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Proof means NOTHING to these people.




We're outsourcing our hoaxes now..


Please do the moonful


\*screams in call center support\*


First it was Amazon walk out stores then it was Tesla FSD now moon landings too?


Fuckin bravo I had a good hearty, yet brief little laugh


Young people now don't even want to work as conspiracy theorists. Shame!


No bro, it's the global illuminati. They've been around since Columbus and have been manipulating the whole world ever since bro. It's so obvious when you think about it and stop being a sheep bro. (/s)


Next they'll say India isn't real.


"I've never *seen* India"




Suddenly 1.4 billion people ceased to exist...


But it’s not real. All the Indians are in Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma where they were discovered by Columbus in 1776. Try reading a history book.


Navajo Aeronautics and Space Administration


India was created on a Hollywood backlot by Stanley Kubrick. All those brown people selling aloo gobi in restaurants are actually Mexicans in disguise.


It's really simple. You just out-crazy them. Them: Pfft... the India orbiter didn't go to the moon, either. Me: PFFT. You believe in the *moon?*


I have an uncontrollable fear that the look on my face is revealing I think they're fucking dumb. I wish I could get past that.


They ARE fucking dumb. And then they'll say, "You think you're smarter than everyone else!" And then I say, "Oh no no no no no... There are TONS of people smarter than me. You're not one of them."


My mother whole-heartedly believes in chemtrails. Connecting to a global "dimming" conspiracy to block out the sun. I have pointed so much out to her but you'd think I would only need to point out the shear lunacy of believing that every airline in the world in every country, along with the people that make the chemicals and deliver the chemicals in vast enough quantities to service every airliner in every airport globally with the kind of infrastructure that would need and she says yes, they're all in on it. The mechanics, the pilots, the lab workers, the plant workers, the delivery drivers, the airline itself. Every one of them is in on it.


Wow I've never heard of anyone actually believing the dimming thing. And I live in TX...


India doesn't have anything to do with this, it doesn't even exist. This is a photoshopped image from the ministry of Truth.


Oh sure it’s photoshopped right. Next thing your gonna tell me is that Saudi Arabia photoshopped Yoda next to their king.


I like the explanation for the photos of the dark side of the moon. It can't be seen from Earth so all the pictures must be fake but the pictures taken all look the same. Therefore China, Russia, USA, ESA, India and Japan are all being paid to participate in a lie set up by the Soviet Union 60 years ago when they first took pictures of the far side of the moon. Who is paying China to lie about this? Some secret shadow government who has been pulling the strings for half a century even after the collapse of the soviet union.


Conspiracies are like cults. Even when they’re proven to be wrong by definitive evidence (like a predicted end of the world event happening) they only double down. Their positions aren’t reasoned into, so they won’t be reasoned out of.


It's the reason why it's always the weirdest things people can come up with.


All about ego and exclusivity. They want to feel like they're smart and part of an exclusive club to "figure" something out.


Its scientifically and statistically proven that people rather want to believe their own lies than be confronted with the truth, even when its well intentioned and beneficial to them.


A very successful person once recommended a closeted conspiracy theorist as a business partner to me. Holy hell was this guy stubborn when it came to his theories. I would prove him wrong constantly and within a week his stupid ways of thinking would creep back into his mind almost as though our conversation never happened. This was right before COVID. Once COVID hit I had already cut the connection but holy hell did that event turned him absolutely nuts. He went so nuts that people in town shunned him to the point that he left town. Trying to snap this guy out of it only made him 10X dumber and more ingrained in the conspiracy theories. After he moved, I heard from the neighbours that the cops would constantly be called because he and the wife would fight savagely. Just as they left, the wife got pregnant too. Uuugh poor kid.


True, it’s all CGI or a sound stage.


If Jesus and the Buddha riding double on a motorcycle appeared and flew them to the landing site in the side car, they would claim that the lander was just a somewhat unusual mineral formation.


Rubbing their noses in it would not make a dent in what they believe


They could stand on the surface of the moon, looking up at earth, see the lunar lander, and still believe it to be fake.


Then ask them to remove their helmets.


Proof is just factified evidence


"How much more evidence do I need to change a conspiracy theorist's mind?" "That's the neat part, you don't"


Big government faked those photos! You cannot land on cheese!


I am not a conspiracy theorist and I 100% believe we landed on the moon. That said, even before the age of AI and deepfakes, a picture like this is far from proof of anything. There were pictures of the actual moon landing when it happened.


>a picture like this is far from proof of anything I think having it be released by the official space agency of another country gives it a bit of weight


Lmao yeah I mean if they don’t believe the original videos and all the preexisting images, why would they believe these? Short of them physically going to the moon, what’s going to make them believe reality 


Ever watch that Penn and Teller show and they did that special on debunking conspiracies, and there was the one guy who was an alcoholic who would publish all these things on fake moon landings


You could put them on the moon and they would still deny it.


“You obviously drugged me with hallucinogens! I’m sitting in a government lab right now strapped to a chair! Wake up sheeple!!”


Shit man how do you know India isn’t in on it?! Probably the mooninites what gave em the images we’re looking at here! /s because some people really can’t tell


Crazy conspiracy theorist will always find something else


Psh, you believe in the moon?


The moon is real. My grandfather helped build it.


Lies it was a gift from the French after the war of Independence.


So it is made of cheese ..what else would the French use...to build anything


baguettes would probably hold up better on re-entry.


Send raw baguettes in space so they can be cooked to perfection upon re-entry.


Or even better, raw baguettes topped with cheese. You'd get a delicious grilled cheese sandwich...


That’s why we celebrate Cinco de Mayo.


I can confirm this. I was the moon.


Mine too, we should catch up over a beer


Wow u have such cool grandpas mine only help built venus


Mine didn’t help build it necessarily, but my grandpa swears he's the mastermind behind those lunar craters. Apparently, back in the day, he had this top-secret side gig as a moon surface designer. He claims he was just doodling on some cosmic blueprint one day, and next thing you know, boom—moon craters!


The moon exists. Birds on the other hand..


Yeah, birds are suspect AF.


You believe in the sky? It’s clearly a screen dumbass


I don't even believe in screens. Your move.


you laugh,but I've literally met a person that believes the moon is not real, that it's a plasma phenomenon, showed me an old black and white video of an interview with some "scientist" . the person is also a flat earther and believes all the conspiracies possible,from the mud floods to the fetus eating leaders , to the fact that ancient history is not real, and was actually made up by "those who rule us" ... LE : this is hilarious, a wave of downvotes. you sneaky flat earthers


According to the historical documentary The Empire Stirike Back by George Lucas, we can see that it's clearly a plant destroying ship laying in wait for the date of our reckoning.


I think it's the back of the sun.


Obviously, India is in on it.




Not to a conspiracy theorist, it doesn't. They'll just say _"This goes even deeper than I thought!"_


Is 2021 before or after photoshop was released?


Oh yeah like you trust what one country say about another country’s space program? Psh. All Indians are Freemasons. Yes all 1 billion of them. Google it.


In this case just more of the same. The conspiracy theory is literally that the moon landing was made in Hollywood. These photos could be easily faked in Hollywood in 1969.


No, not Hollywood in 1969, but Bollywood in 2024! (/s obviously)


When I tell them the U.S.S.R. radio-tracked Apollo to the Moon, and more recently that the Chinese space agency stated their lunar mapping orbiter could see the Apollo landing sites, their response was: Russia and China are covering for us rather than admit sending people to the Moon is impossible and their own manned lunar programs are a sham.


It’s a bottomless pit of rebuttals


You believe India has a space program?!? /s


"obviously this was made in a studio, just look at how much clearer it is from the obvious alien formation"


Those images are clearly AI generated, everyone knows the moon is made of cheese so anything metal on them would sink to the middle.


Damn, op is the owner of india How did you buy it, op




How much did it cost


An arm and a leg




Ah, it looks like it's beginning to rain.


No, I don't think so...


No, it's raining alright.


It's fucking pouring Hawkeye! Let a man cry with his metaphor, Damn.


I absolutely hate to know that reference


Amazing episode, managed to separate my life into before and after. Right there with Grave of the Fireflies and Bridge to Terabithia for me


I read the Bridge to Terebithia book in elementary school and thought the film was going in a brighter and happier direction based on the trailers... >!I was wrong.!<




Damn. Im talking to a vegetable


They didn’t say they were theirs


Damn you got me there


Clearly he accepted one of those car warranty calls and it was actually a call to buy India


You've got it all wrong! It's "free lunar lander - yours to pick up for free." Just submit a salvage fee to me in bitcoin.


About tree fiddy


2 lions, 3 lambos, 1 tiger, and a box truck full of RPG’s


wish . com


Surprised it’s not on Alibaba


*former owner, OP clearly says apollo 11 and 12 took it


I read it as Apollo 11 and 12 captured Indias moon orbiter. Thus, the moon landings couldn't of been faked as they've been waiting for their moment to strike all this time


Yeah, I mean these frames clearly reveal that each lander is maintaining an aggressive posture, poised to use those jumping-spider legs to attack with blinding speed.


That is absolutely terrifying imagery


You have good intentions, but you don't want to invite a deniers opinion on this. It'll melt your brain.


Yeah, you can’t argue with people that stupid. It’s a waste of breath.


Famous Mark Twain quote I remembered "Don't argue with stupid people. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Mark Twain needs to get off his damn death bed and help us out, the lazy bum. I'm ready to buy tickets..


My dad has somehow fallen into the fake moonlanding conspiracy in his 60s. He mentioned it once and my mom and I thought he was kidding, and it turned into a multi-hour long argument with him about how there's no gravity on the moon and the whole thing was shot on a movie set, how the ISS isn't real etc. He got all of it from instagram reels and tiktok and nothing we do can change his mind on it now. It's honestly pretty sickening.


So India is colluding with NASA. I knew it!


A conspiracy theorist dies and is at the gates of heaven. He is met by God, who tells him since he has lived a good life he will answer any one question he would like to know. the man quickly responds : “Please God- I must know… who really shot JFk?” God responds - “Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK. He acted alone. There was no second shooter at the grassy knoll.” The man shakes his head and says : “wow this coverup goes higher up than I ever guessed”


It's fake! Why is the picture black and gray? Where is the color picture? /s


Low on cyan


That's the real conspiracy people should be focusing on, where does all the cyan ink go???


Sorry, I was thirsty. 😳


Hewlette Packard... is that you


You can’t have color without air.


“The Indians are in on it too!!!!!!”


As are the Russians who congratulated the Americans for achieving such a feat.


Hey now. Let let them tag along. Any space exploration is good space exploration. Unless you're exploring space for species to exterminate. Like Omniman.


"The ship actually landed on the moon, but nobody was on it. It was piloted unmanned and the scenes of the moonwalk were filmed in a studio directed by Christopher Nolan!"


Nice try NASA! this is clearly a false flag disinformation ops. /s


NASA paid India to photoshop pictures of moon!


I mean someone on Fiver could knock this out in about 20 minutes


This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.


Do you see the small line going out from the lander? That's the footprints


Ya I noticed that, you can really see them in the bottom pic. Pretty damn cool.


They only spent about 2 1/2 hours outside walking around Tranquility Base (Upper pic) and covered a small area - understandable for the first mission Overlaid on a baseball diamond [https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/mt/science/Apollo11\_baseball.jpg](https://cdn.theatlantic.com/media/mt/science/Apollo11_baseball.jpg) Or a soccer field if that's your preferred unit of measurement [https://www.morethanmindgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/A11vsFootball.gif](https://www.morethanmindgames.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/A11vsFootball.gif)


Ha! What a cool diagram!


Absolutely amazing. Human footprints on another celestial body.


Not to mention… still there after 50 years!


Just wait til you see the landers that has wheelmarks next to them


I believe you guys, but I don’t know what lines/footprints you are seeing in this blurry ass image lol. I’ve been zooming in everything.


No need to zoom in. In the bottom image, follow from the vehicle to the “o” of the word Apollo in the top left. Those grayish pathways.


Where, I am unable to spot them


Duh, decades later, when NASA realized that Kubrick done goofed, and camera technology was only gonna get better, they sent up small rovers with [bootprint wheels](https://mkmpotterytools.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/MKM_Pottery_Tools_inclay_MRL-001.jpg) to make those trails and cover up the cover up. /sarcasm


That's A.I. look at the fingers. /s


I just can't believe how close Apollo 11 came to ending up in a crater.


One thing I’ll never get about the moon landing deniers is, if it was fake, wouldn’t the USSR have immediately outed us? It would have been in their interest to embarrass the U.S.


It's pretty consistent with conspirtard lore that the world's scientific community seems to be working in concert.


I love it when the conspiracy folks start a sentence with its well known, or most scientists agree that, then they never have names or sources. The guy on Rogan the other day actually basically cited his own YouTube channel as “proof”.


India is in on it!!!


Indias moon orbiter's deniers: "allow to introduce ourselves"


there arent any. we take immense proud in the work of our space agency ISRO


How cool. Would be nice if a closer picture is taken some day, i wonder how preserved things are after over 50 years.


Check out the images from LRO, many of them are clearer than these. [https://www.lroc.asu.edu/image\_tags/Apollo](https://www.lroc.asu.edu/image_tags/Apollo)


They will just say it’s fake.


You are making the perfectly understandable, but equally perfectly incorrect, assumption that these low IQ morons believe in facts.


Simply just the studio on the moon where the landing was filmed.


Big ass studio obviously only the best for our propaganda


Moon deniers will just claim the India mission is a psyop campaign to coverup the 'faked moon landing' I know this because my landlord is really deep into this nonsense and I've seen firsthand how they think


Hoaxer: "I see, so India's in on it too, then."


You can disect and dismantle all their arguments, it doesn't matter. It's more about having more control of their lives because "they know the truth!" They don't want the truth. You can literally take them to the moon, show them the landers, and they'd say "well you guys just put this here recently to cover up the fake moon landings in the past!"


This! It‘s a cult and what they call „truth“ is complete made up stuff.


About 10 years ago China also confirmed it with the use of their new high definition telescope. In 1971, Japan also produced photographic evidence of the 1969 landing. There is ZERO merit to moon landing deniers.


LRO also took pictures of the landing sites in 2009. http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/images/22


> In 1971, Japan also produced photographic evidence of the 1969 landing. The first japanese moon mission, [Hiten](https://www.planetary.org/space-images/hiten-mosaic) was launched on on January 24, 1990.




I mean, it's as easy for them as saying "india is on it too" unless you bring them to the moon to see it they won't believe it, and even if in the future we finally achieve affordable space tourism and you bring these people to the moon some will still say "they could have easily put this here recently to fool us into believing it was possible back in 1969"


India isn’t real. Space isn’t real. They faked the moon.


"Well now the Indians are in on it to" - Smooth brained flat earthers


Pink Floyd recorded "*Dark Side of the Moon*" back then--you're seeing the recording equipment left behind.


The deniers are blinded somehow. Idiots.


I wish these flat earthers would shut the fxck up.


Is that Epstein I spy?


They'll just say India is in on it. These people don't care about science or the moon. It's about being in the know when others aren't and being in an in group.


Theyd just say the pics are fake


They are part of the conspiracy. . . Obviously . . . /s


Pshh... Those are clearly photoshopped! NASA payed India to make it look like they actually did that! That's way more logical than the fact that they have actually done it


But India never landed on moon ! ~ Professor of Yappology


The deniers won't care, it doesn't matter what evidence or facts you present them.


No need to disprove uneducated rubes.


That is just proof. That doesn't prove anything!


It's almost as if we actually placed humans on the moon. Aside: does our moon have a name, ala Titan, et. al.? I could Google it, but I'd rather chat. And AI ain't Ana yet, soooooo...


I think Luna is a pretty common name for the moon but not sure if its official


Lies! Your inability to see through the facade just shows how deep into this you are! Are you a shill for the govt?! /s


So you still believe the moon is real?


Awesome pics!


They will still deny it


This doesn't disprove anything to these people. You could take them there personally and they would still deny it


"It's made by AI, just look at the details, it looks all wrong." Is what one of those imbeciles would say in response.


Have you actively engaged a flat earther? It gets old. Once someone has decided something is the truth you cannot convince them otherwise regardless


Fake. There is no moon…


Dang. India faking moon orbiters now. /s


I remember reading Apollo 11 almost landing in a crater. And yeah there's two big ones near it.


I miss when moon landing deniers were the peak of conspiracy theoriests


The conspiracy theorists don’t even have a standard for proof. No matter what you throw at them, they will deny it.


What IF.... we deny that India exists, and then we're back to square one again? 😃


"Disproving moon landing deniers." As if moon landing deniers wouldn't just claim this is photoshopped. Why even bother wasting the time?


2 sites is barely enough to establish a reliable data set. What about the Apollo 13 landing site? Checkmate!


Even if they themselves built a telescope capable of seeing it, I bet they would find an excuse


All made in a Hollywood basement


Russia, China and India: "we took pictures of the apollo moon landing sites and confirmed the moon landing." Americans: "we faked it"


Moon landing deniers are not a demographic that should be taken seriously in any circumstances. We don't have to slow down for that sort of disability.


If the soviets admitting the landing was real didn’t do it for them, absolutely nothing else will. The soviets had every reason to deny it.


Bro. Nothing needs to be proven or disproven about moon landings. These people are just idiots.


You could see the shadows on images from the LROC for quite a few years, though at a much worse resolution than this tbf. The information was always out there, but those people don't want to be convinced, they want to figure out some huge mystery and be special.


You can’t argue with these people. Moon deniers. Flat earthers. Etc. Every bit of proof you give them they just say “cgi” “fake” “that’s what they want you to think”. If your main argument is that all the proof you are presented with is fake, it’s like me arguing with my 6 year old that tomorrow is Monday, and she is convinced it’s Saturday. They always talk about nasa photoshopping pics and admitting they photoshop pics. Like no shit they photoshop it to make it look better. Hell my wedding photos have photoshop done on them to make them look more brilliant and better, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen!


Aw bless, you think they're going to be interested in reason.