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I cleaned her eye boogie about 5 seconds later. She wasn’t exactly pleased with me…


I sing variations of "lil long dog" all the time ![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5616)


I say she’s my teenie weenie pickle pockle peony. The possibilities are really endless.


I pretty much have a playlist of pop hits I just sub in ween into and sing to my little dude lol


It’s like are you even a dog owner if you don’t do it?? Give me your top 3 ween sub songs that I can take inspo from!


I’ll step in with my top three I do. 1) Dancing Queen (Aka Dancing Ween.) 2) have you seen her ( aka the happy wiener ) 3) Sweet Dreams are made of these ( aka spoiled weens are made of these)


Omg I love all of those I’m stealing them right now!!!!! I love these damn dogs so much. I love all of you that love these damn dogs so much too!!


My girl is a rescue and still sometimes winces when I go to pet her from above. So today I wrote this lil diddy: I will never hit you, I will never hurt you, I will always pet you, I will always love you. I would never hurt you, except by accident, when you get under my feet and I didn't see you. The rhythm really is lost by the end. But feel free to use. Lol


1. This is so cute. Shes a gorgeous Doxie. The best breed and it cannot be argued lol. 2. What is the song that melody ur singing is from. It’s bothering me bc I know it but I can’t place it. Blues clues maybe? lol


100% pulling from deep in my elder millennial soul with the Blues Clues melody. You nailed it!


“Oh stinky boy. Oh stinky boy. How did you get so stinky?” To the tune of Oh Christmas Tree


I HAVE FOUND MY PEOPLE! 🥰😂 OMG, yes, every dog deserves a special song. I have at least ten that I sing to Canela and she loves them all. I love this thread, thank you! ♥️


Yessss. Same here! My Mom would make songs up for us and our dogs (dachshunds of course..) so it was all very normalized! I’m like ummmm yeah dude are you even a dog owner if you don’t make up like an album worth of songs for them???


Yessss all the time. She's just like "oh no, here she goes again" 😂 she's a good sport with kisses and tail wags to make up for the side eyes


I always sing tv show theme songs to my weenies! Whatever we’re watching, I just change the words to be about my dogs 😂


My default is to the tune of "La Cucaracha". Her name is Coco but her nickname is Bean. "She is my beanie, She is so teenie. Cutest little sausage dog. She's such a good girl, She likes to chase squirrels. She looks like a furry log." Or something like that.


YES!!! his name is shimmer and i sing "my shimmer, my shimmer, their shimmer, their shimmer, our shimmer, our shimmer" 😆😆




Every day.


We’ve adapted the Ponyo song for our dog: “waffles waffles waffles she’s a little dog, she’s a little dog from the town of [redacted], waffles waffles waffles she’s a little girl, she’s a little girl with a long tummy” And the “who’s that wonderful giiiirl” from nanalan, except “who’s that wonderful weeeeen?”


Definitely. We also had new nicknames for them almost daily. Lily was meemaw and Cooper was tinker boy. Man I miss them.


*Pinky, the pinky dog; he's a baby pinky dog!* *He could change the world with his smile* *He's the babiest dog!* No it doesn't make any sense :D


Mine likes to look out the window a lot to watch people and dogs go by, so I sing "how much is that doggy in the window" to him


I have a whole album I sing to my two chihuahuas. My wife knows the lyrics for all the hits.


I never thought about singing to my Lizzie before. “You are my sunshine, my favorite sunshine, oh please don’t leave me, my Lizzie sunshine”!


I use the blues clues melody to sing to my little dude all the time. Lol


His favorite is a special variation just for him of "Soft Kitty" (from Big Bang Theory)


"you're an eentsy weeny tiny weeny little leged fluffy doggo.. that I'll love for the rest of his life " sung to litte polka dot bikini song.


She is too adorable and I can totally relate to the song thing! We had a dachshund, Oscar, when I was kid and I was always singing to him, "Oscar Mayer Wiener is a puppy dog...do do DO do do do DO DO DO!" I'm sure he loved every minute of it. 😆


My Sharona- 'My baby Doxie!'


Mine is…I love you sooooo much. You are my sweet little boy. You are my sweet little boy.


That is so adorable, and you are not alone! I randomly made up a small one for Tyrion. It's sung like a toddler call and response, and I do it all the time. "Hello little weiner schnitzel how are you today?" "I am little weiner schnitzel I am doing well." Bonus points when you sing their part in whatever fun voice you made up for them.


We're going to the park, so you can bark bark bark. Barkin in the park Poop and pee and bark in the park. Lets go to the park!


All the time!


I sing a customized derivative of some old ass good night song melody when doing a proper petting session. No idea what the original lyrics are anymore.


Basically every single day!


I have turned every Beatles song into a personal serenaded to my beloved Cash. So I completely get it. Songs with lines like “All You Need is Cash” “Hey Cashy’s Mama” (Lady Madonna) and “Cash Dog Singing in the Dead of Night” (Blackbird) and so many more. Plus, when he was a baby we had the Pee Pee song to celebrate that he peed outside. So no, you’re not crazy, but weenie parents are a whole other breed of dog parent 🙃


Absolutely not


Beautiful pup


![img](emote|t5_2qpj2|5088) ♥️


Love it! We all do anything for our doxies


Pretty much on a daily basis!!


All the time😂


Wow, we really are a tribe. Mine half the time don't even go to known tunes.... But she loves them!


She’s so beautiful 🩷😍🩷💕


I can’t sing for shit but I still sing songs to them every day and if no one is home I even do a dance haha


Oh I 100% make my pups dance with me too. That’s a whole other video hahaha. I was too embarrassed to post that one though 😂


I do as well, depending on the situation. But my voice is not as nice. I use the theme song for "Bad Boys" and substitute Bad Dog.


Boooooom booooom boooom boooom, why don't you go do a zoom? Oh, right, cuz you'd rather stand there, staring through my soul here. Booom booom boom booooom I think I need some room, but it's never gonna happen, I bought me a DACHHHH-SUND!