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They can be opened by inserting a credit card or something similar between the handle and where it is attached. This video should help. When it’s opened you can unscrew the handle and replace with a similar one costing about £4 https://youtu.be/eg-ZGbnOdWY?si=ADgOZE01cv3E3dVU


Well, that's a stupid mechanism. Cant do that on mine. You can, however, turn the lock with a screwdriver. They're all a bit pants.


The point of these locks is really only to stop kids being able to open windows they shouldn’t, not really for security. If someone can get to the handle to bypass the key, they are probably already inside the property anyways. (A disagreement I had with my wife about leaving the key in the patio door… “someone could smash the glass and reach in and open the door”… ya know… the door that’s 95% the glass that they just smashed)


I’ve had the same argument about thumbturn screws before. If someone is going to want to smash a window, then they are getting in. Meanwhile if there is a fire I just want everyone to be able to get out. My door installer said he didn’t like thumbturns as it meant anyone who burgled me would have a great way to get the stuff out. Well they’d just either use the key on one of the key holders we have or the way they got in? Couldn’t give a damn about the tv, can my family get out?


Thumbturns are basically required on main exits under fire regs these days. Insurance payout, I suppose, being more for several dead people than for the occasional telly or xbox donated to cash converters...


Crack Converters


You’re more likely to lock the door when you don’t have to go find the key. If you leave the key in, some locks allow you to open them by turning the outside with a screwdriver.


Ahh, good point and we'll made. Also, the not insignificant benefit of a panicky *whoever* being able to get out in a hurry and without needed to find the key is an added bonus


I’ve been haunted by the stories of someone in the fire service about finding people huddled up behind locked doors 😕


I cannot understand why this is not the standard. The number of times I’ve had someone getting annoyed that I’m not answering the door while I’m desperately looking for the key…


5 min job to swap out, just take the old one out to measure it beforehand and then get a snap-proof one with thumb turn.


Already done :)


I wanted to fit a thumb lock to my kitchen door years ago. When I suggested this to my mate who’s a home insurance specialist he said there’ll likely be complications with insuring the property. I must admit I never got round to checking with my insurer.


All the insurance company asks is the type of lock (multi-point) and if your locks are fitted to a certain standard.


I prefer thumbturns too but it's worth noting its so easy to break into most thumbturn front doors. Just put a belt through the letterbox, hook it over and then you can twist it. I've done it many times when locked out of places I've rented. The best solution is a cage or similar over the letterbox to stop this.


Better solution, a door without a letter box. Improves security, and insulation.


You can say that again.


Yeah, hate those locks that need a key from inside


They do limit the success of getting in from the outside. Depending on the age of the window, they can be jiggled open from the outside if unlocked.


Haha are our wives related? I've had the same argument. If they're so brazen to smash the glass, they really don't need the key anymore 😄


I have a variation on this. My wife thinks I complain she leaves the key because of the reason you suggest, and if the glass is broken anyway it won't matter. Actually I complain because she leaves the key and every single duplicate in the lock, and the door is used by builders and other trades repeatedly , so any one of them can just take a spare key or, she could lose them all at once. Plus people keep catching themselves on the keys.


Fuck my hat, our kitchen windows have been like this for about 3 months (one of them has never opened since we moved in) - but now, in about the space of 5 minutes (3 of which were pspent watching the video), they are now both open. Thank you so much. (I'm also super pissed off that I dodn't think of doing this muself, as I knew what had happened to the mechanism but just didn't put two and two together)


Well I owe you a beer


Hehe that would be v welcome this evening


100% this. The inner mechanism had broken on mine which meant the key wouldn’t turn. 30 seconds later, open window. A few quid on Amazon and the handle/lock was replaced


Well today I learnt something new! What a great video to recommend!


Does it move: no. Is it supposed to: yes  Apply WD-40.


 Does it move: yes.  Is it supposed to: no Apply duck tape 


Instructions unclear Taped a duck to the window handle


*duct tape


Depends which brand you're using


I recommend Aylesbury ducks.


There’s a popular brand of duct tape called Duck Tape. I wouldn’t lose sleep over it getting called either


Gaffer tape


Now we’re talking


Different tape and different scope of use


That's the boss of tapes


>There’s a popular brand of duct tape called Duck Tape. Duck Tape, the original name of duct tape.


Duct tape* * not for use on ducts. For that, you want aluminium foil tape.


>Duct tape* Oh yeah, the magic duct tape that used [duct cotton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_duck). >not for use on ducts. For that, you want aluminium foil tape. That is duct /speed tape. Try again


Formatting spoiled the joke: duck tape is the worst thing for ducts, which is why it’s hilarious that people insist on calling it that. If you’re taping ducts, you really do want foil tape.


It is actually duck tape believe it or not. Edit: [If you don’t believe me see here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_tape?wprov=sfti1#History). It was originally known as duck tape and has come to be called duct tape. It’s not incorrect to call it duck tape despite the fact it is also a brand.


Can't believe you're being down voted, looked this up years ago strangely enough...people still need convincing with given link??? SMH...


To be fair I added the link after six downvotes in case anyone else read it. The wording of my original comment should have been better.


Fair play...


Cotton duck.


Quack quack




How very interesting. I shall look for opportunities to use this new knowledge. Provided I remember it.


It works great to mute idiots apparently.


no, it's duct tape. Some company just jumped on the bandwagon and capitalised on the idiot mistake, releasing a product called 'Duck Tape'.


>no, it's duct tape. Duck tape because it is made with [cotton duck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_duck). Talk about confidently incorrect!


Maybe try reading the link supplied?


As someone who does ventilation for a living. It is duct tape. It is literally tape that is used to seal ductwork. Well it was, most people seal internally now


He’s literally just supplied the link, it was historically called Duck tape and has been for over 100 years, the switch to duct tape happened in like 1965. It was called Duck tape because it was adhesive attached to water proof Duck cloth.. it’s now interchangeably duct or duck but duck has been used as far back as 1899


>It is duct tape. Yes it's made using [duct cotton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cotton_duck) we all forgot.


When you dodge a flying roll you "ducked duct tape"


Ha ha I was just going to say Have you tried spraying them with WD40.


The ducks?


Actually, funny you should say that. I had that exact call at work on Friday. All the windows in our establishment are unlocked as we use safety cables, a bit WD-40 would tell if locked or seized.


I had the same issue last week! I managed to find this website: [Handles & Hinges - Window Key](https://www.handlesandhinges.co.uk/window-handle-keys/?max&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_keyword=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds0F55B9x_35QnlWyOMwHTHL29I0QrDuc6m8s4B704VDbiURz7M4S7IaAsP4EALw_wcB) - they wrote back to me within 12 hours and the key they provided worked. Highly recommend! I tried the card trick before and it didn’t work cause the window handle I’ve had was waaayyy older than expected.


My parents own handles and hinges! Glad to see you got sorted, I've passed along your kind words!


they helped me open the windows in the village hall where I had my wedding reception a little after lockdown :)


Absolutely fantastic business! I’ve spent so much time on google image search trying to find a similar looking handle, I think I wasted a few kitchen knives trying the tricks I found on YouTube, haha. And here came your parents with their superpowers - now I live with the luxury of windows that open, so good!


Awesome, I’ve been using them for years for my work, please tell them they are awesome and run a great shop!


I’ve seen quite a lot of people recommending them on this sub and other British ones so they must be doing a great job.


If they open led before they haven’t magically locked, if you have the same lock in you kitchen window they key will be the same, if the lock turns so the handle opens that unlocked, I’d guess the heat has expanded the frame so it won’t open, you might have to lever the bottom of the sash up a tad and it might open, I would make sure the slot for the lock is the same way as the kitchen open that opens then give it a squirt of wd40 incase it’s seized then work the lock open and closed if it will go


I had a similar problem a combination of penetrating oil, tedious waggling of any part that will move eventually opened it. It has to be something has basically decided to get a bit stuck. If the button won't go in then apply WD40 or ideally a proper penetrating oil around there and don't be shy. Then press/release and press/release and maybe a little tap with a small hammer, and press and eventually the wretched thing will decide to give way. If the button goes in but the handle won't turn then use a lot of oil round where the handle meets the bit on the frame then jiggle the handle up and down forever. Eventually it will move. I didn't use a pipe on teh handle as I was concerned it might break. If the handle does move but the window won't open then I guess it's brute strength. I have had each of these problems with various windows.


If you cant find they key. Grab the handle and pull towards yourself abit and up really hard. 90% of the time it will snap the tiny lock bit. Handle will still work until you can buy a new handle.


The latch is often plastic and you can cut it with a Stanley blade. Again handle will still work the espag just don’t have to press the button on the handle to open


I'd imagine the locking bar or even the handle is simply stuck, wd40 it for a few days anywhere you can get oil in.


Give it a clean. Maybe all the grime has seized it shut.


If you didn't lock them then they're simply stuck. WD40 to start with. Then try whacking it with something that's not going to leave a mark. Heel of a shoe maybe?


They could have been locked by a previous owner


Op said they used to open, now they don't.


After op moved in??


No? Before they did, obviously.


>Since we moved in a few years ago, a couple windows have these locks. Until a few months ago, keys weren't needed to open them - you just had to push the silver lock and turn the handle.


OP needs their brain checked in that case


Or, maybe the windows aren't locked, they're stuck




Sure. But this comment makes no sense as a reply to my comment. Edit: wait... You think I meant they're stupid for the bit you quoted? That's not what I'm saying. I meant that if they know no one has locked them, then to suggest that they now need the key is incredibly stupid.


I was under the impression you thought OP was *crazy*, rather than stupid, because the windows couldn't possibly have been locked since they moved in so (on the assumption that they were locked now) they must have always been locked. That's how "needs their brain checked" sounds.


Disagree that that's how it sounds, but ok


Hit it with a hammer. The lock, not the window!! Percussive maintenance!


Stopped reading at hit it with a hammer. Huge hole in window, nice breeze now, marked as solved ;)


Here to help. Please feel free to review my maintenance business, at justhititwithahammer.org.uk


Borrow a neighbours these are pretty universal


It looks a little oxidised. Maybe give it a shot of WD40


you can buy window keys from Timpsons. I took one in to cut last week and he gave me one of the shelf that was already cut, apparently they are all the same!


When I moved into my house there were no window keys left and a mixture of locked and unlocked windows. I sent pictures of the handles to a website called handlesandhinges and they identified the correct keys in about 10 minutes. I cba locking them really although it’s an insurance requirement so not ideal if you just don’t have any keys at all…


Hammer a screwdriver and turn, these things are as secure as a childlock Obviously if wd40 doesn't work, but wheres the fun in destroying things


Same problem I tried a flat head screwdriver and it worked


Until you get them sorted, if you're getting really hot from the sun shut the curtains. Mine do open but last really hot heatwave, on the second day I tried keeping windows shut and curtains closed and it took ages before it started getting hot, far far better than the previous day even though outside temps were worse.


A Bobby pin and wiggle it about until they click! We have the same issue and I just figured this out last week.


Assuming some of the tips here help you to open it eventually, note that these handles are a standard size and are cheap and very easy to replace. Once you can lift the handle, both screws will be accessible and you simply unscrew it. The screw holes are a standard width apart (43mm or something if I recall). The thing that tends to vary is the spindle length but there are a few standard lengths available. Keep the screws to reuse as in my experience you don't get them with the new handles.


If all else fails, use a brick.


If you have a similar small key it should work with a bit of pressure. A screw driver may unlock it too.


Those locks are really easy to pick or just force,a stiff strip of metal just smaller than opening and wiggle should have it open and then if you want to avoid faff in future can get a replacement for about a tenner and dead easy to fit


Aren’t all these the same. Do you have another window with this lock and a key.


This worked for us.


I have that window, put a cocktail stick in it and pull to one side push the nob and turn it.


Pop off the plastic cover to the left of the lock - expose the screw - you may be able to just screw the handle off to unlock


For future reference. It has 2 screws. The other is behind the handle.


Ah dammit


hawk tuah! and spit on that thing!


Thang 😉


Bit involved: get a lock picking kit. These are likely easy to open.


Thankyou everyone for taking the time to reply! I'll give it a go!


No good now, but they sell spare keys to windows at timpsons and locksmiths because they're all the same. The only problem is not knowing what the right key looks like. I've unlocked these windows with a pair of scissors though if you're still stuck. Slip it in, twist and open.


Jiggler lock picks worked for me, picked up a set from Amazon for around £6


Use a screwdriver, Not the hardest locks in the world to pick


Lift very hard, these things are not strong


Flat blade screwdriver should unlock it. Last one I lost the key for I opened with a paperclip. They are not high security by any means 😂


Open the door instead


Bend a paper clip and use is it as a key


Some people are saying use lubricant but in my case the plastic mechanism inside had snapped off and no amount of lubricant would open it. On one of them I used the credit card trick and got it open and replaced the handle using one with all metal internals. The other one I still haven't managed to get open yet.


Do you have another window lock like this one? All the keys are the same.


Take the screw cap off the handle. Unscrew it then should come away then find something to turn the thing under the handle


I can’t think why the mechanism would’ve given up however my suggestion would be break the lock and replace the handle. Handles are cheap and can be bought anywhere. To break the lock grab handle and yank. Those things are brittle as hell


This is the key you need for the handle if all other suggestions haven't worked: [Avocet lightening window handle key EE1 (handlesandhinges.co.uk)](https://www.handlesandhinges.co.uk/avocet-lightening-window-handle-key-ee1/)


The lock is very easy to pick. Try another small key or similar shaped object if you don't have picks


Open yur doors


Use a staple remover and shove the pointy part inside. Give it a twist, might take a few tries


Drill the locks pins out with a small metal drill bit then use a flat head screwdriver to turn the lock


Looks like the type where the lock barrel moves back into the window to secure it rather than moving a separate latch so I doubt the credit card trick will work. Looks like a Fab and Fix to me, could give this a go: https://upvcspares4repairs.co.uk/fab-and-fix-connoisseur-upvc-window-handle-key-sensei-range-fit.html


I used to use 1 arm off a pair of scissors to open and close these


My lock straight up broke I tried taking the whole damn window out but even with the glass out I can’t get to the lock mechanism.


Close the blinds, cover all the windows. Get a locksmith.


Why not buy a new key? There are some companies you send a photo of the handle and they tell you which one you need.


window lock keys are all the same for a manufacturer. send a message to https://www.handlesandhinges.co.uk/window-handle-keys and they'll tell you which one you need


Had a similar issue last summer, bought one of these and watched a couple video on YouTube and had them open in no time. Takes less than 10 mins for a complete beginner to do. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08SJ9RDCM. It's actually worryingly easy to pick the locks.




Easily picked.


There's a little pop off cover on left side of handle mount. There's a screw under it, undo screw and entire handle might come off, providing there isn't another on right hand side. You should then be able to turn spindle with pliers or something.


I had the same situation recently. I emailed the company that made them and they sent me some keys


Could need a shot of lubricant spray. Use spray specifically for locks. Wipe key with it too Once it succeeds, hopefully! Open all windows wide. With stiff washing up brush clean over middle frame and hinges get rid of debris then use the lubricant in all hinges and mechanism etc


My son learned how to do this with a paper clip when he was 10, because the key was lost to his. You'll find something on YouTube


You can get replacement keys Some places just send the Same pic and they'll know the brand and key needed These guys sorted me in the past https://www.lockdoctor.biz/contact-us/


Drill the lock out with a tiny drill bit, then peel off the plastic cap on one side, open the latch and unscrew the other one. Most hardware shops will stock those and it’s an easy screw the screws back in and new handle


Open the door and go sit in some shade 🤷🏻‍♂️


Find the key


I’m going to try these because although the house window keys are all the same, the porch window has a different lock on it so it needs to be forced open. Just another load of bullshit from the previous owner - I’ll add it to the long list…


Bargain bin Saw trap. You can buy a set of keys for them on eBay, there's not many patterns it's more to stop kids getting out than security.


The white bit hiding the screw on the edge, pop it off unscrew and install a new handle with a key they are about 3 quid.


If it’s not too stiff you can use a hairpin to open them too if you insert it ^ that way.


Flat head screwdriver.


Get a drill bit for metal, and drill straight through the keyhole. I'd say at least 6mm +


I would not do this. These are universal keys on Amazon for almost nothing.


I've also found websites where you send them a photo of the lock and they tell you which key to buy if you aren't sure.


That sounds cool.


Buy a replacement handle and replace it. The new one will come with a key.... Also, before you change the handle check if the replacements key works. They lock from the inside so I doubt they're individual.


Walk outside via the front or back door


You can break it open. Do it. Put some muscle into it.


Slide thin card between the handle and mechanism does the trick


Go outside