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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


His name is George Glass and he lives in Canada and works at Amazon. Works real long hours.


She’s live right now if you need more to watch


Dan is Live right now Big Mad


Can link to Lives' of hers be shared ?


No; we don't link to any of her socials, please submit video captures though!


Cue her mentioning the boyfriend within the next day or so bc of this post.


Their 21 year anniversary is on Saturday!


I'm sure other people have answered it by now, but she's had a "boyfriend" for ~20 years and has a fake anniversary (that I believe should be this week) tattooed on her chest. She slipped up at some point and gave the actual boyfriend's name, people found him and recently found his wedding announcement/registry with (I believe) a May wedding date. There is a single photo of Dani with this guy. He never visits when she's in the hospital or when she's home, she claims he works all the time, he hates being on camera (seemed pretty comfy in his engagement photos). She has, for at least the last decade - 15 years had all these fantastical stories and sounds like a teenager when she talks about her bf, how they're going to move in together (she's said this at least half a dozen times, it never happens), how they want kids, how he gave her a ring, etc. None of it is true. If it was, she would've proven it by now. Also, unproven/unverified, but there was a conversation with a prior friend of hers posted where they basically called her out on her bf being married/not with her and dani's response was basically "he'll come back to me one day and he'll love me and we'll be together!" It's such teenager/HS "they go to a different school" cringe shit. She could easily prove it, she *loves* proving haters wrong. If I went to my partner of ~2.5 years and said "haters on the internet are attacking me saying you're not real, can you take a pic/video with me?" and they wouldn't hesitate (but also I have tons of pics of/with my partner). I can't imagine an alleged partner of ~20 years wouldn't want to defend their partner.


Thank you so much for this!!! It is very very high school! He probably doesn’t even speak to her and has her blocked on everything.


I would love Dani to prove with current evidence this “boyfriend” is her boyfriend and that he exists. Anything. Prove with a recent photo, a text message, anything. Prove it.




That’s better than anything we’ll ever get! No doubt! 😂


I got a text from that girl that rang up her hospital most recently. Does anyone remember her? And she said her whole family knew she’s saying this and that they do actually talk daily and he gives her money all the time. But he is married to someone else. She just won’t leave him alone.


This is such an unexpected twist! I wonder if he feels responsible for her in some kinda Baby Reindeer deal. How does her family feel about him? Do they all just silently go along with this particular delusion? I have so many questions!


I've seen screenshots that he has Venmoed her money before his wedding. She's definitely lying, and whatever's going on, it's weird. But they are apparently in contact.


Okay, but I’m from the area and still know people who know Dani and I heard the same thing. He sends her money all the time from what I’ve heard from people who still live there. Don’t know if it’s true or not, but it’s definitely not the first I’ve heard it. I just always figured it was a myth and Ive never met Dani or him. That was just what I’ve heard. ETA- I also know he’s married so I don’t know why he’d be giving her money, it just doesn’t make sense.


Sounds like bullshit mainly because that woman is also unhinged & has main character syndrome. There could even be a snark page for her if she put out enough content. Ha!


He gives her MONEY??


Wait WHAAAAAATT??? he’s married to someone else and spends his time and money enabling Dani?!


Copying a comment I wrote on IF a while back since I am not sure I can link to it on this sub. Of note, the comment says their relationship is 19 years old because the comment is a few years old. Per Dani's tattoo, their anniversary date is July 6, 2003 - which means that Saturday should be her 21st anniversary!! Do you think she is going to mention the anniversary?? Since the following comment was written, someone discovered that the person she refers to as her boyfriend was married in May 2023. *Dani has claimed that she has been in a relationship with a guy she met in high school. Based on the anniversary date, that relationship is almost 19 years old. I have been "following" Dani for many years. The only evidence of this boyfriend is 2 photos that appear to be at least 10 years old, if not older. She claims there are no newer photos of him because he doesn't like having his picture taken and he doesn't like social media - but who can't get a single picture with their significant other at least once in 10 years and there would be ways to share about your significant other while still respecting their privacy. Dani doesn't ever mention spending time with her boyfriend.* *Pretty much the only time she mentions him is to make up excuses for why he isn't around. He has never been available to take her to a doctors appointment, he hasn't taken her to the hospital to have surgery, he hasn't even been able to take her to the hospital when its an emergency - if she needs a ride to the doctor/hospital she has to wait for her father or brother to take her. During her previous hospitalization she claimed he didn't visit her because the visiting hours didn't line up with her work schedule (her excuse is always that he is working - apparently her works 24/7/365 with no time off allowed), but someone who is familiar with the hospital she was at reported that the hospital got rid of their set visiting hours and visitors were allowed at any time.* *Despite being together for almost 19 years, apparently moving in with this guy isn't an option - even though her other options are damaging to her mental health. She stayed in her old apartment for months even though she said it triggered her mental health and now she is claiming her current roommate situation isn't working out so she either has to move back in with her parents (evidence suggests that already happened) which she says won't be a healthy environment or she is going to ask friends to move in together. She hasn't come up with an explanation of why she can't move in with her "loving and supportive boyfriend" after almost 19 years. When someone asked if it was an option she said "we don't have enough money to buy a house right now" - as if thats the only way they could move in together. She used to claim he couldn't stay at her old apartment overnight because of the apartment rules but later on her friend stayed over for a couple of weeks at a time.* *Sometimes she pretends to get gifts from him - she said he bought her a picc line shower cover once. At one point she pretended he pre-ordered her a cheap YA novel she wanted as an early graduation present (note - she never graduated) even though the anticipated graduation was many months away but her big ED "recovery" date was soon. She has also bought many rings which she claims he gives her to replace the engagement ring they had to pawn years ago. Several times she has called these rings "promise rings" - which isn't really something that adults in their 30s give each other.* *She got their anniversary date tattooed on her collar bone (to imitate one of her favorite CI vlogger) in late 2019/early 2020 - years after there was any sign that he was still in her life. Many many years ago there was the occasional mention of her going over to the "boyfriends" house for a night of adult activities but even mentions of that ended well before she got the tattoo.* *The "boyfriend" she refers to is a real and specific person (aka not completely made up) but there is no evidence that he is a part of her life anymore. Someone on this sub was given his name - he moved to a nearby state but is only 45 minutes from her. He does have a FB account but isn't FB friends with Dani. There is apparently no evidence of Dani on his social media.* *Dani could easily drop this boyfriend storyline and nobody would notice. She could drop it and make herself look good by claiming that she dropped him like a hot potato because he couldn't handle how sick she is. And sometimes mentions of the boyfriend are prompted by the "haters" but there are also a lot of times where she brings it up herself (particularly recently when she encounters certain tiktok filters). She keeps insisting she is happily taken and made a post about how supportive her bf was and how he is always by her side - then proceeds to go through this hospitalization with nobody by her side.* *The boyfriend delusion may be one of the strangest things about Dani.*


>Do you think she is going to mention the anniversary?? I do now!


I hate that I remember this specific detail, but one of the "promise ring" / stand-in engagement rings was from one of those bath bombs with jewelry inside. It's just corny tween all the way down.


Perfect. Just adding that she currently seems to be wearing a wedding band.


Thanks for the background on this!


So can I fix her? - Nobody, ever.


I don’t know how she doesn’t understand that most people know she is lying about her boyfriend because she lies so poorly about it. - There a no pictures (only a very old one). If Dani had a BF she would definitely post pictures of them together and hide his face with smileys or something similar. Dani is a selfish person and wouldn’t care if he wanted to stay completely off social media. - She rarely mentions him and she never talks about visits or activities they are doing together. Or how he helped her choosing a new car etc. We all are knowing her. She would post a lot that stuff and exaggerate endlessly - She would mention that he is the best boyfriend in the world because he drove her to the ER again bc she felt sooo sick. And he would definitely visit her in the hospital EVERY day I doubt even gullible viewers fall long for this nonsense. Dani could even go through a break up arc and probably would manage to gain some sympathy and asspats.


These might give some more context: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/LPT12HnqFK) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/ICxk9QTAIn). After it was revealed that he was married and she DFE, I thought (hoped) she dropped the whole thing out of embarrassment. But no, recently she’s mentioned how he paid for her flight to Mayo, isn’t embarrassed to push her in her wheelchair, and how [she needs a date night with him](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/Evd0f8WQ2U) (side note: her saying that “we haven’t had a date night in a while” is the most honest thing she’s ever said about this “relationship”). [But then she gets all pissy when he’s mentioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/XXwTtbrRtI). To me the boyfriend is really the biggest indicator that there’s some deep mental shit going on there. Yeah duh, I know that factitious disorder is a serious mental thing but having a fake longterm (15+ years!) boyfriend is beyond that. She has “their anniversary” tattooed on her chest and wears a “promise” ring on her left ring finger. I have yet to see a fellow munchie this detached from reality.


She also recently said she needed sex I mean who on earth thinks I know what. I’m going to go onto my social media and tell everyone how much I need sex I don’t think I have ever seen that….i mean I might be naive but it screams some kind of inability to keep things to herself and how oversharing is how she thinks she gains followers…: Her most recent video says about how she doesn’t want her page to be about illness at all hence why there’s (she reckons) more and more videos on other things lols her books but she can’t keep it up because A. No one wants to know and it’s dull….b. Because she doesn’t seem to be able to keep up the other videos because people react to her medical ones She never keeps it up….its not just her life. But it’s her entire life. Her lifestyle is sickness and medial toys. Her entire being is sickness and medical toys I somehow got her siblings in my social media. I can totally see why she does what she does. The brother and sister seem very well connected. Very well educated. Very academic. Have so many things under their belt belt that to an insecure person would drive them crazy. Sort of going off to look after orphans in third world countries. You know?


Flair checking in 🥴


The funny thing is you pretty much just explained it yourself, it’s not particularly complicated in her case 😅 there’s a little more info to it but others have pretty much answered that. Just couldn’t laughing thinking, “yup, that pretty much sums it up” lol


https://preview.redd.it/6x70qyj2n6ad1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda14360580bf4692af2667a73d97a886786714a Bae 🥰


That dude looks like he could be related to her. I wonder if that guy in that picture is actually her cousin or something. They have the same nose, and downturned eyes.


Exact first thing I thought


I’m not entirely convinced she wasn’t wearing those glasses he is wearing until relatively recently


And he looks baffled as to why she would want their picture together: “Uh, what? Okay, sure, dude.”




Ali James teeth!! 😬


That doesn’t even look like her at all. Her teeth look much better as well. I’m sure the aggressive brushing wore everything down over the years.


Bulimia fucks your teeth up. Considering that she’s 38 and they apparently last had contact in high school, this is probably about 20 years ago. That accounts for some of the drastic change in appearance, but the ED and munching have likely contributed a lot.


Why does he look like he’s in his 40’s with a dad bod already in this pic


https://preview.redd.it/1t4hejjaq6ad1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8f82ae59088375cda7b95f100239c982b9df7ae here’s one i made earlier - deffo changed significantly!!!!


Damn!!!!! 😳😳😳


Holy cow. This is probably from the enamel wearing off due to her ED. This is so sad to see. Her mental health has steadily declined all these years and it’s only getting worse


Wonder if she’s had chips and broken bits from those stupid piercings she’s had too.


The lip piercing caused wear no doubt. Alongside the purging those poor teeth’s days are numbered


Didn’t she once have a tongue piercing too?


I think so and I was going to mention that but I wasn’t for sure. It kindve grossed me out thinking she had one with how bad her oral hygiene is


Wow. It almost looks like she had bonding or crowns that are gone.


it genuinely does, like they’ve shifted so far apart


What a shame. She had very nice teeth when she was younger.


If she hasn’t had braces, she had the kind of smile people pay thousands for!


Wow she had such a gorgeous smile!


i know it’s genuinely shocking like, i’m so so curious about the gaps tho like was she a braces patient prior n it’s a case of not wearing a retainer or is it poor (RIP cynthia lol) oral hygiene - either way, i’m brushing my teef rn ☠️


It’s due to purging from her ED most likely


you reckon? it makes most sense, it is genuinely really sad for your teeth to go from really quite good to completely shifting positions/changing shape like this, definitely not helped by her saying she may have cavities but refuses to go dentist. what a waste :(


Yeah she’s deteriorating right before our eyes but it’s self-inflicted, not medical


oh 100%. she’s in so deep at this point that i think even if she wanted to change, she couldn’t bc she’d have to admit the self-sabotage and adjust to a literal different life. i just cannot see that happening atp


Yes, she’s too far in. Even the best inpatient psyche help probably wouldn’t make a dent. I’ve never heard or seen anything like this in all my years in the psyche field. She’s a fascinating case study.


She was also a cheerleader in high school and had really pretty curly blonde hair. I remember the photo she posted or it was in some lore post when she was looking at the person she used to be or something in the midst of her eating disorder.


https://preview.redd.it/hp72y90ky6ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=071606af4e3f40b4f0d55256209e42c3f5c67b99 Found this one photo on the other sub, a screenshot from a TikTok Dani posted before one of the umpteenth DFEs.


Omg I am in shock! Her teeth were so nice before. Excuse my ignorance but how does this happen? Acid from throwing up?


Welllllll. What a fucking mess. I’m still fascinated by her and entertained by this train wreck tho. But just wow.


A guy she knew years ago and might have dated. Hasn't seen him since then but continues to claim they're together. Meanwhile this guy has no idea and got married for realsies spring '23.


Imagine the first time you met someone and thought they were cute, and maybe they even flirted with you, but it was just a one-time meeting and nothing more. That’s apparently what happened between Dani and this guy, but, like everything else in her life, she extrapolated that to mean far more then it did and it ended up taking on a life of its own inside her mind. If she has a cut, then it’s a gash. Is she has a stomach cramp, then it’s intestinal failure. If she loses an ounce, then she’s dropping tons of weight. If she has an innocent flirt, then it’s a 10-year-long affair and he lives in a different state and works so many hours at the Amazon warehouse that he can literally never see her in all that time. Dani likely has some degree of narcissistic personality disorder, which is characterized by ideas of grandiosity and an extreme sense of self importance used to disguise intense self esteem issues, among other things. It makes sense that she wont ever acknowledge that he doesn't exist or that they "broke up" because that would be akin to failure in her mind.


She seems to be the type of person that clings on to people if they extend any kind of kindness. She's got a tattoo of the coordinates of where her best friend's ashes are, i believe. But apparently this best friend wasn't as close to Dani as she was to her. Its quite sad on the face of it. But when you deep dive into her activity over the years, she's pushed away any real friends/connections that she had with her attitude and disturbing behaviour


Like many other things in her life, he's something that she flat made up in her head and has been making excuses for ever since. It is actually sad that she does not appear to have an actual human in her real life with whom she has any real connection.


Or only is there no season finale, it’s always a rerun of the same stuff


My favorite bit of boyfriend lore, is that her collarbone tattoo she claims is their anniversary. When she posted a picture of the tattoo on her Facebook, her Aunt was super confused why Dani was claiming to be in a relationship and had no idea about the guy at all


George Class? He works at Amazon. Retry gets time off.


He's a guy dani knew I believe while in high school. She has one photo of them together, possibly from a party. Opinion is divided on if they ever actually dated or were just friends, but either way, it was something short lived. Dani has claimed ever since that he's her boyfriend. Per Dani, he's bought her a promise ring (that I believe she later pawned after buying it for herself), he's working too much at Amazon 24/7 to ever come see her or bring her to hospital. He can't come to hospital with her because he has hospital trauma and works too much. They don't live together because he works too much. She posted many blatantly fake sexual comments on Instagram in the past about how she "needs intimate sex bad." She got their supposed anniversary date tattooed on her. He has no social media. Reddit slueths found his actual social media and he's a regular guy that was married last summer.


I already knew all of this, and I still screamed upon reading. It’s so fucking crazy


Didn't he marry another man?


I wonder how aware of all this he is. It's so creepy, I can't imagine this wouldn't all affect him and his wife in some way.


Can’t live together cause he works too much… why would that keep them from living together lol makes no sense


His sleep schedule coincides with her “mania” schedule


It’s all so creepy when laid out like that 😭


The tattoo is straight up delusion.


God damn this is so tragic lol


I am new too! Thank you for the through info! That last bit got me. He got married last summer?! Bless the Reddit sleuths! Haha, wow!




And don't forget she says that the tattoo with the Roman numbers was the date she got her ring.


Holy shit! I had no idea about the tattoo! That’s just another level of crazy!