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Replace it. No one wants shards of porcelain stabbing their butt


Legitimately the amount of damage that could do if a toilet shattered under you. I shudder to think how easy it would be to catch a shard in the femoral and literally die-by-toilet...


Of all the ways to die on the toilet, that's probably the worst.


Some of what comes out of me nearly does give me a heart attack. Knowing my luck the toilet would shatter at the same time.






It's a pretty shitty way to die.


Probably not so much dying on the toilet, but writhing in pain and dying on the floor. Yikes.




The ole bleedout bidet


There's an episode of 1000 ways to die about exactly this.


My mom used to live in an assisted living facility and told me this story. One of the ladies there was about 75 and fell on her toilet, smashing it. She called in for a maintenance guy to come and shut off the water. The two on staff nurses hustled over, certain she'd have a busted hip but the lady didn't have a scratch on her. Edit


Thanks. I just told them to stop using it immediately and offered to drive out this week to replace it.


Honestly, you’re lucky the relative was being an ass and your parents complained, bc this could have been so bad. Send the rude relative a thank you card for their ass(hole-ness). Literally.


Don’t kink shame


It’s relatively cheap too for all the home repairs that can pop up and bankrupt you.


Replacing a toilet costs under $200 and takes about an hour give or take. Im a tall guy so I’ve made it a habit to replace the toilets when I buy a new place for comfort as well as peace of mind reasons. Soft close lids are worth spending extra. Edit: something else came to mind… if you’re going to replace be prepared to compare your poops to golf or billiard balls!


Comfort height toilets (typically around 18 inches rather than 16 inches high) are the best, especially if you are tall, older, or have mobility issues.


Unfortunately, I am 6’2” and my wife is 5’1”. Guess who won that argument…..


His and hers toilets? Side by side or lofted like bunk beds?


So much room for activities!


Get a basketball backboard mounted to the wall above the tank and replace the hoop with a toilet seat. Problem solved.


Or, hear me out: He sits backwards on the toilet. But there are sunken foot holes for those who sit in that direction. A real ambishitter. Plus he has a place to rest his reading materials.


Do the people on the bottom have to poop while looking at a bunch of dangling legs?


Have to, or get to…


You king, no question!


Squatty potty. A step for her, a poop aid for you.


Get a taller toilet and a toilet stool. It's worth it.


Some brands have lifetime warranties on their toilets too, as long as it didn't get chipped.


porcelain toilet injuries are bad. dont google pics


Oh my god, why did you tell me to google that?!


You knew the Reddit risk.


They said not to google lol - dear god!


Fine I'll Google it


Yeah, to google it.


Stop telling people to Google this. You're just encouraging them to do it.


imma actually listen to their warning in this case


You'd like /r/fiftyfifty


Oh my god ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)


These types of incidents are called "sounding". Google for more info.


I've seen a toilet break and it happens all at once. You're lucky it was nice enough to warn you first


Is that even a thing? Never heard about that happening in normal circumstances. Only saw some news about it when people were standing on top of the toilet then it broke.


Well, I don’t know how often it happens. But if there’s a crack there, it means there’s something stressing or stressed the material, which means it can break at any time.


Porcelain generally has sudden failures, sort of like a light bulb breaking. Now, do you want that under your ass or the ass of anyone you care about? 😂💀


Now we are getting to the real questions. How do I get this under the ass of my enemies?




Not necessarily but it needs to be replaced asap. I didn't realize how dangerous that was, and our previously.toilet had cracks like that for over 5 years. But I would still say replace it asap. I didn't know then how dangerous that was.


not surprised if this is considered deadly by the folks at oopsthatsdeadly


Absolutely. You can literally die from a toilet breaking apart while you sit on it. A toilet is only $100 it's not worth the risk.


It’s worth getting the $200 one.


Retired medic here… once saw an entire gluteus maximus excised off by a broken toilet. Memorable for all concerned. Broken porcelain is scalpel-sharp. Replace it!


It’s going to break, the fun part is that there’s no telling when lol. Note that when porcelain breaks it’s extremely sharp and staby. So it’s really your call


Replace it. Yesterday. Clink link with caution. It’s man vs sink. Lots of blood. NSFW https://www.reddit.com/r/LearningFromOthers/s/QRWtMUXsHi


TIL to be terrified of my toilet and sink.


The walls are full of razors!! Ahhhhh!!!!!! Seriously, don’t mess around with porcelain. Be safe.


Why *the* *fuck* don't we replace it with something like stainless steel or polycarbonate?


I’m not always in support of replacing just because of cracks, but this one is different. Shards would impale in that location. Imagine it failing and the toilet seat slides over two inches off the edge and the shards go into you. My god.


Replace and check to see if there’s a recall on that particular brand so you can get a refund. Many toilets made in Mexico are cracking so there are refunds available.


If there's anything I've learned about a toilet with hairline fractures, it's that it'll keep working great until it doesn't, and when it finally fails, it'll be a spectacular mess. Replace ASAP.


Either do it now when it’s clean, or later when it’s full of shit and broke all the way through. Either way, it’s getting replaced.


How people get cracked toilets is beyond me. I have a toilet I’m trying to break up to go into the trash in pieces over a few weeks (since I’m being too lazy to do a dump run) and have hit the damn thing with a sledgehammer and have dropped it onto concrete and rocks. Not a single scratch, chip, or crack. In other news, if anyone wants an indestructible toilet, I’ve got one available for free :-)


So you're telling me it's stainless steel and you got it from the prison you were in. /s


Replace it before they have a natural disaster on their hands. While seated toilet breaks, porcelain in your butt, poo 💩every where and water still running. 😷 Image if it happens to the obese winer. 😳🍺🤷🏻‍♂️


My son is about 275 and I finally had to buy a very expensive toilet seat for a heavy person. He would crack one about every month.


Yeah replace it before it becomes a much bigger deal


Immediately. If that gives way when someone is sitting on it, it’s gonna look like a murder scene.


you're basically rolling the dice if the toilet cracks... for example my dad has had a toilet that is much more cracked in more compromising areas and still for 20 years it hasn't exploded. Not withstanding sudden porcelain related death from breakage if it breaks and you're not there it will flood your house. Obviously survivorship bias is a thing because just cause it didn't happen to him doesn't mean its not possible. For me, it's worth the few hundred bucks to pull it and not have to worry about it.


Replace, but do check your brand. If it's American Standard or it's subsidiaries (like Eljer), they have a lifetime warranty on the porcelain. As long as there's no chips where the crack formed, you should be able to get a new one.


No need to replace, super glue and ramen noodle dust is all you need for a fast repair


Can someone send this comment section to my landlord for prove I’m not crazy that the toilet crack is a problem.


Just get it in writing that they refused to replace it. Broken porcelain is disgustingly sharp and will probably destroy you for life if not kill you, if you are on it when it breaks. It’s also a huge germ issue since it’s a toilet


Replace. If someone of weight sat on it and fell apart, the edges could cause very serious harm.


Yes. It could literally kill someone


Replace it now . You could kill yourself or someone else if you keep that in use


Capt'n, I canna hold her no longer... she's gonna blow!


When porcelain shatters the shards are razor sharp. You can find toilets for under 200 but for 3-400 you get a much better toilet. Toto and kohler have whatever you could want and you can have them delivered next day. If the toilet has cracks like that the seals and internals are probably ready to go as well. It’s a quick job that saves you from rotten floors from leaks, piece of mind, and for the elderly a higher toilet often helps them retain some dignity as long as possible. I would try calling a plumbing supply near your mom and they will have a good toilet with installers in mind.


Look up picture after people get lacerations from broken toilets. I was an EMT for years and very few pictures get to me. Some of those pics I would *not* want to have to respond to. 


🎵 Toilet crack, repair 🎵


Next thread: toilet cracked, I need to replace everything on the floors below it.




Replace it with a bariatric toilet, specifically. They’re designed to handle heavier weights.


Replace for sure.


How close is your toilet to the wall?


Not for a plus sized person for sure.


Dangerous. Do not use that. Broken ceramic is razor sharp, and will splay you open.


Replace it, ASAP. Porcelain when it shatters is sharper than a surgeon's scalpel. Now imagine you're sitting on it when that break happens and the sharp edges are aimed right at your falling thighs and crotch.


I am NOT googling toilet injuries, as I have no tolerance for other people’s blood. I can say that the crack will continue spreading until it breaks, which can happen suddenly. I once over tightened the carriage bolts on a toilet tank once. It did not go well, but thankfully, it did not end in anything bloody.


Ever sang soprano? Replace it or you might have the chance.


Or worse have to make a water damage claim on your home insurance


If the toilet breaks - the water damage could end out costing a fair amount of money- if renting advise your landlord right away and make sure Mom has insurance


Replace, good chance it will break and flood your house.


Replace. Safety and a place for germs to hide requires it


Damn. Gonna have to message my landlord and ask to get the toilet replaced asap! How do cracks like that form anyway?


Yes. Don’t use this one anymore.


I replace ours when this happens from my fat a** but I can never get the seat to sit straight


Please replace


For the morbidly obese person, make a frame for them to sit on. With make it with metal tubing or wood


My half bath toilet downstairs has had a crack in the back of the rim for 20 years!


Well, unless you want to crack your head on those tiles or get a nice laceration on your ass when it breaks, you should replace it. Toilets are not that expensive. Unless your weight is about 80 pounds, then you MIGHT be okay. But this is an accident waiting to happen. And others will I’m sure disagree with me, but I’ve seen all manner of bathroom accidents. Anytime there is water involved, better to be proactive.


Broken porcelain can be dangerously sharp. My father ended up with a very serious laceration and stitches after breaking a toilet tank while trying to unbolt it. Don't take any chances.


I would literally never sit on this toilet again until it’s replaced. Way too dangerous


Thanks for the info, everyone. I told her to get it replaced ASAP and if needed, I'll make the 6 hour drive to do it for her.


Replace?!? Screw that!! Flex seal that sucker!!😂






Where are you getting a toilet for $30


Seriously. The cheapest a home improvement store has near me is around $100. I'm unsure if I trust a $30 toilet.


Why?. If it works.


It's a toilet seat. They cost less than $10. Replace it and charge it to the landlord.


Leave it


nah this should be replaced lol 


This is not a situation where it will remain stable, or gently get worse over time. It will look like this, and then it will be exploded, with water going everywhere, and if you are extra lucky, blood too, as the porcelain shards slice your ass open.


Hell yeah, I take it back. Replace that sucker, cheers 🍻