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Ok everyone. Time for some fucking communism.




Get your junk in for the proletariat.




[**The VOLCEL POLICE are on the scene!**](https://i.imgur.com/P5UMuVz.jpg) PLEASE KEEP YOUR VITAL ESSENCES TO YOURSELVES AT ALL TIMES. انتباه!! انتباه!! هنا شرطة الڤولسل. في نطاق سلطتنا تحت قانون السل نأمركم الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة. الرجاء الامتناع عن النكاح و المص. أيها الليبراليين البيض! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DankLeft) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Disco Elysium lookin comment


So when colonists came onto new land and [did very bad things to] the natives, that’s communism




absolutely hilarious


As a Métis, I guess I am Communism incarnate... Actually that sounds kinda cool, can a mod please make me a flair for that? Edit: Thank you mods


Okay add all the deaths of colonial genocide to the Victims of Communism death toll lol


Nice! Whole Latinamerica has been communists for at least 500 years!


The conquistadores were communists is a quasar level hot take that can never really happen because the only people dumb enough to make it are too dumb to think about the conquistadores ever.


Old norse mythology/art/culture is genuinely cool shit. Roman too. All of that. Really sad to see the fascists completely spoiled it by attaching it to one of the most evil ideologies imaginable. I remember seeing some video about how fascists are sort of warping certain narratives and understandings about roman history in particular to favor a more white-supremacist worldview.


They have been doing that latter part for a while. Arguably, the foundation of the USA as heavily inspired by the Roman Republic while being deeply white supremacist is the greatest starting twisting point. It's a struggle. Call out bullshit. The Roman Empire did with Ethnicide, not Genocide. You adopt their customs, submit to the emperor and they generally won't kill you all. Minus that time with Carthago


Plus, you know, the whole *fasces* part of fascism.


I’m of black American and Scandinavian heritage. I was born with the runes for communism and race-mixing scrawled across my back as a birth mark. This leads me to believe I may be the chosen one who will reunite the old ways and the new ways.


Username checks out


Are you talking about that 'palengenetic ultranationalism' video? Good shit


It appears that I was communist since the day I was born.


I guess now when paperwork asks for your ethnicity you can select other and write in comrade?


"I'm going to commune with your mom tonight"


our* mom




It's wholesome. She bakes the entire commune cookies.


I feel like there's literally never been a point in human history (or the history of life on earth in general) where anything's ever had "pure" blood like that. Same as the weird mythologized golden eras they keep trying to harken back to.


Pure blood is whatever set of DNA people want to assign as "pure". It doesnt really have any other meaning than that. Humans have designed "pureblooded" dogs which are dogs with x,y,z features, but even these dogs can have a lot of life threatening issues due to being bred to that "pure" standard (which, again, never existed until human invention). I think people then take these ideas and retroactively apply them to some sort of bogus biological principle or something to attempt to make sense of their own horrible racist ideas, often entwined with religious views of the world and its history. All that said, the idea of pure human is just made up. We are all shades of grey and always have been since the beginning of life. Life is in a constant state of change, it is the only way it exists because the world isn't some eternal structure, it is a constantly changing biosphere that life needs to adapt to through change. Continents and extraterrestrial bodies move, and with them so do climates, species, and resources. White people might have made sense during the ice age and forested areas of Europe, but in a ever warming world that set of genes, which some idiots consider as "pure", will probably do more of a disservice or do better in a totally different geographical location like a "warm" Antarctica. Reactionaries will always live in their childhood and close their minds to the reality that everything changes eventually, and nothing can stay.


Yeah, it all ends up just being based on whatever their baseline for "comfortable" is. Nostalgia is a weapon


Yeah, like, who do they even consider "pure race"? Like, vikings from the 8th century, it seems? *Homo sapiens sapiens* as a species exists for more than 100k years, everyone who lived in the 8th century was already a mix of fuck knows who with fuck knows who at that point.


Pure vikings? Well, they sure bathed more than the british! (*Do-ho-ho-ho!*)


That's a feature not a bug. Pure will always be a moving target. Fascism relies on a hierarchy where the top continually ascends. The in group gets smaller so they have more out group to exploit. Fascist groups welcome people in whole consolidating power and expel people once they have it.


Maybe the genetically isolated folks who now have all sorts of weird health issues?


Even those came from somewhere else originally.


Oh, the irony is that kind of populations are the most susceptible to random mutations. Go find some isolated tribe on some island in the Pacific, collect statics about their body morphology. Let's say they all are short, chubby and have curly hair. Return in 50 years to check on their grandkids, you'll find they all are tall, skinny and have straight hair, while no one else from the outside visited the island in those 50 years. The idea that you can preserve some sort of unchanged purity by preventing mixing kinda goes against biology.


"Life finds a way" If you decide to have a very limited genetic variety, mutations to try to diversify it? Wow. May you link some study or news report on it?


>If you decide to have a very limited genetic variety, mutations to try to diversify it? No, nothing like that. Isolated populations don't have higher possibility of mutations, mutations simply impact them more because, well, there are less people to impact.


Humans (most mammals?) have a kind of built in tendence to mate with animals outside of their group, when possible. More genetical diversity helping survive contagious illness instead of an inbred little tribe getting sick with a disease that affects them all equall and starving or getting wiped out. So yeah, thats alegedly where the interest in "exoticness" comes from, or we are just curious.


Nazis are so desperate now they’re accusing mixed race couples having babies of being complicit in white genocide and communism.


At least in the US they've been saying this since desegregation


White genocide is what white supremacists call the abolition of race. As soon as race carries no weight within society, white people will be eradicated. The brown menace is a genocidal as the red menace.


drunk faulty melodic person bag continue muddle cable outgoing jar


I hope my grandad said this when he was making my mom, and my uncle. I don’t wanna know, but I hope he did.


dazzling fertile violet melodic party work tan beneficial clumsy panicky


Pump for the good of the people


Bo-ur-ge-oi-sie Bow Ur Gee Oy See Is the only way I can remember how to spell it.


Bourg: town Bourg-eois: of-the-town (town dweller -> member of the guilds -> person of rich classes) Bourg-eois-ie: plural of Burgeois


Bug-gua-sih Burguesía en español, más fácil que le franchute


Are you a hydroelethnic dam? Because I'd like to miscegenerate enough power for a small town with you


Wait, you're communism? It's been done, we've achieved communism!


ACAB (assigned communist at birth)


Awesome, let's get some more communism!


babe wake up its the 50s again


This is why Uruguay was the most Communist country ever


Communism is when I’m scared of change that benefits poor people.


Me and the boys seizing the means of production (Fucking ur mom)


Being mixed is praxis?


an effective method to abolish racism is to just keep fucking until we're all one color


New pick-up line unlocked.


I am completely unable to read the phrase "good news everyone" in any voice besides that of Prof. Hubert Farnsworth


no way! a person who bases their entire online persona around Nordic runes and practices and aesthetic is also an anti communist white genocide truther?


Seize the means of reproduction


Oh yeay me and my partner are trying for a communism


Well that was easy, time for a coffee break then?


They think everything they hate is communism, and I hope that they live to regret making that link


Seize the memes of reproduction


According to my dad, I do at least five acts of communism every day before breakfast. In reality, I’m probably barely left of mainstream liberals.


What are you doing on a leftist sub? Not that I’m against it. Just curious.


anywhere else in the world I’d probably be moderate left. I want universal healthcare, free education, pensions for everyone, etc. here that make me democratic socialist, I think is the right term. Which, according to Fox “news”, makes me “the radical left”, equivalent to Maoist or Stalinist.


Just a heads up man Stalinist isn’t a thing, no one un-ironically holds that label.


Some do...


Even people who think Stalin was a 100% based chad who did nothing wrong still reject 'stalinism' as a meaningless label made up by liberals to demonise Marxism-Leninism.


*ucker Carlson sure likes to call people that, so almost half of America believes it's a thing.