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Trynda is big poop this season and not the best pick into yorick. If you just need to deal with yorick, go for irelia. Dude cannot play the game, ever. Downside is, you play irelia. Noone wants to be THAT guy.


Irelia isn't as unplayable match-up as people think. (Unless irlelia has a brain). New maiden + Q buffs make it more bearable. What isn't bearable however, is Morde or Nocturne. Morde R makes Yorick useless, and Noct passive kills all ghouls. Trynd is a bad idea imo because it's hard for Yorick unless he rushes collector. As soon as he gets collector he already won.


Vs Morde you rush QSS and he can't do shit vs you. 


True but they removed Yorick's favorite Qss item, so you don't really complete it anymore. Still viable, was just better last season


You build it to basically remove Mord R which also happens to be the only skill that can remove your Ghouls, Maiden and cage. Mord only counters you because of R. If he doesn't have it he is an immobile bruiser ylwho you can destroy with ghouls and kite the f out off.


I max W 2nd and save it for his R, either he will AA it wasting time in his realm, or he will flash out, leaving him open for a gank later


Morde matchup is really easy for yourick. Against Morde you just don't use the wall until he ults you and then you wall yourself and play ring around the Rosie. Either they burn flash/ghost to kill or you can wait out the ult with that stall and go back to the regular fighting. It's quite easy. Noct passive is true. Jax is honestly one of the worst matchups. Trynd is dealable in lane but then outscales Yorick hard. My advice for Yorick would be to pick up Jax. Counter strike blocks the ghouls damage and empowers it and you can kill the maiden really easily, making Yorick near useless.


I think it's an overstatement to call the morde match-up really easy. It's not an impossible match-up, but you most definitely need to invest a lot in fighting him. As for walling in ult, if you haven't gotten to maxing W yet, he can just kill it and run you down. His W also mitigates a lot of your ghoul damage. And since you're so immobile, you're prone to a lot of jungle ganks. So it becomes a matter of using wall in a way that either gets morde off you or the jgler, but either way, it's not fun unless you're quite ahead. I'm still of the opinion that trynd can't really do shit against you if you rush collector. The whole thing behind it is he either ults preemptively or dies every time. If he tries to run you down you just wall and keep damage on him. It's only really hard if you're behind, or if you don't save wall for where his E lands. Tbf though, I think bruiser trynd probably performs better in the match-up than your generic crit trynd. I fully agree that Jax is one of his hardest matchups. Your only real window to fight is if he uses counter strike for wave clear or if he wastes it in general. Aside from all that, fiora is kind of painful to fight too. Her Q and E make her really hard to punish, where a lot of other chanps tend to just eat your damage. Definitely depends on the player though. If they use abilities senselessly I think you just win through burst. Another annoying match-up that comes to mind is Zac. He's pretty telegraphed, which is the easy part, but his sustain and cc makes it so he can shut down your maiden on a whim. Your best bet is to get a lead early game, but mid-late is just annoying as hell for you. You do have push advantage though, so there's a bit of leeway to make a lead without fighting him at all


All valid points. I think I have just played the matchup enough to know what to do and not do against Morde. Although typically (for me) the Morde doesn't build attack speed so they waste a lot of time killing the wall in a 5 second ult (reduced if Merc treds) so I can survive the rest of it and deal with him once out of ult. Trynd I think might be a mental block for me though, I just hate the free crit chance champions. I'm also not much of a fan of collector (maybe I should try that against Trynd instead of tabis randuins omen rush) Fiora is also really annoying and I hate dealing with her. Only real counterplay is if you can predict when she's gonna go for a q dash vital and wall her in time to get a fair trade back. Zac I haven't seen enough of to have a flow chart strategy yet.


Highly recommend collector. Make them regret being born :)


Lol i didn't know merc threads reduced Morde R time 🗣


don’t tell people to pick nocturne top lmao that is never a good pick


I'm just pointing out how broken the interaction is. But for the sake of argument, I think it's not too bad for the specific matchup. He has poke, waveclear, and decent chase. Also spellshield would be helpful if you get ganked. In midgame you can rotate to team fights with R, and tp to the sidelane Yorick is pushing. A fed nocturne is a menace to the rift, so all things considered, I think there's far worse picks. I feel like he can also solo grubs pretty reliably, but I might be wrong. But yeah you won't catch me blind picking it ever. Moreso to ruin a Yorick's day


It's pretty unplayable for yorick if the irelia plays irelia. His ENTIRE kit plays toward irelia's win conditions. Vs morde, yorick can build QSS. There's nothing yorick can do vs a decent irelia. - a player with 250k on irelia who finds this matchup unloseable.


Yeah, agreed. You only ever win in a massive skill diff. Still, I find the matchup fun despite it feeling so one-sided. If you win, you can unleash the most satisfying "Top diff" known to man


still have to be experienced on irelia to be able to beat a good yorick


yes just first time irelia surely that will go well


Jax better


I also have this problem so i decided to permaban him


Nasus/Smolder -> free stacks


Nasus is a skill matchup tbh. Decent Ricks will handle the wave properly and chunk half ur hp with a cage. It becomes a game of which side can keep the wave near their tower.


Cant you attack reset on nasus to delete the cage in less than a second?


You can but that second alone can still drain half your health


I'm a Yorick main and unfortunately he is a hard counter to Darius post like 1 item, and can fight you with 4 graves even early. After 6 it becomes even harder because you can get harrased by ghouls and maiden. Your best shot is to play extreme agro from lvl 1, zone Yorick from first 3 meele minions exp, try to set up dives with jungler. If you can get 1 kill post 6 Yorick will have to play very defensive and bleed cs and plates. Late game you will get outscaled no matter what. Regarding counters, trynda is the most braindead counter. But you need to create a big lead to make it worth picking him in the first place.


‘Set up dives with jungler’ lol what makes you think top lane has access to that luxury


I recommend you cho Gath, it’s really underrated . Here is why : - hard to get out of lane bcs passive - scales well into the game , way more useful than yorick in teamfights - can always win sidelane against yorick at any point , because you can almost 100-0 eat the maiden or at least kill her once she is half life - if you feel comfortable and want to stomp lane , ap Cho gath reduces laning basically to the point who lands his ability first : Cho q ( you win ) or yorick e (you can still use your q to zone yorick away from you, your e spell is an auto reset and can deal with ghouls relatively quick)


Can you get infinite ult stacks from maiden?


I just permaban yorick. Last season Renekton did wonders against Yorick but not sure now without his op goredrinker setup, probably still viable tho.


Learn Irelia, she shits on him.


Yasuo or Renekton are decent as an alternative to Jax/Irelia. They're both mobile, good in the 1v1 and can deal with the minions fairly easily. Morde is also pretty good, since you can separate him from maiden and ult another of his wall As a general tip in the yorick matchup, never fight when he has Maiden. Pressure early to prevent grave stacking, if you dodge his e and maiden isn't up, you can pretty much always all in. Usually you'll zone him off the first few waves, and crash the tower. Either bait him into fighting you in the wave, or get a cheater recall and buy boots. When you get back, you should be able to freeze. If he wastes e, all in with ghost and flash over his wall. If you kite properly and use your w correctly, even with his flash he won't be able to escape. Go back to freezing and zone him off exp/gold.


Yorick unplayable into jax


>Should I hire Tryndamere to deal with Yorrick? As somone who play yorick and darius, id say yorick is free for jax, and i think most yorick players ban irelia.


i like trynd vs yorick. Trundle also is a natural hardcounter. If the yorick is not a onetrick, you can easily win too as long as u understand the champ


Renekton does well into him


Jax beats Yorick early game, mid game, late game. You just jump on him and win. You only lose if he uses his cage to cuck your engage well, but honestly you could save Q to get back on top of him. Just make sure you don't get poked out by his E.


Nasus, farm your Q with his minions


As a Cho’Gath & Darius main, I will tell you there is no better feeling than having Yorick summon his maiden just for me to instantly eat it from full HP with Cho ult. Do with that info as you will. (Also Cho’s passive is great against Yorick ghouls)


Shyvana is the hardest counter to Yorick in the game. Dragon form Q one shots all ghouls in an area as well as his wall. Completely unplayable until 5-6 items if Shyvana is competent.


I like trundle into yorick but my favorite method is cry and bitch in chat


Trynda is easily countered.


As darius its very important to use your ghost to dodge his wall, with mobility boots, nimbus cloak or dead mans its even easier


Many People say all in him when he doesn't have maiden or 5 Graves up, but my question is: how do i prevent him from having Maiden? I mean in order to kill her i have to walk up and risk getting killed in one go, so are there any ways to achieve that without risking my life?


As a Trynda main i dont think it's worth. Yeah your laning against him mioght be easier but thats all. I think training Morde might be better


My guy, you can play our dear Iron Revenant any time. W his minions, EQ after he cages you or something. Ult after his R so you kidnap him from his wife. You can also just ult him after he cages you (a suprise move) Edit: It appears I read this with my ass, so just hire a morde jungle and case closed


This is dariusmains


Bro we are all noxians here


Mordekaiser is lame and useless outside of lane.


What are you on about? Morde is king at contesting Dragons and Barons since he can ult the jungler and at the very least you can take out the fed enemy champ for 7 seconds during a teamfight.


There’s a few options into Yorick. There’s the obvious Irelia counter, Sion’s W gets stacks on his ghouls, Cho’gath’s passive works on the ghouls ( and things like Illaoi’s tentacles), and Urgot does well.


To me, Mordekaiser is the no brainer against yorick. You literally screw over all of his abilities. Bully him hard and ult him whenever you get ganked or he uses R. Maybe it's because i'm on low emerald but it worked for me so far