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There is a method of installing glass in these frames called toe and heeling the door. If this isn’t done correctly when the glass is installed adjusting those hinges can only get you so far. If you can find a good glazer that knows their stuff they will be able to adjust these doors into the correct position.


Now you mention it I do recall the last guy packing the glass with a bunch of spacers. I'm always torn between leaving people alone and asking questions about what they're doing as I don't want to be a pain in the arse. I do like to learn how things work though. You've given me something to research now so cheers for that, I appreciate the response.


Always ask questions. Most tradies should answer your queries, just don’t go too far and bombard them every 5 seconds. If you don’t ask then how are you going to know if they did something daft if you have issues in the future?