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Pictures of yer skivvies being uploaded to a fetish website mid-cycle.


So the washer uploads those on its own?!? Man, that’s going to save me a ton of time!


It's very efficient. If you do a full boil wash, it'll set up a Patreon for you, too.


It'll set up a patreon of you* the money will be going elsewhere.


It's a money laundering operation!


CIA wants to know the colour of your underwear.


Oh come on, that's just crazy conspiracy talk! Everyone knows the CIA doesn't operate in the US. Clearly, this is the work of the NSA!


_Onlywashingmachines_ Edit: Never had these many upvotes in my life, just a token of appreciation, will remember this for my life!


It’s for stuck porn, but the inside shot




The washer is using cloud AI to figure out if that’s skid marks or a print design.


That gave me a right good giggle


Also, info. User washes his underwear after 3 uses. Ew. Also, two different sets of DNA were found. Does that mean the user shares his underwear with someone else?


Ah. The little horrors of laundry washing. Written by (smart washing machine brand name and model number)


We found a DNA match... You have 7 children who share your DNA.. you're a father.


Can confirm. Been using those pics for months. For research.


Or being used as part of a botnet


> Or being used as part of a botnet Can you elaborate more?


It’s a compromised device. Being controlled in a zombie net of machines. The uploads are sending jibberish files and data of large size that are being used in DDoS attacks. The IoT zombie apocalypse is upon us all.


Im 4 months into a cybersecurity bootcamp, this was my first thought too.






>bug in the washer firmware Can it be 1997 again? I'd love that.


might be shitty programming generating a ton of garbage data because of some conflict caused by an unsolvable/undetected component defect


Never underestimate the power of shit code to be wildly inefficient


Suspecting something along those lines or intermediate processing steps not being cleared.


Could just be too agressive monitoring and logging policies paired with no compression and upload everything policy. I've had way less complex systems rack up 20gb/24h in just very aggressive polling of many sensors, but that has been intentional and in development/debug settings.




It's fun, when you have knowledge on a subject, to read reddit comments. 99,9% of the people reacting have no clue in the subject but they sure do try to sound like they have. Good on you for correcting the above comment. I stopped doing that a long time ago.


square imagine wrong straight live fanatical smart shelter selective society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It already happened almost 10 years ago now and it's funny people think it won't again. It was so bad in 2016 the EU had to get involved so things like blood pressure monitors weren't becoming part of botnets.


My thought exactly. If it's an exploit that can be ran on thousands of machines then you don't even need to use them all at once. Keep the exploit a secret and use batches for small jobs. where I live I pay for an Internet speed. I'm guaranteed that speed regardless of data use... There's no warning for excess data use on my network. If I were the average American then suddenly had a machine use huge amounts of data I probably wouldn't notice.


I know a company who got hacked through a coffee machine with WiFi connection. How did this happened and why? The secretary thought I would be cool to get informed when the coffee beans end. So she bought a WiFi connected coffee maker and connected it to the company WiFi. Bam hacked lol


Remember when there were those Coke cans with the electronic sweepstakes thingy in them? The lucky person would find the special can, and a GPS-enabled button would tell them what they won. Someone brought one into a SCIF (specially shielded building/room where top-secret work is done). It was what folks in the business call a "career limiting maneuver."


Some of those IoT things use UPnP to get a port open on your home router so if they have some kind of vulnerability why not use them as part of a botnet?


On the contrary, it’s about searching out any exploitable devices and IoT devices are the most vulnerable devices out there due to their non-existent firmware upgrade schedules and a lack of secure configuration by default.


Ever heard about Mirai? There are a bunch of Botnets focusing on infecting IoT devices. They are quite insecure and people will not notice extra traffic for a long time.


Iot devices are common targets for botnets. The security can be terrible. I'm confused as to why you assumed the attacker started with desktop when iot has so much opportunity. Maybe you should check out that bootcamp.


yeah, and such a weirdly judgemental tone for a comment that's completely wrong


>Stay in that bootcamp Lmao


11.47 gb of telemetry????


Why wouldn't they? A vulnerability is a vulnerability, and if someone can compromise it and run code from it (proxy network, ddos bn, etc.) then they're going to do just that guaranteed.


Remind me why we need laundry machines connected to the internet?


Oh, haven't you heard? It allows for innovative new features, such as


Such as allowing your laundry to be part of a criminal conspiracy. Now, when your socks disappear, it's because they're in prison for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.


> extremely unlikely an attacker would pivot from a desktop/mobile to an LG washing machine Oh? Based on what? You're talking out your ass and that "stay in school" comment was both unnecessary and better directed to yourself in the mirror




Here’s a pre-read for when YOU start bootcamp. https://www.einfochips.com/blog/botnet-attacks-how-iot-devices-become-part-victim-of-such-attacks/amp/




you know you're wrong, don't you.


Why the fuck would a washing machine need to record and send telemetry to anyone?


You're an arrogant fool.


I understood about 15% of that. lol. I'm old.


let's say you hate [gogogoat.com](https://gogogoat.com) because the website name has too many "go's." So using your elite hacker skills, you recruit 500,000,000 washing machines and refrigerators to try and access their website at the same time. This crashes their website and people interested in goats that go-go can no longer go (to that website.)


The fact that people would even think to hack a washing machine is wild to me. Why the fuck is a washing machine connected to the internet to begin with?


Welcome to the question most of us have realized for a while now. Do we really need everything we own to be exposed to the internet for random assholes to remote control and/or brick? Do I really need to pay extra to be able to turn on all my appliances from the couch?




To turn it into a subscription service. 5 dirty underwear for 69c only.


Site is down


Oh no!


I need to start using the new Tide with VPN


The packets come in pods. Your computer will just eat them up!


Devious! What a meta way to give the Reddit hug of death to gogogoats.com! What is the hug of death besides an informal person powered botnet style DDOS attack! You tricked us into smashing your competitor on the guise of a fictional example of a botnet attack that turned out to be real!


How is site not real?! I’m very disappointed.


Just shows you how effective that ddos attack was hey.


But bloblogoat.com is still ok, right?


Appliances are sophisticated enough today that they are effectively computers with an internet connection. Bad actors search for security vulnerabilities on appliances and use them to gain control of them, do this enough and you end up with a "botnet" aka many maybe thousands of devices in your control. You can then use them all in unison to e.g. send a message to a target computer or server you want to, this overloads that target computer (called "ddos attack"), rendering the target computer unable to be used productively.


IoT devices typically have very weak security and software/firmware that, at best, very rarely gets updated. On top of that, IoT users often times don't change the device's default passwords and in some cases couldn't even if they wanted to because the manufacturer built it that way. Those two factors make them ripe targets for hackers. So a ner-do-well will essentially hijack these devices to do their bidding which most of the time is to be part of a botnet swarm. Botnets are essentially thousands (and sometimes a lot more) of devices that the hijacker can remotely control. Often times they are used to cause a Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) against a website or service they are being hired to attack. They do this by instructing all the devices to send malformed data to the target's public IP addresses. A firewall can easily handle messed up packets from a handful of devices. But suddenly it's getting hit by 20k washing machines from across the world all sending bad packets at once it can overwhelm them and whatever they are protecting goes offline


"Getting hit by 20k washing machines from across the world" is a crazy sentence.


This timeline is stupid.


It might be stupid, but at least it will be super clean.


We don't have magic but we can hack yo washing machines.




"Suck it, Jin Yang"


"Eric Bachman, this is you as an old man. 'I'm ugly and I'm dead'"


The Mirai botnet was a lot of cameras


My new microwave supports wifi. I fired it up because it's the first internet-enabled appliance I've owned and I was curious. But it's not terribly useful, and upon reading this I'm just seeing a whole lot of downside.


> My new microwave supports wifi. I imagined that it lets you see the live video feed of food slowly spinning inside from your phone or pc. Don't know what else it can be. It's "MAGNETRON GOES BRRRRR" device with timer and power regulator. Sometimes a couple more sensors for cooking some stuff the right amount of time. But internet? Why?


It's so they can spy on us, don't you remember.




So skynet could just be a bunch of Silly appliances ? 🫣


Silly evil appliances, yes. ... it's tough to find out that your fridge doesn't like you.


Ne'er-do-well* It's an abbreviation of "never"


In simple terms, a botnet is a network of infected computers that are used for malicious activities Any device connected to the internet, and this includes IoT (Internet of Things) devices, which is the case of this washing machine, can be infected by malware if they're exposed. Botnets are responsible for carrying out Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, which are what bring different online services. This is a very summarized rundown of this, feel free to ask further (or anybody please correct me if I said something wrong)


So my favorite website is under attack by hacked washing machines? 


Most likely. Hey! At least that's one neat extra function your washing machine got! /s


IoT devices are much easier to hack compared to things like phones/laptops so they are often targeted


Fur sure, there's a leak in that washer


Or they’re mining crypto


That’s actually an interesting thought. Obviously mining crypto uses a lot of power, but what if instead of half a dozen super power hungry processors connected to one power bill, you had tens of thousands of low powered processors distributed across the planet. If I bought a new washer and my power bill jumped $5/mo I’d never notice. LG produce about 14 million washers per year. So if the average washer lasts a decade, there’s 140,000,000 of them floating around out there (plus fridges and TVs and so ok). If all those 140 million washers were siphoning $5 of power per month to mine crypto, that’s about $8.4 billion per year of power. For a company whose 2022 profit was $2.7b, that’s a significant amount if you can turn it into bitcoin or whatever.






Ahh a fellow r/NonCredibleDefense expert


Just collecting data off a network to send to another network nothing to see here go about your washing


We ran the data and everything came back clean


There is too much load on the networking. Try removing some of those shirts.


I still want this data scrubbed immediately.


I await the day someone is accused of illicit activity because their smart toaster got hacked and turned into a tor exit node, and it only got traced as far as their IP.


This is pretty troubling lol


Have you seen those videos on YouTube where people's video alexas get hacked and people just are spying inside people's homes, it's really scary how quickly we could get to 1984


Yeah my favorite comparison is wiretaps. Everyone was paranoid about wiretaps and the NSA spying on us and we have just invited Google homes and Alexa's right on in. It's basically instead of hello Google/Alexa its hello wiretap.


Lol. You’re living 1984 right now.


At least I don't have to do calisthenics and praise the dear leader in front of my screen but I'm sure that's not far off when we get to handmaid's tale time


The only reason why we are not doing calisthenics is because it would be considered free healthcare.


Blessed be the fruit 🙏🏻


Under his eye


May the lord open.


Yeah, Orwell guessed that they'd be watching us from the walls with or without our consent. Instead, they put the cameras in our hands and we gladly hold them up to our faces.


I'd say we're closer to Huxley's vision.


Absolutely. Devices with programs optimised to generate maximum dopamine, willingly submitting to the algorithm


I don't honestly get why 1984 keeps getting promoted as this great dystopian dictatorship novel while Brave New World is reduced to a 2nd tier one. 1984 is a brilliant novel, don't get me wrong, but BNW is much more relevant to today's society than 1984 is. It's so scary that Huxley managed to predict so many things correctly about the modern world nearly a century ago. I remember being constantly nauseated whilst I was reading BNW because...I felt called out.


I don't understand why people insist on deciding which one was 'right'. They are about different things. 1984 is about fascism and the exertion of ultimate authority. It was a direct response to the regimes of Franco, Mussolini, and Hitler. Brave New World is about loss of humanity through progress and technology. It was a response to the industrial revolution and the Great Depression. Both of them are relevant in different ways.


I'm living in 2024, homie... Or am I...


normal yoke noxious bear chunky bake grey lip wine mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why people want to have those in their homes is a huge puzzle to me.


What about the mic?


****It is obviously laundering bitcoin****


In a hospital where I used to work. A medical diagnostic device went in for maintenance at the manufacturer. When it got back we noticed it was working fine, but IT insisted it was malfunctioning. Turns out, a technician had added some bitcoin mining capabilities... and it was trying to connect to a server on-line, alarming our IT department.


Congrats 👏


converting socks to wifi and uploading them to the cloud


Like Mike TV in Willy Wonka


In very early 2000’s I built a computer for my car to play mp3 (pre iPod). I updated the music by dragging a long Ethernet cable from my living room window of my apartment to the car. One day my neighbor came home while I was plugging it in, and he asked what I was doing. I told him I was downloading the gas I bought online, and he was blown away.


OG Mp3car gang checking in. Did the same back in the late 90s and 00s.


I wish my old roommate still hosted our website- I had the entire build laid out, was really proud of it. I still have it, my 18 yo son is convinced he’s going to resurrect it. Godspeed, my son. I still 🥰 the case I chose! You still have yours? Pardon the mess, he’s still really into legos, but here’s mine: https://imgur.com/a/CxSUGkr


Because he lit up a smoke or what?


So that's why socks are always missing?!!


But only one of each pair!


Why the fuck is your washing machine connected to the internet lmao


This is the only reasonable question lmfao


Why anyone in this day and age, and all the news stories out there about compromised iot devices, and companies collecting data. Someone who at a glance seems to be tech savvy would allow outbound traffic from a washing machine is beyond me. 


The actually tech savvy people will know that practically no iot device will work if you block outbound traffic 🤦‍♂️


There's a ton of people making shit up in this thread to be scared of. It's a weak ass microcontroller. The most likely case is that the thin-q api is a piece of shit and went nuts sending, or retrying to send telemetry. The app tells you when to clean the filters, wash the tub, cycles ran, what type of cycles, and energy used. Users can decide if that's useful or not, but a goofed up connection could send a ton of data if it's looping. There's another mention of a another guy's waher pulling 5gb and the captures all show the connection was to the thinq server. Most likely somebody on that end screwed up and isn't letting all the field connections sleep enough anymore.


Was about to write this exact comment. No one should need a fridge, washing machine or any other appliances with internet connection. Sounds like some Skynet-type shit if you ask me.


its not front loading or top loading model but an uploading one!!


Slow clap..


Mom I'm lagging turn of the washing machine!


Washing machines, cars, TVs, phones… you name it. It’s all part of the “convenience” at the cost of personal security/identity.


It’s uploading to… …wait for it… …tumblr 😂


The more I see shit like this the more I want to go back to mechanical devices. Just reliable devices with no electronics to worry about and are simple to fix. Is there an anti electronic subreddit?


I can’t think of a single necessary function for my washing machine or fridge or whatever to even be connected to the internet.


If you're connected to the internet, you can start the machine with your phone, and LG can track how much clothes you're washing to sell that data to marketers to give you ads about detergent or something


Why does anyone need a smart washing machine? SMH. Don't give corporations any more access to information about you. A smart washing machine will have an app, and that app will be on your phone.


We have a smart washer and dryer. Neither has ever been connected to our wifi. Never downloaded the app either. We only got them because it was the best deal at the time.


Yea they're pretty good deals now and then cuz they can make cash off selling your data. Its fine till they require connection to work


They are going to add detergent cartridges that has online DRM and cost more than the washer. Is HP in washing machine business yet?


Honestly, it seems like it's just a matter of time.


And a subscription


Or tell you they've been bought by a new corporation and from now on you must pay a monthly fee of $40 to wash your clothes. For the rest of your life.


Eventually it will bite you. There will be an obscure issue like your washer starting by itself or the cycles not running correctly and the only fix will be to update your software. Or pay a repair tech like me to replace the board and update it for you. Avoid smart appliances like the plague if you want something reliable for longer than it's warranty


Until they require a subscription service to let you start a load.


I was about to reply sarcastically about needing to know how dry your clothes are but the more I thought about it the more I wouldn't mind having a notification when a cycle is done. I have a terrible working memory and leave loads sitting wet in the washer more than I'd like. Not that I'd go out of my way to get one. But like, if the one I had could do that, cool.


I look at the estimated runtime before starting a load, then set a timer on my phone with an extra minute


Mine goes BUZZZZZZ


Set a reminder on your phone for like an hour?


Or just get the same washer and dryer combo I have. Once a load is done, it beeps. But it's STUPID loud. Can hear it from one end of the house to the other. It has absolutely woke both me and my wife up from a deep sleep. Plus, it'll beep again after 15 minutes if you never opened the lid or door. Sometimes I hate it, but with my crap memory, it's come in handy quite a few times


I've got that buzz disabled cause the cats litterbox is in the laundry room and I didn't want to terrify them while they were taking a dump. 😬


I mean cars are uploading our driving habits, conversations and whether we fuck in them so this seems like the logical progression. Just assume if it connects to the internet, it’s uploading data about you to companies.


This is not that. 11GB means this washing machine is infected with a bot net.


The dryer has been spamming me about some home depot gift cards


It wants to sell you an extended warranty


And this is the reason I'll never get a car that connects to the internet! I guess I'll die with my 2018 Golf lol


We just purchased our first new car in years. I hate it. I don’t need, want 90% of the “drivers assist” and assorted other software driven crap. And whose wise idea was it to think, oh cell phones aren’t distracting enough, lets put a interactive spaceship command computer monitor in the way.


Your Golf might be new enough to connect to the internet.


You're missing the point. THIS is why their wifi has been so god damn slow


11 gigs though? How much data is there to collect with a washing machine?


The owner must be having a lot of sex in it!


I’m confused. What’s the working theory here


Infected with malware and now part of a botnet being used for DDOS attacks (is what I read in a similar thread)


is there a way to reformat it?


Can likely reset to factory settings, or simply disconnect from wifi. If not, kick it off your router. As a reminder, only connect IoT device to the guest network as that won't allow admin access. Worth disconnecting any device that hasn't received any updates the past year if you want to be sure, I recently disconnected the soundbar as it hasn't seen an update since 2022


On the original post it was suggested all these smart devices are basically super easy hackable. Because the come with preconfigured default settings the same in every machine. Then they are a point of access INSIDE your home network and they can access anything on your network. They are used then as distributed computing for crypto mining or to stealing your information, every byte they can get.


> They are used then as distributed computing for crypto mining When your washing machine is literally laundering money.


Internet of things is just a completely stupid idea to begin with and the only people not benefiting from it are the people who bought the appliances. They get hacked or worse they are engineered to fail and cost the owner money. My dad bought a juicer and plugged it in and tried to turn it on. Error: internet connection required. Ok weird but gave it internet and it worked. About 5 times then said “cartridge needs to be replaced”. What cartridge? So check the manual and it’s this little piece that has to be replaced every 5 uses for like $10. At this point my dad is both confused and angry and starts taking it apart. He knows what he’s doing because he was an electrical engineer in the marines so after a lot of cursing and 3 different types of tamper resistant screws he starts reverse engineering the thing. So the “cartridge” is just a plastic block with a sticker on it. It doesn’t do anything but the sticker is a QR code read by an optical sensor to get a serial number that it uses the internet to track the usage of. Once it’s “used” 5 times the server disables that code and you have to buy a new code. Suffice it to say that dad ripped out all the electronics and wired a toggle switch directly to the motors and now it works great.


This sounds like a perfect dystopian type of story and I’m not sure I believe it is true. I’ll be happy to eat my words if you can provide the name of the product mentioned.


Pretty sure that's Juicero but maybe there was something else with a similarly awful business model.


Reminds me of that Juicero, or what the hell it was. Was on loads of Kickstarter crap type of things. Was it that? Or has someone made the same with different name?


Jesus fucking Christ this sounds like a dystopian nightmare. I fix appliances and have to deal with all this software bullshit that not even us technicians can figure out most of the time. We just replace all the boards lol. I'm pretty impressed he was able to bypass it and get it to work


Years ago I used to worry occasionally about a massive solar ejection causing a huge EMF storm that permanently fried anything electronic, worldwide. The sheer chaos and misery this would cause globally would be horrendous. Today, I can't wait. The downside would be just as bad but the upside might actually be worth it.


Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 7th January 2024 from an LG Smart Washing Machine. The cycle begins...


I actually hate technology now. Why does my fucking washing machine need an internet connection? Our old washing machine worked for 20 years and all it had was a mechanical dial. Will this piece of shit last even 5?


Gb ≠ GB.


Asus router? I believe I had a similar issue but with some other random device, and iirc it’s the interface that is kinda buggy and attributes traffic to the wrong device. Ip addresses might have been swapped etc. one hint at this is the Apple Message traffic type you see there, this might be an iPhone




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What tool was this that logs data usage by network device? I need it.


So this is where all my socks go


Man, call me troglodyte but these so called smart home appliances are nothing but a threat for us on so many levels.


Having a connected washing machine is what I find troubling, that "everything connected" trend is fucking stupid. Companies doing this make you pay a huge premium for integrating a buggy software they don't bother maintaining.


Lol in 6 days? That’s a tremendous amount of data for it to UPLOAD especially. 11GB is the same as 3 1080p movies saved to your computer. What could it possibly have to send out?


The day in the life of a washing machine. The inside story.


Why the fuck does a washing machine have wifi?


It’s just airing User’s dirty laundry...


Why did he connect it too internet?


Thats a huge load


why does a washing machine need acces to the internet? It worked just fine for the last 130 years without internet, and it's not like it is going to spin faster by uploading data.


WHY IS THIS SOMETHING THE WASHING MACHINE NEEDS. am I just old or is this super unnecessary?


Suck it jin yang


Who the hell connects their washer to their internet anyways? 🤷‍♂️