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That wire fence doesn’t seems like much of a physical barrier… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


It’s not, just an illusion of safety. Those bears will tear that thing apart in an instant if they had the motive


Motive...like someone dangling a treat behind it?


And seeing all the delicious people on the other side


Bears think we look weird and slimy. They would probably be more interested if we had more body hair. Every time I run into one (almost), they react to seeing me like I react to seeing a snake slither between my legs. They definitely want our yummy food, but they have to be pretty hungry with few options to think we are worth killing and eating. If you are already dead, though, it might be an enticement. They like to bury mammalian critters and let them ripen, though, before eating them. Kinda like how some people like Kimchi and sourkraut more than raw cabbage.


another reason they may not react to us is that most animal predators identify humans as predators too bc all the big predators have front facing eyes. prey has side facing eyes


When the 'predator' isn't even a third of your size, it's prey.


Right. Larger predators eat smaller predators all the time. Still prey.


They eat all that fresh fish, meat and berries in the wild and we probably stink to them with our hair products and soaps and our probably tastes like crap from our poor diets.


It amazes me how wild they are for insects. They will spend all day tearing up rotten logs and lifting up rocks to get at grubs and larvae. I've even seen evidence of them eating hornet nests-- like scat made entirely of masticated hornets. Most of the bear scat I see this time of year indicates a steady diet of green grass, though. They are the ultimate oportunivores.


> like scat made entirely of masticated hornets r/brandnewsentence


When you eat it you become [*Ska-badabadabadoo-belidabbelydabbladabbladabblabab-belibabbelibabbelibabbelabbelo-doobelidoo*](https://genius.com/7619375/Scatman-john-scatman-ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop/Ska-badabadabadoo-belidabbelydabbladabbladabblabab-belibabbelibabbelibabbelabbelo-doobelidoo) the Scatman




It is. But sadly the only option if they were raised in captivity. I also really get that bears become really dangerous when accustomed to humans but its sad that we can't just drop them off on some remote island or something, there has to be a place somewhere in Alaska that is remote enough that bears like this pose no threat to us.


I don't think it's the threat to us, it's being raised by humans they don't know how to survive in the wild.


If you struggle with their perspective just imagine a naked cat.


If Homeboy begins to have a rough day, I would not trust the fence.








I would imagine the zookeepers keep him pretty well fed and happy to prevent having rough days.


If homeboy begins to have a rough day, then everybody around will have a rough day.


Lol I literally saw that and said “That looks like chicken wire. It’s designed for chickens. And even then it ain’t chicken-proof!”


Haha it's a little different than chicken wire. It would hold up long enough to get the fuck out of there at the very least. It's not an illusion of safety.


Ahhh so more of a “You don’t have to be first out the emergency doors, just don’t be the last.”


Last would be fine but not comfortable


Last one out is still better than The one not out.


It depends on the gauge of the wire, the fact that we can see it so clearly from this far mean it's probably 00 or better. Can the bear get through it? Sure... but it's gonna take him a minute to make a hole big enough to get through and everyone will be long gone by then. Also, you've gotta remember the zookeepers work with these animals on a daily basis, they aren't going to bring a rabid maniac of a bear into one of these rooms.


You know that and I know that; has anybody told the bear.


I sleep in the woods with these guys. They’re not aggressive. Most animal attacks happen because people act stupid around animals, not because animals just suddenly fly into a fit of bloodlust.


they should color it black.




They are well fed.


A polar bear would stand at the top of the wire fence.


The group is inside a circle so they should be fine


Well I don't have to be faster than the bears. I just need to be faster than the slowest person behind me.


Bears probably think they can't cut through it, but honestly seeing how the bear is putting it's weight on it, I fear it would one day rip apart.


I hope that chicken wire is made of adamantium.


Runite is prefered imo


Fishing levels?


I once saw a bear rip a food storage bin off a concrete pad in Tahoe. The food storage bin was anchored to the concrete. There is no way that flimsy enclosure is stopping a bear if they choose to have a go at it


And in Tahoe those are just little black bears. This Kodiak is about 3x the size of the bears in Tahoe


Yea some little bitch ass black bear ripped a hole through the wall at a cabin near mine to get at the fridge, them kids be fucked when shit goes down


... Oh it was sitting.


Bear with him he's still growing


How did he grow up?


Still shocks me that people don't understand animals are massive. And someone will always say I could fight - blank animal- no you couldn't. Even the femal Kodiak could wreck you in one swipe


I knew a guy who "got into an altercation" with an angry raccoon that felt threatened and cornered when the guy stumbled into it on his property. The thing was probably about 30 lbs, but it messed the guy's arms and legs up pretty bad. He ended up strangling the raccoon to death with his bare hands in defense. He had to send the carcass away for rabies testing and get precautionary shots. I dont know what the rabies test results were.


Near my hometown a guy was just about killed by a beaver when he almost bled to death getting bitten on the thigh


Christ, I can only imagine what kind of chunk those teeth could take out of you. That’s the thing about any animal…size doesn’t mean a whole lot compared to the potential for highly dangerous and skilled individual characteristics. If an animal can gnaw down a tree, don’t go near it.


100%. The guy near me accidentally hit it with his car on a bridge and he thought he killed it. He got out to clear the “roadkill” and it got him


That's how the only known death by beaver happened. Dude went for a pic and it severed his femoral artery. Although I haven't checked since then for any beaver attacks.


Same me and my 90lbs dog ran into a wild raccoon with my family and couldn’t outrun it because my mother can’t really run, so me having my dog on leash had to put myself between them and I came out unscathed thanks to my dog but holy shit I do not want to fight ANY animal ever. That little thing took two boot kicks from me that sent it flying over 10 feet away and it just kept coming back. I was trying to avoid my dig getting inbetween, but at some point my dog went for it, but it in the neck, shook it like a ragdoll before throwing it around, also at least 5 feet away. That thing had a near open neck after being thrown around by my dog three times and still wanted to come at us!! As an animal lover I was near crying, I felt so bad for what happened to it, and I was worried about my own dog maybe being bit or something. Thankfully he was fine but holy shit, that day I knew you should not mess around with racoons or wild animals. The way it kept coming back all bloody still haunts me today.


[The raccoon](https://media.tenor.com/WuJknIwp-FsAAAAe/i-didnt-hear-no-bell-randy-marsh.png)


That’s exactly how it was. Friggin’ bonkers


I could fight a coyote. Maybe even two. I would get fucked up by two, but I think I’d still probably win. I definitely couldn’t fight three and I couldn’t fight a wolf.


I could fight a capybara. I wouldn't though, cause they're chill.


How dare that thought even cross your mind !!!! Legit the universal symbol of Friend


Damn straight


Capys are so friendly! Love them!


I bet a capybara would still find a way to beat the shit out of me


I went to a wolf sanctuary 5ish years ago, at first they didn't tell us we saw younger almost pup wolf's and I'm not nah, they can't be this small. I paid 185 bucks to feed em and sit in an enclousure. They brought out a full adult and i was fucking floored. Bitch was HUGE.


It’s strange though because as big as they look, the biggest wolf ever was only around 180 lbs and rarely do they get that big. I say “only” because I was wondering how the hell Buck in Call of the Wild was supposed to be able to survive vs wolves and got into comparing what some types of dogs weigh, which can be significantly more.


Have you ever seen a 180lb dog before? Thats not a small dog


It is, but again, that’s on the really freakishly large size. The average wolf isn’t much more than 120 lbs and that’s actually very big for females.




It's the muscle / power the ly produce. Also 6.5 feet on hind legs.


Nah you couldn’t fight two coyotes, at least not the ones here in TX. They’re the size of medium dogs and they’re unnecessarily rude. I got chased by a pack when I was 16. My dogs bailed and ran off too like a couple of real jerk offs too. 0/10 don’t recommend.


I hit one north of Dallas and both me and my brother thought it was somehow a wolf when it flew over the car. Of course I didn't know how big a wolf was, but it was easily bigger than my dad's golden and I had always thought they were smaller. I used to see small ones roam around the Walmart parking lot at night.


"unnecessarily rude" Do they insult your momma when they steal chicken ? Or do they come and TP your house ? Or maybe they just don't warn you they took your car and gun to chase some fast bird ?


They were just a bunch of assholes chasing me through the woods. Unnecessary ass shit.


I had a friend that worked with the gorillas at the zoo. She took me behind the scenes one morning to where they kept them in the cages while they cleaned the habitat. They were in the cages when we did the tour in the basement. She warned me to keep my arms to my side as I walked through the hallway. I quickly realized why because they immediately started throwing themselves at the bars of the cage trying to get me. It was horrifying knowing that if they gonna hold of me it was over. Since then I’ve always given alpha animals my utmost respect. We aren’t always at the top of the food chain


I knew big predators/cats were big but seeing them up close is insane. On a long road trip we stopped at the Mountain Zoo to kill an afternoon before heading to our accommodations for the night. We came so late it was closing in 2 hours. The zookeeper saw my girlfriend and I showing interest and having a great time. She was cleaning a cage and yelled at us "Hey, do you want to see something cool?" I yelled back "Heck yeah!" She told us to meet at a gated door and took us down to a concrete room with a bunch of steel prep tables and freezers. She took a massive moving tub out of one and started giving us the rules. 1. Don't cross the yellow line on the floor. 2. Use the tongs for the meat. 3. If he takes the tongs, don't grab them back. Turns out that tub was full of horse meat. Fast forward, we are walking down a hallway that is probably 6 feet wide but 70 yards deep, passing by these large cage walls much like a prison. It's been silent the whole time besides the zookeeper talking until we get to the very last cage. The freaking **tiger** growled at us and I almost pissed myself. She showed us how to feed him the first two and then we actually got him to do some enrichment tricks such as roll over and jump up similar to the bear in the original video. That cat was massive. I'm 6' and didn't even come up to his armpit when he was upright on the fence.


Man that seems intense. What an experience though. I’m sure you’ll always remember it. And gained a lot of respect for big cats


Same to you, I get nervous around monkeys. Those teeth look vicious.


i went to a tiger sanctuary for my gf's workplace teambuilding activity, and we were volunteers to build a new hut for one of the tigers. it was pretty fun, we got to see lions and tigers and a couple more endangered species and such. i've known for a long time how BIG they were, but getting within 6 or so feet of them was something else! you could *feel* them moving and watching you, at least the ones that showed interest in us. those ones scared me, more than the lazy ones who were just napping, they wanted me to get close enough to grab. at one point they took some of the group to go take down some branches overhanging an enclosure, and showed us where they had to keep reinforcing and changing the design of the fences FOURTEEN FEET in the air, because the two lady tigers they had in there liked to try to climb out of there for funsies. they told us that all the fences had give to them, because it made it much harder to climb and break, and also that we should stay about 5 feet from the fences at all times, because that's how far they can push them out and grab you...also because some of the big cats like to piss on people i wasn't with that group, because they were using chainsaws on ladders and I was leaving on a trip to japan the next morning lmao would absolutely go again, it was amazing, but kinda scary


Size isnt all as well. I used to believe that humans would have a small chance to fight of a leopard unarmed. Than i learned that they hunt gorillas including silverbacks and have a 99% sucess rate against them. There is only one recored case where the gorilla won.


Are you sure about that?


According to the Google, the leopard is actually the gorillas only natural predator. I mean it’s not that surprising since leopards are pound for pound the strongest cat. And it’s not like the leopard is just swag walking up like hey gorilla let’s throw down bro. It’s almost exclusively probably a complete ambush situation. 


Jaguars are pound for pound the strongest cat; they’re stronger than leopards and tigers. Leopards are impressive, but they aren’t as scary as jaguars.


Not sure about the success rate against Silverbacks (most predators tend not to target the largest and strongest individuals in a group), but Leopards are known to have gorilla in their diets. They also have thinner skin than other animals, so leopard claws and bites can lead to fatal bleeding rather quickly.


I have a friend that told me he would hug one so hard it suffocated, and tried to explain his logic. He wanted to outbear hug a bear lol


You know what, I want to look up the maximum crushing power of a human hug vs a Bear now. BRB Quick search I could only find the power of a swipe. Bear 1000 psi / human pro heavy weight boxer 400psi


Both the bear and the boxer PSI should be much higher. There are boxers who can punch as hard as 1300PSI. But considering bears can break a Moose's spine with a swipe, I have to reckon bear swipes are many multiples higher than that. boxer punch: https://www.connectsavannah.com/extras/the-true-force-of-a-boxers-punch-2133328#:\~:text=%2D%2D%20A%20study%20of%2070,almost%201%2C300%20pounds%20of%20force.


I took a bear awareness course and they showed us pictures of vehicles that bears had opened up like sardine tins for a bit of food left inside. Then they tell us that bears are generally lazy and won't exert much effort unless they are desperate.


I could fight a single ant!


Thanks , but that's an insect


Oh I could fight 100 bears at once! Never said I’d win.


Sloth bears are tiny in comparison and they are more dangerous


A tame housecat can give you life-changing injuries if it feels threatened enough.


I m 6.2",190. I wouldn't take any chances against a medium sized dog.


Human flesh is so weak. We I use don't acknowledge it


Yeah, it’s quite polarizing. People tend to either significantly overestimate or underestimate human strength. The difference maker is and has always been weapons. Without a weapon, the average 180 lb man will have a hard time even killing a 30 lb animal like a racoon or a dog. Sure, you’ve got more than 100 lbs on the critter. But the only way you can realistically kill it without a weapon is by choking it out or repeatedly landing kicks on its head. And in the process you would be cut and bit everywhere. The only reason you would survive is access to medical assistance afterwards. But with a sharp pointy stick alone. The average man becomes a killing machine. Man with a stick is why the majority of the animal kingdom flees from humans on instinct. They are the ones that survived.


I think most humans would do better against something like a raccoon or dog if they were actively trying to kill it and not just defensively trying to get out of the situation. Humans can slam things around just like chimpanzees do and it's pretty effective. 


And throwing things. We killed a lot of animals by just throwing things at them


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the blessed machine. Your kind claim to your flesh as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the cooled biomass that you called a temple will wither and you'll beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved. For the machine is immortal. Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Nah bro, if I got into it with a Kodiak my ninjitsu killer instinct would kick in and it would be over in two hits, me hitting the bear, and the bear hitting the floor. One big haymaker, and wham, lights out bro. What, they think they're so tough because they can catch salmon, whatever bro, I'll steal his girlfriend and show her what a true alpha is like. /s is case it's nessesary.


The only way I could take a Kodiak is if I gave it indigestion.


I can totally beat it in a fist fight. It can't make a fist, I win by default. Not sure I would survive, but I would die knowing that I won.


Yeah, seeing animals through a computer/phone screws with your perception. For example, I knew horses were big, but the first time I saw one irl my jaw dropped. I can't imagine how scary seeing one of these bears in person would be.


Kodiaks are at least 2,20-2,30 mts. tall and 600-700 kilos natural killing machines


True. But there are plenty of instances of people actually fighting bears and winning cause the bear runs away after getting punched in the face several times lol.


If it's brown, lay down.


Idk about you but I can definitely fight a hamster


We’ve all seen the revenant, i could take two bears


You don't understand my mentality bro. When I see red grizzlies start dropping 😤


You know some pretty wimpy people I could take both of these bears on blindfolded


Like Mike Tyson trying to pay a zookeeper to let him into a Silverback Gorrila enclosure to fight it🤣


I'm not saying I could take on any big predators, but I will absolutely not back down to a fucking goose. I don't understand why everyone is so afraid of them. Your head is on a tee, bring it asshole.


Yeah well I could still take that bear, does he even lift??? /s


Nope, maybe you can win


You don't understand, I'm built different


Unless you can smash an egg with your bicep. I don't beleive you


Yeah. And what's even more crazy is a random man is apparently even scarier.


Im glad they put up that chickenwire. That could've been dangerous if those bears got loose.


My general assumption is that it’s never 100% safe to be around any apex predator, no amount of precautions is going to stop these highly specialized predator species from either defending themselves if antagonized or hunting us as prey.


Especially the biggest land apex predator in the world


Aren't polar bears even bigger?


>Aren't polar bears even bigger? Polar bears are the largest land carnivores currently alive. I think I'm right in saying that polar bears are also the only predators that don't see any difference between humans and other prey animals like seals. Animals like lions, tigers ect will 100% hunt and kill humans if they are desperate enough or feel threatened into doing so by a human coming into their territory or whatever, polar bears on the other hand will smell a humans from miles away and actively change course to hunt it. It's very rare for lions or tigers to charge large groups of people or wander into human settlements but polar bears will happily charge right into a group of ten humans or wander into a human settlement in search of a human to hunt without a single fuck to given. Polar bears are both amazing and terrifying animals. There's a reason why if you ever visit anywhere with wild polar bears, there's always a bunch of rules in place to stop you from being eaten.


Sure, same genus tho


That is why I always make sure have my distance to freshwater otters.


But they have chicken wire to hold them back


fuck sakes that's a monstrously sized animal!


Didn't the Blues Brothers play at that bar?


Still think I could take it in a fight


Hold my (last) beer


Hold my bear


For anyone wondering, this sort of training for zoo animals is not purely for demonstration purposes. Animal training at a responsible zoo will always be based on healthcare. In this case the medical purpose of this training would be to allow the keepers or vets to see the underside of the animal. That way if there is a problem, it can be assessed before the animal is sedated. There are a lot of training actions for different animals that accomplish different medical purposes. When I worked with Rhinos they had training that got them to lie on their sides so that their feet could be accessed. Also, the animals are never forced to train. If an animal is not in the mood for training, the general rule is to give them a really simple command, reward that, and then leave for the day (you always want to end on a positive interaction). I just say all this because animal training in zoos is so different from the training that you could see in a circus or similar place. At zoos training can be used to make animals more active participants when it comes to their healthcare which can drastically reduce their stress.


I would not trust that fence , if homeboy starts having a bad day


He's getting free honey. It's a good day.


How tall was the male bear?


About 3 small women.


Ahhhh thank you


The female bear is not standing up like the male bear.


Took a minute to find you but I'm glad I did.


I think she is. If you look left right before she says "In conparison..." you can see she does stand up


The bear is like, “Lady, I was comfortable and we were at face level. Now I gotta reach way up here… You better follow this up with some salmon.”


Where was this at and how do I attend?


This is Toledo Zoo, they offer these educational experiences for a variety of animals.


Hey 👋 thank you so very much for the reply. Looks like I need to arrange a trip to Toledo. I wish to get up close and personal with bears without risking my life




Haha, I love that video!


They have a lot of faith in that chicken coop


This chicken wire will protect you children.


That's what I was about to say


Elden ring players: *stares in horror*


worth the boop!


They dont seem happy. They would better be in the wilderness than behind bars , a fence! 😔


Some people actually think they can fight these things 😂


I definitely want more than heavy gauge chicken wire between me and those bears.


They look miserable


Fucking cruel.


Poor bears


This is just 😔


I truly hope this is just a temporary enclosure for them.


Anyone else have a heavy sorrow that the bears are caged?


All the women in the audience thinking "let those bears out and put that guy in there instead."


To be fair, she is still on her haunches and doesn’t have her back legs fully extended. But yeah, massive size difference.




The strength of those animals is something to marvel and respect. Nature is just awesome like that.


Chicken wire..... a fucking CHICKEN WIRE fence


I mean it's bigger, and it's impressive, but the female is in a catchers crouch. The male is doing a vertical at the combine. That female is bigger than 6' on its hinds.


Yeah…choose the bear


Why did I think that was a mic at first and they were going to interview the bear??? 😂


Dayum! Can you imagine "playing dead" if you were to ever encounter a bear this size in the woods? I would survive ONLY because the amount of poop exiting my body would be a deterrent.


That wire fence is built on mutual respect


What is the female bear holding on a stick?


The little baby bear with its cone at the end lol


Disney: "Hmm not direct enough, give the female curves to imitate humans shapes.


Should paint that wire black. Scare the shit out of everyone.


And how tall is the boy mrs?


From the looks of it, that fence would not stop those bears if they really wanted to get through it.


I’ve worked with grizzlies in the film industry, and they use an electrical wire that shocks the bear when their body touches it. Very quickly the bear learns not to go beyond the wire.


Someone: I could fight a bear.


I love bears


I really hope they have more space to roam than what is pictured here.....


Okay NOW we know about the Kodiak Bear


That, is, one BIG ASS BEAR 😭


He's a beefy boy


Death by Snu Snu.


And to keep those fatties all happy in that cage they feed em a lotttt. And that sucker can run faster than us 2 legged happy meals


You ride a Harley I ride a Kodak battle bear We are not the same


If a Grizzlie bear encounters a Male Silver back Gorilla who do you think would win?




Barehands? Who will win you or the person behind you?


Of course, with a blindfold even. Like what? I didn't get it


I learned that in brother bear


You see me in a fight with a bear, you jump in and help the bear.


The female is sitting. Not a fair comparison


You’ve never fucked a bear. I know you’ve never fucked a bear. We know you’ve never fucked a bear. Right now, I don’t want to hear about you fucking the bear you’ve never fucked.


Even these are dwarves compared to short-faced bears that lived prior to the last ice age https://www.reddit.com/r/Naturewasmetal/s/JvV7qv2VMf


No wonder I can’t get any bears to hook up with me on tinder. But when I go on Grindr, I have better success


And to think… Polar bears are even bigger.


If not friend why friend shaped?


This is disgusting. I hope the bears break free and maul everyone that room.


That cage does seem adequate


Remember bears don’t kill you first, they’ll start ripping and eating you alive.


This reminds me of the bear show at clocks trading Post in North Woodstock New Hampshire


In Kodiak, while hunting in certain areas you are instructed not to clean your kill. It’s grab and go. Bears in this area associate gunfire to a free meal. You do not have the time to field. You have to get it and get out of the area before they show up otherwise it’s no longer yours. Bears are big. In Kodiak, they’re bigger. Welcome to Kodiak Benson State Airport! Probably one of the smallest you’ll go to but is where you’ll touchdown if you visit. Elk in this area is what you want to go for! Plan it ahead of time and always be overly cautious. Double check things and make sure you’re mentally ready for the hunt. Have a evacuation plan if you need to leave the area immediately because of bears and remember that yes spray works, but only if the wind is in your favor. A .44 and above doesn’t discriminate and you dump that cylinder as fast as you can if you have to. Stay safe friends! Happy hunting if that’s your thing!