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Regular cycles. AMH is 0.45. Ivf not going well


I do! So far it’s  mostly just night sweats, except for when I was on Lupron and then it was all day and night. It sucks and is very weird because I run so cold during the day. I try to set the thermostat to as low as my husband can tolerate at night and that seems to help. I also have started to hold off changing my sheets for a day or two if I know my period is coming 😅 


The night sweats are gross. I think I need to turn down my heat at night. When my husband turns it up high I want to knock him out lol. I run cold from nightsweats the following morning. Lupron and other meds didnt change my night sweats. Have you done ivf?


Yeah. I just finished up ER #3 and am hoping to do another round ASAP. How about you?


I haven't been able to find a trend in my night sweats but oh my gosh they are awful. I feel like I also have a lot of mind fog. I just don't feel as on top of things as I used to be.


So sorry. I think I need hormone therapy. The constant sweating is so annoying


I'm sorry. Who do you go to start HRT? I've been super sweaty since I was like 12. I wonder if I've had DOR so much longer than I have known.


DOR symptoms usually starts in 20s/30s but I’m sure it is possible. Definitely do a hormone panel. You go to a reproductive endocrinologist for HRT.


More info needed. So you have regular cycles and ovulate and do you have your lab results?


I just did round 4! What were your results if you don’t mind me asking?