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We can add this one to the no shit Sherlock files


Well I wish Nevius luck with his book .He was her friend and O'Neal was a total controller .Nevius says Farrah DID have the colostomy operation to try to save her life , but O'Neal wanted that kept out of the documentary as he was afraid it would ruin her sexy image .The fucker .It might have saved her life and she wasn't ashamed of it , they just hushed it up according to Nevius .


Look at the relationship between Ryan and his daughter. He was a sick person who harmed everyone in his life.


I don’t know who got abused more Griffin, Tatum or Redmond. Hopefully Ryan is burning in hell.


He is honestly someone who never should have had children, he has wreaked havoc on anyone he has ever had a (platonic or otherwise) relationship with


Absolutely right. I read that he was angry with Tatum when she won the Oscar. Can you imagine?


Imagine feeling like you have to compete professionally with your 9-year-old daughter. ugh


Yes I feel bad for Tatum. All his children. And Tatum had a stroke a few years ago from a drug overdose.


I’ve always had a soft spot for Tatum.


Oh no, I didn't know that. It was heartbreaking watching her in the doc with her father. She went from Ryan to John McEnroe. That's a hard road.


Yeah she had to learn to speak again and I don't think she is 100% yet. These days she seems much more philosophical and at peace with her past, but also having to stay at home in recovery. The reality show was frustrating to watch but Tatum seemed so used to fighting with her Dad and was just resigned to it.


They’re both fuckers. I cannot imagine going against a dying person’s wishes, especially someone you purport to love? No. Just no.


Not surprised at all.


Ryan O’Neal was violent towards women so this isn’t terribly shocking. Pretty sure I read this in Anjelica Huston’s book- they dated.


He was always a complete scumbag.


He headbutted Anjelica in the face when she didn't want to leave a party they were at.


Producer-director James Orr was convicted of beating ex-girlfriend Farrah Fawcett during a brawl in which he slammed her head to the ground and choked her.


About ducking time w this POS. His reputation should as soiled as an unchanged diaper


how did Ryan get buried with Farrah? I know she didnt want that, and I just heard they are buried side by side in the same place??


I'm guessing she didn't have it as part of her will with an executor who would or could have enforced it? He was kind of a jerk but I always hoped she'd get back with Lee Majors. I'd like to think he would have taken good care of her at the end.


Wow. I can't believe I'd forgotten she was on Charlie's Angels for only one season! I was a little kid, but the pop culture zeitgeist around her and her swimsuit poster penetrated even my little kid bubble. I remember playing characters from Charlie's Angels and Grease with other little girls in my neighborhood. We'd fight over who got to play Sandy or Farrah. And then The Burning Bed in what was only a few years later, but because I was so young, it seemed a whole different era (and, in many ways, it certainly was). Would've loved to see her grow older than she ever had the privilege to be. As older folks used to say in my (former) neck of the woods "She's good people."


Eh hem! I was asked to be a stand in for Farah in the Burning Bed. But, they wanted me to cut my waist length Farah Fawcett hair that had taken me years to grow up to my shoulders so I said no thank you. I never have an opportunity to share that story so thanks for reading:)


We'd fight too and I always lost. I was the only one with super dark hair (which I love now!) and so I'd always be Rizzo or Sabrina.


Same! I'm brunette and olive skinned. There was no way I was ever going to win that battle. But, I tried. I certainly tried. 😂


I'm Jewish with the dark hair/eyes and I swear EVERYONE else was blonde/blue eyed. My mom found me coloring my hair with yellow crayons once because I REALLY wanted to be Sandy. In retrospect though, Rizzo was way cooler.


The same man who knocked his son Griffin’s front teeth out? He also took Farrah away from her husband Lee Majors. Lee was Ryan’s best friend.


He also hit on his daughter Tatum after a funeral not recognising who she was.


It was at Farrah’s funeral.


I thought it was but I thought even this POS couldn't be that crass. I can't believe I overestimated Ryan O Neal lol. ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc|downsized)


He got insanely jealous when Tatum won her Academy award too, she attended the ceremony by herself. As a child.


God, I didn't know most of this. I also didn't know he was dead until now, so it's not *all* bad.


Who said he hated his son in a Vanity Fair interview. Who hit on his daughter at Farrah's funeral. I hope he is in a very hot place.


He hit on his own daughter? As in flirted with his flesh and blood?


Yep, Tatum said he didn't recognize her.


Ryan O’Neal has always seemed like a huge piece of trash. I feel so bad for Farrah.


I will never understand why Farrah involved herself with this asshole. She could have been with anyone she wanted.


> I will never understand why Farrah involved herself with this asshole. She could have been with anyone she wanted. Sadly, it’s a tale as old as time 😢


Dude literally banged so many hot women during his prime. His looks and charm that he could turn on probably lured them in.


Not sure about the charm but he was not attractive looking to me at any age.


Apparently Ryan could be very charming and charismatic when he wanted to be. He and Warren Beatty were *the* dudes back in the day. Maybe that was part of the appeal? I never found either of them particularly sexy. Tatum said Farrah loved how “tumultuous” Ryan could be. My guess is she was used to men falling all over her and she liked that Ryan was a challenge. She married Lee Majors who was also reportedly an asshole. He was super jealous of her when she became famous and demanded she be home at night to cook him dinner. That’s part of the reason why she left Charlie’s Angels after one season.


If, as Carly Simon said the 🎶🎶 "You're so vain" was based on Warren Beatty and supposedly 2 other men, I would not be at all surprised if Ryan O'Neal was one of those two. He married Tatum & Griffin's mom when she was a pretty young actress, he left her a complete alcoholic mental case who was so deep into her illness that she had a drunken accident that literally left her maimed for life. I guess she spent the later part of her life with a mangled hand. Ryan O'Neal was a terrible husband and father.


I saw a picture of Redmond the other day and wondered if that POS Ryan was still alive. I can't remember and don't care enough to Google it. But I thought Farrah was way too good for his narcissist self.


not only is he dead, somehow he got himself buried with her in the same plot.....


I googled him. He died last year.




I'll sum up my thoughts with a quote from Bette Davis upon the passing of Joan Crawford. "You should never say bad things about the dead, only good. ~~Joan Crawford~~ Ryan O'Neal is dead...good!"


I have always loved that quote. And your username is wonderful!!


Wow! I've been on Reddit for a few years and no one ever clocked my username and now in one week, 3 people have commented on it! 🤣 That episode was so timeless and poignant. "You never know when you might need another rubber band." ::sighs and clutches chest in nostalgia::


It’s got to be one of my favorite episodes of the entire show. I love when she casually brings the bat to his house.


I hate it when these stories aren’t revealed until after the victim is dead and intervention is no longer an option. Mickey Rooney is another one who was abused in old age.


Iirc, Peter Falk & Casey Kasem were as well. People can be so f-ing evil man...


And Groucho Marx.


And Stan Lee.


And dear sweet Davy Jones. 😭 it will all come out one day.


i don't know anything about this, what?


She killed him. She might not have shot him, but the amount of stress she gave that man caused his fatal heart attack. Hate to mention it, but Michael Nesmith was also probably the victim of elder abuse from his controlling assistant. He too has died


I agree. She is a monster, and he went through years of hell. I didn’t know about Michael, I’ll have to look into that. How terrible. Here’s a lovely article about Davy’s daughters and how they have continued to care for his horses. https://sidelinesmagazine.com/weekly-featured/hey-hey-were-the-daughters-davy-jones-devotion-to-horses-lives-on-in-his-daughters.html


Fuck. I didn't know about Davy Jones 😔 That man was such a a treasure, it breaks my heart to find that out 😢


Nooooo. I didn’t know that. ☹️


I knew about Casey but not Peter too???? 🥹


Apparently Peter Falk's second wife interfered with his relationship with his children from his first wife. Peter developed Alzheimer's in 2008 and by the time of his death, his second wife had cut off all contact with his children. https://catherinefalkorganization.org/the-catherine-falk-story/


Goddammit. One of my favorites. I fucking hate people.


Fuck Ryan O'Neal. Poor Farrah (and Tatum too).


Also his poor kid


I remember an interview in which Tatum said her dad once hit on her when he was drunk. She had to yell, “Dad, it’s me!” I believe Ryan even admitted it was “sick” of him to do that. What a POS. 


That happened at Farrah's funeral...


Tatum had such a talent. People throw that around but she really did.




I remember reading something about some paintings that Farrah owned and she wanted to leave to a museum and Ryan O’Neal put up a big stink and wouldn’t turn them over and I think ended up keeping them in the end. I can’t remember all the details.


It was a portrait of Farrah by Andy Warhol. O'Neal arranged the portrait session with Warhol and owned it. 1980: Andy Warhol, a leading figure in the Pop art movement, created two portraits of Farrah Fawcett. The paintings capture Fawcett’s striking profile and vibrant energy, characteristic of Warhol’s timeless style. 1997: in a relationship with Fawcett, Ryan O’Neal is discovered cheating on her with another woman. The couple separates, and O’Neal, now involved with a new partner, gives his Warhol portrait to Fawcett to keep in her home. This decision is reportedly influenced by the discomfort that O’Neal’s new girlfriend feels with Fawcett’s gaze in the house. 2009: Farrah Fawcett passed away in June 2009. In her will, she bequeaths her art collection, including at least one of the Warhol portraits, to the University of Texas, her alma mater. However, her will does not mention the other portrait was owned by O’Neal. 2013: A legal battle ensues between Ryan O’Neal and the University of Texas over the ownership of the Warhol portrait. O’Neal claims that the artwork was a gift from Warhol for facilitating the portrait session. He wins possession of the picture, which O’Neal states is rightfully his. 2019: Reports surface that Ryan O’Neal was actively considering selling the Warhol portrait. Initially priced at $20 million, it is allegedly marked down to $18 million. Documentation accompanies the painting, including an appraiser’s letter from March 2018, valuing it between $21 million and $24 million. The actor previously stated that he would never sell the painting.


Where is the painting now that he’s dead?


It was her famous one of her by Andy Warhol. It was supposed to go to the University of Texas(where she went to college).


He’s a garbage person- or he was, if he has died.


Not at all surprised. There’s a horrid Vanity Fair article that came out soon after Farrah died about Ryan and Alana. Alana came off as fine as she didn’t say much (though she’s a piece of work) but Ryan came off the supreme asshole and ghoul. All he did was complain in that creepy, jokey way assholes have about how he couldn’t find Farrah’s assets and how mad he was that she didn’t make him the executor of her estate. Then he bitched about how much he hated his children. All of them. I read Tatum O’Neal’s book years ago and my god, that man was simply awful. He slammed his first wife’s legs in the car door when she showed up at his house once. Punched Anjelica Huston in the face when he got separated from her at a party and abused all his kids. 


"All he did was complain in that creepy, jokey way assholes have" like alex baldwin.


Didn't she also say she caught him in bed with her friend Melanie Griffith? I can't remember if she was of age or not. Still disgusting either way. I sincerely hope he is rotting in hell right now. The only normal kid he had was Patrick, who wasn't raised by him.


She did, and if I recall, they were both still underage at the time, so she caught her dad with her friend as a teenager. Believe she also claimed one of his buds SA’d her around that time and Melanie pressured her to do things sexually with older guys too. Hollywood in the ‘70s seems like it was especially gross and awful to kids.


Tatum really has been to hell and back and her asshole father is a huge part of that. I hope even with her health difficulties, she has found some peace with that shithead in the grave. (She's also so great as Keira in the SATC episode 'A Woman's Right To Shoes.')


Tatum is definitely one of those child stars who had tons of trauma and it puts her struggles with addiction as an adult in a different context. Unlike her POS father, she seems like she’s tried to heal and reflect on her choices, and make amends where it’s called for. Hopefully she’s found some peace.


She was fantastic in Rescue Me.


I was thinking about that episode the other day! She’s a great actress. I wish she’d appear in more projects.


Last I heard, she was struggling to relearn how to speak after a drug overdose caused a stroke and put her in a coma. That woman has been through so fucking much, it's heartbreaking. All because her dad was an insecure, jealous pissant over her winning an Oscar.


Oh, I didn’t know she was that bad off. Yeah, she and Griffith really didn’t stand a chance. Her mom was an alcoholic and Ryan was well, Ryan. Then she married McEnroe. 🙄


I think McEnroe was the only stable force in her life. Who raised the kids when she could not?


She's had a rough few years. I think the SATC episode was done during one of her better periods (she is stunningly gorgeous in it). Wasn't it at Farrah's funeral that Ryan fucking hit on Tatum because he didn't realize it was his daughter? I can understand spiraling again after that.


I love Farrah but she was a fool to ever take up with and procreate with that man.


It takes a special kind of POS human to literally torture another person that way. Perhaps his headstone needs to be edited and updated.


Once a shitbag, always a shitbag. https://preview.redd.it/gn1snbrnls8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d4e2151d28b3b8ddddbaa7504e6940aff40e4ac


Who is this? Its on the tip of my tongue!


Bea Arthur, from Maude and Golden Girls . A National treasure


Is, was and always will be a selfish, abusive P.O.S. Who never should have been allowed to procreate. The reprehensible things he did to his children again and again. I believe he stole from Farah too.


My friends all despise Ryan O'Neil.


Back in the early 80s, I remember asking my mother what was the deal with Ryan O'Neil. I didn't understand his popularity. He wasn't a particularly good actor - nor was he attractive My sweet mother then released her vitriol. (She was a model back in the late 60s-mid 70s, & she was in "the know" about O'Neil). To hear her speak of him was like he murdered her best friend. She conveyed that he was an absolute piece of shit drug fiend & habitual abuser of women & his children. His behavior was more than an open secret by the mid 80s, but he still kept getting regular work The world got a little bit better the day that he passed away. May he burn in hell in perpituauity


All my homies hate Ryan O’Neil


My stepbrothers and my dog hate Ryan O'Neal.


All my cousins hate Ryan O’Neil.


He was a piece of shit. I still refer to him as Ryan Fucking O’Neal from the old CDAN days. What a real POS.