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Before you go getting the hinge changed. Clean it out and then oil it up. Looking at your picture there could easily just be a bit of dirt keeping that hinge from moving into the correct position


This, get the wd40 out and liberally apply it to all hinges (both frame and unit fixings) whilst constantly opening and closing the window and see if that sorts it out.


If the gap is on the hinge side then u most likely need new hinges as they are not pulling in correctly which could be a number of things like buckled hinges, the screws no longer holding the hinge correctly ect. Or even just fitted incorrectly.


Thanks, we thought it would be new hinges we need.


Couple of safety straps and that window can be removed from the inside, They are kinda heavy though. Just did 4 of them, I had to replace the locking mechanisms (after forcing them open because the mechanisms were broken) I also got to do one on a 4th floor, but that was an old steel frame window. I had to cut the riveted hinge pins to remove it, replace the broken glass (they are putty'd in) and I replaced the pins with SS bolts and lock nuts. I'm not worried about someone removing the bolts to break in, 4th floor. Customer got stupid crazy pricing to replace the glass, because everyone else wanted to use scaffolding or lift trucks. I did it for £200, including the glass.


Notice all that debris at the bottom of your window? No?


Not read all I typed?no?


Try window wedges/sashes, basically 2 slopes wedges, one goes in the frame the other on the window with 2 little screws and help push it together. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Window-Cavity-Closing-Draught-Sealing/dp/B08KY6G1KX/ref=asc_df_B08KY6G1KX/ Shop around a little and you can find um cheaper


These look ideal! A combination of these and some GT85 on the hinges should fix it! Thanks.