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And take them to the back room show them a few fancy jewel crusted cloaks and coats let them have their pick. Then I would get their measurements taken and have the coat custom tailored for them ready by the end of the day. They're getting the jewels the custom fit and the expedited time frame for the money


If they go to a tailor, it would be nonmagical but fancy af. The tailor would start working on the spot after taking measurements and let every other customer wait until itโ€™s done. That sum is enormous ๐Ÿ˜‚


Perhaps more outfits to deliver after the deadline


Oh, it was, and I had to, multiple times, repeat it and clarify if they knew just how much they were spending. They were the most experienced player at the table, and it was just a staggering moment as I fumbled on how to handle it..


It would be magical, or the tailor would take the money and run.


I'd see about having an overcoat enchanted to be resistant to piercing and slashing damage


My player basically did this for a mask made of precious metals and a new outfit. For that price, they got to say exactly how they wanted the outfit to look and what they wanted it made of. But it's still just a mundane item, though I allowed the mask to provide +1 AC as a benefit


A tailor of prestige who feels responsible for the reputation of their business - "That's a gigantic sum of money, I'm going to need to arrange for it to be safeguarded before I can start work. There's no way I can secure my establishment with that kind of material risk sitting around, and someone like you draws a lot of attention. If you'd like to retain the gold until services are delivered, we can deposit the sum in full or portion at such and such location with a third party witness holding it until the completion of our contract. If you are merely wanting a quick turnaround, we can work with a smaller sum and I'll invest the difference in back into your enterprises." As far as the product, it would be of quality cut and quality, but mundane materials. Anything very special would need to be special ordered (more than a handful of gems, a large amount of exotic threads, etc).


First, the tailor would be confused, and probably protest or ask for clarifications. I wouldn't require a persuasion check, though, the player is specifically throwing money down do make things easy and quick. Afterwards, the tailor would get anything the buyer wanted, if at all possible. If the buyer just wanted something off the rack, the tailor would give them the best they have, but probably refuse part of the money unless the buyer was very convincing. Most people have never seen 2000gp, and that amount of money would instantly raise scary questions. "Am I in danger of insulting a noble here? Maybe these are criminals?" If the buyer wanted something bespoke the tailor would drop everything to make it immediately. They'd send people out to gather the materials, hire other tailors to get the work done quickly, etc. The buyer would get literally any outfit they wanted in one day, and the tailor would get a significant boost in their standard of living.


\*Snooty butler-type looks down at the players. 'EGADS! What is that disGUSTing coin you are piling on me? I only accept payment in Platinum or rare jewels." \*Brushes you out of his store with his hand like you just came to buy something with a sock full of pennies.


Eberron Rising from the Last War has Glamerweave, I'd let a player get some cool effects on their outfit, as well as thread-of-gold embroidery or jewels, for that price. Another potential would be rare and vivid colors that are hard to make in that era, like lime green or bright magenta. If you're playing realism, even true black or periwinkle blue could be very rare, expensive colors. 2kgp can pay for many hours of complex embroidery or beading, minor enchantments to keep the clothes from ever getting dirty or to make them self-mending, and may even allow a 'many fashions' effect where the PC can change the color or embellishments with illusion.


Depends on the tailor and their selection. That kind of gold could buy moderately enchanted dress. However a standard Tailor would probably just put them on immediate rush order.


They'd get some plate mail.