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You're not imagining things. I moved to this exact area a little over a year ago. The 711 at Ross&Bennett got CONSIDERABLY more sketchy and dirty within the year. Last Mother's Day, my parents from out of town remarked how clean the area was and how few homeless there were.. I don't think they'd say the same today, honestly.


I’ve been followed home from Henderson up to Greenville & Ross… some guy trying to sell me hair appliances from his backpack and I kept saying no but he followed me regardless… Ross itself has gotten pretty bad


Ross has been sketch since I was a kid living here. The niceness was the new part of it


Yeah, I’d NEVER think Ross was a nice or good or safe area - EVER.


Yikes. I moved here in 2021 and didn’t realize that it was always like that. Idk why when I toured it didn’t seem terrible and then I just thought it declined


>I was assaulted this weekend at one of the more popular spots while waiting at the bar for a drink and despite asking the bartender and people around me for help, no one intervened until my friends saw and came to help me. How were you assaulted?


I walked up to the bar to grab a round of jello shots for my friends - co-ed group, we were celebrating a birthday, it was 9:30pm and I’d had 2 drinks and wasn’t dressed inappropriately just in case anyone thinks I was provoking this. The man next to me was very drunk, I didn’t say a word to him but he kept trying to speak with me. I’d smile politely and turn away, mostly because he was slurring so much I didn’t understand him. Then he kept saying “oh you’re so nice, I need a hug” so then he started hugging me and holding my arms down so I couldn’t push him off. Then he was trying to kiss me but I’m very tall, taller than him, so I was craning my neck to keep him from kissing me. Then he said it wasn’t a good enough hug and kept squeezing me tighter and grabbing my ass while I told him to stop and get off of me. I tried to fight him off but he was stronger than me. Made eye contact with the bartender who actually brought me my check while this happened and several others asking for help. One guy laughed but no one else did anything. Finally my friends saw and one came over and got him off of me.


I’d contact the police ASAP. File charges.


You really think Dallas pd is going to do something about this incident…. Think about it for a second….


Would’ve been a good choice at the time, but he was an absolute stranger to me and other than the fact he was a white guy wearing a pink shirt, I know absolutely nothing.


The bar may have footage of the crime.


And his debit or credit info if he bought anything and didn’t pay cash.


It's not a police issue when it's well after the incident. OP needs to do her own investigation by following up with the bar and collecting information, then file in small claims court.


I agree with you except not an issue for small claims court. Just learn to deal with things in the moment next time.


I mention SCC only because they mentioned "file charges". Otherwise, what would be the point in getting police involved?


And no one helped you? Man, that is fucked up. I'm sorry you had to go through that.




Oh, I definitely did


Lowest Greenville was a shithole in the 2000s. Stabbing almost every weekend and the M Streets residents got a curfew put in for 11pm or 12am. The clubs got taken down and nicer restaurants and stores were put in to gentrify the neighborhood (starting with truck yard and TJs) . Now some of the restaurants are wanting to be open later to maximize bar sales later in the night because they were damaged hard by covid. Its just a bad cycle. Most of these places will not make enough cash on the weekends closing at 11pm but the riff raffs who tend to drink a lot stay out past that time. Tough to gauge a solution


Which bar?


Jello shots. So I would guess Old Crow




Any place named Greenville isn't safe bro