• By -


And this affects dozens of people around the globe


“…taking time off to be with her children, family, and close friends.” ..because those were the only people who were coming to see your show.


"I'm heartsick and devasated that I'm not going to get the adulation and attention that I think I deserve. And that your efforts to see me, despite my ridiculous and greedy pricing structure, are not worthy of me and my talents. If I can't be the biggest star ever, I'm taking my Barbies and going home!"


There are artists and people who want to be stars. She's the latter.


Come on, people. Some people love J-Lo. Maybe smaller venues. She. Looks to tough to fret about relationship status. Ya think?


Yeah, she cancelled her Tampa stop early on and kept Orlando and Miami, but sales must have been low. Her tics weren’t cheap either.


I feel the story of marital tension was to deflect from canceling the tour due to lack of ticket sales. Edit: (apologizing if that thought was posted earlier or elsewhere and I didn’t see it)


Of course it was.


And it gives her the excuse of quitting to be with her family and kids versus talking about low sales (were the sales low??)


They were really low


Thanks! I figured but didn't want to spread false info as facts and didn't care enough to Google lol


I think they're done.


I mean…the children tho..?


Yeah that would affect the kids even if they knew it was fake. as shameless as jlo is, I don't think they would go downthat route. I don't think garner would allow for it either


Agreed; this "faking the marriage breakdown as a distraction" theory is such amateur stuff; they wouldn't, and wouldn't need to, go to the lengths they have just to get that gossip going.


I know. People just make up random theories without using common sense.


And the world heaves and sighs a collective "So what?"


I love how little everyone even cared and how devastating that must be for them




![gif](giphy|wFk7roIpDeXC0) No one else does, either, judging by her ticket sales.


The person who bought a ticket must be devastated




More like Jloathsome




Until next time…🥱


That type of messaging is also used when an executive is fired.


Her fans are called Jlovers?!? Anyway, I feel bad for her fans but not for her mean ass


I honestly didn’t even know that Why do I think she made that up


"A special message to my JLovers..." ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


Alexa play What's Luv by Fat Joe featuring Ashanti




Seek help




No lover. But your post is legit insane. Seek help. You need it. You are equally the awful person you think she is.


I lived in Miami for years. She has a house on Star Island. I’ve come across too many people who have had encounters with her and they can’t even put into words just how fucking *nasty* she really is to people. Karma *always* comes around.


I always got that vibe from her, never liked her and i’m very good at reading people.


I liked some of her early songs, but was never a fan of her’s.


yes to all of this!! i’m so stuck on Eiza Gonzalez trying to defend her. she’s proven herself to be a horrible person more than once.


Her music isn't failing because she's a bad person. She was a bad person back when she was a successful pop artist. She is failing because her fans grew up. And she's too old and untalented to compete with the young dynamic female artists who've been touring the past few years.


Hello, very true her audience grew up but, so has Madonnas and The Rolling Stones, Ozzy would sell out a tour if he was able to perform, Sir Paul McCartney and many others, I think also she's overexposed, 4 movies in 3 years, advertising skin care line, intimate line ,alcohol beverages, talk shows going on non stop about her forever love for the last three years followed by a film, documentary ,album, tour about her forever love and nonstop pics. People were tired of seeing and hearing about her, and she didn't/wouldn't/couldn't read the room. Add in the resurfaced interviews of her shading other artist while taking credit for singing and writing music she never did, Video of her rolling her eyes at the hotel doorman, and countless other pretentious and rude acts by her. Barbara Streisand could put some dates together and it would sell out because, she's has an amazing talent that any age would enjoy. Jlo has been lip syncing to someone else's voice and pop locking for 30 years.


Totally agree.




Absolutely right. I still love the older artists too. The ones you mentioned have a timeless talent that I don't think JLo matches.




Notice how you NEVER hear about any charities that she is involved in? Nothing about her visiting hospitals or giving away dresses for charity. She is one greedy woman.


Exactly. It’s been decades of her being a cunt to every single person she deems beneath her. Good riddance.


Amen! Agreed with every word. ![gif](giphy|J5jmQF8IwNS6Y)


Aging narcissist…should be a surgeon general’s warning tattooed on their forehead for people(eg Ben A) too stupid (eg narcissistic ) to see through the tinsel…I would imagine their life looks like ‘Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf’ but w/o the fun




Live in Vegas and word is MGM is considering cancelling her mini residency here too. I hope they do


I bet they do


I mean, even Kylie Minogue managed to do a residency in Vegas (though in a really small venue) and she had like three hits in the US. I have no idea about the size of J-Lo's venue or the ticket prices, so that might be the issue. She might also refuse herself to down-grade because that would be admitting it isn't selling well...


Well Kylie is a big star in Europe, like the equivalent of Madonna there. Not as well known in the US but she has a strong LGBTQ following. She's one of the hardest working, most professional performers too so I can see why they wouod give her a residency.


NO. Kylie is NOT the equivalent of Madonna in Europe. She's had some successes in the UK and Europe but she's never reached Madonna's heights in term of touring, overall record sales, or general pop culture significance.


They should just drop her hard on her thunder butt. She stomps around like a Clydesdale.


Neigh, that would be mean 🤣🤣🤣


I also read that they might redo the financial terms, too. She was slated to earn 1 million per show but they might pare it back to 500/600k per performance. Still a lot of money.




I pray this vapid piss whore goes down with Diddler, Lou and Pimp Mama.


Those poor fools who bought 3rd party are probably fucked.


Who is that dumb? Ticketmaster couldn't give her tickets away.


Hopefully those folks were few and far between, as I don't think any of the shows were close to being sold out


Exactly, no one bought through third party because no one bought tickets.


I get the impression she thought she was going to outshine Taylor swift and her fevered ego needed it to happen 


She thought she was going to be like Taylor and Beyonce. Like girll.... the delusionnnnn!!


She’s delusional


But I mArRiED BeN AffLEcK!


Will she also refund plane tickets specifically bought to go see her concert. Out $500


Why would you pay a bunch of money to travel to see her show? Serious question.


I will likely never travel specifically to see a musician. Maybe I’d do it for an artist known for her professionalism knowing she’d only cancel because of a health issue, like Celine Dion. The destination better have a lot of other fun things to do. Best to have a backup plan to enjoy your trip. These artists are so fickle and most have no problem disappointing their fans. Adele is another artist who comes to mind whom I’d never depend on.


Yeah, just personally if I'm paying to travel - I'm going to do more than just go to a concert. But the last time I have bothered to go to a concert (technically Warped Tour) was 2008 & it was like $70 for two days and a bunch of acts on several stages. With prices now? Fuck that noise and I hope Ticket Master/LiveNation are broken up.


This is why you need travel insurance....edit for spelling


I almost feel bad for her. She probably really thought she was going to make a great comeback as that amazing quadruple threat with that weird music video movie, album, documentary and tour. Everyone ways going to be like WOOOWW but everyone was just \*sad slide whistle\*


She is barely a singer, and people can’t afford groceries right now. De- lulu.


She's got people blowing smoke up her ass, along with her huge ego. This was always going to be a disaster.


Is she still with Benny Medina?


I read that she's doing tracks with him but I don't know if that's true.


I don’t know if you saw the documentary about the greatest love blah blah blah- but SO many people turned her down. Even Khloe Kardashian. Only thenDoes Jlo realize her script might actually suck.


I definitely haven't seen it, I'm not that much of a masochist 😄


Even when she couldn't find artist to participate in film/documentary, she was asked, what about Vanessa Hudgens and Jlo said..., For What? Me thinks she's still pissed about the movie they did together that bombed but, reviews were saying how the only good thing was seeing adorable Vanessa Hudgens🤷🏾‍♀️


She (vanessa) played her daughter she had to put up for adoption.


She has her head so far up her ass that she can't read anything. I'm no Manboobs fan, but he specifically asked her not to use his love letters and she hands them out. That's just wrong. If you have no consideration for your partner, than why even be there? I think that's why Manboobs is treating her this way.


Hello, I agree, Jlo craves attention and that was Ben Affleck's fault for participating. Damn, they couldn't get to know each other again after 20 years and shag a bit, Jlo after a couple months jumps into another relationship while stringing her kids along for another perfect blended family( her words about blending with A rod and his kids), And Ben Affleck jumps right in with his kids knowing she just did this with another man and his kids. Neither one of them had any business having kids or being married.


i think Ben was genuinely trying to be supportive so her showing those letters was nasty work.


I agree.


Yeah that irked me too. Like can’t you keep ANYTHING private. Even if she absolutely needed to she could have used one or two for inspiration and used quotes or something But the whole damn book!? AND ON TOP of that she made sure to get that in the documentary She’s just trash


The world was like 😬😬😬


There’s always summer state fairs, JBlow!


State fairs have some good bands. I saw some 80's bands at CA state fairs.


Move over, LeAnn Rimes!


Not LeAnn Rimes 🤣


I. Said. LeAnn Fucking Rimes. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


The real tea is here ![gif](giphy|3o85xGocUH8RYoDKKs)


🍻 Cheers!
