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Had a guy wonder how i could group Tate in with other bourgeois scum like bezos and Musk et al. Mfer his brilliant wealth generation scheme is swindling young women into sex work and then becoming their pimp, taking the money from their labor. Its basic ass exploitation. He an all the rest should rot, parasites every one




that's actually really funny, this dude is so cartoonishly evil yet some people defend him to death lol.


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/37)


People acting like their shocked. Bro, watch ANY videos of his when he is asked if he’d let he gf have an OF. He straight up says what he is. Believe people when they tell you who they are


Also literally the definition of sex trafficking!


I don’t usually condone picking on peoples appearances, but I’ll make a special exception for Tate. How tf did this guy become the archetype “ideal masculinity” to 14 year olds? He’s a fuckin goober.


He has no chin, which is fine except he’s one of those people who are constantly on about men’s jawlines


I assume that's part of his appeal? "God cursed me with a weak jawline, but I'm proof that any of you could be a prolific abuser if you work hard enough".


It’s actually not hard to abuse people! Unimpressed.


He also looks like his eyes aren’t on the same level in that pic






Imagine Tate spends 10 years in prison, and comes out all reformed and woke. And betrays every Crypto bro, "Low T" shamming community.


Imagine he spends 10 years in prison building a hardcore base and comes out and actually tries to do something.... Nah he's just grifting


he's not very smart, and it wouldn't surprise me if he has CTE, so don't worry. His own ego and constant need for attention (that his daddy never gave him) will be his downfall if all else fails, just like this time around


The cycle of abuse microcosm. Take care of your kids guys


worst part of it is that he routinely talks about how abusive and distant his horrible father was, and what twisted values he got out of it, but he always describes it in a positive light, praising his father calling him cool, smart, manly etc.


He'll likely come out and do the same shit again either the same way or a different way that he thinks will be more successful.


He comes out of prison a devout liberation theology Christian. That would be so funny.


He’s a “Muslim” so probably not


one can only hope. I'm imagining he spends time in prison and then capitalizes off of it and skyrockets his grift


"they can put anybody in prison" he's already got those cogs in motion. hopefully hes in prison for 10 years and when he gets out the internet landscape will have changed to something he can't refine. or people don't care and he can't get his viral hook set again.


He has like no chin


You don't need it when you don't eat pussy anyway. Also makes it harder to knock him out in the fights.


I don't know how much pussy he's going to be eating while he's in prison for child sex trafficking


May not be eating pussy, but may be having to eat the bussy.


Blowing bubbles.


Couldn't he afford one?


Couldn't bribe his way to one


Like Trump, he probably believes his unattractive weirdness is... handsome and stylish.


Dammit you just made me realise that.




this goes hard, saving it 👀


His inability to fold towels while standing is the source of his hatred.


I don't know much about this guy except him being a misogynist and I'd rather keep it that way. But I am curious how exactly is he a fascist?


He might not be a fascist but he evidently stole passports from camgirls in his employ and heavily promotes the worst of misogyny through social media, casting himself as a ligma male


He's not (to my knowledge), his expression is just funny


Misogyny overlaps heavily with patriarchal hierarchies and authoritarianism. He's all about grifting and insulting poor people, so he def believes rich men should rule the world and poor people and women should do as they're told. He's anti-change. Doesn't want any kind of social progress or revolution. He wants to "succeed" by becoming a member of the rich elite. He may throw a few buzzwords around so he sounds cool, but he's licking boots so hard he's worn his jaw down to a chinless wonder. He supports male violence, so that also supports military violence and police violence (except when they arrest him lol) Misogyny also does "traditional family values", or social conservatism. He's anti-feminist and anti-woke. All of that added together? Fascist.




Sorry, but can we not turn this human trafficker's face into a meme? There are so many other shocked / surprised faces to use.


I used it because he's shocked and scared but also deserves to be, much like punchable fascists.


Fascists are very aware of this which is why so many resources are spent trying to keep poor people uneducated and their hate directed at people other than those with power.


What a chinless dork


He always wears sunglasses because he is insecure about his eyes He grows what facial hair he can because he is insecure about his weak chin and jawline


I mean,they know that! They just want to keep that violence aimed at other working class people or an imaginary enemy


Fascists hope people react with violence to them. They think they can win a fight, they crave fights.


Actually they *already* know that. It's part of their strategy. They don't always realize it can be used in *them* too, though.


Why does his forehead change color half way?




Did Luigi tell you nothing about what happens when you fight fascism with love?


you're making me google a meme now. god dammit.

