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Djcirclejerk approved


Send it!


You went to two events and you think you've experienced enough to know that djs don't actually mix?


Its ridiculous…. They actually have a better grasp on DJ culture and the problems it currently has after a couple nights out than most active DJs on Reddit do. lol


what a cute opinion




Yes, you just don't get it.


I do weddings and simlar. I've never scratched in my life. Feel free to take my dj membership.


I can't imagine scratching over a perfectly good record.


I don't really like scratching. I just like great mixes and smooth transitions.


Very few DJs scratch So few that scratching is kind of a separate thing aside from DJing, I havent got a clue how to scratch and I've been a DJ for 22 years And what's the original or remix thing? Why can't a DJ play remixes?




This is like saying “you’re not a real guitarist unless you play wonderwall”


shit tier bait, try harder


Being a DJ doesnt mean you have to scratch. In electronic and techno music there is no scratch at all.


I would laugh real hard if the forest psy djs I usually go out to listen to kept scratching over their tracks. On the subject of aux djs, I've actually had a female dj collective booked to play a festival back in '17. They used aux cables from their phones exclusively to prove a point that it's not the gear that makes the dj and that everyone can do it. They were throwing down hard and had people dancing all the way through.


There definitely can be. Look up Zeke Beats


Is this satire? Lmao




Lol is this a troll post?


>If I’m wrong tell me why I’m wrong Ok sure thing. So the term "Disk Jockey" predates scratching, and even predates the use of multiple turntables. The function of a DJ has always primarily been to curate, select, and play out prerecorded music. Things like scratching or mixing smooth transitions simply serve to add style and facilitate a steadier flow of music. They are not and have never been the primary functions of a DJ. Think about radio DJs or wedding DJs. These DJs rarely do much more than play songs and make sure they sound good. The point is to have a solid selection of music and to know what music to play in the moment. The idea of DJs playing original music is a fairly new one. It's only been in the past 20 years or so that DAWs have made music production accessible to the masses. In the contemporary age of DJs headlining concerts and festivals, there is an expectation that the DJ will play original music **at those events**. When you go to a school dance or a wedding or a bar though, the expectation is that the DJ will play music you are at least somewhat familiar with, not fill the set with their own original tracks. In other words, DJs have always been "people with an aux cord," (although that is a dramatic oversimplification of what DJs do). The point of DJing has always been music curation. Scratching, smooth transitions, and original productions are all optional extras, and aren't always what the event calls for.


If I go to a 140 underground show or a rave, I’m not expecting the dj to be fucking scratching lmao.




Brother it’s time for a hobby


You're wrong


Why would a DJ be scratching at a 'rave'?


O no!! They're on to us. ![gif](giphy|iFYsZAEU1SEWPDNDNj|downsized)




More baseless gatekeeping ......... For the love of god look up the term 'selector' before you post again. Please & Thank you.


It’s not on us to tell you why you are wrong. Read some articles or books on the history of DJs, or watch some videos. You have an opinion on scratching, but that doesn’t mean all DJs now need to scratch to be a DJ in your eyes. Similarly, a lot of DJs also produce, but that makes them producers in addition to being DJs. You might have gotten a more positive response to this is you simply stated “I enjoy DJs who scratch and produce their own music” rather than this poorly thought out gatekeeping.


I think you’re defining the term DJ far too narrowly. Some mix, some scratch with turntables and vinyl, some are professionals who just play music for weddings and parties and make a bit of coin for it. It’s a broad spectrum and gatekeeping the term DJ only shows your limited experience. Sure, some people put more or less effort into their playlist, but did the people there dance and have a good time? Did they get paid? That’s all that really matters.


mainstream edm is mostly fraud djing. Go to an underground show and get back to me. DJs didnt play "originals" during the 70s either lol. Also no one scratches at a rave.


You sound like an edgelord that isn’t getting along with their new “friends” at college well


0/10 bait


Wow. I hear some ignorant things on Reddit but this takes the cake. Maybe do a little research before you open your mouth. If this is what you think DJs do maybe you should stick to rock music.


Nice shitpost lmao


Scratching in a rave? A rave with electronic dance music? Honnestly you can scratch on edm but it is so unnecessary. I transition between songs but scratching… lol


You scratch only when playing certains genre dude, it just doesn't sound good with most electronic musics. But yeah mixing is not hard and anyone with a little knowledge of dance and music can do it.




>If I’m wrong tell me why I’m wrong. No.


I remember my first party.


Most of the time, you get the DJ you deserve. The problem is you being ignorant, not them being bad. Probably.


I don't think you have the slightest idea of what a DJ is/does ... I might even think you are trolling, but let's play along. A DJ is someone that uses technology of different kind (some examples as a list, not as "everyone uses all of them": CD Players, Controllers, Laptops, Turntables, Samplers, Sequencers, Drum Machines) to play music for the people to dance to. The music that DJ plays can be of different genres and sources, you can play tracks you realized from zero, existing tracks that other DJs (mainly called "Producers") released, or your own remix for existing tracks. Or even you can use sequencers, samplers, instruments and drum machines to create tracks live adding layer over layer to create something that is completely new, on the spot. Scratching is just one technique, mainly associated with the Hip Hop culture, which is not mandatory to DJ or to even define someone as a DJ. That's not a downgrade from previous eras. Back in the days, even more DJs played tunes that weren't their own (because there was less music around, being harder to produce and release tracks, especially in vinyl era). Last but not least, if you see a DJ with a computer, that does not mean anything different than using CD players: the computer is just used as song archive and the software that reads the tracks is on the computer, rather than the players itself.


awe what a cute little opinion




Spot on homie, the art is dying


There are DJs and there are people who just play from a playlist without mixing songs together. You can search a Rave-Playlist on Spotify and let it play all night long and people will have fun. But a real DJ reads the crowd and selects track that are fitting the vibe on the dancefloor...