes up faster shortening the time to escape. The modern code compliant way costs way more to implement so doesn't get put in unless it's custom. Fire rated door top and bottom, with fire rated drywall along the entire interior of the chute.


In a residential single family home this isn't true in many (most) jurisdictions. Please feel free to share any relevant sections of code though.  Mostly laundry chutes have gone away because laundry facilities have been moved to the living space instead of the basement 




That section of IRC code is only relevant to exterior walls. Laundry chutes would typically be in an interior wall. Again for residential single family construction I'm not aware of any national/international code that precludes their use. Local jurisdictions can always vary.




all I'm asking is where in the residential code the following would be required "Fire rated door top and bottom, with fire rated drywall along the entire interior of the chute."




but not the only method and not necessarily applicable. Most laundry chutes I've seen in older home are ductwork with a simple door top and bottom. I'm not seeing anything in "modern code" that would prevent a similar method of construction or would cost "way more to implement" as the comment this chain is replying to states.


I looked into it a bit ago since I wanted one and I guess they are a fire hazard and not to code everywhere


Since when are houses becoming more and more one floor?


I have a 1915 house and the 3rd floor chute is like this. It was more in the middle of the room though. We had to replace the flooring in that room and just covered it because it was a straight drop to the basement and we didn’t want kids or pets to go inside. The 1st and 2nd floor have a more normal wall access point from a closet.


Get a laundry hamper, cut the bottom out, remove the door on the floor. Set the hamper over the opening.


My mom actually did exactly this when I was a kid but she used a pop top storage thing so you pressed the button to open it pushed your clothes in then slammed it shut it shut to relock


I like this solution.


You could use a cup pull & have the open side facing out. You should be able to open that with your foot.


im busting my toes up real bad on this for sure


😂😂 literally what I thought too.


As someone who just stubbed their barefoot toes on a wooden chair an hour ago and it’s still throbbing, this chute cover infuriates me 🤪😆


I should have noted, it’s inside a hall closet. There is a hanging coat rod a bit above, so no one actually “steps” in here 😆


Maybe a [foot pull](https://www.ameraproducts.com/resize/Shared/images/products/FootPulls/700x700/brass.jpg?bw=1000&w=1000&bh=1000&h=1000) would work. They're [intended for use on vertical doors](https://www.ameraproducts.com/resize/Shared/images/products/FootPulls/700x700/brassinuse.jpg?bw=1000&w=1000&bh=1000&h=1000) but if you flipped it you might be able to get a toehold.


That's what I was thinking. One of them there COVID foot handles.


I'm just imaging OP setting up a rube goldberg machine to accomplish this small task lol


If you want to re-use the same holes, I'd do a webbing or leather loop.. get a length of either about an inch wide, cut it to the length you need to get a loop the size you want, and screw either end in with a button-head machine screw with a nut on the back side. (If you're going to use webbing, seal the edges with heat so it doesn't fray, including using a hot nail to make the through holes) This has the advantage of being a "soft" handle you're less likely to hurt yourself when stepping on or stubbing your toe on..


Get some cabinet door push-latch hardware to mount inside, remove the handle, and add a chamfer on the underside about the width of the handle. Push down with your foot to pop it up, and then you can slide your toes into the chamfer to lift it.


Maybe ... dump laundry on floor, lift lid, use foot to push laundry into chute?


Came to say this


ahh yes, however a few surgeries later and bending isn’t always easy. just trying to think of a simple solution!


Oh, believe me, I can really sympathize with that. I mean, the really simple solution would be tie a piece of rope to the handle and connect the other end to something on the wall so you could use the rope to pull the lid up, but that would look real elegant.


Rig up a small pulley system with some sort of pedal strap so you can push your foot down as it lifts the door up


1. What your describing is a U-bolt. I would use a square U-bolt. Something like https://a.co/d/7gsubhp if you are going to use it as a handle I recommend a second plate and a total of six nuts. One set for top, and two for bottom so you can lock them. ≈$10 2. I personally would make it auto lift as it's awkward using your legs to lift: ≈$25 One or two hydraulic cylinders: https://a.co/d/090RSl9 One flip latch https://a.co/d/doxck2z No need to bend or lift. Kick latch to open, toss in clothes, step on door to close, kick latch closed. 3. If you want it to be less visible/toe destroying. You can go with: ≈$70 One or two hydraulic cylinders: https://a.co/d/090RSl9 1 latch https://a.co/d/dhcq0Ql 1 step switch https://a.co/d/gdTEGpD (you'll want the momentary) 1 transformer https://a.co/d/du6yUmF (30w unit is enough for latch) Some Wire https://a.co/d/fO0PnNu Odds and ends like wire caps and such. No need to bend or lift. Press button to open, toss in clothes, step on door to close. 4. Lastly if you're looking for unique or self closing >$100 1 long cylinder https://a.co/d/6IA3xdG 1 short cylinder https://a.co/d/8jH98Pi Mounting hardware https://a.co/d/aXjDvxz Tubing https://a.co/d/j0n7z2K Assorted hardware to hold/look nice the step on cylinder. Cheapest would be a step made from 2x4s that attaches to the wall. Step on step to open, get off to close. 5. if I knew what space you had below there could be more options.


Great ideas. thank you!




= = ____


I don't know, but this hatch door is judging me and I don't like it.




**Push release openers** will do this for you and you won't need a handle sticking up that you could trip on or stub a toe.


I had one in a old place I lived in but it had a cabinet over it and a wood top on two hinges...poped open easy and more countertop is useful...


I would remove the door and put an armoire with the bottom removed over it. It's a shame to waste that space. Or, perhas, just a big hamper with a lid. That way, you wouldn't need to bend over to open it.


I should have noted, it’s inside a hall closet. There is a hanging coat rod a bit above. But great idea!


First. Hinges should be on the long side. Put a fixed lever style handle on it. Second, this should be extended upward thirty inches and left open. That way, you don't fall in, and there's no door to worry with.


Could use a plain old U bolt if you find one wide enough for your foot. Not as pretty as a real pull but not awful when painted [https://www.lowes.com/pd/National-Hardware-N244-996-Lumber-Size-Square-U-Bolts-in-Zinc-Plated/5001899451](https://www.lowes.com/pd/National-Hardware-N244-996-Lumber-Size-Square-U-Bolts-in-Zinc-Plated/5001899451)


thank you!!


A connect point to the middle of the door, a pulley on the wall where that point is nearest to the wall then one pulley up and one going over to move the pull down point to where you can push down next to the door. Not to scale... https://imgur.com/rEeMnVL


Dad…is it you?


You can try some kind of pulley system with a step pedal just to the side of the door.


I want this so bad. I have a laundry shoot (which goes to a different room then the washer/dryer for some reason) but this is way cooler


it is very convenient! (ours goes into the laundry room!)


Id probably have a recessed handle because my toes would kill me otherwise lol


Install hydraulic struts like the hatch of your car with a lock switch you activate by pushing on the door panel.


Some good ideas. But i think this wants some kind of rube golberg machine you start by tipping over some dominoes with said foot. Then a bunch of stuff happens. Then the door opens.


Looks like a face


Put a pulley on the wall, then tie a string to it. Pull the string, hatch lifts up, let it go, hatch closes


All these creative and silly solutions and for less than $2 at the local hardware you could get 2 longer screws and two spacers like an inch or two inches long and just raise that handle up enough to get your toes in it..


maybe an outdoor gate handle would be big enough


Attach a step to open or motion sensor trash can to the hole with the bottom cut out.


I installed a chute in the floor like this. I bought [this latch](https://Mc-37Non-MagneticTouchLatch...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CK3QHQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) and paired it with spring loaded hinges. It worked well but in your case I’d add a pneumatic piston hinge like you’d find on a car topper window. Light weight and smaller [than these](https://Wadoy14InchesTruckCamper...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071ZYGD9L?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). The latch is a push (step on) to close/open.


Wait, so you want to lift the cover to a hole in the floor with your foot when your hands are full...? That seems like a great way to fall down said hole


great concern, however it’s not nearly big enough to fall into. it’s also inside a closet with a coat hanging above, so you are never standing by above it if that makes sense


Is it on the floor like a trap door? Do the kids ride down the chute?!


I think a garage door handle might give you enough room for a shoe tip to get in? But depending on the hinges it might still be awkward to open via foot. Maybe a hook on a stick like they used to have to open transom windows? I forget what it’s called :/


one of the solutions I have always used is carrying my laundry to the washing machine


and just leave this awesome chute to look at?


Give it a nose


It looks mildly amused.




I would build a box on top of this to waist height then put the door on top of the box. This is a trap door and dangerous. Imagine leaving it open then stepping in the hole.


Walmart engineering


Riser clamp from home depot, paint it black. done


what about a pull string? could also fill in part of the hole and just put a chute in the corner. could also automate it somehow.


Go to the Hardware store and Get a U-Bolt of appropriate size. You can then set it as deep or shallow as you like.


Maybe a rope and pulley system would work for you. It’s still means using your hand to lift but you can just kick the clothes down


There are options like this: [https://www.solmer.co.uk/recycle-waste-bins/foot-operated-door-opener-for-hinged-door-cabinets.html](https://www.solmer.co.uk/recycle-waste-bins/foot-operated-door-opener-for-hinged-door-cabinets.html) Depends what country you are in of course.


great idea, thanks!


You may want to check local fire codes as it could be a problem for your insurance company - they allow fire to spread between floors in your house.


Cut a couple of pieces of 1-inch-thick wood dowels. Drill holes through the centers of them. Get longer bolts, and use the dowels as spacers between the handle and floor.


This one. I would use metal pipe, though.


This is the best idea. Measure the height you'll need to add to get your foot under the current handle. Then, get two metal pipe pieces in matching black or paint them. Easy fix.


The thing is, if you use a wide metal pipe, then it will flop around, unless you also get some kind of end caps. but by the time you do all that, you might as well use wood. If you use a narrow metal tube (just barely wider than the bolts), it won't flop around, but it won't be particularly strong.


I like this idea. They make brass spacers they could use those instead of dowels and still get some lift on the handle. Surprisingly affordable too.


great idea, thank you!