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The movie was brilliant in the way that it teased the monster. At this early point in the film, the scale and horror of the shark remain a mystery, and that keeps the suspense building. Hiding the shark was also an easy way to deal with the practical nightmares that they had with the mechanical breakdowns of “Bruce”


It always ends up working best if there is a little room for imagination in films and literature. It allows each individual to skew the unseen into their own fantasy world. Comedies in my opinion work so well when this is done correctly. It really was brilliant for so many reasons. Some reasons I don't think, they even realized.


When I watched Signs as a kid my mom covered my eyes on the part during the entire big reveal at the end with the baseball bat. I had nightmares for about a week because my idea of the alien was just the sounds it made, the camouflage, and the silhouettes you get to see throughout the film. I never got the close ups. Once I saw the movie in its entirety years later, it was still scary, but way less so because I got the reveal. It’s here where I learned that less can sometimes be WAY more and the more implied terror is better than actual terror.


That movie fucked me up for a year as a kid. Right outside my window was a roof exactly like the one in one of the scenes. I always imagined there was something standing there when I was trying to sleep.


Same! My grandmas farm has so many similar elements to that movie just like that one. I still think about that barn roof scene when I look to the top of hers at night. Hauntingly good movie


Whenever I turn around something reflective I'm terrified there's gonna be a silhouette of something standing behind me. That movie was far more terrifying than it had any right to be!


Man I'm glad I was not the only kid fucked by that movie. I was scared shitless of cornfields for months. And I LIVED next to one, and corn is EVERYWERE here during the summer.


I've been huge into horror movies since I was too young to watch them, but that scene scared me so bad I couldn't sleep that night. 


The birthday scene was the one that gave me nightmares as a child. That scene is incredible.


That scene ruined my mind because I got this insanely strong sense of Deja vu when I first saw it and it was just a really strange, strong feeling that screwed me up fierce.


I was in my 30s when we saw that. My date and I both jumped in our seats!


Yupp me too. Definitely the scene that sticks with me the most— messed me up as a kid.


Just rewatched that final scene. I forgot that this is the movie that, possibly more than any other, made me say "oh come ON" at the end. Water is what kills them? They come to a planet that's mostly water, with a high concentration of water in our atmosphere, to fight us who are mostly bags of water...and water is what kills them? And baseball bats?...


Check out the theory that they’re actually demons, not aliens, and the little girl (minister’s daughter) is an “angel” who defeats them with “holy water.” Honestly makes more sense as a movie to me when viewed that way.


The entire movie is a crisis of faith for Mel Gibsons character, and he was sent divine messages from his dying wife. It being demons makes way too much sense for it to not be the case.


Also, when they put on the news after coming out of the basement the morning after the attack, a reporter says that three cities in the Middle East figured out how to defeat them. They're probably talking about the holy cities: Jerusalem, Mecca, and Medina.


I think the best stuff is always great in ways that are “unintended”


When J.J. Abrams' Super 8 came out, the overexposure of the creature kinda ruined it for my brother and I. We compared it to Jaws, Cloverfield, and The Thing in that much of the movies' success is in the building suspension of what the creature is and the capabilities it poses against humans/earth.


Also original Alien vs Alien(s). Back in the day, snobs such as myself felt that Cameron had botched the sequel. The first movie was so tense. The xenomorph only gets four minutes of screen time, and most of that is beneath steam and flashing lights. It’s all reaction shots, gore of course, and your fear.


Another one that fumbled the bag is Insidious. The suspense is so good but when you finally see the demon it’s just downright goofy.


yeah insidious was a genuinely creepy horror movie until darth maul shows up.


That first jumpscare got me so good until I went back and paused on it. Like what was the plan here lol


Aaaaand that touches on the other end of the suspense spectrum. If you are going to tease your monster throughout the entire film, you better be sure the monster is actually scary! I also say this as a massive fan of the Insidious series. The red demon wasn't scary in any way except as a jump scare, and frankly, I don't even understand where he comes in? The scene where Renee is unpacking in their new house and that mischievous little boy is running around was ten times scarier than Darth Maul listening to a one-hit wonder from the 60's in a furnished little demon closet space.


I just think Aliens was a different genre - more like an action movie vs the original being more like a horror movie.


Just like Terminator and T2


Yeah Aliens is fantastic. But we know this now in hindsight. I bet when Aliens was released, fans of the first movie were expecting more of the same.


Alien is wild I don't think you see the damn thing for like 60 minutes lol, just an hour straight of butt clench then the ultimate xeno release of horror


Cameron doesn’t botch anything. That fight at the end with the Queen and Weaver is absolutely brilliant for the time it came out.


JJ Abrams and Damon Lindelof not being able to finish things. Name


I think I agree with you but I'd phrase it differently: physical limitations (environmental constraints) are what initiates creativity/imagination which typically creates a more meaningful piece of art.


I remember reading somewhere that the only reason that Bruce’s first appearance is in the final scenes is because they couldn’t get it working until then. Spielberg decided to continue shooting without Bruce. I think it makes for a better movie, only catching glimpses of the shark.


And if you ever tried riding the Jaws ride at universal studios only to find it was inevitably shutdown for maintenance that day - before shutting it down permanently, you’d know it wasn’t just the filmmaker that had trouble making animatronics work under water.


That “ride” was dope


Yeah been on it many times over my 12 trips to florida, it holds a nostalgic place in my heart One childhood story is that my nan had been on the ride before and little 6 year old me had never been on it, so she took me on the ride, put me on the side where she knew the shark comes out the water at the boat 6 year old me proceeds to have the life scared out of me and cry, my nan thought it was hilarious and still chuckles to herself whenever I bring it up


The quick reveal followed by "We're gonna need a bigger boat" is so great, it's hard to imagine them revealing the head earlier than that.


Apparently that was ad-libbed by Roy Scheider, iirc.


Everything about the movie came together so beautifully to make an amazing end product


The first 2/3rds of the movie are not about a shark. They are about a man who is afraid of the water but is the sheriff on an island, which is a horrible situation to be in, and the story is mostly about his fears becoming more and more real as everyone keeps trying to gaslight him. The third act is when he faces his fear and gets in a boat, so it makes sense that we finally get to see the thing he’s afraid of. I know Spielberg had downplayed the creative intent of this and it’s just kind of how the film turned out due to technical issues with the robot, but he accidentally figured out how to make things scary. Good scares don’t come from the monster, they come from the characters’ fear of the monster.


Wait is that why the shark is named Bruce in finding Nemo ??


It is, and he’s Australian likely because of Monty python https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bNBy1D1Y0h4


Hah cool thanks!


yes, and also Steven Spielberg named him after his lawyer


BTS - Behind The Scenes....






That's also literally what shark eyes look like


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes.


Showing this scene in the form someone taking a photo when it leaps out of the water, maybe blurry, would have worked.


Its almost like a different take on the movie poster.


Let's not forget that Spielberg did a whole movie were you didn't see the antagonist (Duel 1971) and it was very effective. He knew what he was doing.


The water-level shots make the movie. The shark's consistent malfunctioning was a blessing in disguise, and it also helps that Spielberg is a clever cookie.


Kind of like the way the movie Alien (1979) builds up tension for almost 45 minutes before you actually see the monster.


Lot of similarities to jurassic park.


One of my favorite movie scenes of all time is the holiday roast, pier scene. Significantly more thrilling never seeing the monster, but knowing it is pulling the pier. Also doesn't hurt having John Williams scoring the scene.


The Thing mastered that art of hidden monster horror. Def took some nods from Jaws. I wish I could watch it again for the first time


The thing? The film where the characters first realise there is a monster because of this? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XwLYKNKXm_M


I love The Thing but I’d don’t know if I’d call it a hidden monster in the way Jaws is. There are quite a few intense effects scenes where you see the monster, it just looks different every time due to it being a shapeshifter.


That is terrifying


Ikr, the actors must have been really terrified during the filming of Jaws


I heard that on the set of Jurassic Park the T-Rex head was super glitchy and would periodically spasm and move on its own, which did a great job of keeping the actors on edge.


Never heard that but I do know they had to constantly work with the body due it basically being a sponge in those rain scenes, so that could be connected




They had a few different Jaws (Bruce), and the problem was just filming in the ocean in general. It is very unpredictable and time-consuming due to being at the mercy of mother nature. Also, George Lucas got his head stuck in Bruce's jaws when he went to see Steven Spielberg and how the movie was going.


Wait, is this why the shark in Finding Nemo is named Bruce?


Absolutely. And Jaws is called Bruce because it was named after Steven Spielberg's lawyer.




It's always interesting when I read a comment that my brain immediately thought of as well lol.


Somebody tell Mr Plinkett!


I read that Spielberg warned Kevin Costner against doing Water World because making a film with water is just a giant pain in the ass.


They had one of the models in Universal Florida for a few years ( 90\`s ), started to rot though, ultimately disappeared. Also had the train from back to the future 3 and the boat from water world long gone .


And also it was being weighed down by the water. There was a concern it was going to fall on someone and crush them.


Conspiracy theory: the guy working the remote was having fun and told them that as an excuse


This is actually true--I went to a panel at Phoenix Comicon that had the guy who created the T-rex model and he said that for laughs they'd turn the animatronic on to scare people between takes.


Yeah the rain really messed with the electronics a d made it twitchy


The scene where it smashed the plastic car roof wasn’t planned. It was supposed to come close, but it spasmed. So the screams are real, the kids really thought they were going to be crushed.


You got a source for this? Not coming at you but this sounds a lot like the whole “Heath Ledger improvised the exploding the hospital scene“


https://www.reddit.com/r/JurassicPark/comments/d46j5b/the_t_rex_was_always_supposed_to_break_through/ Turns out it was probably a misunderstanding of an interview talked about in this post.


The actress who played Hammond’s granddaughter has come out and denied that. Now, part of me believes she denied it due to legal reasons, but I believe her based on how that scene was filmed with the placement of the cameras.


Not true. The scene was filmed almost exactly as it was storyboarded. They planned the hell out of the T.Rex breakout sequence. It was even animated in stop motion so the actors could watch it and get the timing right. The scene of the tyrannosaur breaking through the roof was planned well before filming even started.


That is completely untrue and made up. Stan Winston was a safety fanatic and would never have been okay with that. The scene is storyboarded and they even did animatics of the animal breaking through the roof. They planned it way before the movie was even cast.


They shot it in the ocean in an area where there are actual white sharks too. That must have been eerie on top of working with the giant animatronic shark.


I mean, that lady in the intro did get her hip broken mid-scene by the device jerking her around. I’d say she was pretty scared.


From another sub...The actual rumor is that her ribs got broken by the harness that would pull her under water. The truth is that she was not hurt. In fact Susan Backlinie, the stunt woman who was in that scene has denied story.


If anyone is disappointed by that false fact please look up the movie "Roar" during the filming of which many people were violently mauled by wild lions, tigers and elephants. Many injuries made it into the final cut of the film. Its a wild and tragic story of horrific endangerment of children, animals and workers.


I still think Roar is one of the most insane things ever filmed. How no one stepped in and said "wait, wait, wait, what the fuck is happening, and why are we filming it" is mind boggling to me.


Basically everybody who could did exactly that. There's a reason the main cast was his family and the film was almost entirely self funded. Even the investors the film did have pulled out after meeting Noel for the first time on set (Noel was completely naked and covered in blood. Not the best first impression)


Damn what a shitshow


> The actual rumor is that her ribs got broken The actual rumor I heard was Marilyn Manson has his ribs removed.


Criss Angel removed a vertebra so he could eat his own ass


Uh... Did that work?


She herself said that this widespread rumor was not true. Different versions have her breaking ribs, in others it's her hip. She has said she was not injured at all. BTW, she died last month of a heart attack, age 77.


> BTW, she died last month of a heart attack, age 77 Likely due to the throttling she experienced while that scene was being filmed


If she survived a throttling in 1975 and lived to 77, seems like we could all do with a little throttling.


You're likely unfamiliar with Post Throttling Cardiac Response or PTCR. It's a very real but widely unreported medical condition. Similar to dry drowning. Rare but it happens.


Hate to sound like a jaws snob but she didn't actually get her hips broken during that shot, she was just suprised by the sudden Jerky movement as she did not know when or how quickly they were going to yank her underwater, her genuine reaction is what sold the seen more.


I have to chime in and dispell this rumor all the time. Still waiting for someone to bring me the interview where she states that she was injured, almost like it never existed lol


I never knew that but I think I’d full on panic if I were flailing in the water pretending to be eaten by a shark and I actually felt something super painful happen beneath the surface.


Susan Backlinie, the actress who played the first victim was not injured in that scene. She was startled by being pulled under water. She just died like a month ago so there were a few articles about her.


Nah she didn’t. Common misconception.


Hell, an entire nation of kids were terrified of going into the water that summer.


If by, “that summer.” You mean for the rest of all time and eternity.


My grandpa was one of the props guys for jaws!! He has a picture standing in his mouth ima have to find it


my dad's buddy was one of the engineers that helped build bruce. he also worked on a number of the epcot attractions. he had a ton of bts pics and gave me one to keep but a kid in grade school stole it. i am forever upset over it.


That's dope I'm sure my grandpa knew him he also worked on movies like the blues brothers and Henry and the Hendersons I think he has an autographed picture from Aretha Franklin he past in 2015 RIP gpa he's my doppelgänger 😅


Find it, blow it up and frame it. That is very cool


That is basically the plot of the movie.


Today I learned the word **Megalohydrothalassophobia**, and also that I have it. Just thinking about swimming in the open water near that thing makes me break out in a cold sweat, I don’t care that it isn’t real.


That phobia literally tranlates to "big water sea fear" in greek.


You're gonna **love** /r/thalassophobia/ then.


Also r/TheDepthsBelow


I got myself a VR headset for christmas. There is a kayaking sim for it. I love it. I can kayak in the Antarctic. I remember what they got there. I am back to kayaking on rivers. Those Antarctic penguins ain't gonna get me because I am smarter. Nice try, tho. Never trust the ocean. Penguins live in it.


I was thinking the same thing. How in the hell did that not make the final cut, ha ha


This thread just helped me connect the Bruce in Jaws to Bruce in Finding Nemo. I am not a smart woman 😅😅


. ..Holy shit balls. I never put it together either


I’m so glad I’m not the only one lol


It’s also sort of an Australian meme before there were memes. Here’s a bunch of Brits having a good time at Australia’s expense. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZymUMAu_fB0


Well I learned something today.


Poor Bruce just didn't want to eat fish.


It is hard making friends tho


To be fair in Jaws they never call the shark Bruce.


This is because Spielberg knew that witholding the shark's identity until the final act would heighten the tension. Or was it that they had never tested the shark's true identity in salt water? Either way, this makes the film.


I used to have a nightmare when I was a kid that I would have to go work on the animatronic sharks for the Jaws ride at universal. In my dream I had to dive down and do it while underwater… you have just brought back those memories…


Thanks for sharing that nightmare. I too now will share this nightmare with you. Thanks for that


You’re welcome. It’s awful.


Fun (?) Fact there's a name for this fear. It's called Submechanophobia, it's the fear of underwater mechanisms


>If we can find out what you're afraid of, we can label it. \- Lucy, *A Charlie Brown Christmas*


You just unlocked a part of me I didn’t even know- I also have a fear of giant pools , like the ones that they train astronauts in… is that also a fear others have?


I have always had this fear. Wave machines and animatronics are the worst


I watched Jaws way too young and would have nightmares about a shark coming up thru the bathtub to eat me. As an adult I look back and wonder why I'm scared of deep water and never learned how to properly swim and I blame my irrational fear due to this movie.


When I was a kid, in my nightmare, my parent were watching Jaws on our old CRT TV and I was so afraid of it that I would hide behind the TV and close my eyes, but despite of that I could still see the movie playing in my head. I had that dream a few times and it was so awful that more than 30 years later I still haven’t seen the movie.


Shame it didn’t make the cut it really helps support the enormity of the great white. Scale is horrifying.


This pic looks cool and terrifying but I think that actual video of it looked kind of stupid and corny. You could easily tell it was a fake shark. That’s a big reason why they didn’t use many shots of the shark in the beginning of the film.


George Lucas: “Steve, just re-release it with the shark added in CGI! Cha-Ching!” Stephen Spielberg: “Get out of my house, George.”


George: “Wait! Hear me out. If we forbid them rereleasing the unedited original, and periodically update it with a mix of 1997, 2004, and 2012 CGI, they’ll never notice how much it’s changed!”




Christmas Day Eve? Is it Christmas Day or Christmas Eve? 




If you were a kid back when the Jaws ride at Universal Studios was new you truly understand the pants-shitting terror of Bruce up close.


My 5 year old sister was so petrified of that ride that the attendants watched her while my mom dad and I went on (this was the 90s). They liked my sister so much they gave our family some kind of pass to go on a shorter line. I think it was like for people with disabilities. Felt a bit guilty but I was like 10 so whatever, man.


Oh man, I remember that ride. Shit was honestly scary. The animatronic in the water gave me the creeps.


Do they not have it anymore? I've been to Universal several times over the past say 15 years but don't ever remember a Jaws ride. The Jurassic Park ride was pretty well done too


Jaws was forfeited at Universal Florida to make room for Harry Potter.


Jaws is gone


Was this the one where you were on a train/tram that broke down and the street flooded and the shark attacked? I went to Disney in California aged 7 in the very early 80s and my memories are very muddled.


That was the studio tour ride. Jaws had its own ride as well where you took a boat tour through Amity.


I refused to go on that ride even when I was around 15. Fuck all that shit.


I remember as a child seeing that huge dummy shark sitting on a trailer by the side of the road at State Beach between Oak Bluffs and Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard. They were filming Jaws that summer on the island. Big excitement all around, and lots of locals were hired as extras.


This fascinates me. Please share more memories you may have from the excitement that summer.


I don’t want to see that little Kintner boy spilling out all over the dock.


You go in the water. Sharks in the water


Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...


Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain….


Farewell and adieu to you ladies of Spain...


So, eleven hundred men went into the water. 316 men come out, the sharks took the rest, June the 29th, 1945. Anyway, we delivered the bomb.


I’m not talkin about pleasure boatin or day sailing… I’m talkin about workin for a living I’m talkin about **SHAAHRKIN!**


My boy is dead. I wanted you to know that.


Fellas, please can we get a picture for the paper?


As someone who had a (random ass) nightmare wake me up last night of a shark eating me in half...i didn't need to see this today lol


Ello, I'm Bruce!


Every single time someone inexplicably shortens "behind the scenes" to "BTS" I think of the pop group.


I thought they were abbreviating Bruce The Shark.


Same. Even before I got into KPOP, seeing the acronym "BTS" always made me think of the group first.


I've never actually heard their music.


"Inexplicably"? I don't think that means what you think it means


First three and a half minutes of that movie messed me up on oceans for years. I took up surfing and scuba diving to get me over it. I was twelve, it was the first showing and the theater was so crowded my dad and I had to sit on opposite sides.


On one hand, the shark being hidden for most of the film was a genius, albeit unintentional idea. It kept you wondering what it was like, and yet when it is revealed, it was terrifying. It looked like an unnatural great white which stands out today still compared to many sharks you'd see in other shark movies (mostly being generic GWs). And yet, on the other, this would've been a haunting image, especially in black and white like this. It actually makes for better material once you've seen the movie, like you're looking through the character's perspective, their memories of this day, or memories they've created of the monster in their heads.


Agree especially the unnatural GW part. Its like the Freddy of sharks. Scarred up, fucked up proportions.  I would have liked to have seen this added it's terrifying


I think TNT ran this movie no less than 8 billion times throughout my childhood *Smile you ugly sonofabitch…*


That just looks phenomenal. Currently watching Jaws again right now and just passed this scene like 20 min ago. Kinda wish they kept this shot in


Nah, man. This is a photo and it looks cool, but in motion it was an obvious fake and you’re thinking with today’s “put the money on the screen” sensibility. The beach scenes are note-perfect as they are. This movie was terrifying because you *didn’t* see the shark. *Couldn’t* see the shark. Make that movie today and you’ll have 50 shots of that shark swimming around under the boat and a bunch of unrealistic POV shots.


The Meg was fun but it's no Jaws


The Meg is so corny. I don’t see how people can even compare it to Jaws.


They both have sharks. So that solves that


Not just that, but there's also water. So, basically the same movie.


“Did not make the final cut” That bites


'The shark is not working'


My favorite part of that attack scene is how they only showed a glimpse of these massive fins rolling in the red water. Showing the shark as late as possible was key.


FYI the initials BTS means "behind the shark".


This is probably what inspired the poster.


When I 1st saw jaws I couldn’t even get into a swimming pool without having second thoughts lol


Robert Shaw's son turned his diaries into a stage play that was superb. He called it "The Shark is Broken."


I hate it


Do you hate the water, the people, or the shark?




just Bruce, doing bruc-y things




It's even more interesting when you consider some of the scenes that were in the movie


Amity Island welcomes you


My mom saw this in theaters when it came out and to this day won't go into the ocean. She cites this movie as the reason why.


Is anyone else tempted to put fox News outline around the image and caption: Shark Attacks Are Up under Biden


honestly in black and white, that looks fucking terrifying


This picture was taken exactly half a century ago.


Del Lagos?


I heard about a scene in the movie “ET” when the boy is looking around in the cornfield (🤷‍♀️) for what he heard… all of a sudden the bushes started moving all around him and he didn’t know what direction to look Or when they would start. So his look of FEAR was genuine. ☝️🍿


Holy Christ!? This would of brought some serious intensity in the theaters back in the day.


Brings me back to riding the Studio Tour every summer at Universal Studios Hollywood and getting to the Amity Island section. Just the size of it is insane. Jaws may be the perfect summer blockbuster. Also the rare time where the movie is better than the book.


No wonder it didn’t make the cut, it’s black and white but the movie was in colour. 😉




Fun fact: Several decades after the film's release, Lee Fiero, who played Alex Kintner's mother in the film, walked into a seafood restaurant and noticed an "Alex Kintner Sandwich" on the menu. She commented that she had played his mother many years ago. Jeff Vorhees, owner of the restaurant, ran out to meet her. He played he played her son, Alex Kintner. It was the first time they'd seen each other since filming.