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#[transcript here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/o3uQo08Mio) —— ##[tiktok comments here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/8WgokpLj9E) & [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/JLEJPQJAWV)




She very animated for someone who is nauseous and about to throw up.


Her hair looks better that color. Love the Freudian slip.. she had it right the first time mental


That Freudian slip is so funny


A little Freudian slip there huh?


oral thrush….🤢


She is really enjoying that cleavage she creates by wearing 2 bras that are too small. No shame in wearing clothes that fit, Dani


Doesn't matter what size she is, if she'd just get something that doesn't have the spaghetti straps she's constantly rearanging. It's like a tic at this point


I noticed from this vid that she doesn’t really have that much cleavage as I thought. Her other vids make it look like they bout to pop out of her shirt cause they too big for her ill fitting shirts. But no, she is trying to make herself have some boobs. Or toobz.


The black one is a tank, which is even more comical, I swear she's getting training bras out of the children's section


Her doctors gave a bulimic a 24/7 handsfree purging device. How does a GI apparently not know anything about eating disorders?! Also the reason no one wants to be the one to deliver the news that she won't be getting TPN is because they know she's going to have a full toddler kicking screaming meltdown about it. And then go find another doctor FOR she can keep begging for it. "I'm not going to wait until I get to the point that I need medical intervention to keep my nutrition up" TPN IS A MEDICAL INTERVENTION YOU DING-DONG After seeing her brush her teeth, I have no questions about how she ended up with oral thrush. She's so nasty.




I love when the real doctors in this sub put on their doctor hats to call her out lol


Well, besides the copious amounts of sugar and carbs she inhales. Eat some protei! ![gif](giphy|d5kpZUR10UvD2Lnxox)


I will never ever understand how she is so comfortable and proud showing off her “distended” bruised stomach. I know it’s the munchausens and wanting to appear ill but for someone with a past of an eating disorder and being so fixated on appearances, it’s just…yeah.


I have the same thoughts 💭


Which makes me wonder if she sees what everyone else does


I really do believe that she has some form of body dysmorphia going on, but I also very strongly believe that the ED was fuelled by her FD. She saw it was an "easy" and practical way ti quickly get the attention she wanted as well as a body closer to what ever her internal personal image is.


If she came out and was like I struggle with these mental health conditions and was honest and trying to get better I'd have so much sympathy that's alot to deal with, but at this point it's more like Healthcare workers, hospitals and indirectly patients have to bear the brunt of her mental health issues because she refuses 🙄


Yep I agree completely.


There's no way she does the way she threw refeeding syndrome in there


Me either. It’s mind boggling.


Why is her waist changing shape/size towards the end when she’s bending over/standing up. Is that a filter, I guess? Where do I get one lol.


I can't see a filter, but it looks like it could be just the "distension"?


It looked really weird to me too.




Mods, can you please make my above comment my flair? Thanks!


TYSM for the downvote Dani 😍🥰😍


it should, in theory, be your flair now!!! we’ve had some issues with reddit randomly changing user’s flairs so if it switches, honestly the only fix at this point seems to be just waiting it out and itll go back on its own in a few hours ![gif](giphy|fkG8iikX3nZRu)


Thank you so much, your majesty. 💙


Omgoodness I’m not even sure what this is. I found it strangely riveting


This is sick. Malpractice. She doesn't need ANY OF THESE TUBES. They aren't discussing TPN, Dani..BECAUSE YOU ARE EATING QUITE WELL, TO PUT IT NICELY....YOU ARE NOT GETTING TPN.


And her worrying about refeeding syndrome is just funny. They don't want to tell her she's not getting her TPN back because they don't want to deal with the temper tantrum and provoke another dangerous action in form of self harm, trying to force the doctors doing what she wants.


I'll keep draining 24/7 just to hopefully mess as much as possible with my electrolytes before going to Mayo .... uuuuhm keep my symptoms for be better I mean!! How practical is getting the danger just in time! So she also can drain well chewed food so she hopefully drops a little weight alongside her bloodwork before traveling to Mayo to prove her point. I really, really hope they see through her bullshit!


I know when I feel like puking I just can’t wait to get my bewbs out and stream for the internet and my fans. Makes me feel so good. Sometimes I baste myself in peanut butter so it looks like I have a tan even though I feel so tewwible cause I’m such a trooper … lol sorry I’m in a mood atm too much sugar Next stream - shave my butt crack with me cause I sat on a toob and have to go to the ER for a retrieval.. silly sausage.


Bewbs 🤣


![gif](giphy|fm4puLW6jd7R6) Here is a pair of bewbies just for you xo


Why did we specifically need to see her wipe her cleavage 🥲😵‍💫


She claims to be allergic to the betadine yet does a horrible job of cleaning it off. Also, if I’m allergic to betadine, I’m wiping it off immediately after the procedure. Not WHEN I GET HOME AND START RECORDING lmfao


Because this dirty freakshow probably has thrush between and under her boobs. She likely doesn't wash underneath and wears those "bras" for days, which makes it even worse.


Omg, so fucking gross!! I can't imagine what's growing in those crevices. 🤢🤢


Be glad it’s the top cracks I figure


Boobz and tooobz porn, Dani body checking making sure everyone know she gotz that tube she so desperately wanted. On a Less snarky note it really is not fun watching someone do everything they can to get sepsis. Even saying those words seems like they really never should go together. Is that shirt fucking tight enough? You probably could find one smaller because Danielle knows we love those oily baseballs


Oily baseballs! 🤣🤣


Oily baseballs is too much for me 😂😂😂


I love this rationale in her head that doctors should absolutely do dangerous interventions for something that hasn't happened yet. I might get really thin and malnourished and my vitals might crash and i could die from refeeding syndrome. So give me surgery to try and unblock my veins in order to give me something that has historically gave me nothing but problems, some of them life threatening, in order to treat something that may not even happen. Does she hear herself?! That isn't how medicine works. That's like saying well, one in two of us will get some kind of cancer at some point in our lives, therefore give me chemotherapy to stop it.




Here comes the faux central line shit. Gonna thread that up through her neckline.


The Maybe she’ll dress it up with a few spare parts left over from her old line.


And now the comments are off and there's a new video where Dani is really not happy with the comments from this upload 😬😬😬


Dani should know that Psych 101 says the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior…just saying. 🙄


Wait, so are we suppose to believe that she *hasn’t* always just drained whenever she wanted, i.e., all the time? Because i call bullshit. For someone that spends hours on livestream, i never see her dry heave or run off to puke. Actually, I’ve never even seen her complain of nausea while on live either. You can bet your ass that her sitter during her latest hospital vacay made the same observation (though she probably remembered to complain while being babysat). It’s hilarious that she says that she doesn’t know what’s going on with the TPN and that she’s told that the message is passed along. Translation: she’s been told no (she was told no weeks ago!) but is still harassing the doctor’s office whose staff have been told to take a message so that she doesn’t start getting in a whole thing with the poor soul that has the misfortune of answering Dani’s calls.


She definitely did, but with the dangler, it's easier draining big amounts of even thick liquids or diluted food. I think that's her intention. She sees she's gaining weight and knows Mayo won't believe her, so she needs this dangler to drop a few pounds before her appointment to prove her point.


The only good thing about this tube and her farrel bags are that they’re both enfit which drains about the same as the buttons because the openings are the same size and that size is tiny and horrific to try and drain anything but thin liquids and stomach acid.


Mayo vascular may not want to fix her SVC due to her self inflicted malnutrition. They could be liable if she were to go back to her maker, while on their watch. I believe they would not do a risky surgery knowing she does have access/the dreaded Femoral port her doctor's never again want to give her access to ,Why ? she done FAFO , she had access to the femoral port .for 24 hours after being yeeted from her last admission. she messed with the port enough she couldn't get her infusion the port got turned . She messed with it .She failed the little test they gave her. Did she even think to ask her blood doctor about fixing the SVC ?


There is no way any on gods given earth did her drs say she could drain 100%. I do not know if a single one who would agree to that. It would cause so much electrolyte unbalance it would be dangerous. We have never seen her heave. We have never ever seen her say she feels sick Her drs will see that too because remember her last intake she didn’t vomit once!!!! Not once!!!! The drs will see that.


This. I’m wondering what the real reason for switching the type of tube was, I have a feeling it has to do with her tampering with things but I don’t know enough about the types of g tubes


I’m sure the reason for switching from the button to the dangler is because danglers have a better history when it comes to draining but she has the new enfit connections instead of the old connection (I’ll go find a picture and add it in here) the enfit stuff does not drain well at all just like the buttons the connections are all the same size and it’s a pretty small opening. https://preview.redd.it/xz22tsvwfz8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=183315c6d84b76d09bb72a76430509a262bb7b21


I think it's to lose a little weight and mess with her electrolytes before the appointment at Mayo. It's easier to drain even thick liquids with this kind of tube.


I'd say we'll hear and see it now, but then I remembered Dani doesn't read Reddit /s


Apparently she got some comments from the “haterz” and has turned comments off, and made yet another “I’ll tell you a few things” video where she rants about how everyone’s symptoms are not the same, and she admits she had an ED, and then she admits she did “shady ass shit” in the past (like taking diet pills) but people change and mature and they aren’t the same person as they were 5 or 10 years ago….and she needs a break from all the hate. I have a life so I must’ve missed the “hate” she got over this video, but I imagine it was basically people not understanding why she is in danger of refeeding syndrome right now if she doesn’t get her TPN, (she implied this was my understanding) and people basically looking at her normal sized EVERYTHING and thinking WHAT?!?


I wasn’t sure what refeeding syndrome was, and maybe some other folks aren’t sure, either. Here’s a link to the Wikipedia page. ❤️ [Refeeding syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome)


Thank you! >which occurs as a result of reinstitution of nutrition in people and animals who are starved, severely malnourished, or metabolically stressed because of severe illness. I think she’ll be okay for now.


Yes she would be fine. Think more like YouTuber E.Cooney. Those are the types that have to have nitro on very carefully reintroduced. There are specialty clinics that can also deal with this stuff in the latters case.


Would she not already have that if she supposedly can’t take in nutrition to begin with as she says, why would it be something to happen in the future and not already? Make it make sense? I’m so confused 😂


Freudian slip there with the mental (medical) intervention


Absolutely no WAY the words “refeeding syndrome” even left her mouth LMFAO


She’s really counting on her followers being dumb as rocks. Plot twist, they’re not and most people see righttttt through this bullshit 😂


Jesus have a shower.


If she is scared to get her port wet they have portable showers now


I just know it smells CRAZY in there


Something tells me she uses those wipes in lieu of bathing. It’s so gross she that she turns on her camera to show that.


![gif](giphy|eRb62hH4ZVwkNdhPzW|downsized) Dirty Dani 🤢


I cannot believe she claims her tubes cause her so much pain, then move them around like that, especially after being freshly replaced!! While the stoma areas don’t tend to cause to much pain, I don’t know anyone including myself able to manhandle them like that. I cringed more than usual watching that. And Dani, put some clothes on that actually fit and stop showing everything. Re-feeding syndrome?? She is more Delusional than Delulu.


Yes exactly and usually if you’re nauseous you’re not gonna be scrubbing them so hard and pressing on your abdomen like that.


Even just walking about with them bobbing around is uncomfortable enough never mind what she's doing there with the toobs.


Yes! Hell even wearing tight clothes or jeans can be. She gives herself away so easily.


Wow. Watching a whore bath. So so so gross. Is she wearing less and less in every video (well I know she has to wear the tank tops at least 10 days in a row before changing but it seems like she’s wearing less a less . It’s nasty.


As much as I agree she’s insufferable, are we just calling people whores now? Seems a bit unnecessary…


i call it a hobo bath, no insult to the hobos


a whores bath is when you use (usually) baby wipes to clean yourself up instead of showering :) OP wasn’t calling Dani a whore dw 😭


I promise I’m not wk-ing, I’ve made my fair share of snarky Dani comments


They’re not calling her a whore. A “whore bath” is when you use a wet cloth or wipe to wash yourself instead of having a shower.


Oh I see! Thank you for explaining, I’ve never heard that term before. Sorry OP!


we called it the tits, pits & slit wash when I was in the army. LOL As was said basically a whores bath [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore\_bath](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/whore_bath) Supposedly from what I've been told is a throwback to the "old" days when folks didn't have showers in their homes & full baths of water were not cheap


I've only ever seen anyone call it a "whore" bath or "whore's" bath online. But spoken (around here at least) it's always "ho bath". It took me a hot minute to realize people weren't being like ... pretentious by calling it a whore's bath but that that's really how they call it XD


If she were actually so nauseous she was about to hurl, she wouldn’t be able to talk in a tik tok video. When you’re that queasy, you shut up and concentrate on not throwing up. These munchies suck at faking simple things.


Bullseye when you’re trying not to puke you’re not on tiktok making videos, you’re not talking, and clenching your jaw shut like your life relies on it.


Was the tit grab at the beginning really necessary? 😭


Lack of object permanence; gotta check they're still there.


Put your fooking clothes on, and get off of TT!


Thank you!!! Seriously. No one needs to see this. It turns my stomach.


Considering the ONLY time she has actually lost weight recently was the hospital stay where they had someone babysitting her and she was completely off oral nutrition of any kind? Doesn’t support her “I can’t eat anything at all without peen” and “my GP is so bad I don’t digest anything ever” storyline.


Yeah, and boy did she set a record in putting it right back on…I think she had the loss reversed in about a week tops. And remarkably, with all of her lives and videos, no one has ever seen her so much as dry heave. And she can only manage tiny sips of fluid by mouth….when she’s taken huge gulps on her lives many, many times. Does she think that people aren’t seeing her?




So, Mayo isn’t only doing the SCV evaluation? I seriously wonder why she thinks if they do decide to stent the SVC vein that they are going to also do TPN? They don’t do long term care, do they? Wouldn’t that have to be done by a Dr local to her?


Correct, if they do decide to deal with her scar tissue it will be solely to reopen the vein. They won't give her a line or anything further. Hence her desperate attempts to convince her GI to give her TPN despite repeated denial. I'm sure she's given Mayo a certain story about needing access for TPN, and without local provider cooperation she'll need a different story. Imo it's why she's milking the bradycardia lately.


Hopefully thats a none starter. They'll know manipulated lows, surely...? I'm certain if you have drops like that naturally like this, like if you had this kind of condition that causes it, there'll be other signs on the ecg, like the different rhythms, i don't know the technical stuff.... but I'm certain these ecgs and stuff will show other things they look for, things thar Dani cannot manipulate despite how hard she tries. That's why i don't think much has came of it. I know this is the opposite of bradycardia... but something like wolff parkinson white syndrome... you cant fake that by just forcing your heart rate to rise...


She just clean around the tube with the same wipe she wiped between her breasts…🦠🦠🦠🧫






Funny how we have not seen her dry heave once and i assume we would have given it is so out of control. I mean we will now that that I have mentioned it, just like the "ouch ouch ouch" pain dramatics when it was raised here. Perhaps the daily drug and alcohol use is contributing to said nausea... hungover most likely. Dani surely realises the full intestinal failure angle is so unbelievable when her labs and vitals are absolutely fine. Nobody will tell me = noone is replying to my emails begging for the millionth time to give me tpn. Like that doesn't mean it is up in the air... that's means they have said no and dani won't accept it. She exaggerates things so much.


Yeah... another thing you can't fake convincingly... The dry heaves, water brash etc... again with her its always the worst thing... headache is a migraine, a cold is flu, really bad nausea is just a upset stomach. Constipation is intestinal failure. Feeling groggy and drowsy is POTS.


Headaches, nausea, bloating, fatigue... also sounds like a hangover. Just saying...


“Nobody will tell me what is going on with my TPN….” uhhhh, they did tell you. They told you “no”.


I hate it. I hate the fact that she has been told this and instead of going, right well i need to think of how I'm going to function going forward, she thinks well I'm gonna make them give me it. The biggest giveaway of all, that all of this is a load of bullshit. In all of this, despite her protests that she wouldn't wish any of this on her worst enemies, we never see her actually try to help herself. Ever. It makes me so angry and want to shake the people that support her.


Clean those titties cos that’s the only touching they are gonna get! She’s really not thriving by the look of those chins and stomach eh. No bruising though - perhaps she has run out of Dark eyeshadow to make them or make them look worse. Looking healthy though Dani - I’m sure mayo (naise) is gonna be real worried when they see you. Would love to know which voice she uses in hospital


Loved her Freudian slip of mental- no medical help. Docs ok’ing her to drain “basically 24/7”…I’m not in the medical field, but wouldn’t that be a bit unethical? Especially with no “replacement”. Re-feeding syndrome. Come the f on. Having experienced this shit- give me a f’in break. Re-feeding my ass. I can’t wait for the mayo apocalypse era.


it wouldn’t be just unethical but deadly, it’s why bulimia is so deadly, messing with your stomach acids causes massive electrolyte imbalances, which very quickly can fuck your heart and kill you


The mental I mean medical slip slaps.


Is she back to Lovenox shots in the stomach?


And comments are off again


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) The number 1 sign that Dani has fucked up and done/said something that exposes her bullshit is the comments going off.


I dunno, someone brought up her friend who died. Gone a bit too far, there.


Her latest video indicates that’s not the reason, and it was more related to her not wanting to hear what people were saying about her alleged symptoms. Still, that comment was beyond low and out of line.




I saw that 😂 I was wondering when she was gonna do that.


Refeeding syndrome? Someone who skipped lunch would be more at risk of refeeding syndrome than Dani-FridgeFullOfDrPepperAndOnionRings-Marina ffs.


I loved the Freudian slip when she nearly said mental evaluation 😂


Did she actually just claim refeeding syndrome? BEEYOTCH give me a break. This is NOT how refeeding workings. Just, shut up. ETA: refeeding syndrome is pretty rare, but also pretty treatable nowadays. I won’t blog, but the fact she’s even mentioning refeeding syndrome is telling. I don’t believe for a second her ED is not fueling these shenanigans ETA 2: has she admitted to eating/drinking in the last 24 hours?


I actually sometimes wonder, just from backhanded things she has said over the time and how she uses threats of ED behaviour to try to manipulate people, whether the ED is even legitimate or just another layer of her munch, the one that happens to have gotten her the most response with medical intervention. Chicken and the egg syndrome, did the ED come first then the munching, or did the munching lead to ED behaviours she Googled and got some success with (and got whole-arsed disability benefits for, which has lead to her being given welfare housing and not needing to get off her arse to work)? Sounds like it started when ED advocacy was on-trend over social media for awhile there and influencers were getting a lot of attention with speaking out about their own battles and recovery with it. ![gif](giphy|kPtv3UIPrv36cjxqLs)


She definitely had ED, which definitely fueled her munching. It’s easier ED if they give you tubes and then it spiraled. I believe she’s on disability benefits due to mental health issues, not her munching issues.


I’ve always wondered this as I’ve observed Dani over the years. I’m still not sure what I think tbh.


I’m wondering the exact same thing. There is something weird about her messages from around her ED time that just didn’t seem right. Almost like she’s cosplaying an ED.


I think it’s more like she trots it out so people will stop questioning her because she acts like she’s traumatized. Ordinarily, I would NEVER joke about someone’s ED…and I am not really joking or making fun of hers, I just think that she uses the trauma she claims to still have to guilt people into apologizing and to make people feel horrible for accusing her of being dishonest. Kind of like her get out of jail free card…


Ol' girl has constantly feeding syndrome. Double biatch


Yeah and I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who knows this is bullshammery


“this is bullshammery” 🤣🤣🤣 Love it! That would be a great flair!


Lol I’ve been watching a lot of Adventure Time and they always use cute words like that :P I’m not sure if I actually came up with that word or not, but I probably should claim a flair by now and I dig it 😝 ETA: I love your flair too!! 😂


u seemed as if u needed a flair so🫡🫡🫡 ![gif](giphy|EZAofOteI32AzIa6Db|downsized)


I just noticed!!!! Lol thank you so much!!! Highlight of my day! 😄


A lot of people will disagree, but I don’t believe her ED is real, or ever was. It’s a product of her FD. Easy to control when you’re young. Difficult when you’re middle aged. She can’t fake anything correctly. I believe she is trying to fake an ED. She isn’t physically capable anymore. I call BS on all of it.


That’s actually a really good point I hadn’t considered before. I can definitely see that being true. ETA: still can’t believe she’s concerned about refeeding syndrome though lol


i believe the term wannarexia fits her well


I've actually said this before here. Fully agree with you.


Have you seen her older photos from when she was quite young ? It was very evident and she was in treatment. I actually think that’s what led to her munching and FD when she recovered, stopped getting attention from medical personnel which she started to crave, almost like an addiction, and would get it any way possible. She loved being sick. What I do think though is that she uses it to manipulate now and will engage in ED bx as a function of her FD because she thinks it will get her the attention she craves.


I've truly wondered that too. It's fascinating to me that people are so on the train that she is a classic munchie (which she is, clearly - munchausen's by internet at the very least), but they take the ED as legitimate. To me, it looks and sounds more like she used it to manipulate medical outcomes for herself. She's hitting brick walls with it now, though, because she's reaching middle age and can't shed weight easily like she used to. She's trying the tactics she previously used, but retaining the weight, so she's floundering, not sure how to get doctors to give into her demands anymore. She doesn't look remotely like she's wasting away, which is why being told she looks healthy is so triggering for her. She knows she's got nothing wrong with her but hates hearing that other people know it too.


It is unfortunately a common pipeline from ED to munchie, but I am also very curious especially in Dani's case. However it would be almost impossible to separate the behaviors and motivations into distinct munch vs ED boxes.


I think the big red flag for me is that she uses threats of ED behaviour to manipulate other people, which is why I don't think this is a classic ED situation. Mostly, that's about control over yourself, not others. The fact she uses emotional manipulation and gaslighting along with the threats of utilising ED behaviours to self-harm to get outcomes she wants, tells me in Dani's case, it's more about the munch than the ED.


For sure! It's just hard to say which came first. It's hard to flat out say she never "truly" had an ED (not saying this is what you're claiming, but it's a thought with many subjects). It's possible she developed an ED and then realized she could leverage it as a manipulation tool. Dani definitely has some binging tendencies, too. Her impulse control is next to zero and it shows with food and random purchases. Again though it's hard to say what feeds that behaviour.


I agree with you. I believe her ED is an underlying feature of her FD. Just as trauma is an underlying driving force for ED’s. We are about the same age and while I don’t know her, I have a couple acquaintances who are friends with her- at least via FB and IG. I never talk to these people and am not in contact with them- nor will ever touch the poo. We are only connected via the cycles of ED treatment in the late 90’s early 2000’s. At that time, and it could just be my view, treatment and knowledge of ED’s were exploding. Then came people who erm…grabbed ahold of this and ran with it for their FD. I see a lot of older IF folks who I have mutuals with- all coming the ED treatment circuit in the 90’s-2000’s. *for the mods: yes I have mutuals with Dani and other older IF’s, I will never touch the poo. I’m gonna sound like a bitch, but I struggled with a real ED and it’s not my world anymore*


This is my take too. When she was young it was easy to be skinny and claim it was because of an ED. Now that she’s middle aged, keeping the weight off to claim to have an ED is near impossible, without her having a lot of willpower, which we all know Dani doesn’t have. I’ve never seen a picture of younger her that actually LOOKS like she has an ED. I won’t blog but when I was a teenager I was rail thin and I ate Pizza Hut regularly, like multiple times a week. It happens where some folks just get lucky. I wouldn’t doubt that as Dani is aging, she’s noticing that she looks even less starving now.


There are photos of her that show someone who is not “naturally rail thin” - she actually was very severely underweight and malnourished. She definitely could’ve died from it. There photos are very rarely allowed to be shared for various reasons though. Her ED was/is real, although the motivations for developing an ED can vary greatly between persons and a desire for attention/care/“love” etc can certainly fuel them, so it’s not necessarily separate from the FD


Well, that sounded like a temper tantrum to me because the doctors aren't playing the Dani...I'm so malnourished I want...oops....sorry...need TPN and I want....sorry....need it NOW....game. She is nowhere near malnourished but her behaviour and constant messing around with her draining etc is getting ridiculous. I was going to say much more but you know what nope......grow up woman.


I love that the doctors basically did what we all called. You don’t hold meetings with multiple providers to get on the same page while telling the patient unless your plan is to decline what they want. It is very possible to me that they send her to psych to deal with this, so that they can have a professional mediator have an intervention type deal.


Eat some Skittles and mashed potatoes and shut the hell up with the TPN obsession.


Preferably mixed together. 🤮


Lolz https://preview.redd.it/rixpqnsfet8d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0291afbd8b86fb7e7b1b5658a93c70ae59c8ccd


These are BRUTAL lmao. And impeccable choice of censoring emojis as usual.




Thrush on the tongue… AGAIN?! 👅 This is def the result of poor oral hygiene. No wonder she doesn’t want to go see a dentist. 🦷


Doesn't Plaquenil reduce thrush also




🍭&🍸 = 🍄


I have never heard of thrush. What is it???


Basically a yeast infection in the mouth, instead of the cooter.


Candida sp. in the mouth




It’s a fungal infection that causes white-yellow furry patches, itchiness, bad breath. The fungus is called candida albicans, and likes moist & dark body parts - it’s commonly vaginal / vulval, or oral, but can grow anywhere dark & moist.


Eeeks!! Thank you for explaining it!! 💚


Probably due to her using that gross toothbrush for… how long? 🤮


Even if I kept my toothbrush for a year it wouldn’t look that bad. She’s clearly brushing too hard


I know a munchie who can give her a tongue scraper recommendation!!!


It’s that damn “toothbrush” 🤣




The fact her toothbrush has a name is terrifying. This is literally the first time in my whole life I've seen a toothbrush with a name that wasn't owned and named by a child.


I don’t know if she named it or one of the subs named it after Angelica’s doll from rugrats… I’m pretty sure it was the latter, but I wouldn’t put it past her to name it


haha it was someone from this sub a little bit ago


It's hilarious that she thinks she's getting any answer other than no in a month about the TPN situation. If her doctor wanted/thought she needed TPN she would have TPN.


Why would her Dr's even agree to giving her this "dangle" tube if they're not supposed to be feeding into her shenanigans?


Is this something that could be by ‘yourself at home’ or does it need to be done by a doctor? I’ve seen Dani’s past history of self serving? I donno the right word sorry


The going theory seems to be that they kinda have to do something, but she hates the big dog lipstick danglers so much it's like...a way of not doing that/being aversive? But like, it doesn't work because Dani is such a petulant little brat.


I cannot imagine being THIS delusional. A) thinking that your many, many lies won’t catch up to you B) believing you’re a sick + frail little girl and C) that people want to watch you do this. It’s hilarious and disturbing at the same time.




Why is "draining" more preferable than vomiting? Wouldn't both accomplish the same thing?


Vomiting is more “traumatic” to the body I’m sure. Heaving and then stomach acid all in your throat and mouth is probably much worse than just letting it run out of your body via a tube


Good thing she's not actually doing any of that.


I guess because vomiting can be painful, and it is very bad for your teeth. But also Dani is a liar who is perfectly capable of eating and drinking normally so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Even bulemics don’t ENJOY vomiting. This is accomplishing the same thing without the acid destroying their esophagus and mouth.


The endorphin rush can be a bit addictive and some people use it as a form of self-harm, but yeah I absolutely think most everyone would take the easier alternative with less side-effects.


I will never understand the mentality of thinking someone wants to watch you wash grime off your body that has been there since the beginning of the Jurassic era. Hold on to your butts, we’re trying dollar tree baby wipes today. I do not comprehend how she still has a following at all. What is so appealing? I get it, manipulative people uhhh… find a way to keep grifting, but- she’s not even good at it?


I think most of her TT "followers" are there for the shits and giggles. Those that have the patience and tolerance to film/post/edit in this sub are heroes. Their tolerance of her is higher than her claimed "high pain threshold". I can only tolerate a few minutes at a time or rely on transcripts. Her voice is the equivalent of nails on a chalkboard. However, I somewhat like the drama on here as it's a great distraction from everyday life.


I used to get hella mad, but this sub has honestly just become a gold mine that enables my sewer rat tier humor. Tbh I think she’s buying things off her wishlist herself and passing it off as gifts.


Wipe My Ass With Me™️


“Back passage” lol


​ https://i.redd.it/vqnncbd36u8d1.gif


OMG I love the OTT r/OneOrangeBraincell drama.




*Rule 34 enters the room*




THE HELL? Warn a person.




Because everyone can do an “update” before they puke…it’s like she can time her puking. Interesting.


But she's going to be draining 24/7 to stop the puking, make it make sense Dani!