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##[bingo cardsšŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/poVbqmHo1p) ā€” ##[hospice lore](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/ABXwv5mQ22) for those interested!




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs šŸ¤šŸ“µšŸ¦“ Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. Weā€™re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, thereā€™s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We donā€™t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk. Please donā€™t post direct links/tag other subs. Discussion is OK. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


Sheā€™s already getting offered palliative care ffs. Hospice and palliative arenā€™t the same thing. Palliative is treatment to help a patient manage the uncomfortable side effects of illness whether theyā€™re in the final stages of life or not. Sheā€™s being offered palliative care, she just doesnā€™t fucking USE it.


You have to be willing to help yourself. She refuses to even try tube feeds bc she's so headset on tpn. It's clear she's eating and/or drinking bc she has weight and yes, fat on her. You're not dying dani.


Yes, and a healthy amount of weight where as with TPN she was also running tube feeds and eating


Oh when she had TPN she looked like the marshmallow man from Ghostbusters because she was so fluid overloaded


u/babybaphomet949 I agree with you about the outrage I also feel when She accuses her doctors are being unethical. They have been unethical in the past since I think they have known there was a problem for a while and theyā€™re just now putting their foot down since she almost died when they shouldā€™ve put their foot down ages before this. But what would be a ethical would be for them to ignore the factitious disorder diagnosis and the fact there is absolutely ZERO clinical need for a line and TPN and all of the signs that she canā€™t care for a line on her own and just give her what she wants to shut her up. **THAT** would be unethical ![gif](giphy|g0ErvnyVsp7nJyfmxF)


Yes! The doctors were acting unethically when they played along with this nonsense for years on end, giving her every line and device she demanded, while keeping her snowed under on opioids and benzodiazepines. Her "care team" is only now beginning to act in an ethical manner, and I'm thinking that the only reason they're acting ethically \*now\* is because the Internet is shining a fairly bright light on all of Dani's nonsense, and there's a greater than zero chance that they're going to have to answer some VERY serious questions at some point!


At the end of the video: Anyone else notice the irony of her ā€œcoveringā€ her yawn by placing her hand on her nose, right above her mouth, yet still showing her entire open mouth? Why even do it if youā€™re not actually covering your mouth? She has some interesting behavioral tells for when sheā€™s anxious, being deceitful, has underlying intentions, and/or realizes sheā€™s contradicting herself. Itā€™s like watching a teenager who thinks theyā€™re fooling everyone yet the truth is written all over their faces and body languageā€¦


I'm sorry I missed that part... I was fixated on her sausage casing. She needs to dress for her size. She really does have a lot of tells. My favorite is when she does an emoji-like frown that no one does in real life while saying "no, not really" right after saying something sarcastic like "I love having flares".


ā€œNo, nottttt reallyyyā€. šŸ˜‚ itā€™s always so obvious when sheā€™s going to say that comment too.


I'd love to see a compilation of nothing but "no, no really". šŸ˜†


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚me too! If I knew how to do that shit I totally would because that would be amazing!! Anyone good with editing that could do it?? I know the one person made an amazing edit not too long ago but Iā€™m not sure of her name.


Sheā€™s an anxious yawner for sure, I reckon the lives average at least 2 yawns a minute. Granted, I suppose the lives arenā€™t the greatest showcase of her behaviour, Iā€™m not sure what she finds spectacular about them, thereā€™s no focus, itā€™s just her passing awkward minutes between other awkward minutes with fidgety gestures like that until the inevitable attention hungry threat to rage quit is pointed at the commenters, or she just nods out.


I know nothing about Mayo. I'm surprised they would make an appointment without her local docs input. I know they are top-notch. Can anyone enlighten me? "Self-reffered" ?


I believe she did refer herself after one of her followers said that Mayo had successfully unblocked her SVC. Though apparently that was medically necessary because she was awaiting transplant surgery... I think someone mentioned that in the comments the other day


If Dani earned herself a one way ticket out of TubieLand, what happens with her disability? Does it go into review?


I believe her disability is for mental health conditions.


I canā€™t wait for the day she gets her disability update forms from SSDI. I just got mine 3 weeks ago (itā€™s been 7 years for me) and I filled it out and itā€™s done already, but they require info on your last appts and surgeries and they said in the paperwork that they will go thru your insurance filings to check everything. If sheā€™s on it for mental health and not receiving any actual mental health services..then why is she receiving benefits?


She just did her review last year


Even if someone is on it for mental health services, there is no requirement to see out mental health care.


That just doesn't seem right. If I don't see a doctor, and don't have my doctor's backing that I am not able to work still, I am forced off SSDI; it should be the same for mental health. Get the services offered, get the help.


As a taxpayer thatā€™s a problem


Exactly! I had to talk with my doctors when I did my update and discuss what they felt my chances were with going back to work. Each agreed it would be detrimental to my health and I wouldn't be able perform a job. If that's required for me being on disability for a physical disability, why wouldn't mental health be taken just as seriously if not more? I am not trying to be hateful or anything, it's a genuine question. I see a therapist along with physicians to help cope with my chronic illnesses and chronic pain. It should definitely be for someone on disability for mental health.


I agree !


It was originally for the ED she claims to be recovered from. She is definitely mentally ill though.


I can not with all her little cutesy shit like that thing hanging on her phone. Sheā€™s what 40 I think? Iā€™m 39. I donā€™t get the teenage bullshit she has. I really wish she would take a shower. I pray I donā€™t look as bad her. I wish she would stop with the baby voice. She drives me crazy. But again, I love this train wreck


Iā€™m approaching her age (not quite there yet) and I hope I donā€™t look like this either. I do shower daily unless I am in the hospital and not allowed. Those shitty wipes just donā€™t cut it.


Iā€™m also in the hospital frequently (type 1 diabetes) and I know those wipes do not cut it!!! I swear I know itā€™s shallow but I really really hope I donā€™t look as bad as she does!!


I'm not from the US, so a serious question: is it possible to just make an appointment at Mayo Clinic without a referral or another doctor / to have your "team" involved? I can't imagine they will just do those examinations and make decisions solely based on her orally presented history and maybe a wise selection of few reports that fit her narrative?! Or do they have access to MyChart? Do they talk with the doctors treating her before she goes there? Or would she have to sign a form (release of confidentiality), otherwise they would only get the info she states?


You can request an appt at Mayo (you don't have to have a dr referral) and they will ask for all of your records, and they have access to MyChart. They review the info and sometimes will decline to see a patient. But so far as patients who travel from other places, they do not want to be diagnosing & treating people who do not have solid medical care at home. If it is an ongoing, long-term issue IMO they want all records and to even sometimes speak to your drs.Ā  Not to blog but as an example my husband (he is fine now) was diagnosed with cancer at a young age due to burn pit exposure while in the Army/Iraq. He was a civilian at the time and I got him an appt at Mayo for a 2nd opinion about 6 months after diagnosis. Mayo wanted all of his records from the military, the VA, private health care providers and they called and spoke with a few drs in particular that my husband had seen years ago for what we thought was persistent sinus/allergy issues.Ā  The best analogy I can think of is a security clearance. My husband had one while active and it was renewed every few years or so; the investigators took a fine tooth comb through our bank statements, travels/vacations, etc it was intense Mayo did the same type of fine tooth comb thing with his medical records & history. To say that they pay attention to details would be a massive understatement lol They noticed some things I never did and I have read all my husband's records front to back several times. When I say that Dani has no idea what she is in for, I am serious. They will mop the floor with her if she lies and tries to manipulate them; but I think they might be her best shot at getting some proper mental health treatment. There are some amazing facilities and if she would put in the work, I think she could have a decent and happy life. She is clearly in a lot of emotional pain and it does not have to be like this. (Not excusing ANY of her behavior).Ā 


Thanks so much for explaining! Yes, it would be great if they could address her mental illness(es) - the only reason I would actually grant her a four week stay (minimum).


Based on what I've heard around munchie subs, it's possible to make general appointments with the doctors at Mayo just like you would at any other clinic. I assume she'd have to release her medical info to them. She's assuming that they're going to see her at the initial appointment and be so amazed at what a complex medical mystery she is that they'll keep her there for a month or procedures and surgeries.


Happy cake day :)


People can self refer, but they may or may not say they will see you. If they will schedule an appointment, you would be required to sign a release for them to access all your medical records. They would refuse to schedule an appointment if you didnā€™t grant them access. They 100% review all the pertinent previous doctors notes, and staff communicate with her local docs if necessary for continuity of care. The nurses, and caseworkers organize most of that, the docā€™s are not calling each other about Daniā€”she really isnā€™t that special. The stuff going on with her is pretty mundane. She wants her SVC unblocked, and could have probably gone to a dozen different top tier hospitals closer to her, but she wants to pretend sheā€™s such a hard case that World-Famous Mayo Clinic sent an engraved invitation ~~inviting~~ begging her to please come and let everyone marvel at how unusual she is! A TRUE ZEBRA IN THE WILD! The clinics & hospital provide regular ā€˜ol primary & specialty healthcare to hundreds of thousands of people that live in the area. My husband goes to an endocrinologist there and his PCP is part of the Mayo healthcare system in a nearby town. He only goes there because they are in-network for him and he didnā€™t like the endocrinologist clinic at a different system. Thereā€™s literally nothing about Daniā€™s situation that requires a trip there. Sheā€™s 100% doing it for internet clout. Not to mention wasting a bunch of money that she doesnā€™t have, to travel so far away.


Thanks for your response! She's probably already looking forward to telling everyone (taxi, airport personnel, flight attendants, ...) about her trip to Mayo and that she has to leave the state to find a doctor who's able to treat her special case šŸ™„




See rule #8: Discussing Other Accounts & Subs šŸ¤šŸ“µšŸ¦“ Your comment/post was removed for mentioning the name of a subject from another sub or posting a direct link/tagging other subs. Weā€™re NOT affiliated with ANY other sub. Yes, thereā€™s subs that discuss Dani AND other "munchies". We donā€™t. If you wish to discuss them by name, please do on the relevant sub. Mentioning other names puts our sub at risk. Please donā€™t post direct links/tag other subs. Discussion is OK. If you edit your comment to reflect the appropriate changes, Mods can re-approve it.


I just realized, not only did Dani self-refer to Mayo without telling her Drs, she also went directly to a DME to try and get that custom pink Barbie wheelchair. Those 2 stunts coupled with her recent Temple admission where she earned herself a sitter, the multiple welfare checks by police after nodding off on social media (whether that be real or fake) &Ā  the last 12 months in particular of her frequent ER visits, self-induced line infections etc probably instigated this meeting, which is the beginning of the end for Dani.Ā  Can you imagine, being her GI or primary dr and already dealing with her in general as a patient, plus getting likely DAILY MyChart messages/threats, finding out she went around you to doctor shop an unnecssary port, THEN you get a request from Mayo for records AND a request from Medicare to write a letter to support her alleged need for a very expensive, customized wheelchair she once again took upon herself to order?!Ā  No wonder there is a care team appt. She is a ticking time bomb and *huge* liability for any health care professional plus she is on government assistance. (Meaning, if they just go along with her bullshit requests and demands for unnecessary procedures and toys, they can get in a lot of trouble once the inevitable investigation into her fraud and abuse of the system is opened).Ā  The hoard of medical supplies she has for a feeding tube is the first huge red flag. As others have said, there is no need for her to have that much shit. And if she is reselling it to help fund her shopping addiction, she needs to be prosecuted.Ā  Edited to fix spelling in first paragraphĀ 


Yes I think you're exactly right


Exactly this! Her Dr's. can get in a buttload of trouble with Medicare and Medicaid unless all of her toys, props, tests, and procedures are šŸ’Æ justified.


We also know that she loses her temper rather quickly. We have reports from the past when she got mad when doctors kept asking questions or were not doing what she wanted them to do. She has also admitted to talking back to doctors before. While she hasn't reported anything like that in recent weeks, I'd be surprised if she did neither lose her temper and talked back to the doctors.


She filed at least one complaint about a doctor (ER doc) that resulted in a form letter back about them "looking into it". She's a nasty piece of work, both mentally and physically. It's crazy that *we* catch glimpses of it because part of her grifting includes being a kind soul battling daily health issues and medical injustices. I imagine her family or anyone who doesn't say or do what she wants gets to feel her (puny) wrath.


Oh yes! In the video she made a day or so ago, complaining that none of her doctors were giving her any answers, etc she said something along the lines of they should call her/speak to her directly and that she "wouldn't argue with them or anything."Ā  She tells on herself over and over again--what normal patient/sick person would try to ration that their doctor owed them a phone call AND oh yeah, don't worry because they won't argue with them when they do call?!. Only someone who has a history of tantrums, arguing and abusive behavior towards medical personnel would even throw that out there. She knows why they won't call her and why they allegedly have a "middle man" involved--they are sick of her shit and don't want any part of it any more. 99% positive they have gotten legal counsel about how to proceed with her and what to do when she throws the inevitable temper tantrum of all temper tantrums.Ā  She knows this and the anxiety is already getting to her as many others have pointed out.Ā  I don't think she is going to make it to Monday without some sort of [self-induced] "medical emergency" or injury.Ā  She is going to try to find some reason to postpone that meeting and GTFO of town ASAP. I think she would even try to get to Mayo ASAP, show up at the ER and beg for an admission since she is already there and too poor to get home etcĀ  She has her disability pay sooooo..


Dani know the end is nigh


The fact that her ā€œteamā€ had a private pow-wow (minus Dani, which enrages her) to discuss her says a lot. They compared notes about her and can now put their collective foot (up her šŸ«) down regarding her egregious, shameless & unnecessary manipulation of the health system. Now they all want to meet with her for a coming to Jesus moment.


It's like a medical intervention! I hope she listens to what they say and makes changes.... šŸ¤ž


I wish I could be a fly on the wall for that.


Speaking of flies.. there seems to be an awful lot in her apartment keeping her cats busy


Boy to be a fly on the wall in the hospice meeting lol


I'm going to assume that hospice will be a 5150 stay


If she really needed hydration and her port these doctors would never take them away. The fact sheā€™s wondering if they will want to take them shows she is aware they donā€™t believe her and (maybe?) thereā€™s a part of her that understands she doesnā€™t need this shit either.


I donā€™t even think she still goes to the thrice weekly infusions anymore.


But once she doesnā€™t have them she will start to deteriorate!


That bead thing dangling off her cell phone is so childish. I know we always talk about her emotional development being that of a pre-teen but this really seals the deal for me. Sheā€™s an almost 40 year old with the mind of a 12 year old trying to live the life of an adult. Failing miserably at it.


Yes!!!!! I just commented the same thing!! Itā€™s so childish and the baby voice!!!


Fifteen Going On Factitious


Next on Hulu..


I think we need to leave room for the possibility that this is the case. Not armchair diagnosing intellectual disability but simply observing and leaving space for the possibility


I donā€™t believe itā€™s an intellect thing by any means. Just emotionally stunted.


Well she sees herself as a very smart person who knows what she is talking about (her own words), while she is really not the brightest candle. With her lack of self awareness she doesnā€™t see the need to improve herself.


And why would she? Sheā€™s been getting constant reinforcement by her TikTok fans, getting free crap sent to her PO Box, doctors not being wishy-washy and caving to her demandsā€¦ she has so many medical people she sees and all it takes is one to take her seriously and BOOM! Sheā€™s back on opiates, benzos and TPN. But it looks like this chapter is soon coming to an end


Damn. Sheā€™s helpless and hopeless. If only she would grow up and put in the work we all have to do to live.


I know itā€™s ethically dubious but Iā€™d like to suggest maybe some health professionals have stumbled across her online presence. Itā€™s not that difficult to do, even if youā€™re not trying.


Yep, she pops up on tick tock. Lol, it's disturbing šŸ˜‚.


She's so despicable.


Dani Logic: ā€œmight as well just die thenā€ ![gif](giphy|5WXqTFTgO9a7e)


Thats where she started, shes never really had to do anything different, and now here we are. Still avoiding responsibility, accountability, and growing up. Sheā€™s spent a good 20 plus years avoiding the above things and here they are to bite her in the butt.


I have no doubt in my mind she actually believes thats whats gonna happen if they "dont help her" the munch is real deep here.


do we know who writes her Klonopin script? shouldnā€™t she be under the care of a psychiatrist for that kind of thing?


I think it was a regular GP nurse practitioner. So, you know, not anyone qualified to prescribe long-term benzos. Dani said she had to push back a bit to even get the lowest dose so Iā€™m guessing she wore the NP down.


That takes up probably a whopping entire 20 minute doctors visit. Mental health care in her area is not that great.


Her PCP/internist prescribed her .5mg PRN


I watched my husband die a terrible death due to pancreatic cancer while on hospice. It broke me to see him like that. Taking a little break from this sub after seeing this. But Iā€™ll be back!


Oh I'm so sorry. It's a horrible thing to watch and we feel absolutely helpless. Sending hugs from the UK.


I am so, so sorry. That is so horrible and unfair.Ā  ((Hugs))Ā 


Iā€™m so sorry to hear about your husband. I totally understand needing a break after this, take care of yourself


Oh, she's such a manipulative, lying jerk.Ā  But the good news is that she is terrified because the medical professionals are all communicating with each other, and have realized that she is basically a con artist--lying, grifting and manipulating to get what she wants.Ā  I hope they see this video somehow (not touching the poo) and I guarantee once Dani is told no and she loses her shit on them, they can "fire" her as a patient, document her FD and Medicaid/Medicare can open an investigation into her fraud/waste/abuse of taxpayer dollars.Ā  I don't want anyone to die, and she clearly jas severe mental health issues, but she is also a nasty, manipulative, self-absorbed, abusive human being who needs to be held accountable for her actions.Ā  This isn't a credit card bill you can just ignore, or a student loan you think might be forgiven, or a simple case of going to the ER for something you thought was serious but was not (eg thought you were having a heart attack but it was gas pain).Ā  This is YEARS of calculated and intentional abuse of a system (including people who work as professionals in that system) as well as YEARS of wasting precious time and resources other people desperately--and legitimately--need.Ā  I am here for Dani getting to the part where she FO what happens after FA for over a decade.Ā  She deserves every bit of what is coming, and if Mayo sounded the alarm after seeing her records that is even MORE hilarious because she literally brought this upon herself.. Mayo + showing her true colors at the last Temple admission that got her a sitter...she did something that caused that sitter to happen and it drives her crazy that she fucked it up.Ā  She has lost control of everything and it shows in her lives, her hoards and her obsession with packing/repacking/obsessing about this Mayo trip whilst not showering or doing anything else but molting in her puke-covered bed (by her own admission).Ā  She needs serious psychiatric help and I hope she gets it, and I REALLY hope her cats are OK.Ā 


Her narcissistic triangulation is coming full circle. The worst thing for a narcissist is when the people they have triangulated begin to communicate with one another. There, thatā€™s where it all falls apart.


Yesss, exactly!!Ā 


If this is all started with Mayo sounding the alarm and informing her local doctors what she's up to, this is a nuclear FAFO and I waited so fucking long for this to happen.


I know! I want to know all the juicy deets of what happens! I want that sweet payoff


Yup!! She really screwed herself over by self-referring to Mayo, especially so soon after her Temple admission with a 1-on-1 Sitter.Ā  They know she is doctor/procedure shopping, she is lying and manipulating, and she is willing to go to extraordinary lengths as a result of her mental health conditions.Ā  AND she's on government assistance.Ā  You are so right--this is a nuclear FAFO.Ā 


The fact that MAYO is onto her shit is fucking epic. She'll never even get to go because they'll slam the door in her face before she finishes packing her suitcase for the fiftieth time. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to watch her epic tantrum meltdown. Other munchies got successful at their grift because they aren't treating everyone like shit, like Dani does. She rolled the dice and got snake eyes. Oh- I know why- *because she's a garbage human being*.


Well in considering sheā€™s probably called them about 70,000 times already they were probably like whatā€™s up with this chick we need to call her local team


I refuse to watch her try and cosplay people's life. She has no clue what scary is.


Having worked with palliative and hospice patients it boils my blood that she thinks that even in a small way she requires that level of care.


She needs a psychiatrist.


It makes me sick to see what she has done to her body :(




Whatā€™s the name of the song?


Frontier Psychiatrist!


Okay but that song is SO good and I listen to it on my way to therapy some days lol.


It's such a bop!


Nooo this songs been on my playlist for 12+ years, it canā€™t be ruined now šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚




Basically she's at the cusp of being told NO by her entire care team... you know, since she's so speshul, they've all had enough and got together. This is literally her FO stage and she's about to come completely unhinged. The fact that she admits the ER has a plan for her (and reinforces my assertion she is conspicuously NOT going all of a sudden) says that the facilities she frequents and the docs she's been playing have all reached critical mass where they had to get together and stop the bleeding that is this leach on their system. They said she could continue the hydration up to this meeting? So she knows damned good and well that it was a temporary fix to SHUT HER UP and not really a worsening of her condition. HOW tf she wants to assert that she needs IV hydration at all, the way she drinks those giant ass coffees, juice, lemonades, etc. NO way that the docs said she could drain 24/7, she's just trying to whack out her electrolytes and fluid balance so she can "prove" that they were wrong and she needs an accessed line at her disposal. She's so effing transparent!! Finally, as a former ONC nurse, her even remotely implying that she is in such a bad way that she would need either palliative care or hospice is so freaking offensive. The only thing terminal about her is this game she's been playing for years. Time's up, lady. They're on to you.


So is she on her deathbed for needing hospice?


Well, she definitely won't be delicately failing like Nicole Kidman in Moulin Rouge.


Love your referencing


Well hopefully this intervention comes with a psych clause and if she refuses, her ssdi should be reevaluated no? Oh could you imagine Daniā€™s free ride being over?? Cause I sure can.


I wish, but I've seen it pointed out that she still qualifies/might already be qualified for SSDI for an ED or another mental disorder. The thing is, she is capable of working, but she *won't*. She had a job during her holiday at Cleveland Clinic & kept making it sound like she had an approved medical leave, but then she extended her stay & no more job when she got home.


I know, but seeing has she gets it for her mental health and already doesnā€™t do ANY mental health treatment, this may highlight that. You canā€™t just claim a disorder and refuse to get treatment for it while literally trying to get treatment for everything else under the sun BUT that issue. Iā€™m just saying it may bring her shenanigans to light. All her videos of her showing off all the shit she buys and admitting to not doing treatments sheā€™s supposed to ,itā€™s all online for everyone who looks to find


When her next cdr comes. If she does not comply with psych, which she should already be doing since she has disability for mental reasons, she can and will lose it. All the evidence these drs are getting not only proves malingering to social security but it could give her a way to stay on it if she complies. It's a wait and see.


I donā€™t believe SSDI requires you to take any actions as to a treatment plan to continue to receive it. I donā€™t know how they would require that since so many treatment options are limited by things outside of your control like insurance cvg


SSDI reviews every 1 or 2 years before the age of 55. (I formerly worked for a large Mental Health Center) If her SSDI is based on mental health. She would absolutely have to be seeing a psychiatrist for med checks . It's easy to keep, but not seeing a psychiatrist at all would prevent her from keeping it. No therapy is required. Just a statement from her psychiatrist saying he/she doesn't believe Dani is capable of gainful employment and a brief explanation of why.


Agreed to see a doctor to certify things every two years or whatever but she doesnā€™t need to follow a particular treatment plan per se


You are speaking as if SSDI can competently make a decisive ruling on umm anything.


How has Dani not figured out that her "care team" is probably working on a psych plan for her bc they know she'll spiral when they pull everything (including her meds). I feel like someone affiliated with a hospital she frequents found out about her online life (for the past decade!). I know WE don't "touch the poo" but there's absolutely no reason one of her TT followers hasn't sent in a heads-up, complete with links.


Well, there was the incident of her filming a Temple resident during an admission and straight up lying about it. If I remember right she was yeeted shortly after


I thought that was St.Lukes?


I have a loved one on palliative care right now. Guess what? They donā€™t call it palliative care anymore. Itā€™s called Symptom Management. Because thatā€™s what it is. Youā€™re managing the symptoms because your disease canā€™t be cured. It fucking extends peopleā€™s lives, itā€™s not a fucking death sentence. Sheā€™s treating herself like sheā€™s dying and using terms for effect. Palliative care is a scary word that people donā€™t understand and they think it means theyā€™re on the road to dying. Meanwhile, for someone like Dani, you could argue theyā€™ve been doing symptom management for years. Whatever she has canā€™t be cured so theyā€™ve been placating her with drugs or pain management. The difference between her and someone with a terminal illness is that she will never get the good drugs becauseā€¦ sheā€™s not dying. Sheā€™s shown time and time again that given enough time on her own she will feed herself. Itā€™s like watching a toddler refuse food. Eventually theyā€™ll eat something. Even people with ARFID will eat their safe foods after refusing foods they canā€™t handle. She is just malingering for drugs. She wants all the medication they give so easily to terminal cancer patients but she canā€™t rejoice in the fact that she is NOT TERMINAL. She has a life in front of her still. Makes me so angry. Iā€™d like to give her the pamphlets I was given about hospice when my loved one was first diagnosed with terminal cancer. Hospice is a lovely place but the realities of dying are not. I have a pamphlet that describes all the sounds, smells, and visuals of what someone on hospice may be experiencing as they pass and itā€™s not nice.


Wow sick bowl cut hair. Looks nice and gelled down too. But donā€™t get me started on her tapping into other services like hospice. She better not. Disclaimer: I only watched long enough to see her hair and dipped out.


Honestly Dani needs to be more active. Iā€™m not trying to be facetious by saying this, but she could probably benefit from assisted stretching, if not physical therapy, or from various restorative types of yoga practices. Thereā€™s sooo many things Dani could be doing to better herself, even from the comfort of her own home. And for free. Things that donā€™t involve constant drug intake. Honestly, she could even see a physiatrist and they might be able to assist her with at home low-impact stretching and exercises, because she quite honestly and obviously needs it.


100% agree, I was rehabbing an injury and found so many gentle restorative yoga practices free on YouTube. I appreciated those creators sharing their knowledge for me to benefit. I always felt better after a practice.


Yeah, it's amazing how good movement is for your mental health! Problem is, though, she doesn't want to be well.




I 100% agree. Being active (with doctor approval) is also known to be helpful for people who really do have RA or other joint issues. Physical activity is also good for mental health. It releases endorphins & dopamine the ā€œhappy hormonesā€ that make you feel better.


use it or lose it.


Motion is the lotion


I'm sure there's physiatrists in her area who will accept her medicaid, and I sure as hell know that there are plenty of them employed at the Rochester, MN Mayo Clinic. Here's one for example: [https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/barksdale-toure-m-d/bio-20517681#!](https://www.mayoclinic.org/biographies/barksdale-toure-m-d/bio-20517681#) (note: he works in hospice and palliative care, just like she's looking for! lol)


Wholeheartedly agreed these things would benefit her so much, but at the same time I think most of us know it'll never happen. She is a very lonely, mentally unwell woman who builds her whole life around seeking validation from others however she can. Dani is just a mess, as much as I'd love to root for her to turn her life around. I don't think it's going to happen so long as she remains deeply entrenched in the sick girl narrative.


I know :(


This really, truly makes me so angry!? She's terrified. Shut up. Without blogging, there are people fighting tooth and nail to beat cancer. With every step, they get knocked down; some are told it has spread or is more aggressive than they initially thought. Some of these amazing people can't eat because of where the cancer is located. When chemo is pulled as an option because of how aggressive said tumor is, those people who have fought for their lives and families are met with absolute terror and anxiety. They had to accept that there was nowhere else to turn; all options were exhausted. Some may be given a sliver of hope for a new therapy that might help, but when these brave men and women have been knocked down at every turn, they end up having to accept the fate that they may not win this fight. That is pure terror, Dani.. You want new toys and tubes when you do not need them, and throwing a hissy fit is far from the absolute terror she claims she feels. I hope this doctor does remove it all because SHE DOES NOT NEED ANY OF IT. So shove it and be thankful you are not fighting for your life šŸ˜”


Besides the massive amounts of Benadryl, Tizanidine and Zofran, which can all cause drowsiness.


And her Klonopin, Buspar, meclizine, etc mixed in... and seriously, she's pushing them all in a slurry of Benadryl and who knows what else?


You forgot the promethazine.


the image of her mixing all of those together in a benadryl slurry makes me sickšŸ˜… russian roulette!


You arent good at doing drugs unless you are ingesting slurries of them.


And, all I can think of are the families of loved ones or the patients themselves, tearfully agreeing to palliative care because they have sadly come to the acceptance phase of their terminal illness journey. Knowing there is nothing else that can be done except comfort care measures. Talking about palliative care and having terminal diagnosis.


Ha oh no another hope






God, that f'n voice. Like a fork scraping a plate. Back to mute.


Dani has uploaded a similar video where she basically says the same thing that she said in this live. But two replies in the comments section are interesting: She has a care plan for the ER "that was made by a doctor who didn't kniw me", e.g. there is a care plan in place she doesn't like and now dismisses as made by somebody who's not qualified. Same way she dismissed the FD diagnosis from Penn. That might be a reason why she's been to the ER less often, even though we can't say for sure how often she's been at the ER since she only reports "successful" visits to the ER in order to avoid criticism. (Also, there is no Joni or Jon in this comment thread, hence why I haven't censored that name. I think it's just Dani's weird spelling) https://preview.redd.it/c28pf83auaad1.png?width=1246&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe45e23071db786c3d1c0cd6273f28b9c56ae9bc


One of her ER visits in the past month or two sounded like there was a care plan in place. She said that the doctor wouldn't even step foot in her room and she was released very quickly.


Probably meant honey. So condescending the way she says


Also: Her messages/notes/whatever say that she can continue her current treatment until the meeting, which worries her. https://preview.redd.it/q1oiz57zuaad1.png?width=1240&format=png&auto=webp&s=f40f4f658e176fb89514fb911921ab6043412198


Always nice if someone screenshots these precious comments.ā¤ļø


There is one more from that post that doesn't deliver anything knew (e.g. her worry that she might be cut off from treatment) but it might be worth saving anyways.. for the very least for the language used. https://preview.redd.it/xzrchsbgkgad1.png?width=1246&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea52946d28c8f49d38e2c4a8fc9f425520bc8673


They should fire her. She can eat and drink just fine and needs none of that shit.


Nice šŸ‘




absolute scumbag behaviour. Dani is not dying, she does not need palliative care. the manipulation here is abhorrent, anyone with eyes can see she isnā€™t dying of starvation anytime soon, and using hospice as a threat to keep her line is actually diabolical.


The only thing I got out of this video was the sweet baby looking comfy. As a cat owner, I hope thatā€™s a sign she treats her babies right at least.






Happy cake day!


oh my gosh i didnā€™t even notice šŸ˜­ ty!!


Happy cake day! šŸŽ‰šŸ„³šŸŽˆšŸŽŠšŸŽšŸ¾šŸ‘Æ


yayayay !!! ty ty !! šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚ā­ļøā­ļø


If her doctor stopped her infusions and has her port taken out, NOTHING would change! Her physical health will not decline.




Why is she even thinking of those. How is she even going to get one without referrals???


Yeah good luck with that šŸ¤£ She doesnā€™t come close to having the slightest chance of having that approved.


I'd love it if this intervention led to a psych hold.


She doesn't qualify for a hold


Correct, she hasn't explicitly stated that she has any thoughts/pans/intentions of harming herself or anyone else. And she isn't reporting hallucinations. However, it would take months of working with a judge to comb through her records and build up a believable case of medical self-harm that warrants even a 5150 court order (72 hour involuntary hold). I'm not in the pysch field, I've been hospitalized 30+ times, so please fact-check me if I'm wrong!


Why not


If that ā€œmeetingā€ doesnā€™t go well, she will.


Yep she'll rage and probably say something stupid. That will get her a one way ticket and not to Mayo


I counted 20 buffer pauses. Thatā€™s one every 19 seconds.




Having worked in hospice, she does not qualify as she does not have any terminal diagnoses. But for her, itā€™s a fun little buzzword she can throw around so her peen feels validated by others who can boo hoo her on TikTok.


It really shows who she is. People who need those care wonā€™t be saying them all nilly willy. It is really a hard time for those being put in and for the family. It is a really emotionally and mentally difficult situation for those who need them. Dani is disguising for playing with those words all easily. This is why, Iā€™m starting to think more she is just a rotten person to the core.


Second post cause I just thought of a new song for Dani! Remix of Britney Spears song šŸŽ¶ sometimes I munch, sometimes I cry sometimes I glare at you but all I really want is to hold drugs tight, tpn and skite stay high all day and night Baby, I just need to munch. šŸŽ¶ Yes I ate sugar again lol I know you canā€™t tell Stupid phone formatting


Fixed it: https://preview.redd.it/8dkgn8004aad1.jpeg?width=315&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719cfdb3bc3921e6f7fe9c5ab184af89fa092be9 I just watched Macc's face. What a sweet boy.


an baby




Iā€™m am reduced to reacting with gifs as itā€™s the same bs cycle and wisdom is wasted on her




Uh oh, looks like Dani got the impression that they were thinking of taking her precious hydration away and she is panicking. The fact she mentioned palliative care and then hospice is infuriating! I am pretty sure the doctors know exactly what they are doing and are not putting her at any medical risk.


No doctor will put a patient at risk to just die because they have mental issues.


the cluster b shines loudly in the manipulation of the ā€œmight as well just do palliative care until hospiceā€ youā€™re not gonna need hospice, dani. you have psychosomatic symptoms, not deadly ones *hon* (ala dani)


She doesnā€™t even really have those because she eats all the time


She hasnā€™t complained about having to go into the transfusion center. Already cut off?


She was in on Monday getting her fluids.


She said in her comments that it's going well but "each said something about I can continue it until the meeting".


Key words: "UNTIL the meeting". They plan to take her toys and pills away. She pushed too hard and will learn the hard way.


That one little word has her spiralingā€¦ šŸŒ€ she knows what sheā€™s done she knows whatā€™s up.. sheā€™s not new to this.


Her local team knows she going to Mayo. Iā€™m wondering at this meeting the doctors will tell her they have been in contact with Mayo. Mayo looked into her medical records more, and called in a phone consult. After talking, Mayo doctor has decided to cancel her appointment, and asked her team to let her know. Local team has decided to have a care plan meeting/intervention with Dani, and if she is going to continue care, she will have to be compliant. No TPN, port removed, no more running feeds, etc, tapering off medication. I could definitely see Mayo being suspicious of her medical records, and waiting to talk to her local GI to see if these appointments are needed.


I would be glad when they remove her feeding tubes.


I wonder if Medicaid (?) is involved in any of this & if they'll even cover Mayo. She doesn't have a referral and the stupid procedure she wants isn't even medically necessary.


This is the best thing I've seen on here. This would be absolutely amazing!! This have been getting worse with her


I soooo hope you are right.


All of what you're thinking is completely logical & would make for a really fun plot twist. šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


Can they remove her port without her permission? I thought that once itā€™s in they canā€™t take it out unless itā€™s infected or she agrees to have it removed.


They can threaten to discharge her as a patient for non compliance. She wants all the medication they give her, so she would have to do what they say. Legally, they could discharge her for non compliance and give her a month of medication with zero refills. Iā€™m sure with that threat she would let them take it out. The doctors have the leverage here.


Not from the USA. I hear this a lot here, 'fire as a patient for non compliance'. What does that actually mean? Is she on a blacklist for certain hospitals? How do people have access to care if that happens?


Doctors here can release patients from their care if they are not following their care plan (non compliance) and being argumentative. If they are let go as a patient, they are usually sent a letter in writing stating why, and told that they have 30 days of medication with no refills, and will only see the patient in that 30 day period if there is an emergency. They may give them a list of doctors, or they may tell them to refer to their insurance company to find a new doctor that is taking new patients. Itā€™s fully within the law to do this if they can no longer help them. As far as a hospital, itā€™s more tricky, because anyone can go to an ER and be treated, no matter what. However, if you are a problem patient, they may not admit you. And if they do, they may have someone that is a nurses aid sit with the patient one on one during the admission. Usually the problem patients at hospitals are drug seekers and people like Dani. So they wouldnā€™t really have any acute problems most likely, and can be told in the ER to follow up with their doctor after getting the most basic care to make sure nothing is an emergency.


No, they can't remove it without her permission. What they can do, however, is refuse to prescribe any infusions and only access it for the maintenance that needs to be performed on any indwelling line.


They can't. There are ethical/legal reasons, e.g. every procedure comes with a risk. That's why you sign consent forms before they do these procedures. In this case specially, there are also practical reasons against a forced removal: How should they do it? Four doctors grab an arm or leg and the fifth one pulls down her pants and performs the procedure? That's not gonna work.