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I never buy anything from ads on youtube. Most of everything there is either a scam or a shady business practice as we see over and over again with Better Help, Hello Fresh and Scentbird. I never blame the creators for it, as they need to make money somehow, but i doubt any of these brands are 100% good and legit


we used to use hello fresh and it was pretty good, but ive heard a ton of bad stuff about betterhelp.


Hello fresh isn't as much a scam or a bad service as it is a shady business practice. Underpaid workers getting exploited mainly


yeah, it was kind of weird on their end the whole time we used it, i can see that lol


my parents did have a really bad experience with Hello Fresh, we got a weeks worth of 4 serving meals and everything was rotten except for a baguette and the seasonings. It was in transit for three days and definitely not stored at temperature, if I remember right they got $50 in “reimbursement” and 50% off their next order (??) I don’t blame the employees because I’ve heard their conditions suck, it appears to be the fault of the whole company :( I don’t think this is super well known so I don’t doubt the youtubers that are sponsored by them, but it’s unfortunate nonetheless.


We use scentbird and love it. What issue do they have? I feel like it’s a bit overpriced but it’s way cheaper than buying new colognes that you end up getting bored of.


A shady business practice. The CEO is a russian woman involved in some fucked up cult. Scentbird is likely being funded by it. A funny story. Ive seen a video of a youtuber going pretty in-depth on it


Huh! I’ll have to look into it! Thank you!


Hello fresh is alright but apparently Better help was give Ming people’s data to other company’s Like that’s bad Especially for a therapy company


That's why I never talk to ai therapists or any type of online therapy app. It's so shady, and every time I read the privacy policy on those types of apps, it basically tries to say it gives away all of your info without actually saying it.


Hello fresh is really sketchy and I'm inhumane.


I've never bought anything because a youtuber suggested it, but when danny did the 40% off airup deal I did buy myself one just cause it seemed like a good deal. the bottles not the best but the flavour pods are actually pretty fun if you can be bothered to buy them


My aunt has a Cirkul and it's legit. It makes the water taste like juice🥺 but the pods DO have a scent that I didn't find that pleasant. Maybe it was just that flavor or maybe it was her breath either way, it's delicious. J just won't breathe


Cirkul is different from AirUp -- they're not scented, they're actually infusing the water with additional flavoring unlike AirUp which is what Danny was sponsored by. AirUp claims to use "scent based taste" to trick your brain into tasting flavours, but many people say that it doesn't work or tastes bad. Iirc, Danny was never sponsored by Cirkul, but was sponsored by AirUp. 🎸


Oh ik Danny was never sponsored by Cirkul, but I thought they were the same thing😗


I use OperaGX which danny kurtis and drew are all sponsored by. I like it a lot more than any other internet browser I’ve used


The thing with them is they sell your data. And the VPN doesn't actually encrypt anything


RIP but I do use my own vpn and I only use it for my gaming pc. What do you use then for a browser if u don’t mind me askinf?


I personally use Firefox, but it’s not for everyone. Brave is good as well. OperaGX gets too much hate, even if it sells your data, because pretty much everything sells your data now. Firefox is just the best IMO, but go with what you like :)




I only know because I watched a 30 minute video essay about YouTube sponsers literally yesterday 😭


thank you I’ve gotta do more research. I’m a jr software engineer so privacy is my biggest concern


Bruh I just use chrome. I barely be on the computer


Remember folks, if something is free it’s because your data is the product.


but who is gonna pay for a browser? Id rather download tor and deal with a slow browser than pay


there's really no point in caring though cause everything has your data nowadays anyway 🎸


I did try Hello Fresh because of Danny. I'd already tried a similar service in the UK but they kept messing up and not packaging their meat correctly and left too many of our meals unusable so I was looking for an alternative and I rememered Danny being sponsored by Hello Fresh so I thought I'd give them a go. I did really enjoy using their service, but the issues we had this time were due to the courier, not due to Hello Fresh themselves. We ended up cancelling because the courier were mishandling the packages and, again, some meals were unusable because of it. It was different to the other service, though. With the first service we tried, the issues we had were directly their fault, as the package arrived to us without issue and the contents were the problem. With Hello Fresh, the issue was with the package and not the contents. The package was severely beaten up, left outside in the rain even when we were in to receive it and they hadn't even knocked, etc. When we cancelled, we said if they were able to use a different courier that we'd be happy to continue with them, but with the current courier we couldn't justify it. I do also use Air Up, but I used them prior to them sponsoring any youtuber and it did make drinking water easier for me. I actually hate the taste of water (I know people say it doesn't take of anything and that's not possible, but most water makes my nose wrinkle at the taste), and Air Up actually helped me drink more water. It's not complete magic and doesn't entirely change the taste, but it made water drinkable for me.


I know people are either lying or just straight up do not have tastebuds of they think water doesn't have a taste, because I forever stand by the fact that in any house I ever drank water in, it always tasted better from the bathroom tap than the kitchen tap.


Most bathroom taps have a certain chemical in that's really good for your teeth but not ad good for your stomache


I recommend watching Fab Socialism's video -- [Hello (Dystopian) Fresh](https://youtu.be/CfLQSo4yz18?si=s85IQN2h67bpZ2Y8). It's a good video essay that breaks down really well why a person might not want to support a large company like Hello Fresh, due to their mistreatment of employees, false marketing, food waste, and overall bad company standards. 🎸


i’ve tried inkbox tattoos because i heard about them from youtube sponsorships. im not sure if they sponsored danny, but they definitely sponsored kurtis. i liked them, and if you care for them the correct way they definitely look good and last. ive only ever had problems with them when i dont follow the directions (obviously) 😭🙏


I think they did sponsor Danny at one point, because he mentioned something like 'no, I didn't just get a new tattoo of a ...(I wanna say it was a penguin or some type of bird?), but I did use Inkbox'. (And as far as I know the only perm tattoo Danny has is the matching one of snails(?) with Laura. But yeah I think I saw Danny mention it so I checked it out, never got anything though.


Kurtis even worked there


he did have a sponsor by them! don’t remember the video name but he def had their tattoos and i remember he had a bee on his finger lol


I will never buy anything sponsored, because it doesn't seem sincere to me... they talk positively about it because there's a contract and they make money out of it.... Reminds me of all the youtubers sponsoring Raycon, never saw them use those earbuds...


Yeah I bought the raycons and they were... okay... but not something I'd recommend or buy again


i feel like headphones aren’t something that many company’s can get into well, like people will just buy apple, sony or one of the big brands because they have the hype for a reason like i love my airpod pros and ive had them for two years now (we’re going to ignore how the case just stopped working 🫣🫣)


my husband wears hearing aids, he’s had raycons way before they really became as popular and he enjoys them over other wireless headphones, personally i like my airpods so i’m not interested in other brands but it works for him! i personally think they’re just okay but not everyone needs to like the same thing


not a sponsor but i tried la croix cause of Danny and i hated it forgetting how much i hate sparkling water but i thought it’d actually have a good taste lmao


I think -- like Danny said -- it's mostly because usually people aren't used to having a bubbly drink without much flavour, and when you have a la croix, it tastes off because it's not sugary and flavourful like soda is. 🎸


i agree! i just expected it to have more flavor but i’m just not a sparkling water person


that's understandable -- and honestly me too, I personally don't enjoy sparkling water but an occasional la croix is kinda nice 🎸


it's not accessible where i live, but is it more like water than a soft drink? i always imagined it like a soft drink, but we do have flavored carbonated water where I live (usually in 1.5 liter bottles, tho)


It’s sparkling water with just a little taste think the flavor of water with a lemon in it with the bubbles of soft drink


I looked into factor a while back after seeing Jarvis was sponsored, and I couldn't even see meals unless I signed up with payment attached. I deleted my account almost immediately and ended up getting two shipments of meals anyway. Thankfully, I was able to get my money back both times (I couldn't eat the items because of food intolerances), but it's ridiculous the hoops I had to jump through to fully cancel the service. I ended up giving the meals to my dad, who said they were pretty bland.


I tried express VPN and my favorite part about them was how forgiving of a refund policy they had.


I actually started regularly using HelloFresh because of Danny awhile ago and I’m super satisfied with it! Super convenient and helpful if cooking isn’t your strong suit, imo.


Unfortunately, being a successful YouTuber requires being sponsored by cash cows, regardless of what kind of person you are. So while I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t touch any shit YouTubers peddle with a 10 ft pole.


It wasn't Danny who got sponsored but ChadChad has a lot of ads for coolshirtz and I really gonna get myself some stuff from there


i don’t watch chadchad, what’s coolshirtz company?


I've used Factor, HelloFresh and raycons. Only one I used a sponsor code for was Raycons and I used MistaGG's code even though I usually use another code to get a better deal. I just love GG and his ads lol


Not because of Danny, but we've used Hello Fresh for quite a while now. I know a lot of people have had shipping or packaging issues with them, but we've never had a problem. We don't get it a TON because we're pescatarians and the recipes get a little samey after a couple hundred, but we do enjoy the exposure to new spice mixes or techniques. I've also tried a lot of podcast sponsors, like Casper (great mattress!), Tushy (great bidet!), and Boll and Branch (best sheets ever!). All in all, I've been very lucky that all the sponsors I've tried, I've had very positive experiences with. Only one I think I didn't love was Me Undies, which were weirdly tight in the legs.


ive personally found that when a product needs to rely on sponserships, its not any good. magic spoon, raycon, raid, betterhelp, and airup all have been pretty universally hated and ive tried some of those and have been led to the same results.


you’re the first to mention betterhelp, which i used before, not realizing danny had a sponsor but it was just …. ok. at first it was so great and amazing then after a few months it got bad. they also kinda don’t disclaimer you’re charged a full month but presented weekly charges, so a $60 week turns into $240 out the bank. they’re not very lenient with late fees they will up and not let you contact your therapist if you miss your monthly payment. you can only have one phone call and messaging to your therapist for a week and if you want to talk to them again, you’re charged more which I get is like most therapist office, but since it’s kind of remote and from home prices aren’t much cheaper I’d rather pay like $100 and go talk to somebody in person then only have like a phone call for an hour with them and my therapist would also regularly be like doing something else in the middle of a phone calls cause I’m assuming their therapist also work from home and I finally decided to cancel when our last phone call, there were people talking in the background of our entire conversation and it was just frustrating because this is somebody I was trying to open up and be personal with. She clearly had other things going on, so it was just kind of an unprofessional setting in my opinion.


yeah thats what most people had said. i personally didn't try them but like my mom had a whole mental breakdown during the pandemic and she tried them to abt average results at best. it helped a little but overall, in her words, ppl seemed "annoyed" to talk to her


that was the vibe i got. so nice at first but after awhile its like they felt you’re a burden to talk to which, isn’t fair. my therapist also immediately first conversation recommended me medication which was weird and after speaking to my dr (i’m on other medications) she basically said no it’s not going to help much bc i was also mentally myself doing better off what my dr prescribed. idk. better help seems gimicky to me after that. i think the therapist are either unprofessional or just not fully trained. no one should feel like a bother when you’re paying to talk to them about your problems


I got the raycon earbuds and they work great. Although after a couple years of use there’s a noticeable difference in the quality. If I compare them to my brothers new ones they sound way too quiet


Doesn't really matter how much I like a youtuber, I assume if they're being sponsored by a product, that product is either garbage or produced very unethically. Maybe not 100% of the time but it's a safe bet that helps me have better consumer habits.


i own an airup (gifted for my bday) and as im currently sipping on it, it fucking SUCKS. its a scam, dont bother. just get some flavoring or juice. out of the flavors ive tried, theyre all insaney artificial and taste nothing like what its supposed to. i currently have a peach flavored pod on, and while it changes the taste a little, it isnt peach. ive had covid (at least) 3 times so my sense of smell isnt that good, but to be honest most of them just taste bad. 2/10


i got my dad air up for chirstmas last year but he never uses it :/


For anyone interested in Hello Fresh, I'd recommend Marley Spoon as far as meal kits go. Great recipes and great customer service. I didn't like Hello Fresh personally, and while I don't use a meal kit anymore, MS was great for the 2 years we used it.


A lot of them aren't actually very good. It isn't Danny's fault, but here's the rundown on various sponsors; Betterhelp is a really unprofessional therapy service with a lot of flaws. AirUp barely works/is a very, very acquired taste and WAY too expensive. hello fresh is very inhumane and uses forced labor, factor is owned by the same people. opera seems fine, same with VPNs, skillshare is apparently good, but difficult to cancel, and that's about it.


hellofresh is good, raycon is decent but overpriced, i like the bass options etc but its really not worth that much of your money, especially because ive heard others say it stops working or other complaints.


i tried hello fresh years b4 danny did it ! it’s bussing and it was pleasant


i haven’t bought anything specifically from danny’s sponsors but i’ve tried a few from other creators. i’ve been using raycon for a few years now and they’re fine imo but audiophiles tell me they’re shit. idk, i’ve yet to take that deep dive into audio quality and stuff, im not too bothered by the raycons. i think i bought them from a kurtis sponsorship. i’ve also tried nordVPN from multiple other creators and it’s alright! although it’s kind of hard for me to give detailed reviews cause raycons are the only wireless earbuds i’ve ever used, and nordVPN is the only VPN i’ve ever used. idk how they compare to others i’ve also tried stitchfix from a MBMBaM sponsor. they’re really expensive, but the clothes are pretty good and i got a lot of pieces i really liked.


Got a great express vpn subscription, cancelled it after a year though because I’m broke. Great product though! Wait….i may be thinking of a Drew sponsorship…


I’ve heard that AirUp doesn’t actually taste like much. But again, that’s through the grapevine. HelloFresh is expensive as hell I can’t afford it LOL But yeah, I also haven’t heard great things about BetterHelp. Not Danny’s fault ofc, gotta get your bread somehow man


I used raycons and I think they are okay they are average. The product claims it is waterproof but I destroyed them by accidentally sinking them in a pool for 2 seconds. While on the other hand I have had my air pods for 2 years and they have been in the washer twice. I think raycons have a better sound quality than AirPods though.


I think he got sponsored by LaCroix I remember him making a video about it or mentioning it but anyways I tried lacroy because on the second channel he drinks like LaCroix every single day and so I bought one I tried it I hated it I hated it very much


Tried Hello fresh but honestly it took me way longer to cook the meals than as advertised. And the portions were small


I got raycon earbuds because of Danny's discount code because I have NEVER found earbuds that stay in my tiny ears and I love them. Converted my husband to them too and he sleeps in them and loves them for that as well


I tried HelloFresh and I hated it lol. They never sent me recipe cards so I just had to google the recipes and hope for the best, food was terribly mid. Wasn’t too mad because it was three meals for like 20 bucks but I would personally not recommend


i tried hello fresh before, maybe it was just the state and everything but the food wasn’t the best. cool to learn new recipes and try new things i haven’t before, but it’s really not that reasonable (atleast where i live) i would spend roughly $80 for 3 days of food & it just wasn’t really financially a good option versus going to the grocery store. it actually made me feel lazier cooking those meals than just making a meal myself. just my opinion tho!


Not from Danny but I once got a castify phone case cause Bailey Sarian swore they were the best but it turned out to be the most expensive, worst phone case I ever bought. It didn't protect the phone and the design came off after a couple weeks. I wanted to try air up but after seeing the price i just assume I'm gonna have the same experience I did with casetify


Used to use Hello Fresh before they had any youtube sponsorships. They refused to buzz the intercom, whether to leave it inside the gate or for me to come collect it from them. No matter what I said or did, they always insisted on THROWING the box over the fence. On top of damage it was really loud for the neighbours in other apparments. Constantly complained, nothing happened. Told them to leave it outside the fence instead? They still threw it. Every single time. Cant help but think about that anytime ANY youtuber reccomends hello fresh. Or anything else, really.


I tried the air up bottle once, Even though I bought it years before Danny got sponsored by them (im from germany and theyve been quite big for quite a bit now) and I didn’t really like it at all because in order to be able to make the water taste like the scent pod you have on, they’re needs to come a lot of air in with the water, and I really didn’t like that.


I got an air up bottle cos both danny and kurtis sponsored it and I needed to drink more water and it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets honestly (but it has been in my wardrobe for months because I cannot make myself drink water)


Danny has said that he doesn’t take sponsers that he doesn’t personally beleive in so that’s a good sign, I have seen some people say they have and it was good, I use opera which was one of his sponsers and I think it’s great