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#[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/OY3HxFPQC0) — #[COMMENT SECTION PICS](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/jMbJUKUivF)


67, but no shaking or sweating to be seen. She isn’t even symptomatic!


This came on with sound accidentally and I literally had to get up and look under my bed before I could calm down. Demonic


I thought she was trying to venture away from the medical content? Unfortunately her whole life revolves around her failing body so doesn’t know how to do anything else. Maybe she could do a reaction video to reading comments in the Reddit group about herself. Now that I would watch.


![gif](giphy|3o6ozAgK6MaqKL5mh2|downsized) 67 is fine


Oh and the thumb! Her broke ass thumb sure as shit healed pretty quickly!


Not yay https://i.redd.it/h4t2hrygt1ad1.gif


All this video and lives just show how she doesn’t have friends but she definitely doesn’t have a boyfriend. Mr George Glass is truly non existent. What a lonely sad life. I don’t feel bad for her though. Being selfish taking resources from those who actually need them is just despicable.


She’s currently live and her drainage toob is stuck to her extension or whatever, and she just mangled it with a pair of pliers to where she might not be able to get it off


I know for a car they make special tools for pulling on hoses and tubes as usually when you try to make a tool work you just fuck something up. That is on a car though not a human being surely they dont make specialized medical accessories.


What a life. Sitting around all day trying to make something go wrong with yourself so you can go to the hospital and make sympathy videos


We're coming up on a long weekend again - most places are closed the 4th and 5th. Sounds like time for another nice long ER-cation!


Dang, you’re so right! Maybe those bags that were packed in yesterday’s video are actually for this weekends hospication


Her hair looks SO fucking greasy. Jesus. Does she even shower once a week? Her poor kitties with their sense of smell.


She still does not look like she's taken a shower or washed her knappy head


Despite not working or doing anything she has all the time in the world to be hygienic 😭




it does bother me that shes not even pre-diabetic and can get a dexcom and yet so many diabetics get denied one :/


She used patient assistance and that’s how she got one. Her insurance wouldn’t cover it. I didn’t take screenshots of this a couple months ago though.


I love we’re doing the whole peanut gallery screenshots now


She is LIVING for this shit.


It's just so sad to think of her sitting around either waiting for something like this to happen or figuring out how to manufacture it all so she can film it.


Seems every time she is draining, her blood sugar drops. Hmm.




First honest thing she's said in a *very* long time..... "I don't WANT to eat or drink anything." (Instead of, I CAN'T eat or drink anything).


Yeah I bet she said accidentally the truth 😂 I love your flair btw


She eats like a teenager who’s parents are not home and is eating straight up trash. Sugar, carbs, junk food. All by mouth, amazingly. She’s definitely reached a nice “healthy” weight.


3.7 isn't great but it's def not catastrophic. I was expecting something really bad.


Were you really?! She lies about everything.


You were? lol I never do with this girl.


It's not trending down though, the fingerstick is more accurate,  and about 15 minutes ahead of interstitial readings. The CGM lags behind the finger stick.   She still doesn't understand how it works. 


I don’t think she knows what “trend” means. She thinks it’s fancy doctor speak for it’s low


She doesn't seem to know what "down" means either. 56 to 67 is the opposite of down...


lol her grasp on the English language is tenuous at best. I wonder if that makes it easier for her to delude herself. A doctor or someone says something, but the meaning isn’t concrete to her because she has no concept of specificity.


I didn't know that. Good to know. Thanks for sharing!


https://youtu.be/a3se-HAhua4?si=EgCw9-iGy3c2Z5_2 Here is one of them.  Hopeful I'm allowed to post the link to this one.  This is why the arrows are so so important.  A 56 with double arrows up means it's trending up rapidly.  I would expect to see a single or double arrow if cgm says 56 and bg says 66, reverse those and you would expect single or double arrows down. 


There's a really great video that explains how it works very simply.  If you just search for the CGM lag train video it usually pops right up.  I think everyone that uses one or is involved with one in anyway should watch it.  It's easy to understand, short, simple,  to the point, and pretty cute so keeps attention. 


67 is not only normal, but it’s much higher than 56. She should wipe that shit eating grin off her face.


Boo hoo poor Dani doesn't want to eat or drink anything to bring her blood sugar up. The sodas on top of her fridge as well as all the sweet coffee and tea she drinks on the daily says otherwise.


WHO is paying for Dexcom for a person who is non-diabetic? Also, since we are over here... let's just put out there that there are other things available OTC that can drop a sugar, too. It's like made for TT. Oh my goodness, I don't want to treat this! Shut up and shove some apple juice in your toobz, ya big drama queen! \*IF\* she has reactive hypoglycemia... and that is a big IF, she knows exactly what her triggers are.


Per an endocrinologist he has not yet seen an insurance approval (including Medicaid) for folks without diabetes even if they have reactive hypoglycemia.


Not even just with diabetes... most of them have to be brittle and/ or on a sliding scale to get one covered. They are surprisingly tight with the CGMs, which makes no sense because overall they increase awareness and glucose management.


Right? Drink some juice, eat some Smarties, or hell, swallow them like pills. Didn't she just do a video where she drank a Dr. Pepper? 67 isn't that big of a deal. If her blood sugar dropping like this isn't a regular occurance for her, then she's definitely eating and drinking regularly.


If she can drink that tea with 900g of honey in it she can straight shoot a lil honey into her mouth. Although her BG was going up, not down (the Dexcom is *behind* the fingerstick) so she really didn't need to do anything if she wasn't feeling symptoms.


We're paying! People like Dani are also the reason there isn't enough for other people who are really in need. Also the reason people have examples of fraud to point out and use to discriminate the real sick and disabled people


I’m sure the draining everything totally helps too


That’s probably why by it’s so thrown off.


Some of those nails popped off. Any bets on her getting them done before Mayo? Re Mayo, I worked at an airline for a while & I have this feeling that Dani will experience the most anxiety of her life at the airport. If she makes her flight, then the shuttle and the hotel/hostel will be just as scary and out of her control. (She'll definitely snipe at anyone in her way.) I just can't pin down exactly why I feel this way.


It's going to be a wild ride. I feel like we haven't seen anything yet with Dani. I know she'll spiral hard, but I am a loss to imagine something she hadn't already done. Maybe she'll break a leg so she can use her shiny pink wheelchair?


I have this feeling she's going to get overwhelmed before she leaves & not know how much she can realistically take on board or even get through the airport. I can also see her not calculating the time needed to get where she's going plus TSA possibly being a nightmare because they both involve adulting and actually listening the fuck to others. I'll laugh so hard if she takes her wheelchair since she'll have to drag it around once she gets to MN.


We need to make a bingo card for her trip.


Bwuahahahahaha! I'm definitely coming back to this comment to share ideas. 😂


She's going to pretend to pass out and demand that a skycap wheel her everywhere.


Yeah-I’m wondering how this whole airport thing is gonna go-like she’s already saying she’s too weak to manage it-it would the perfect place to cause a scene with some faux medical drama


I 100% anticipate that she will expect the airport's disability services to push her through the terminal in one of their loaner chairs.


I’ll bet anyone here $20 that she took her reading before doing it again for the camera.  The fact that she looks so thrilled is so damn gross. She should enjoy her health while she has it, and get her mental health in order. 


Bets she is going to do a little trip to the ER... that's always the only reason she is giddy


Fourth of July is coming up……..


Philly has nice fireworks! She has like a 50/50 chance of being able to see them from her room!


“Oh boy, 3 AM!” Vibes ![gif](giphy|gWmgIv3ClcBsQ) Same tbh though, I get rizzed after a crisp sip of Sprite while barely human and still in the choke hold of my sleep paralysis demon.


Okay but why does a cold soda in the dead of night taste second only to the first sip after you've been outside doing yard work?


Amen. it’s that involuntary “Ahhh” you say as the soda hits your soul for me.


Oooo I have a cold sprite in the fridge!


I envy you. I could crack open a cold one with the boys right about now.


YAYYYY.. NoT yAy She looks like she is pleased with her low number and she's internally screaming YESSS! ![gif](giphy|l0FuSAVyzf4TWftCCP)


I love her attempt at the end to not look like she's thrilled at the low reading. Go through those facial expressions; it's amazing. https://preview.redd.it/q82n7217iz9d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a6bef6f273324e583a9a748897e528942595ad0


Those pupils bro


“Yay. Not Yay. You know what I mean.” You mean YAY! Betcha she did the finger stick once before filming to make sure it would show a low reading.


Fuck!!!! She makes me so mad!!! I literally have to wear a dexcom because well it connects to my insulin pump and I’d kind of die without either. This bitch does it for fun times and attention. Also about two weeks ago my blood sugar was low and I had a seizure. I don’t feel the need to let everyone in the world know. She makes me psychically ill. Like I can not stand her. But I’ll just be over here watching her bullshit because it’s hard to stop watching a total disaster. I also guess she’s so so sick she can’t wash her nasty ass and hair. She’s giving up on showers. Does anyone know what this bitch does all day? Like does she have a job!? How does she budget? Disability? I have so many questions. I’m new to this fucking mess.


She doesn't have a job and currently lives off mental health disability. She tried to teach others to budget by making a very cute graphic on her iPad that she can't afford. Buckle in. She's a trip.


She sorts unnecessary pills all day and packs for her dream vacation to Mayo months in advance lol, all while contributing nothing to society


And don’t forget shifting piles of junk around her hoarded out apartment like an ant moving stashes from chamber to chamber


I'm sorry, but I watched one of these "muh dexcom don't work guise" videos where she called the lancet a "pokey thingy", and as a type-1 diabetic of 27 years it sent me into a blind rage. I can't with these bloodsugar drops and muh dexcom videos anymore. 😶


Took me a year and 3 fainting episodes to get approved for a fucking Libre as a T2, and this child is running around treating her Dexcom as a sparkly fashion accessory. the rage I feel sometimes…


Luckily for me, my endo was on the same page as me when I went in. So, she prescribed the insulins I wanted and a libre 3 right away. I feel so much rage watching her make a big deal out of a glucose level of 67. 😡


I'd like to see her try a live with a sugar level of 35 trending down.


I can't even read my phone when my bloodsugar is that low. 🥴


I am so amazed at the dexterity her fingers possess.


67… big fucking deal


She is so excited by this you can just tell


Transcript: Okay guys, (picks up several doodads) so my Dexcom is yelling at me that I am (raised eyebrows, holds up doodads, starts crossing and re-crossing them while fumbling her words) at is what (eyebrow scrunch) you know what I'm trying to say, 56! (waggles doodads at camera) So. let's make sure. (small smile, aggressively pops cap off bottle) (her thumb is fine!!!) It is actually right. (head waggle, looks to side while fishing test strip out) Cause sometimes the Dexcom can be completely off (inserts strip in monitor, thumps it down, clicks pricking device, pulls out wipe to wipe finger) and you know it just kind of happens like that. (wipes) Okay. (picks up lancet) Let's see here. (sticks finger good and deep, squeezes, wipes blood off, squeezes some more, barely gets any, places on test strip, holds up device to camera for us to watch countdown) (very performative) Hmm. (pulls shoulder up and presses head into it, squinting slightly, number pops up, backward, turns it around to look at it) Okay. (turns it back around for our viewing pleasure) 67 so we are trending down. (leans back and turns it around again to look at for herself) So. (slight smile before leans in for shot of cleavage canyon and now for acting. there is a very clear switch in demeanor from blank face to - raspy baby voice intensifies, whine on, eyebrows down and in, sad face, almost pout) I'm gonna have to treat this and I really (look away and back quick) don't want to eat or drink anything. (head tilt, lip smack on indrawn breath) (on a sigh) Okay (holds up monitor to camera again) 67 it is. (smile, thumps down monitor) Yay. (crazy smile face, full upper teeth, eyebrows up, eyes wide before corner of mouth drops, one eye wide, head shake) Not yay but you know what I mean.


"Trending down". JFC, these munchies and their medical buzzwords chafe my arse more than anything else. No one with actual diabetes says that about their BSL, you floppy hemorrhoid.


Can I adopt you? I’d like you to narrate every tiny detail of my life as I’ll never stop laughing


Can I borrow her on special occasions to narrate for my cats? I'll share the transcripts...


Ok we will share custody






the same energy as a weather reporter, and for what!


You know, I really wonder if she actually has the opposite of gastroparesis happening. That she has a completely normal functioning gut, but the excessive sugar and carbs she's ingesting is causing dumping syndrome, which can cause similar symptoms to low blood sugar and POTS. Unfortunately, it has absolutely nothing to do with chronic illness, so that's boring.


DUMPING is so icky. Not as sexy as GP I guess


She has reactive hypoglycemia from restricting so bad for so long. And then when she does eat it’s literally the worst options for RH.


I don’t think she has reactive hypoglycaemia. I think she has a shit diet and fluctuating glucose readings that happen with shit diets.


Ditto. Her experiences are the opposite of RH. And her one comment on another live on needing “full sugar” soda is another clue. No one with RH would drink that much sugar. Unless they are Dani…. Plus a Dexcom gives you fantastic feedback as to what causes an episode, so she definitely knows her triggers IF she actually has it. Also that is not really very low. I personally consider that reading in the normal range. Dexcom would give her other clues prior to a drop, just saying.


You would if you want your sugar to crash so you can show everybody online


Moderately educated guess here but could this be why the short lived gastric stimulator caused her pain? Or was that only peeeeeeen


She just wanted them to open her up again for another intervention, and realized way too late that meant she was going to lose her toy.


Is dumping system when you drink coffee and have to poo?


lol 😂


That can be one of the reactions, yep. But it can also cause dizziness, nausea, sweating, etc. etc. If you Google it, it'll give you the list of symptoms people can have.


LOL I google it and I saw the word DUODENOM and chuckled. This is interesting stuff. I will still drink coffee despite it causing my dumping syndrome.


Honestly with the amount of sugar she puts in...yes.


What was the point in this show and tell? Go eat some crackers and quit giving yourself reactive hypoglycemia by putting Gatorade in your J tube. Smh.


I wish she’d just hurry up and get the beetus all ready so she can have a real reason for all this nonsense, then it wouldn’t be fun 🤨 I can’t imagine being a diabetic and reading this shite


She would absolutely die of mortification if she ended up with T2DM and would *never* mention it. Same as if she had HTN or OSA. They're "fat people diseases".


I think OP is referring to T1?






Gosh remember that rant she posted yesterday about how she had TOTALLY pivoted her approach to not focus on her medical issues anymore?! Remember how she didn't understand the hate because all she was doing was posting lovely videos of her making saccharine, gag-worthy tea and slathering goop on her face? Anyway, here's Wonderwall


Love how she thinks posting one day of her mundane routines is her doing a 180 of a content change. Her memory and time dilation is very obviously affected by her drug cocktail and lack of any schedule.


Comments section lmao: https://preview.redd.it/jjzsp4oucz9d1.png?width=571&format=png&auto=webp&s=420fc3f8df20b9ce0736fb63201f9fbae0b80608


​ https://preview.redd.it/bb1pyolwcz9d1.png?width=537&format=png&auto=webp&s=10be1221d688ef88d1be4df01abebf42c17d2817


I love the “innocent” question “Is 67 Low?” Is this worrisome? Or is it a good thing? What’s the issue? Hahaha.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1kwz0cmycz9d1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=21689292059094d2f546da5d7ba52f1c9a9649f4


​ https://preview.redd.it/yqzu5t80dz9d1.png?width=525&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d5f34da4eb872a06f0216a16e8ac5f87c3a2f25


She probably seethes and internally rages when other people talk about their real illnesses. Then she has to try to pretend she GAF about other people's problems so they keep validating hers, which also probably pisses her off. I love that for her.


All these people also seem to know much more about it then she does which is only "blood sugar drop = bad; must eat/drink 'something'". She can't contribute anything to the conversation at all and her commenters talking about it highlights her ignorance. Love that for her.


We can take that a step further too - "REAL blood sugar drop = bad". Dani knows hers are manipulated by what she's ingesting prior to planning filming a 'drop' for TikTok. When people point out reality and facts to her, she just reverts to her usual excuse "Science is different for everyone and my body is so unique and rare, it does everything differently to everyone else. Only I know my body," She thinks that blocks people from shoving reality checks in her face, when really, it just underscores her munching even more.




Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*