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Using the sharp edge of that scraper, and starting in the centre of the bead, with the flat side towards the window frame, push in as far as it'll go, then start lightly tapping. You can then lightly lever it towards the glass. I can see the gap in your picture, so hopefully you're putting the scraper in the right bit!


Start in the middle of the longest side. Dont be afraid of really pushing it . Put the scraper in and twist/ lever


I ended up having to use the hammer and really twatting it. Ended up scuffing the frame a little which sucks, but it came off. It was ridiculously tight.


Lube it all up with some soapy water. Start with a very very thin scraper. Take the first one off and then put it back on again. Just to be sure. Some twin leg beads are an asshole too feet back on.


With great care


That looks like a plastic scraper? If so it won’t be strong enough, you need a metal one. Ideally one specially designed for removing beading, not expensive, you can get them online. I recently replaced two units in my house for the first time and found that you have to hit the tool surprisingly hard - with a rubber mallet of course - to remove the beading. And then you have to hit the beading equally hard with the same mallet to get it back into the frame. It’s a bit scary but I managed to avoid breaking the units. I would guess that it might be easier to do it on a hot day as the plastic will be slightly softer?


Start in the middle of one of the long sides. That metal scraper you have is the correct tool for the job. The rubber can stick the glass over time so might need more of a push then you’d expect to get it started. Once you’ve a long side out take out the top and bottom and then the other long side. When you’re glazing it back up fit top and bottom bead first then bend the longer sides in. The corners will join up better this way.


You need a putty knife with some flex. Start in the middle of the longest. Then do the rest from the edges. The glazing shovel is for toe and heeling


Slice the silicone to the frame and the window board first, then it's just a case of prying it off, it'll sometimes come off in one piece, sometimes I'll break into loads of pieces. Elbow grease needed.