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James Earl Jones rocking a tie and suspenders for voice recording đŸ€ŒđŸ€ŒđŸ€Œ


True old school, "well yeah I'm going to work, when you go to work you wear a tie!"


Shit man, even as an attorney I hate the feeling of speaking with the pressure of a tie on my neck. Insane how he speaks like that with one on. /u/ryan_on_earth


If it’s putting pressure on your neck then you’re actually wearing it wrong. Your shirt collar should have about 2 fingers worth of room for your neck, and your tie should only be tight enough to rest up against the collar. There should be no pressure at all. Source: I wore suits daily for about a decade


Jeremy Irons, what a performance!


As a 40 year old woman that has seen this movie over a hundred times, easily (just in my own childhood, I don't have kids of my own), this... awakened something in me. JTT was my jam back then but I had actually never seen Jeremy Irons. I like what I see.


The dude could read me the phone book. All. Night. Long.


He did the audiobook of “Lolita”. It’s a disturbing book but a phenomenal performance


He was also in the movie.


I had no idea there was a movie, turns out there were two adaptations and the previous was directed by Kubrick. Well, the audiobook was enough for me


Hell, he made the first dungeons and dragons movie watchable. https://www.thedigitalfix.com/dnd/movie-jeremy-irons-best-reason He hammed it up to 11 in that movie.


When I visited Westminster's Abbey in London a long time ago he was the one who recorded the audio guide, was pretty cool.


Loved seeing him in Kingdom of Heaven.


Watch die hard 3


You know... your brother was an asshole.


"Gotta take the safety catch off."


I totally fell for him when I watched *Dead Ringers*! (Just as a warning, it's a very creepy movie.)


I remember reading an interview with Irons and the interviewer at one point said “you know your voice is catnip to women, right?” He just laughed in response.




I fuckin love him. Everyone always talks about Hans Gruber but Jeremy Irons is my favorite Die Hard villain


I have an unhealthy love for the third film.


Jeremys Iron... I'll go play with my ball.


You keep at it


Lotta people wanna handle Jeremy's iron


Honestly. It's sooo good. Watching him against James Earl Jones on video shows how good both were.


Just dawned on me that brothers have two very different accents, then again, they’re talking cats


The Lion King and other movies around that time really made me wish I could act ‘cause I’d *love* to play a stereotypically evil Brit in an American movie. It just looks like so much fun!


Thank the casting gods it was that Jeremy.. can you imagine if it had been Jeremy Piven?


"Hey Mufasa, let's hug it out, bitch."


Couldn’t have gotten a better cast of actors!


why is Darth Vader in Lion King!?!




That's a lot of nuts!


You must avenge my death, Kimba. I mean, Simba.


Why is Mr. Bean in the Lion King? They’re both damn good actors!


I was today years old when I learned this


He’s the King of Zamunda


...and Madge Sinclair (Queen of Zamunda) is Sarabi, Simba's mother!


Well, because He is his Father!


Because if you build it he will come


We have the meats! 


I never realized that Jonathan Taylor Thomas didn’t do that song. Maybe I just don’t have an ear for distinguishing, but I think they did a really good job matching voices.


The kid that sings it, instead of taking an outright sum, they gave him a smaller sum initially and he gets royalties to this day. He still gets paid for the song to this day


Yes and he still to this damn day gets royalty checks. His mom knew how to negociate his contract. They offered them like 200k or royalties of 12%.


It's funny, you never hear about the people that negotiated for royalties instead of a lump sum and ending up getting way less because the movie bombed.


Probably a safe bet an animated Disney movie in the 90s wasn't going to bomb. Lion King was bigger than expected maybe, but a I don't think there was a chance it would bomb. Royalties was a damn good bet. I suspect they only managed to leverage into that because the kids voice was so good and matched JTT so well.


Just read that he was offered $2 million and turned it down for royalties, that's honestly crazy. Good for him but it's really hard for me to accept that taking the royalty deal was an objectively better choice at the time.


Daaammnn! That is a higher offer lump sum offer than I expected! Kid better thank his parents/manager/agent/whatever every day.


The more I think about it the more confused I am. That seems like an insane amount of money to give an unknown kid for a singing part, I wonder how much JTT or James Earl Jones were offered? The only source for this information is the actor himself so maybe we should take it all with a grain of salt.


Lion king grossed over 5 billion, and its an iconic song. not surprising.


How would royalties like this usually work? Obviously he would get a cut of album/soundtrack sales, but does he also get a cut of the movie's profits? What about merchandise that uses the song (toys, video games, stuff like that)? What about stuff like The Lion King Broadway show and the new live action movie? I know each contract is different, but I'm just curious what would the standard.


Basing this off absolutely nothing my guess would be the songs are owned by a “separate entity” that licenses the song to the lion king film, the license probably has terms that determine the payout rate for each song depending on distribution method (e.g. movie theater, home sales, cds, radio, etc). That specific song gets x amount from every sale of the movie based on the licensing agreement and the kid gets 12% of X.


It's a common practice in Hollywood to screw actors out of their cut of revenue by making it look on paper like a movie didn't make a profit, despite how big of a hit it is. See [Hollywood Accounting page on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hollywood_accounting) for more info.


He says he was offered $2 million up front or royalties. I'm extremely skeptical - but if it's true I'm not so sure they made the right choice. If he would have invested most of that money he'd likely have way more than he made in royalties.


Nope tbh to this day Lion King is still a better investment because lets not forget we went through a recession back in 2010.


Even with a recession, the NASDAQ was at $600 in 1992, and is now $17,600. That's a 30x return from then to now. That 2 million would be worth 60 million now.


He was in Smart Guy too.


Hol’ up. That’s TJ’s brother?? I loved that show. The episode where TJ has to be the “emergency broadcast system” and does that high-pitched “ooooooooo” sound lives rent free in my head.


Ironically he could wait to be king, and it was the smart move


He was the older brother in the series Smart Guy... I think


Yes it’s Jason Weaver


I wonder how much


My daughter played it on her tablet the other day and to my ear, that kid sounded exactly like Michael Jackson.


The same singer here actually played young Michael Jackson in the movie The Jackson's: An American Dream, their voices definitely sound similar.


I was just thinking the same thing!! Had to do a serious double take!


Jason Weaver is the singer here. He was a pretty successful actor. He was on Smart Guy in a more well known role. His mom was the one who told him not to take the lump sum and get royalties from the song. She came from the music industry and knew the importance of royalties, especially with a Disney movie. Jason also played Michael Jackson in a very popular mini series as a young MJ


Based Mom. Reminds me of Michael Jordan's mother. Made sure her son got a cut of every Nike Jordan sold.


I love hearing about parents taking care of their babies. I can’t wait to retire so I can go work for mine. We are already talking about what kind of business they want to set up and how I’ll make sure they don’t get embezzled.


I’m glad to know he got money and has been a relative success- obviously a phenomenal talent. Still think it’s kind of lame they didn’t just cast him for all of Simba, but I guess they wanted to capitalize on the popularity of JTT.


See, I knew that but I also thought I knew that Jeremy Irons did not sing be prepared and that it was done by prolific well known voice actor, Jim Cummings, but this clearly shows Jeremy recording the song and it doesn’t sound like it’s bad in a way where they would have to have someone else redo it, so I’m not really sure what the whole deal with that was.


I believe Jeremy Irons damaged his vocal chords and so could not finish recording the song. Jim Cummings, the voice of Ed, just so happened to be able to do a damn good Irons, so finished the song.


Yup. Cummings steps in towards the end. If you know what to listen for it suddenly sounds like Fat Cat is singing.


It made me sad today to learn he didn't sing that kick ass song. I wonder if they told him as a kid his voice is shit and they were gonna cast a better little kid singer lol


“Jonathan. We’re going to leave your voice lines in because we already recorded them and I’ve got things to do. But I want you to know that your singing is ***terrrrible*** and we threw all that shit out. We’re going to use someone who doesn’t suck. Which isn’t you. Because you do suck. Bad. Like astonishingly bad.”


"Thanks for the feedback Mr executive đŸ„Č"


And Jeremy irons only did half of his


In fairness, he blew his voice out doing Be Prepared


I think it happens more than you think.


Danny Elfman ( Oingo Boingo ) did the singing for Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas but didn't do the speaking lines. It does happen quite more than you'd assume for sure.


Most Disney movies even. I think movies like the little mermaid where Jodi Benson did the voice acting and singing are the exception


It seems odd to point out that Danny Elfman was from Oingo Boingo without mentioning that he was also the composer of the movie. You're not wrong, but the way you say it suggests he only stood in as a singer.


Yeah he does most, if not all the composing for Tim Burtons movies. Guess that just wasn't the talking point I was trying to make.


Like My Fair Lady! Marni Nixon did the voice, even though Audrey Sang just fine. Fun fact--Martha Wash successfully sued C+C Music Factory and Black Box for using her vocals over thin women lip syncing (Martha Wash is large, she's the lady from The Weather Girls).


I’m the opposite, I always assumed Jason Weaver was Simba the whole time lol. I think I’ve always known he was the singer and just assumed he was the voice actor as well.


I’ve never seen this before. This is absolutely incredible!


Right?! One of my favorite movies. It brings me to tears


I wish it was the whole video. It loops but you could tell there was more.


TIL Mr Bean was in The Lion King.


You'll be mind blown to learn that Zazu was also in Mr Bean


Yeah I could see him with a bird fetish.


TIL Stacey’s dad (Mr. Carosi) from Saved by the Bell is Pumba.


That’s what I know him from.


I know him as the naked subway man from that one Seinfeld episode. I had no idea until today!


Ernie Sabella was a TV God in the 80s and early 90s. It seemed like he was in at least one episode of every show on TV.


also Cheech Marin!


When I was a kid, I used this knowledge to try to get my dad (a Cheech and Chong fan) to take me to see Lion King. He's not a movie goer, I can name the number of movies he took me to on one hand, so it didn't work, lol.


TIL the unmistakeable voice of Rowan Atkinson is Rowan Atkinson.


This video is what made me realize I had never heard his voice before, at least from his human body


“Itz a race!!!”


Not watching Blackadder is literally a crime against yourself


TIL that Mr Mertle the "old man who lived behind the sandlot" was Mufasa!


Recognizing the legend James Earl Jones for sandlot and not other stuff is actually wild.




Actually he's much more well known for training only the best of the best kickboxers to take on Korea


My world is shook!


Who friggan knew?!


Yeah. I had no idea either.


Jeremy irons is truly blessed. That voice is quite amazing.


Iconic voices. One of the highlights of my childhood


I grew up watching Lion King as a kid, but in spanish and the spanish voice actors have the same voices as the original voice actors. I don't understand how good they did the job to mimic the English original voices Even the famous song where little Simba sings more high pitched it's the same


Same for French, very impressive how the voices are so similar. They also did a great job adapting the lyrics to make things work better in French, even if that means the translation isn't 1 to 1.


Constantino Romero as Mufasa nails it on his own


Question: Do they do the voice then the animation, or vice versa?


Dialogue is recorded first. Its the reason these sessions were filmed, so they could pull out some personality from the actors mannerisms. The sneer from Irons being a great example.


They did the same with the Genie in Aladin. They just let Robin Williams do his thing with his comedy, picked the ones they liked and that fit the most, and animated the genie around the lines.


Well yes, they do the recording first, because they have to match the animation to what was being said. Even if they have the script and “know” what is supposed to be said, they will not know how the voice actor will say it.


For a VERY LONG ASS TIME IN animation the animation would be done first, then the voice over, where the actors would see the movie before their eyes as they read the script and try to match the tone of the scene. But after Aladdin and Robin Williams performance, where they would have Robin do his stuff, record it on camera, THEN the animators would match the energy and flow of Williams to make the Genie, they decided that it was maybe better to do it this way, wich gave much more freedom to voice actors and would inject a bit of the actors personalities and mannerisms into the characters, in turn making them more alive and genuine.


They can do both, depends on the production. Some they do voice then animate and some they add voice to the already animated video.


Script always comes first.


That doesn't answer their question.


*Exit, pursued by a bear.*


Is that chad at 1:12 Hans Zimmer? Damn, he was young.


I thought it was Patrick Wilson!!!!


i noticed it too! Hans when he still had hair.


Was Whoopi Goldberg one of the crazy hyenas? what!!!đŸ€Ż


She was Shenzi. She has no eyebrows, so they gave Shenzi no eyebrows (I don’t know why I know this trivia)


Cheech too lol


Apart from James Earl Jones, every actor is recorded with a Neumann u87 microphone, which is still the microphone they use to record dialogue to this day. I’ve done a number of recording projects for Disney and Pixar and they stipulate that it must be a u87 (2, actually. One 87 is placed 6” farther away) Edit: the James Earl Jones mic is an RCA KU-3A


How come?


Different frequency response at different distances. Think of a radio DJ getting *real* close to the mic when he wants his voice to sound extra low. Unless you meant "why the u87?" in which case the answer is: if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Edit: thought of something that is not quite the same but might be a helpful visual analogy. Assuming you're someplace that isn't, like, daylight bright - shine your phone's flashlight on some object you can see all the way around like a roll of TP or a coffee mug. Notice how the quality of light and location of shadows changes if you move your light closer or further away? Having two mics kinda does that but for your ears instead of your eyeballs.


In case the actor gets too loud. By doubling the distance, the farther mic has a better chance of not distorting. Didn’t have to do with frequency or anything. Most recording sessions I worked on, I only had the actor for a half hour. We didn’t have time for technical errors


Neat! Thanks for sharing


Why didn’t James earl jones get one?


I was wondering that. That’s a big ribbon mic I think, so it looks like they were trying to use a mic that would accentuate his deep voice?


Jeremy Irons is a world treasure.


Whadda you think Ed???  Ed - "Ahh AH OOoo HaHah"


I love Jeremy Irons so much. Seems to me he never got quite the screen acting career he deserved. So much charisma.


He was great in Margin Call (2011). Totally took over the scene when he first entered.


Jeremy Irons, Brice Willis, and Samuel L. Jackson are why Die Hard 3 is my favorite of the series.


It’s my favorite too, but I think I’m biased because it’s the first one I saw.


>Brice Willis Bruce's younger, nerdier brother didn't get mentioned a lot


I loved him in Lolita. I haven’t watched Dead Ringers yet.


The dude has an Oscar wym


He’s had a pretty great screen career.


I loved him in The Borgias as Rodrigo. He was also uncomfortably good as Humbert Humbert in Lolita too.


> he never got quite the screen acting career he deserved Is an Oscar not enough for you?


No clue the naked subway rider from Seinfeld voiced Pumba.


TIL Mr Bean was Zazu in the original Lion King Which also makes the fact John Oliver playing Zazu in the live action that much more amusing to me for some reason.


Omg I knew his voice sounded familiar from something else, Jeremy Irons played Brom in Eragon (2006) His voice is fantastic


Right? He could narrate a phone book or the damn dictionary and I’d still listen.


[Another clip featuring more from James, Nathan and Ernie](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/1dg2sdq/james_earl_jones_nathan_lane_and_ernie_sabella/)


Just when you thought you couldn’t love ‘The Lion King’ any more, seeing the voice actors in action gives a whole new appreciation for the magic of animation.


Gone are those great days for Disney with quality writing and acting.


I really want to hear Jeremy Irons read something like Dr Seuss in character as Scar I feel like that might be one of the greatest things ever.


Or.. maybe some dirty dirty smut fanfic.. maybe.. đŸ«Ł


Love watching voice actors in the booth. What a movie this was.


The "Everything the light touches is our kingdom" said by Darth Vader is something out of this world.


If you build it, they will come.


What was that quick clip of Jim Cummings? He that was random. Doing Scar's voice.


Jeremy Irons blew his voice out on the last part of Be Prepared when Scar screams “You won’t get a sniff without me!” and Jim Cummings covered the rest of the song. Matches him pretty damn well, I always thought it was Jeremy doing the laugh at the end.


Oh very cool! Thanks for that bit of trivia!


If you listen to the movie *real* closely I swear you can hear just a hint of Winnie the Pooh... (Not joking, but Cummings did an absolutely fantastic job. :D)


The goofy ass hyena guy had me laughing. I couldn't imagine making those sounds without losing it. 😆


Funny, seeing Nathan Lane is Timon, I always thought was Billy Crystal.


Wowie I wasn't ready for feeling these feelings towards Scar today.


When Disney had Balls and creativity and competent people making great content... \*Sigh\* i miss those times...


Holy crap I didn't know Mr bean was the bird?


I don't know why I like watching videos like this, but I do.




If you enjoyed this you might like [Tay Zonday's "Be Prepared"](https://youtu.be/f1lbeYSCh7A?si=wtA27Bt-hFA-0pG3) (Chocolate Rain guy)


How did I not know Mr Bean was the voice of the toucan?


Jesus Christ, did it really take me 30 years to realize that Zazu was Mr Bean.... What the fuck


I could watch the home movie this way


Holy crap. I was 14 when this came out, I had no idea who Rowan was then and I haven't watched it since those days. Amazing!


i need the full version of this!!


The way the voice actor for Scar says, "Long live the king," gives me chills to this day! What a phenomenal performance. Also I never realized that Simba had a different singing voice than a spoken voice.


Fun Fact: Jeremy Irons actually blew his voice out singing Be Prepared when Scar screams “You won’t get a sniff without me!” and Jim Cummings covered the rest of the song.


I can’t believe the video stopped right there!


100% perfect casting. Fucking amazing.


I was able to watch it on my phone. Top notch talent from a great movie! Can't believe its been 30 years ago!


How do I get Ed’s job?


darth mufasa!


Damn. Had no clue JTT wasn’t the one singing simba.


Thank for sharing this op


Wait a minute... are you telling me Mr. Bean was the voice of Zazu?!


So much talent in that film, very nostalgic


They have certainly proven it time and again to work, but I still find it wild that, for the most part, the actors are never working off each while recording their parts.




HOLD ON a moment. Did Mr. Bean voice.... Zazu?


Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger.


Mr.Bean is in the Lion King???


In classic hollywood animation, the actors record the voices first and in many cases are also filmed. The animators then match the animation to the voices and use film of the actors for 'cues' on expression. In classic Japanese anime, the animation is done first, the mouths are moved in an inexact way to the script, and then actors come in at the end and kind of 'dub' their acting to the picture (very much how actors dub lines to a film in a different language). I have always thought the hollywood way was superior, but it costs more money.


Feel like Jeremy Jahns gets shafted in comparison to JEJ when talking about Lion King. He is so much of why Scar is a great villain, his performance is incredible.


I was today years old when I learned Rowan Atkinson was Zazu.


Mr. Bean is the man


Who knew Scar was actually so mad because they threw his brother off Nakatomi tower in LA


We peaked in the 90s


"Don't worry. It's a movie about lions. You don't need to go hard" Entire Cast:


Yeah that kind of job is gone


wtf is that mr.bean?